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We adapted the dilution technique to study microzooplankton grazing of algal dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) vs. Chl a, and to estimate the impact of microzooplankton grazing on dimethyl sulfide (DMS) production in the Labrador Sea. Phytoplankton numbers were dominated by autotrophic nanoflagellates in the Labrador basin, but diatoms and colonial Phaeocystis pouchetii contributed significantly to phytomass at several high chlorophyll stations and on the Newfoundland and Greenland shelfs. Throughout the region, growth of algal Chl a and DMSP was generally high (0.2–1 d1), but grazing rates were lower and more variable, characteristic of the early spring bloom period. Production and consumption of Chl a vs. DMSP followed no clear pattern, and sometimes diverged greatly, likely because of their differing distributions among algal prey taxa and size class. In several experiments where Phaeocystis was abundant, we observed DMS production proportional to grazing rate, and we found clear evidence of DMS production by this haptophyte following physical stress such as sparging or filtration. It is possible that grazing-activated DMSP cleavage by Phaeocystis contributes to grazer deterrence: protozoa and copepods apparently avoided healthy colonies (as judged by relative growth and grazing rates of Chl a and DMSP), and grazing of Phaeocystis was significant only at one station where cells were in poor condition. Although we hoped to examine selective grazing on or against DMSP-containing algal prey, the dilution technique cannot differentiate selective ingestion and varying digestion rates of Chl a and DMSP. We also found that the dilution method alone was poorly suited for assessing the impact of grazing on dissolved sulfur pools, because of rapid microbial consumption and the artifactual release of DMSP and DMS during filtration. Measuring and understanding the many processes affecting organosulfur cycling by the microbial food web in natural populations remain a technical challenge that will likely require a combination of techniques to address.  相似文献   
The amount of packaging sent to landfill sites for disposal has gained increased prominence as an environmental issue in Canada as a result of the 1990 National Protocol on Packaging. Recognizing that a number of factors affect a corporation's decisions to modify its packaging, this study seeks to understand forces external to the firm that motivate companies to reduce their packaging waste. Firms in two sectors—soap and cleansing compounds and cosmetics and toiletries—were surveyed by mail questionnaires and personal interviews. Government policies, consumer preferences, and retailer demands were among the external pressures found to affect packaging decision making. Access to external sources of information from suppliers, subcontractors, producer services, and industrial associations was also found to play a role in a firm's decision to modify packaging. In some instances, the impact of external factors was related to differences in the internal characteristics of firms. The paper concludes with policy recommendations arrived at from the data analysis.  相似文献   
An open channel lava flow on Mt. Etna (Sicily) was observed during May 30–31, 2001. Data collected using a forward looking infrared (FLIR) thermal camera and a Minolta-Land Cyclops 300 thermal infrared thermometer showed that the bulk volume flux of lava flowing in the channel varied greatly over time. Cyclic changes in the channel's volumetric flow rate occurred over several hours, with cycle durations of 113–190 min, and discharges peaking at 0.7 m3 s−1 and waning to 0.1 m3 s−1. Each cycle was characterized by a relatively short, high-volume flux phase during which a pulse of lava, with a well-defined flow front, would propagate down-channel, followed by a period of waning flow during which volume flux lowered. Pulses involved lava moving at relatively high velocities (up to 0.29 m s−1) and were related to some change in the flow conditions occurring up-channel, possibly at the vent. They implied either a change in the dense rock effusion rate at the source vent and/or cyclic-variation in the vesicle content of the lava changing its bulk volume flux. Pulses would generally overspill the channel to emplace pāhoehoe overflows. During periods of waning flow, velocities fell to 0.05 m s–1. Blockages forming during such phases caused lava to back up. Occasionally backup resulted in overflows of slow moving ‘a‘ā that would advance a few tens of meters down the levee flank. Compound levees were thus a symptom of unsteady flow, where overflow levees were emplaced as relatively fast moving pāhoehoe sheets during pulses, and as slow-moving ‘a‘ā units during backup. Small, localized fluctuations in channel volume flux also occurred on timescales of minutes. Volumes of lava backed up behind blockages that formed at constrictions in the channel. Blockage collapse and/or enhanced flow under/around the blockage would then feed short-lived, wave-like, down-channel surges. Real fluctuations in channel volume flux, due to pulses and surges, can lead to significant errors in effusion rate calculations. Editorial responsibility: A. Woods  相似文献   
The Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse (IGG), on behalf and with the support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), prepared eight geological materials (three natural waters and five rocks and minerals), intended for a blind interlaboratory comparison of measurements of boron isotopic composition and concentration. The materials were distributed to twenty seven laboratories - virtually all those performing geochemical boron isotope analyses in the world -which agreed to participate in the intercomparison exercise. Only fifteen laboratories, however, ultimately submitted the isotopic and/or concentration results they obtained on the intercomparison materials. The results demonstrate that interlaboratory reproducibility is not well reflected by the precision values reported by the individual laboratories and this observation holds true for both boron concentration and isotopic composition. The reasons for the discrepancies include fractionations due to the chemical matrix of materials, relative shift of the zero position on the δ11B scale and a lack of well characterized materials for calibrating absolute boron content measurements. The intercomparison materials are now available at the IAEA (solid materials) and IGG (waters) for future distribution.  相似文献   
Previously undescribed debris-avalanche deposits occur in two locations downslope from the open end of the Valle del Bove. These outcrops comprise unstratified, ungraded deposits of metre-scale lava blocks in a matrix of weathered and fractured lava clasts. The avalanche deposits are unconformably overlain by matrix- to clast-supported conglomerates, representing debris-flow and interbedded fluvial deposits, that constitute most of the Milo Lahar sequence. We present evidence that the Milo Lahar sequence, which crops out just at the exit of the Valle del Bove, formed during the opening and enlargement of this depression. The presence of the avalanche deposits at the base of the Milo Lahar sequence indicates that catastrophic landslides were involved in the formation of the Valle del Bove. The composition of lavas in the debris avalanche deposits is similar to that of most of the Ellittico volcanic sequence exposed along the northern wall of the Valle del Bove. Radiocarbon dates of 8400 and 5300 years BP from the base and top, respectively, of the debris-flow sequence indicate that the Milo Lahars are correlative with the exposed part of the Chiancone deposit. The basal lahars of the Chiancone, which contain lava blocks whose compositions partially overlap that of blocks in the avalanche deposits, may have formed by water concentration in the distal end of the avalanche causing transformation to debris, or alternatively by reworking of the avalanche deposit.  相似文献   
The Direct Boundary Element Method (DBEM) is presented to solve the elastodynamic field equations in 2D, and a complete comprehensive implementation is given. The DBEM is a useful approach to obtain reliable numerical estimates of site effects on seismic ground motion due to irregular geological configurations, both of layering and topography.The method is based on the discretization of the classical Somigliana's elastodynamic representation equation which stems from the reciprocity theorem. This equation is given in terms of the Green's function which is the full-space harmonic steady-state fundamental solution. The formulation permits the treatment of viscoelastic media, therefore site models with intrinsic attenuation can be examined. By means of this approach, the calculation of 2D scattering of seismic waves, due to the incidence of P and SV waves on irregular topographical profiles is performed. Sites such as, canyons, mountains and valleys in irregular multilayered media are computed to test the technique. The obtained transfer functions show excellent agreement with already published results.  相似文献   
The role of sector collapse in the generation of catastrophic volcanigenic tsunami has become well understood only recently, in part because of the problems in the preservation and recognition of tsunami deposits. Tinti et al. [Tinti, S., Bortolucci, E., Romagnoli, C., 2000. Computer simulations of tsunamis due to sector collapse at Stromboli, Italy. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 96, 103–128] modeled a tsunami produced by the c. 5,000 years BP collapse of the Sciara del Fuoco on the island volcano Stromboli. Although deposits associated with this event are generally lacking on the island, volcaniclastic breccias on the SE side of the island extending to an elevation above 120 m a.s.l. may have been generated by this tsunami. Deposits above 100 m are dominated by coarse breccias comprising disorganized, poorly sorted, nonbedded, angular to subangular lava blocks in a matrix of finer pyroclastic debris. These breccias are interpreted as a water-induced mass flow, possibly a noncohesive debris flow, generated as colluvial material on steep slopes was remobilized by the return flow of the tsunami wave, the run-up of which reached an elevation exceeding 120 m a.s.l. Finer breccias of subrounded to rounded lava blocks cropping out at 15 m a.s.l. are similar to modern high-energy beach deposits and are interpreted as beach material redeposited by the advancing tsunami wave. The location of these deposits matches the predicted location of the maximum tsunami wave amplitude as calculated by modeling studies of Tinti et al. [Tinti, S., Bortolucci, E., Romagnoli, C., 2000. Computer simulations of tsunamis due to sector collapse at Stromboli, Italy. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 96, 103–128]. Whereas the identification and modeling of paleo-tsunami events is typically based on the observation of the sedimentary deposits of the tsunami run-up, return flow may be equally or more important in controlling patterns of sedimentation.  相似文献   
Energetic materials contamination was investigated at the former Explosives Factory Maribyrnong, Victoria, Australia. Spectrophotometric/high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was utilised to delineate a 5 tonne crystalline 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) source in a former process waste lagoon that was found to be supplying contaminant leachate to the surficial clay aquitard with a maximum-recorded concentration of 7.0 ppm TNT. Groundwater within underlying sand and gravel aquifers was found to be uncontaminated due to upward hydraulic gradients resulting in slow plume development and propagation. Adsorption and microcosm test results from a parallel study were used as input parameters to simulate aqueous TNT transport in the clay aquitard using ATRANS20 software. The simulated TNT plume was localised within a few metres of the source, and at steady state, though leaching rate calculations suggest that without mitigation or other changes to the system, persistence of the source would be approximately 2,000 years. Remediation strategies may involve removal of the near surface source zone and infilling with an impermeable capping to impede leaching while facilitating ongoing natural attenuation by anaerobic degradation.  相似文献   
Trichodesmium spp. population structure was studied based on a transect in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic in October 2006, covering a gradient from near-temperate conditions up to fully subtropical, oligotrophic waters. Trichodesmium spp. trichomes were counted and measured, distinguishing free trichomes from those forming macroscopic colonies (“puffs” or “tufts”). Moreover, for both free and colonial individuals, abundance and size structure variation were quantified from single trichome-level data. Nitrogen fixation rates were estimated using an empirical approach based on abundance observations and a heuristic approach to incorporate variation in trichome size and environmental temperature. A gradual change towards greater sizes and increased abundances was observed as physical conditions became subtropical. An extreme response was detected at one station (29.8°W, 26.3°N), in which both in situ and remote sensing data revealed the presence of a Trichodesmium bloom. Despite the presence of a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy, a close examination of prior surface conditions using altimeter data indicated that the bloom was related to the advection of southern waters. In general, our results highlighted the importance of free trichomes in Trichodesmium spp. populations in this part of the North Atlantic. Furthermore, they suggested a possible role of both size and population structure on the wide range of N2 fixation estimates currently available in the literature.  相似文献   
The Marche Apennines (Italy) offer an excellent opportunity to constrain the temporal and spatial relationships between drainage network formation and tectonic activity. Using a combination of field data, seismic lines and boreholes we show that the main deformation phase took place during the Messinian when the area, affected by the Messinian sea level drop, emerged and evolved from marine to continental conditions. The results highlight that during the Messinian emersion a drainage network developed contemporaneously with an increase in tectonic activity that could be related to sea level fall and river erosion. The present‐day river system, which is dominated by transverse rivers that cut straight across the tectonic grain, is located in older Messinian palaeovalleys, even though the region was subsequently covered by water until the late Pliocene–early Pleistocene.  相似文献   
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