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We present the iron isotope composition of primary, diagenetic and metamorphic minerals in five samples from the contact metamorphosed Biwabik Iron Formation. These samples attained peak metamorphic temperatures of <200, <340, ∼500, <550, and <740°C respectively. δ56Fe of bulk layers ranges from −0.8 to +0.8‰; in some samples the layers may differ by >1‰ on the millimeter scale. Minerals in the lowest grade samples consistently show a sequence in which δ56Fe of magnetite > silicate ≥ carbonate. The inter-mineral Fe isotope differences vary in a fashion that cannot be reconciled with theoretical temperature-dependent fractionation factors. Textural evidence reveals that most, if not all, magnetite in the Biwabik Formation is diagenetic, not primary, and that there was tremendous element mobility during diagenesis. The short duration of contact metamorphism allowed diagenetic magnetite compositions to be preserved throughout prograde metamorphism until at least the appearance of olivine. Magnetite compositions therefore act as an isotope record of the environment in which these sediments formed. Larger-scale fluid flow and longer timescales may allow equilibration of Fe isotopes in regionally metamorphosed rocks to lower temperatures than in contact metamorphic environments, but weakly regionally metamorphosed rocks may preserve small-scale Fe isotopic heterogeneities like those observed in the Biwabik Iron Formation. Importantly, Fe isotope compositions that are characteristic of chemical sedimentation or hydrothermal processes are preserved at low grade in the form of large inter-mineral variations, and at high grade in the form of unique bulk rock compositions. This observation confirms earlier work that has suggested that Fe isotopes can be used to identify sedimentary processes in the Precambrian rock record. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
We study the impact of three ocean state estimates (GECCO, SODA, [ECMWF]-ORA-S3) on decadal predictability in one particular forecast system, the Earth system model from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. The forecast procedure follows two steps. First, anomalies of temperature and salinity of the observational estimates are assimilated into our coupled model. Second, the assimilation runs are then used to initialize 10-year-long hindcasts/forecasts starting from each year between 1960 and 2001. The impact of the individual ocean state estimates is evaluated both by the extent to which climate variations from the ocean state estimates are adopted by the forecast system (‘fidelity’) and by the prediction skill of the corresponding hindcast experiments. The evaluation focuses on North Atlantic (NA) sea surface temperature (SST), upper-level (0–700?m) NA ocean heat content (OHC) and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Regarding fidelity, correlations between observations and the assimilation runs are generally high for NA SST and NA OHC, except for NA OHC in the GECCO assimilation. MOC variations experience strong modifications when GECCO and SODA are assimilated, much less so when assimilating ORA-S3. Regarding prediction skill, when initializing with ORA-S3 and SODA, correlations with observations are high for NA OHC and moderate for NA SST. Correlations in case of GECCO, on the other hand, are high for NA SST and moderate for NA OHC. Relatively high MOC correlations between hindcasts and respective assimilation run appear in the first five years in GECCO in the tropics and subtropics and in ORA-S3 north of 50N. Correlations are largely reduced when the MOC signals are detrended. The trends in the assimilation runs are to some extent artifacts of the assimilation procedure. Hence, our potential predictabilities of the MOC are optimistic estimates of the upper limits of predictability. However, the ORA-S3 reanalysis gives the best results for our forecast system as measured by both overall fidelity of the assimilation procedure and predictions of upper-level OHC in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report on studies of the Fe, Ca, and K atom densities in the trails of meteors. The measurements of the densities were taken simultaneously and in a common volume by three ground-based lidars. We report and analyze the data obtained during two nights of Leonid showers (1996 and 1998 November 16/17) and of one night five days after the 1998 Leonids. The lidar-observed trails of Leonids differ from those of other meteor showers in both their mean altitude and in mean metal composition. The Leonid trails show a highly depressed Ca/Fe abundance ratio in comparison to CI meteoritic composition. Our observations are interpreted with the help of a numerical model that describes the ablation processes occurring during the high-speed entry of meteoroids into the Earth's atmosphere. We conclude that for the lidar-observed meteoroids, the ablation process occurs differentially for the three elements. This leads to a mixture of metals in the meteor trails, the composition of which is strongly altitude dependent and at any one altitude deviates significantly from a CI meteoritic composition. The model predicts differing altitudes and durations of trail observations for different showers, allowing us to tentatively assign the origin to the observed trails.  相似文献   
In the fold-and-thrust belt of the northern Argentine Precordillera, Early Paleozoic basin and slope sediments are affected by a folding event which was combined with a slight greenschist facies metamorphism. The structural geometries are influenced by the former normal faulted boundary towards the eastern carbonate platform. To the east of the slope, Early Paleozoic marine deposits record a ˜ W-vergent folding without a clear metamorphic overprint. This deformation probably took place in the Devonian to pre-Upper Carboniferous interval while in the west an onset during the Late Silurian is reasonable. During Andean (Late Tertiary) compression, the escarpment was again reactivated as an important, east-directed thrust fault, and the folded strata to the east were juxtaposed along distinct, east-directed high-angle reverse faults with some ˜ N-S fold structures interfering with pre-Tertiary folds. Hence, the present architecture of this part of the orogen was largely influenced by different Early Paleozoic depositional realms and structures of one pre-Tertiary compressional event. The latter can be linked with the collision of the Sierras Pampeanas basement complex at the eastern margin of the Precordillera and be related to the collision with the Chilenia Terrane in the west.  相似文献   
We present whole rock Li and Mg isotope analyses of 33 ultramafic xenoliths from the terrestrial mantle, which we compare with analyses of 30 (mostly chondritic) meteorites. The accuracy of our new Mg isotope ratio measurement protocol is substantiated by a combination of standard addition experiments, the absence of mass independent effects in terrestrial samples and our obtaining identical values for rock standards using two different separation chemistries and three different mass-spectrometric introduction systems. Carbonaceous, ordinary and enstatite chondrites have irresolvable mean stable Mg isotopic compositions (δ25Mg = −0.14 ± 0.06; δ26Mg = −0.27 ± 0.12‰, 2SD), but our enstatite chondrite samples have lighter δ7Li (by up to ∼3‰) than our mean carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites (3.0 ± 1.5‰, 2SD), possibly as a result of spallation in the early solar system. Measurements of equilibrated, fertile peridotites give mean values of δ7Li = 3.5 ± 0.5‰, δ25Mg = −0.10 ± 0.03‰ and δ26Mg = −0.21 ± 0.07‰. We believe these values provide a useful estimate of the primitive mantle and they are within error of our average of bulk carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. A fuller range of fresh, terrestrial, ultramafic samples, covering a variety of geological histories, show a broad positive correlation between bulk δ7Li and δ26Mg, which vary from −3.7‰ to +14.5‰, and −0.36‰ to + 0.06‰, respectively. Values of δ7Li and δ26Mg lower than our estimate of primitive mantle are strongly linked to kinetic isotope fractionation, occurring during transport of the mantle xenoliths. We suggest Mg and Li diffusion into the xenoliths is coupled to H loss from nominally anhydrous minerals following degassing. Diffusion models suggest that the co-variation of Mg and Li isotopes requires comparable diffusivities of Li and Mg in olivine. The isotopically lightest samples require ∼5-10 years of diffusive ingress, which we interpret as a time since volatile loss in the host magma. Xenoliths erupted in pyroclastic flows appear to have retained their mantle isotope ratios, likely as a result of little prior degassing in these explosive events. High δ7Li, coupled with high [Li], in rapidly cooled arc peridotites may indicate that these samples represent fragments of mantle wedge that has been metasomatised by heavy, slab-derived fluids. If such material is typically stirred back into the convecting mantle, it may account for the heavy δ7Li seen in some oceanic basalts.  相似文献   
Planetary transits detected by the CoRoT mission can be mimicked by a low‐mass star in orbit around a giant star. Spectral classification helps to identify the giant stars and also early‐type stars which are often excluded from further follow‐up. We study the potential and the limitations of low‐resolution spectroscopy to improve the photometric spectral types of CoRoT candidates. In particular, we want to study the influence of the signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) of the target spectrum in a quantitative way. We built an own template library and investigate whether a template library from the literature is able to reproduce the classifications. Including previous photometric estimates, we show how the additional spectroscopic information improves the constraints on spectral type. Low‐resolution spectroscopy (R ≈ 1000) of 42 CoRoT targets covering a wide range in SNR (1–437) and of 149 templates was obtained in 2012–2013 with the Nasmyth spectrograph at the Tautenburg 2 m telescope. Spectral types have been derived automatically by comparing with the observed template spectra. The classification has been repeated with the external CFLIB library. The spectral class obtained with the external library agrees within a few sub‐classes when the target spectrum has a SNR of about 100 at least. While the photometric spectral type can deviate by an entire spectral class, the photometric luminosity classification is as close as a spectroscopic classification with the external library. A low SNR of the target spectrum limits the attainable accuracy of classification more strongly than the use of external templates or photometry. Furthermore we found that low‐resolution reconnaissance spectroscopy ensures that good planet candidates are kept that would otherwise be discarded based on photometric spectral type alone. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Lake sediment records are underrepresented in comprehensive, quantitative, high-resolution (sub-decadal), multi-proxy climate reconstructions for the past millennium. This is largely a consequence of the difficulty of calibrating biogeochemical lake sediment proxies to meteorological time series (calibration-in-time). Thanks to recent methodological advances, it is now possible. This paper outlines a step-by-step, specifically tailored methodology, with practical suggestions for calibrating and validating biogeochemical proxies from lake sediments to meteorological data. This approach includes: (1) regional climate data; (2) site selection; (3) coring and core selection; (4) core chronology; (5) data acquisition; and (6) data analysis and statistical methods. We present three case studies that used non-varved lake sediments from remote areas in the Central Chilean Andes, where little a priori information was available on the local climate and lakes, or their responses to climate variability. These case studies illustrate the potential value and application of a calibration-in-time approach to non-varved lake sediments for developing quantitative, high-resolution climate reconstructions.  相似文献   
The prevailing view suggests that the Eemian interglacial on the European Plain was characterized by largely negligible geomorphic activity beyond the coastal areas. However, systematic geomorphological studies are sparse. Here we present a detailed reconstruction of Eemian to Early Weichselian landscape evolution in the vicinity of a small fingerlake on the northern margin of the Salzwedel Palaeolake in Lower Saxony (Germany). We apply a combination of seismics, sediment coring, pollen analysis and luminescence dating on a complex sequence of colluvial, paludal and lacustrine sediments. Results suggest two pronounced phases of geomorphic activity, directly before the onset and at the end of the Eemian period, with an intermediate period of pronounced landscape stability. The dynamic phases were largely driven by incomplete vegetation cover, but likely accentuated by fluvial incision in the neighbouring Elbe Valley. Furthermore, we discovered Neanderthal occupation at the lakeshore during Eemian pollen zone (PZ) E IV, which is chronologically in line with other known Eemian sites of central Europe. Our highly-resolved spatio-temporal data substantially contribute to the understanding of climate-induced geomorphic processes throughout and directly after the last interglacial period. It helps unraveling the landscape dynamics between the coastal areas to the north and the loess belt to the south.  相似文献   
Summary Geochronological data (U–Pb, Rb–Sr and 40Ar/39Ar) are used to unravel the Late Alpine high-grade metamorphism, migmatisation and exhumation of Variscan granitoids within the core of the Central Rhodopean dome, Bulgaria. The age of the granitoid protolith is 300±11Ma, as determined by U–Pb analyses on single zircons selected from the core of the dome structure.Rb–Sr whole rock data define an errorchron with a large scatter of the data points due to the Late Alpine metamorphic overprint. The slope of the reference line indicates a Variscan magmatic event. Strontium characteristics are used to discriminate the samples most influenced by metamorphism from those, which reflect possible differences in the protolith age of the granitoids.Petrological-geochemical data, the initial strontium ratio of 0.708±0.001, and Hf zircon values ranging from –2.58 to –3.82 point to a mixed, but crust-dominated origin of the Variscan magmas; young crustal material and mantle fragments were sources for the I-type metagranitoids.The exhumation of the granitoids from depths greater than 20–25km to about 5km below the surface was a rapid geological process. It started with the formation of granitic eutectic minimum melts at the temperature peak of metamorphism. Monazite crystallisation at about 650°C continued during isothermal decompression to possible depths of about 10–12km. An age of 35.83±0.40Ma was determined using conventional U–Pb isotope methods on four multigrain monazite fractions. A maximum average age of 36.6–37.5Ma (assuming same error uncertainties) for crystallisation of the metamorphic monazites was calculated assuming 10 to 20% monazite resetting during the subsequent Oligocene volcanism and hydrothermal activity in the region of the Central Rhodopean Dome. The rocks were then cooled to about 350–300°C at 35.35±0.22Ma according to 40Ar/39Ar ages of biotites and below 300°C at 35.31±0.25Ma (Rb–Sr data), as indicated by crystallisation of adularia in an open vein subsequent to pegmatite intrusion. A minimum exhumation rate of 3–5km per 1 million years can therefore be calculated for the exhumation of the metagranitoids during the period from 38–35Ma.  相似文献   
On an uranium-mining-influenced area, sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) were grown on a small-scaled plot. Subsamples of sunflowers were harvested 34, 66, 96, 108, 140, and 170 days after sowing. Contents of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Th, U, Zn, and rare earth elements (REEs, La–Lu) were determined in the sunflower shoots, as well as total and bioavailable contents of these 25 elements in the soil taken on the day of sowing and after the last harvest. Shoot contents alone were not sufficient to evaluate the extraction capacity of the sunflowers. Instead total extracted masses (product of biomass and element content) had to be calculated. The total extracted mass increased for most of the elements until 140 days after sowing. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) as ratio between element content in shoot and soil, were calculated for this time to evaluate the phytoextraction efficiency. BCFs ≥1 (relating total soil contents) and thus a very effective extraction was calculated for Cd. The BCFs, based on mobile soil contents, were ≥1 for all elements, except for U and REEs (La–Lu). Consequently, the sunflower is able to extract many elements effectively from the direct harmful soil fraction. To reduce the contents of Cd and Ni down to levels, where the mining-influenced area could be classified as arable land would require 55 and 207 sunflower growth cycles. Although this is quite a long time, the uranium-mining-influenced area could be successively remediated, while growing biofuel crops, without interfering with food production.  相似文献   
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