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A modified mixed-differenced approach for estimating multi-GNSS real-time clock offsets is presented. This approach, as compared to the earlier presented mixed-differenced approach which uses epoch-differenced and undifferenced observations, further adds a satellite-differenced process. The proposed approach, based on real-time orbit products and a mix of epoch-differenced and satellite-differenced observations to estimate only satellite clock offsets and tropospheric zenith wet delays, has fewer estimated parameters than other approaches, and thus its implementing procedure is efficient and can be performed and extended easily. To obtain high accuracy, the approach involves three steps. First, the high-accuracy tropospheric zenith wet delay of each station is estimated using mixed-differenced carrier phase observations. Second, satellite clock offset changes between adjacent epochs are estimated using also mixed-differenced carrier phase observations. Third, the satellite clock offsets at the initial epoch are estimated using satellite-differenced pseudorange observations. Finally, the initial epoch clock results and clock offset changes are concatenated to obtain the clock results of the current epoch. To validate the real-time satellite clock results, multi-GNSS post-processing clock products from IGS ACs were selected for comparison. From the comparison, the standard deviations of the GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo systems clock results are approximately 0.1–0.4 ns, except for the BeiDou GEO satellites. The root mean squares are about 0.4–2.3 ns, which are similar to those of other international real-time products. When the clock estimates were assessed based on a pseudo-kinematic PPP procedure, the positioning accuracies in the East, North and Up components reach 5.6, 5.5 and 7.6 cm, respectively, which meet the centimeter level and are comparable to the application of other products.  相似文献   
Phase fractional cycle biases (FCBs) originating from satellites and receivers destroy the integer nature of PPP carrier phase ambiguities. To achieve integer ambiguity resolution of PPP, FCBs of satellites are required. In former work, least squares methods are commonly adopted to isolate FCBs from a network of reference stations. However, it can be extremely time consuming concerning the large number of observations from hundreds of stations and thousands of epochs. In addition, iterations are required to deal with the one-cycle inconsistency among FCB measurements. We propose to estimate the FCB based on a Kalman filter. The large number of observations are handled epoch by epoch, which significantly reduces the dimension of the involved matrix and accelerates the computation. In addition, it is also suitable for real-time applications. As for the one-cycle inconsistency, a pre-elimination method is developed to avoid iterations and posterior adjustments. A globally distributed network consisting of about 200 IGS stations is selected to determine the GPS satellite FCBs. Observations recorded from DoY 52 to 61 in 2016 are processed to verify the proposed approach. The RMS of wide lane (WL) posterior residuals is 0.09 cycles while that of the narrow lane (NL) is about 0.05 cycles, which indicates a good internal accuracy. The estimated WL FCBs also have a good consistency with existing WL FCB products (e.g., CNES-GRG, WHU-SGG). The RMS of differences with respect to GRG and SGG products are 0.03 and 0.05 cycles. For satellite NL FCB estimates, 97.9% of the differences with respect to SGG products are within ±?0.1 cycles. The RMS of the difference is 0.05 cycles. These results prove the efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
电子显微镜观测AgI水溶胶的颗粒谱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张铮  张秀峰  袁建新 《气象学报》1982,40(2):158-165
为了解AgI水溶胶在人工降雨实验中的成冰能力,我们用电子显微镜对AgI水溶胶中的AgI粒子的谱分布进行了观测。结果表明:不同配方AgI水溶胶的颗粒谱分布略有差别,但同一配方不同浓度的AgI水溶胶的颗粒谱分布几乎没有差别。若取不同配方、不同浓度的九种AgI水溶胶样品的平均谱分布,则直径大于0.05μ的粒子占总粒子数的3%。如果假定这些粒子在低温下都能起冰核作用,则1克AgI的最高成核率为10~(14)/克。然而,当在播撒过程中AgI水溶胶的雾滴对AgI粒子的分散不利时,AgI成核率将低于此值;如果假定AgI水溶胶的粒子以冻结水滴的形式使云晶化,水滴冻结将引起冰晶繁生作用,这将会使AgI的成核率高于上述的估算值。  相似文献   
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA5再分析数据,统计1979—2020年辽宁省42个温带气旋龙卷环境背景和物理量参数特征,结果表明:辽宁省温带气旋龙卷多发于温带气旋中心的西南、东南象限,与冷锋前暖区相对应,主要分布在辽河平原中西部及渤海湾沿岸,强龙卷(EF2及以上级别)占比为28.6%。风暴相对螺旋度和对流有效位能的大值区出现在气旋西南—东南象限,呈带状分布,龙卷风暴主要分布于风暴相对螺旋度大值区西北侧、对流有效位能大值区的顶端的强梯度区附近。强龙卷参数最大值达0.7,其大值区与EF2及以上级别龙卷相对应。地面冷锋和干线是温带气旋龙卷的关键触发系统,对比近气旋中心和冷锋尾部湿度垂直分布,后者所表现的高层强干侵入导致风暴产生更强的冷池,过强的下沉气流可能是龙卷产生的不利因素。温带气旋龙卷多分布于高空急流左侧气流的分流区内,对应高空强辐散区。0~3 km垂直温度递减率大值区与气旋中心附近的弱龙卷高发区有较好对应关系。  相似文献   
在一种恢复总辐射场序列的统计模式的基础上,建立由海温场推算同期热带太平洋环流场的统计模式,对1982至1989年期间冬季(1、2、3月)月平均500hPa高度场资料验证表明,恢复效果稳定。于是利用该地区现有的月平均海温场资料,外推重建了1966年至1978年间冬季(1、2、3月)月平均500hPa高度场资料。这一试验证明,可进一步利用海温场资料恢复更长时期的热带环流场资料。   相似文献   
热带气旋影响下浙江省强降水过程延伸期预报研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马浩  李正泉  雷媛  肖晶晶 《气象科学》2016,36(3):374-381
利用2000—2011年NCEP/NCAR水平风场逐日再分析资料以及浙江省逐日降水量资料,基于低频天气图工具,识别出3种与浙江省台风强降水过程相对应的典型低频大气环流型。通过合成分析,划分了与C型环流场和C+SN型环流场相适配的天气关键区。进而结合历史个例,研究了台风强降水期间关键区内低频系统的活动特征,初步建立了热带气旋影响下浙江省强降水过程预报模型,并提出依据模型开展延伸期过程预报的基本思路。对2012年的回报结果表明,模型表现出较好的性能,并针对强降水过程延伸期预报中需要解决的问题,提出了若干思考与建议。  相似文献   
2012年,中国房间空气调节器(空调器)保有量约为3.57亿台,依据抽样调查数据计算得到保有量装机容量,采用各省市夏季平均温度估算超过26℃的时间作为运行时间计算得出年电力消耗约3.28×1011 kW?h,折合碳排放约为318 Mt CO2当量。由于空调器国内需求量将进一步增长,预计到2030年保有量将达到当前的4~5倍。在电力结构不变情景下,空调器总体能效提高1倍,2030年空调器电力消耗产生的温室气体排放约为603 Mt CO2当量。假设空调器总体能效提高1倍、高能效产品消费比例进一步提高并伴随中国能源结构调整,如水电、核电、太阳能等低碳能源比例不断提高,在满足中国空调器需求的前提下,2030年中国空调器电力消耗产生的温室气体排放可以争取控制在当前的水平。  相似文献   
<正>Cardiac valve calcification is a common disease,especially among the elderly.Calcification can affect valve function and cause heart failure and sudden death(Adler et al.,2002).Aortic valve calcification is alsorelated to arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease(Rashedi et al.,2015).However,the origin of valve calcification is still unclear.This study characterized the  相似文献   
2013/2014年东亚冬季风异常偏弱的可能成因   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
司东  李清泉  柳艳菊  王遵娅  袁媛  王东阡 《气象》2014,40(7):891-897
2005年之后东亚冬季风连续7年强度偏强,而2013/2014年冬季,东亚冬季风强度突然由强转弱,原因可能与前期秋季北极海冰的异常有关,受2013年秋季北极海冰异常影响,冬季西伯利亚高压偏弱,进而导致东亚冬季风偏弱以及我国气温偏高。季内,东亚冬季风强度变化显著,前冬偏弱,后冬偏强。受冬季风季节内变化影响,我国前冬暖、后冬冷;此外,前冬暖、后冬冷还受到北太平洋上空阻塞高压的异常活动影响,北太平洋地区的阻塞高压加强西移至日界线以西,导致东亚地区经向型环流加强,改变了前冬以纬向型为主的环流,前冬高纬地区堆积的冷空气向东亚地区侵袭。加之,前冬我国气温偏高,导致后冬我国多地降温显著,气温由偏高转偏低。而阻塞高压的西移可能与平流层环流的异常活动有关。  相似文献   
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