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A traditional interpolation algorithm with the linear interpolation method (LIM) using a fixed number of reference stations is widely used in network RTK to obtain the ionospheric delays for the users. In low-latitude regions, where the ionosphere is relatively active, however, large interpolation errors exist, especially for satellites at low elevation angles. Considering the characteristics of “coinciding ionospheric pierce points (CIPPs)” with a similar nature of ionospheric delays, an improved interpolation algorithm is proposed. In this algorithm, all stations with CIPPs are used to establish the interpolation model; thus, more precise interpolation model is achieved. To validate the performance of the proposed algorithm, data from some reference stations in Guangdong Province of China were used, and the results are compared with those with the traditional interpolation algorithm. Numerical analysis shows that the interpolation accuracy of the proposed algorithm increases by 10–30% compared with the traditional one. Since the number of reference stations is flexible, the proposed algorithm can also balance the model accuracy with the computation burdens. In addition, the proposed algorithm is less affected by the selection of master reference station. In terms of network RTK on-the-fly positioning, the time-to-first-fix is reduced when replacing the traditional interpolation algorithm with the proposed one.  相似文献   
网络地理信息系统是地理信息系统和网络技术相结合的产物。它借助于网络方便快捷的手段和地理信息系统自身特有的分析功能,使人们能够更加有效地管理和利用广泛分布于因特网上的信息和数据。本文以"长春市地图查询信息系统"为例,对网络地理信息系统的性能作出了具体展示。  相似文献   
The Cretaceous in southern China is mainly a set of red and mauve clastic rock, with evaporation layers. For lack of source rock, it has been paid little attention to in the exploration process. With the development of research on hydrocarbon exploration, the masses of Cretaceous reservoirs and shows have been found in recent years. This means that the Cretaceous has great exploration potential. According to the research, authors find that the high-quality reservoir and efficient cap rocks develop in the Cretaceous. At the same time, the Cretaceous and underlying Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic marine strata and overlying Cenozoic nonmarine strata constitute a superimposed basin. Moreover, high-quality source rocks developed in the above-mentioned two sets of strata. In the south, especially in the middle and lower Yangtze region since the Himalayan strong rift was associated with a large number of faults, These faults connect the Cretaceous reservoir and its overlying and underlying source rocks, forming the fault-based and unconformity-based discontinuous source-reservoir-cap accumulation assemblages. Because the Cretaceous has the abundant oil and gas from Paleogene source rocks or Mesozoic-Paleozoic source rocks with secondary hydrocarbon generation ability, three types of reservoirs develop in the Cretaceous: “new-generating and old-reservoiring” reservoirs, “old-generating andnew-reservoiring” reservoirs, and few “self-generating andself-reservoiring” reservoirs. The hydrocarbon enrichment depends on two key factors. Firstly, Cretaceous reservoirs are near to the source kitchens, so its oil and gas source is ample. Secondly, the fault system is well developed, which provides the necessary conducting systems for hydrocarbon accumulation.  相似文献   
为满足台阵地震计标定要求,通过对程控化标定测控仪和标定测控软件的研究,采用一种适用于台阵地震计的程控化正弦标定方法,对中国地震局地球物理勘探中心负责管理的台阵地震计进行标定。台阵地震计标定实验结果显示,采用程控化正弦标定方法,在缩短标定时长、提高标定效率方面具有显著效果。  相似文献   
在归纳1954年山丹71/4级地震已有地震史料的基础上,根据新获得的朱允明(2006)《山丹地震考察笔记》的详细考察资料,按照《新中国地震烈度表》重新评定了本次地震中各考察点的地震烈度,重新绘制了该地震的等震线图。其中,极震区Ⅸ—Ⅹ度区长轴方向为北西向,呈扁椭圆形,长轴直径约40km;Ⅷ度区南西侧为山丹盆地,第四纪沉积较厚,地震烈度衰减缓慢,因此,Ⅷ度区等震线向南明显突出。1954年山丹71/4级地震极震区位于龙首山北缘断裂西段,大致与该断裂的包代河-黑头山段相吻合,综合分析认为,该段断裂是本次地震的主发震断层,而破喇嘛顶西缘断裂和毛湖洞断裂是重要的参与断裂。  相似文献   
复杂地形城市冬季边界层气溶胶扩散和分布模拟   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
郑飞  张镭  朱江  王慧 《高原气象》2007,26(3):532-540
着眼于城市冬季气溶胶扩散特征问题,针对地形复杂的兰州市及周边地区,开发了WRF模式,使之与包含了大气气溶胶辐射效应和气溶胶粒子扩散的综合大气边界层数值模式嵌套,以模拟城市冬季边界层气溶胶的扩散和分布规律。通过一个个例的模拟结果分析,揭示了兰州冬季气溶胶的扩散分布的如下特征;市区盆地内100 m以下存在东、西两个浓度高值中心,中心值为0.6~3.0 mg.m-3,往上浓度递减,1000 m高度处仅为0.02 mg.m-3。受排放源强、源高、气象场等因素的共同影响,白天盆地内气溶胶浓度随高度和时间的变化强烈,白天浓度随时间最大变化幅度为1.0 mg.m-3。气溶胶输送扩散高度可达到600~800 m,此高度以上浓度值很小。代表性测点上模拟的气溶胶浓度廓线表明,中午浓度达到最高,垂直扩散最强。这些结果与以往的烟雾层高度观测和气溶胶光学厚度观测结果吻合。夜间,盆地内气溶胶浓度随高度和时间的变化减弱,气溶胶输送扩散高度在400~500m,夜间浓度随时间变化平均幅度为0.05 mg.m-3。  相似文献   
激光雷达反演参数k值的研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用532 nm激光雷达2006年在兰州市不同天气状况下的观测数据,结合能见度因子、CE318太阳光度计观测数据,对利用Klett法求解时,k在不同天气状况下的取值进行了初步研究,结果表明:只有当0.7≤k≤1.0时,气溶胶消光系数的大小与能见度估算出的值相接近。但在k=0.7时,计算出的气溶胶消光系数正、负参半;k=1.0时,消光系数廓线在晴天无云的天气状况下同实际情况不符。通过进一步分析研究激光雷达和光度计的同期观测资料发现:k=0.8时,较合理的数据所占比例为100%,k=0.9为84%,k=1.0仅为12%。对兰州市区而言,利用激光雷达分析气溶胶光学特性时,取k=0.8或k=0.9较为合理。  相似文献   
以北京市平谷区2011年6月11日防雹作业为例,利用双线偏振雷达资料,选取与作业区条件十分接近的云块为对比区,根据回波移动方向和速度,跟踪分析在不同高度上防雹作业前后云体宏观结构特征和粒子相态等微物理变化过程。作业后云体所呈现特征为:1作业区的云顶高度、强回波中心高度迅速下降,对比区变化不明显;2作业区水平反射率Zh减小,差分反射率Zdr、零相关系数ρhv增大,单位差分传播相移Kdp小范围内波动,对比区Zh、Zdr、Kdp变化不明显;ρhv增大;3作业区对流减弱,高层较大冰雹粒子、大雨滴下沉明显,最终以霰粒子为主;而对比区域则对流仍然旺盛,冰雹粒子有增多趋势。以上特征表明防雹作业可有效抑制冰雹胚胎成长为冰雹的过程,通过偏振雷达观测参量可对防雹作业效果进行较好的验证。  相似文献   
为了探讨煤层地球化学特征和成煤环境的关系,根据黔北煤田吴家寨地区上二叠统龙潭组煤样地球化学特征分析数据,评价了该地区晚二叠世煤的总体煤质特征,重点探讨了煤灰成分指数、微量元素和稀土元素与成煤环境的联系.结果表明,研究区灰成分指数(Fe2 O3+CaO+MgO)/(SiO2+Al2 O3)、SiO2+Al2 O3平均0....  相似文献   
大跨径斜拉桥结构刚度小、变形大,为保证主梁顺利合龙,施工过程必须快速精确定位主梁上各个节段的平面和竖向线形。区别于传统的极坐标主梁平面线形测控方法,本文提出采用全站仪自由设站法测控主梁平面线形;同时区别于传统的水准测量方法,提出采用全站仪间接高差传递的方法测控主梁竖向线形。介绍了两种新方法的测量原理,通过工程实例论证了新方法的可行性和实用性,且能够大幅度提高测控效率,可为其他大跨径桥梁主梁线形的测控提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
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