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The Antarctic lunar meteorite Meteorite Hills (MET) 01210 is a polymict regolith breccia, dominantly composed of mare basalt components. One relatively large (2.7 × 4.7 mm) basalt clast in MET 01210 (MET basalt) shows remarkable mineralogical similarities to the lunar-meteorite crystalline mare basalts Yamato (Y)-793169, Asuka (A)-881757, and Miller Range (MIL) 05035. All four basalts have similar rock texture, mineral assemblage, mineral composition, pyroxene crystallization trend, and pyroxene exsolution lamellae. The estimated TiO2 contents (∼2.0 wt%) of the MET basalt and MIL 05035 are close to the bulk-rock TiO2 contents of Y-793169 and A-881757. These similarities suggest that Y-793169, A-881757, MIL 05035, and the MET basalt came from the same basalt flow, which we designate the YAMM basalt. The source-basalt pairing of the YAMM is also supported by their similar REE abundances, crystallization ages (approx. 3.8-3.9 Ga), and isotopic compositions (low U/Pb, low Rb/Sr, and high Sm/Nd). The pyroxene exsolution lamellae, which are unusually coarse (up to a few microns) by mare standards, imply a relatively slow cooling in an unusually thick lava and/or subsequent annealing within a cryptomare. Reported noble gas and CRE data with close launch ages (∼1 Ma) and ejection depths (deeper than several meters) among the four meteorites further indicate their simultaneous ejection from the moon. Despite the marginally close terrestrial ages, pairing in the conventional Earth-entry sense seems unlikely because of the remote recovery sites among the YAMM meteorites.The high abundance (68%) of mare components in MET 01210 estimated from a two-component mixing model calculation could have resulted from either lateral mixing at a mare-highland boundary or vertical mixing in a cryptomare. The proportion of mare materials in MET 01210 is greater than in Apollo core samples at the mare-highland boundary. The burial depth (>several meters deep) inferred from the lack of surface irradiation of MET 01210 exceeds the typical mare regolith thickness (a few meters). Thus, the source of the YAMM meteorites is likely a terrain of locally high mare-highland mixing within a cryptomare. We searched for a possible source crater of the YAMM meteorites within the well-defined cryptomare, based on the multiple constraints obtained from this study and published data. An unnamed 1.4 km-diameter crater (53°W, 44.5°S) on the floor of the Schickard crater is the most suitable source for the YAMM meteorites.The 238U/204Pb (μ) value of the YAMM basalts is extremely low, relative to those of the Apollo mare basalts, but comparable to those of the Luna 24 very low-Ti basalts. The low-μ source indicates a derivation from a less differentiated mantle with a lack of KREEP components. Although the chemical sources of materials and heat source of melting might be independent, the heat source that generated the source magma of the YAMM and Luna 24 basalts may not be related to KREEP, unlike the case of the Apollo basalts. The distinct chemical and isotopic compositions of mantle sources between the Apollo basalts and the YAMM/Lunar 24 basalts imply differences in mantle composition and thermal evolution between the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT) and non-PKT regions of the nearside.  相似文献   
Geochemical studies were conducted on the hydrothermally altered granitic rocks in the Ranong and Takua Pa tin‐fields in southern Thailand in order to investigate the mode of occurrence of REE (rare earth elements), with emphasis placed on a potential REE resource associated with granitic rocks in the Southeast Asian Tin Belt. The total REE (ΣREE) content of altered granitic rocks ranges from 130 to 350 ppm at Haad Son Paen (which is presently mined for kaolin clay) in the Ranong tin‐field, and that of altered granitic rocks and kaolinite veinlets reaches up to 424 ppm and 872 ppm, respectively, at Nok Hook in the Takua Pa tin‐field. Rare earth elements in the altered granitic rocks and kaolinite veinlets show a relatively flat chondrite‐normalized pattern, thus enriched in heavy REE compared with the original granitic rocks and their weathered crusts. At Nok Hook (Takua Pa), the ΣREE content of kaolinite separated from an altered granitic rock by elutriation is 1313 ppm, a ΣREE amount about four times higher than that of whole‐rock composition of the altered granitic rock. Chondrite‐normalized REE patterns of the elutriated kaolinite and of the altered granite are relatively flat. Sequential extraction experiments suggest that 41 and 85 percent of REE are present as ion exchangeable‐form in the altered granitic rock, and in the kaolinite veinlets, respectively. In addition, more than 90% of REE in the kaolinite veinlets are present as the acid‐soluble state. On the other hand, the ΣREE content of kaolinite veinlets and of the kaolinite concentrated by elutriation from an altered granitic rock at Haad Som Paen (Ranong) is 70 ppm and 75 ppm, respectively, thus enrichment of REE in kaolinite was not confirmed. In addition, by the sequential extraction experiments, 23% and 4% of REE were extracted from the altered granitic rock and the kaolinite veinlets at Haad Som Paen. In the altered granitic rocks at Haad Som Paen, REE are present as refractory phases, and REE in the acid‐soluble states had been leached by hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   
Absolute gravity values were measured with a portable absolute gravimeter A10 in East Antarctica, for the first time by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition. This study aims to investigate regional spatiotemporal variations of ice mass distributions and associated crustal deformations around Syowa Station by means of repeated absolute gravity measurements, and we obtained the first absolute gravity value in Southern Langhovde on the Antarctic Continent. The average absolute gravity value at the newly installed benchmark AGS01 in Langhovde (obtained on 3 February 2012) was 982535584.2 ± 0.7 μgal (1 [μgal] = 1 × 10?8 [m/s2]), which was in agreement with the gravity values obtained by the past relative gravity measurements within 1 mgal. In addition, the average absolute gravity value obtained at AGSaux in Syowa Station was consistent with both previous absolute gravity values and those obtained by simultaneous measurements using an FG5 gravimeter, owing to adequate data corrections associated with tidal effects and time variations in atomic clock frequencies. In order to detect the gravity changes associated with the ice mass changes and other tectonic phenomena, we plan to conduct absolute gravity measurements at AGS01 again and at other campaign sites around Syowa Station as well in the near future, with careful attention paid to the impacts of severe environmental conditions in Antarctica on gravity data collection.  相似文献   
Fifty-three samples, including brines associated with oil and natural gas reservoirs and groundwater samples from deep boreholes, were collected from the Pacific and Japan Sea coastal regions in Japan. The 129I/127I and 36Cl/Cl ratios, and stable isotopes (δD and δ18O) are compared to investigate differences related to the geotectonic settings of the two regions. The δD and δ18O data indicate that brine and groundwater from the Pacific coastal region reflect mixing of meteoric water with connate seawater in the pores of sedimentary rocks. On the other hand, brine and groundwater from the Japan Sea coastal region have been hydrothermally altered. In particular, brines associated with petroleum accumulations at Niigata and Akita showed the same isotopic characteristics as fluids found in the Kuroko deposits of the Green Tuff region in northeastern Japan. There is little difference in the 36Cl/Cl ratios in brine and groundwater from the Pacific and Japan Sea coasts. Most brine and some deep groundwater, except those from the Pleistocene Kazusa Group, have already reached the average secular equilibrium ratio of 9.9 ± 2.7 × 10−15 for their mudstone and sandstone reservoirs. There was no correlation between the 36Cl/Cl ratios and differences in geotectonic setting between the Pacific and the Japan Sea coast. The molar I/Br ratio suggests that the I in all of water samples was of biogenic origin. The average 129I/127I ratio was 290 ± 130 × 10−15 to 294 ± 105 × 10−15 in both regions, showing no relationship to the different geotectonic settings. The uncontaminated brine and groundwater samples are likely to have retained the original 129I/127I ratios of marine I released from the old organic matter stored in sedimentary rock.  相似文献   
The Utanobori gold deposit is a low‐sulfidation, epithermal vein‐type deposit located in northern Hokkaido, Japan. The deposit is hosted by conglomerate, sandstone, and tuff of the Middle to Late Miocene Esashi Formation. These rocks were hydrothermally altered. Silica sinters and quartz‐adularia veins are common in the deposit. The quartz‐adularia veins either contain a ginguro band, which corresponds to the main gold‐bearing vein (Type 1 Veins), or do not contain a ginguro band but contain minor adularia (Type 2 Veins). Type 1 Veins are divided into three stages with 12–14 substages. Ore minerals identified include electrum, naumannite, chlorargyrite, bromargyrite, an unidentified Fe‐Sb mineral, and an Fe‐(Sb)‐As mineral. These ore minerals formed in the main mineralization stages I (bands I‐b and I‐d) and II (band II‐a). Scanning electron microscopy with cathodoluminescence images show that cathodoluminescence‐dark microcrystalline quartz exhibiting colloform (ghost‐sphere) texture is closely associated with ore minerals in the Type 1 Vein and Type 2 Vein, and the Al and K contents of such quartz are commonly >1000 ppm. This indicates that the ore minerals were crystallized from alkaline, silica‐saturated fluids at temperatures <200°C, which initially deposited amorphous silica that was recrystallized to microcrystalline quartz. The average Au content of electrum is 52.5 at% Au (n = 10), 65.7 at% Au (n = 20), and 55.5 at% Au (n = 5) in bands I‐b, I‐d, and II‐a, respectively, of Type 1 Veins. The δ34SCDT values of two fine‐grained disseminated pyrites in the altered conglomerate and bedded tuff in the argillic altered zone are ?4.3 and ?4.2‰. Ar‐Ar dating on adularia yielded 13.6 ± 0.06 Ma, 13.6 ± 0.07 Ma, and 13.6 ± 0.06 Ma for the stages I, II, and III of the Type 1 Vein, respectively. K‐Ar ages determined on adularia in the silica sinter and on whole‐rock of glassy rhyolite of the Esashi Formation are 15.0 ± 0.4 Ma and 14.6 ± 0.4 Ma, respectively. These radiometric ages indicate that silica sinter associated with the rhyolitic volcanic rocks formed prior to the main gold mineralization.  相似文献   
Although the mining activity of the Idrija mine in Slovenia ceased in 1995, a large amount of mining dregs containing high concentrations of mercury remains in the area. The mining dregs were transported with river flow and deposition along the Idrija River. To estimate the dispersion and change in the chemical form of mercury, a total of 28 soil core samples were taken around the river. The individual core samples were separated into layers for the analysis of their chemical composition, carbon contents, total mercury (T-Hg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations. The chemical composition measured by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry was useful to estimate the dispersion of tailings: the fluvial terrace soil had a chemical composition similar to that of the tailings and could be distinguished clearly from the forest soil. The highest T-Hg concentration, 1,100 mg kg−1, was observed in the fluvial terrace soil near the mine. Although the concentration decreased gradually along with distance from the mine, concentrations higher than 200 mg kg−1 of T-Hg were still observed in the fluvial terrace soil approximately 20 km downstream from the mine. In the vertical distribution of T-Hg in the hillslope soil, a higher value was observed in the upper layers, which suggests the recent atmospheric deposition of mercury. The concentration of MeHg was the lowest at the riverside and higher in the hillslope soil, which was the opposite of the T-Hg distribution. The total organic carbon content tracked similarly with the distribution of MeHg and a linear relation with a significantly high correlation coefficient was obtained. The distinction may be related to the different dispersion process of mercury, and the organic carbon contents may be an important factor for MeHg formation.  相似文献   
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