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In the Mediterranean Sea, top predators, and particularly cetacean odontocetes, accumulate high concentrations of organochlorine contaminants and toxic metals, incurring high toxicological risk. In this paper we investigate the use of the skin biopsies as a non-lethal tool for evaluating toxicological hazard of organochlorines in Mediterranean cetaceans, presenting new data 10 years after the paper published by Fossi and co-workers [Mar. Poll. Bull. 24 (9) (1992) 459] in which this new methodology was first presented. Some organochlorine compounds, now with worldwide distribution, are known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Here the unexplored hypothesis that Mediterranean cetaceans are potentially at risk due to organochlorines with endocrine disrupting capacity is investigated. High concentrations of DDT metabolites and PCB congeners (known as EDCs) were found in the different Mediterranean species (Stenella coeruleoalba, Delphinus delphis, Tursiops truncatus and Balaenoptera physalus). In this paper we also propose benzo(a)pyrene monooxygenase (BPMO) activity in marine mammal skin biopsies (non-lethal biomarker) as a potential indicator of exposure to organochlorines, with special reference to the compounds with endocrine disrupting capacity. A statistically significant correlation was found between BPMO activity and organochlorine levels (DDTs, pp(')DDT, op(')DDT, PCBs and PCB99) in skin biopsies of males of B. physalus. Moreover a statistical correlation was also found between BPMO activity and DDT levels in skin biopsies of the endangered Mediterranean population of D. delphis. These results suggest that BPMO induction may be an early sign of exposure to organochlorine EDCs and can be used for periodic monitoring of Mediterranean marine mammal toxicological status.  相似文献   
New cold‐water coral (CWC) sites were recorded along the Apulian margin (Central Mediterranean). The species composition and depth distribution of CWCs were updated. A distribution of the CWC sites coincident with the course of the dense‐water masses that flow between the Southern Adriatic and Northern Ionian was confirmed. The faunal assemblages of five of these CWC sites were investigated and compared using experimental longlines during the spring–summer and autumn–winter seasons, between 2010 and 2014. Differences in ecological variables amongst the sites in each season were evaluated by means of a set of univariate and multivariate methods (analysis of variance, permutational multivariate analysis of variance, non‐metric multidimensional scaling). Although some differences were detected in relation to the different depths examined during spring–summer, the CWC sites showed similar features in terms of species richness and diversity as well as in the abundance of the same fish species (Galeus melastomus, Conger conger, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Merluccius merluccius, Phycis blennoides and Pagellus bogaraveo) most probably because of the distribution of adult specimens in structurally complex and heterogeneous habitats, which act as a potential ‘refuge network’ with respect to commercial fishing. The presence of maturing and mature individuals as well as post‐reproductive females indicates that these CWC sites also act as spawning areas, representing a potential ‘renewal network’ for the fish populations. The term ‘network’ used here refers to several similar subsystems (CWC sites) that play the same ecological role in a wider system (Apulian margin). These CWC communities need coherent conservation measures and management strategies according to the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries.  相似文献   
This work investigated the combined effects of nutrient availability and temperature on phytoplankton in large and deep lakes south of the Alps (lakes Garda, Iseo, Como, Lugano and Maggiore). The more eutrophic basins (Lugano and Iseo) showed a higher presence of cyanobacteria, green algae (Chlorophyta and Charophyta) and dinoflagellates (Dinophyta). Besides these two water bodies, high biomasses of cyanobacteria were recorded also in the oligo-mesotrophic Lake Garda. The development of these algal groups during the growing season showed a strong dependence on the surface spring availability of SRP, which, in turn, was related to winter climatic oscillations, deep mixing dynamics, and trophic status. A specific analysis carried out by applying additive mixed modelling, generalized least squares and mixed modelling, allowed investigation of the direct, seasonal effects of water temperature variations and trophic status on different algal groups. The dominant cyanobacteria (Oscillatoriales) showed only a partial relationship with temperature, while Nostocales and Chroococcales, which did not appear to have a close relationship with the trophic status of the lakes, were characterised by abrupt increases during the warmer months. High positive relationships with temperature were found for a few other algal groups (e.g., Chlorophyta, Charophyta and Dinophyta). Overall, the results indicated a positive relationship between the seasonal development of the more abundant and eutrophic-sensitive algal groups and the concurrent effect of trophic status and water temperature. Nevertheless, it was stressed that specific differences could be interpreted taking into account the different autoecological characteristics and susceptibilities of different species and functional groups to other stressing factors favouring losses, including, e.g., vertical sinking and grazing.  相似文献   
In this paper we review the evolutionary paths that lead to the different types of planetary nebulae nuclei, including hydrogen and helium-burning central stars. Starting from the empirical definition of WR central stars, based on stellar spectra, we examine the theoretical work produced to account for the observed configurations. Then we discuss the constraints provided by recent galactic and extragalactic observations, and finally state the possible developments in this field to achieve a better understanding of the subject.  相似文献   
In this project we investigated the ecotoxicological effects of endocrine disrupters in a four-year survey of the Mediterranean population of swordfish (Xiphias gladius). In the Mediterranean environment, top predators, such as swordfish, accumulate high concentrations of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) and toxic metals, potentially incurring high toxicological risk. The effects of organochlorines and trace elements (Hg, Cd and Pb) in 192 swordfish specimens, caught in the Strait of Messina, Sicily, Italy, were investigated using vitellogenin (Vtg), zona radiata proteins (Zrp) and CYP1A (BPMO, EROD) activities. Vtg and Zrp were found to be dramatically induced in some adult male specimens, suggesting that this species is highly exposed to estrogens in the Mediterranean Sea. A role of organochlorines in this induction phenomenon is suggested by the statistically significant correlations between Zrp in plasma and PCB concentrations in muscle (p<0.032) and Vtg in plasma and PCB concentrations in liver (p<0.034) of male specimens. Levels of trace elements in liver were in the following ranges: Hg 1-22, Cd 1-28 and Pb 0-1.6 ppm d.w. These data indicate potential reproductive alterations in large pelagic fish and suggest the need for continuous monitoring to avoid reductions in the population of this fish species of high commercial and ecological interest.  相似文献   
A study has been performed on the Cretaceous to Early Miocene succession of the Vrancea Nappe (Outer Carpathians, Romania), based on field reconstruction of the stratigraphic record, mineralogical-petrographic and geochemical analyses. Extra-basinal clastic supply and intra-basinal autochthonous deposits have been differentiated, appearing laterally inter-fingered and/or interbedded. The main clastic petrofacies consist of calcarenites, sub-litharenites, quartzarenites, sub-arkoses, and polygenic conglomerates derived from extra-basinal margins. An alternate internal and external provenance of the different supplies is the result of the paleogeographic re-organization of the basin/margins system due to tectonic activation and exhumation of rising areas. The intra-basinal deposits consist of black shales and siliceous sediments (silexites and cherty beds), evidencing major environmental changes in the Moldavidian Basin. Organic-matter-rich black shales were deposited during anoxic episodes related to sediment starvation and high nutrient influx due to paleogeographic isolation of the basin caused by plate drifting. The black shales display relatively high contents in sub-mature to mature, Type II lipidic organic matter (good oil and gas-prone source rocks) constituting a potentially active petroleum system. The intra-basinal siliceous sediments are related to oxic pelagic or hemipelagic environments under tectonic quiescence conditions although its increase in the Oligocene part of the succession can be correlated with volcanic supplies. The integration of all the data in the “progressive reorientation of convergence direction” Carpathian model, and their consideration in the framework of a foreland basin, led to propose some constrains on the paleogeographic-geodynamic evolutionary model of the Moldavidian Basin from the Late Cretaceous to the Burdigalian.  相似文献   
The spatial pattern of the nursery areas of red mullet (Mullus barbatus), hake (Merluccius merluccius) (Linnaeus, 1758) and deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) (Lucas, 1846) was studied in the South Adriatic and North Ionian Seas (Eastern-Central Mediterranean) applying geostatistical techniques and data from time series trawl surveys conducted in the area. The analysed variables were: R (number of recruits/km2) and R/Tot (fraction of recruits on the total sampled population). The structural analysis showed a spatial pattern of both variables characterized by continuity on a small scale. Predictions of nursery area localization with probability of finding recruits at different threshold values were obtained through median indicator kriging. For the red mullet the nurseries were mainly identified in the South Adriatic Sea off the Gargano peninsula and between Molfetta and Monopoli within 50 m in depth. The main concentration of hake juveniles was found to be between 100 and 200 m in depth along the Gargano peninsula and between Otranto and Santa Maria di Leuca, where a nursery of deep-water rose shrimp was also detected. An overlapping depth, between 100 and 200 m, was identified for hake and deep-water rose shrimp nurseries. Protection of these areas through limitations of fishing pressure is discussed.  相似文献   
In this short paper, we suggest that the missing boundary layer luminosity of dwarf novae in quiescence is released mainly in the ultraviolet (UV) as the second component commonly identified in the far-UV as the 'accretion belt'. We present the well-studied SU UMa-type system VW Hyi in detail as a prototype for such a scenario. We consider detailed multiwavelength observations and in particular the recent Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) observations of VW Hyi in quiescence, which confirm the presence of a second component (the 'accretion belt') in the far-UV spectrum. The temperature  (≈ 50 000 K)  and rotational velocity  (≈ 3000 km s −1)  of this second component are entirely consistent with the optically thick region  (τ≈ 1)  located just at the outer edge of optically thin boundary layer in the simulations of Popham. This second component contributes about 20 per cent of the far-UV flux. Using geometrical assumptions and taking into account the X-ray luminosity, we find that the total boundary layer luminosity sums up to   L BL= (0.53 ± 0.25) L disc  , while the theory (Kluźniak) predicts, for the rotation rate of VW Hyi's white dwarf,   L BL≈ (0.76 ± 0.03) L disc  . About one-fifth of the boundary layer energy is emitted in the X-ray and the remaining is emitted in the UV. This scenario is consistent with the recent simultaneous X-ray and UV observations of VW Hyi by Pandel, Córdova & Howell, from which we deduce here that the viscosity in the boundary layer region must be of the order of  ν≈ 1013–1014 cm2 s −1  , depending on the white dwarf mass and the size of the boundary layer.  相似文献   
The 2002–03 Mt Etna flank eruption began on 26 October 2002 and finished on 28 January 2003, after three months of continuous explosive activity and discontinuous lava flow output. The eruption involved the opening of eruptive fissures on the NE and S flanks of the volcano, with lava flow output and fire fountaining until 5 November. After this date, the eruption continued exclusively on the S flank, with continuous explosive activity and lava flows active between 13 November and 28 January 2003. Multi-disciplinary data collected during the eruption (petrology, analyses of ash components, gas geochemistry, field surveys, thermal mapping and structural surveys) allowed us to analyse the dynamics of the eruption. The eruption was triggered either by (i) accumulation and eventual ascent of magma from depth or (ii) depressurisation of the edifice due to spreading of the eastern flank of the volcano. The extraordinary explosivity makes the 2002–03 eruption a unique event in the last 300 years, comparable only with La Montagnola 1763 and the 2001 Lower Vents eruptions. A notable feature of the eruption was also the simultaneous effusion of lavas with different composition and emplacement features. Magma erupted from the NE fissure represented the partially degassed magma fraction normally residing within the central conduits and the shallow plumbing system. The magma that erupted from the S fissure was the relatively undegassed, volatile-rich, buoyant fraction which drained the deep feeding system, bypassing the central conduits. This is typical of most Etnean eccentric eruptions. We believe that there is a high probability that Mount Etna has entered a new eruptive phase, with magma being supplied to a deep reservoir independent from the central conduit, that could periodically produce sufficient overpressure to propagate a dyke to the surface and generate further flank eruptions.Editorial responsibility: J. Donnelly-Nolan  相似文献   
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