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在野外地质调查的基础上,开展了商业合作性的进一步深部探矿工作.通过物化探手段及钻孔布设验证了深部地质、矿化情况.矿区深部新发现多组隐伏的钨钼矿体,矿体呈似层状、脉状产出,岩性控矿特征较为明显.综合分析认为该矿床成因类型应为斑岩型.  相似文献   
The remobilization of iron, manganese, cobalt, cadmium, copper and zinc in the pore water of estuarine sediment cores at Yingkou was assessed using diffusive equilibrium in thin films and diffusive gradients in thin films techniques. A relatively anoxic system (+33.7 to ?224.1 mV) in the sediment cores might cause the reductive release of iron, manganese and cobalt into pore water from the estuarine sediment. High-average concentrations of iron (47.85 μg ml?1) and manganese (3.81 μg ml?1) were observed using diffusive equilibrium in thin films on the sediment core, but the concentration of cobalt (18.02 ng ml?1) was relatively low. A strong correlation between iron and cobalt was observed based on the vertical profiles of the metals. Manganese and iron were more readily released from the solid phase to the solution. The peak cobalt, copper and zinc concentrations were observed in the upper layer (2–4 cm) measured using diffusive gradients in thin films. However, the peak iron, manganese and cobalt concentrations were located in the deeper layer (≥7 cm). In addition, the concentration profiles measured using diffusive gradients in thin films of cobalt, copper and zinc were independent of the iron, manganese and cobalt distribution with respect to depth.  相似文献   
高密度电阻率法在风化岩地基勘察中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
由于风化岩场地具有风化不均匀之特点,《岩土工程勘察规范》(GB 50021—2001)对这类场地的岩土工程勘察的布孔间距具有严格规定,使得这类场地的勘察工作量往往很大。分析了高密度电阻率法在这类场地中使用的可行性和必要性,结合阿尔及利亚某炼油厂岩土工程勘察的实例,剖析了高密度电阻率法对大面积风化岩地基勘察方案设计的优化。  相似文献   
四川石棉县首次发现独特的自然铂矿床   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
攀西地区大片前震旦纪结晶基底杂岩中产出有众多的前晋宁期层状侵入体,其间可见钒钛磁铁矿化,铬铁矿化,最近在石棉境内新发现一处含铂矿化体呈层状,网脉状产于层状侵入体中,且多以自然铂单矿物存在。伴生主要矿物为磁铁矿,钛铁矿,黄铁矿,黄铜矿等。初步认为该矿床类型属产于层状铁质基性-超基性岩与铜硫化物-钡钛磁铁矿有关的构造-热液再活化型自然铂矿床。  相似文献   
Due to the lack of reliable sedimentary provenance data,the geological setting and its provenance of the southwestern margin of Ordos Basin in Late Ordovician is uncertain. In this paper,the sandstone of Upper Ordovician Pingliang Formation in Duanjiaxia profile of Longxian area is selected for a systematic study. Using the methods including the comprehensive analysis on the measured geological profile,analysis of microscopic thin section and trace elements,the following results are obtained: (1)the thin section analysis shows that the sandstone is well sorted but poorly rounded. Clastic grains are dominated by quartz,while the rock fragments are mainly composed of polycrystalline quartz,carbonate sand debris,and a little matrix,which means that the turbidite sandstone has been reworked by obvious traction of deep-water;(2)Rare Earth Element(REE)distribution model shows that the sandstone is rich in LREE and is short of HREE and has the negative Eu-anomaly,indicating that the provenance may derive from the intermediate and acid rock in the upper crust;(3)the provenance discrimination diagrams show that the sandstone of the Pingliang Formation is a mixture of sedimentary rock and granite,while the magmatic component is dominated by intermediate and acid rock;(4)Geochemical data of the sandstone suggests that the geological setting significantly belong to continental island arc and passive continental settings. The study area in Longxian during the Late Ordovician period was located in the back arc basin. At that time,the southwestern margin of the North China Craton with the full trench-arc-basin system was changed from the passive continental margin into the active continental margin.  相似文献   
在对鄂尔多斯盆地目的层段总体资料了解的基础上,对盆地南部4个露头剖面、18口井岩心的砂岩进行了切片分析,根据长石含量变化和其他岩矿特征、测井曲线与岩石组合特征、连井剖面以及露头沉积相分析,明确了山西组-下石盒子组盒8段沉积物在盆地南部的汇水区位置。“汇水区”指搬运南北物源沉积物的流水汇聚区,它大体上是南北物源沉积物分布的分界区、大致呈东西向分布。汇水区南北的长石含量存在明显差异。提出了在汇水区局部又存在南北物源沉积“交互区”的认识,“交互区”指南北物源沉积物抵达汇水区并在局部地段发生交互的地区,它是南北物源沉积物的连通区。交互区位于汇水区并分隔汇水区。在盒8段交互区发现了还原条件下形成的早期成岩矿物——菱铁矿结核。盆地南部山西期一盒8沉积期的沉积古地理受南部和北部物源沉积物的双重影响,连井剖面显示汇水区南北沉积相带具有对称分布的特征,其沉积单元和相带包括:(1)汇水区,含3个交互区;(2)汇水区南缘三角洲相带,含来自南部物源的3个三角洲;(3)汇水区北缘三角洲相带。含来自北部物源的4~5个三角洲;(4)与南、北三角洲相带过渡的河流相带。在上述认识的基础上,绘制了研究区目的层段沉积模式图。  相似文献   
气候变化对新疆玛纳斯河流域水文水资源的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
考虑积雪和降水不均等特点,对流域进行分带处理,提出和建立了包含积雪融雪结构的水文评价模型。利用该模型求得未来不同气候变化情况下的月均流量过程,分析气候变化对玛纳斯河流域水文水资源的影响。结果表明:若气温升高2℃,降水减少20%,则夏季径流减少52.59%,冬季径流减少1.77%,年均径流减少46.87%。  相似文献   
恶劣天气是高速公路交通事故发生的重要诱因。为了解气象条件对高速公路交通事故的影响程度,基于2006—2008年汉宜高速公路交通事故数据,统计分析了该路段交通事故的月际和日变化特征,利用事故率和日交通事故指数区分定义了交通事故频次和灾害严重程度,采用多项式曲线拟合了气象条件与事故指数的关系,确定了事故突发增长的临界气象指标。结果表明:汛期5—9月是汉宜高速公路交通事故高发时期,冬季其次,春季3—4月及秋季10—11月事故发生较少。高速公路交通事故存在明显日变化特征,03—04时和14—17时为事故高发时段。汉宜高速公路交通事故频率主要受中到大雨和夏季高温天气的影响,事故灾害严重程度主要受强降水和冬季低温天气的影响。大风强降水天气条件下的事故率要高于一般强降水条件下的事故率,夏季潮湿、闷热天气条件下的事故率要高于一般高温天气条件下的事故率。当高速公路沿线平均日雨量达到中到大雨时,事故率达到高峰;当沿线平均雨量超过20 mm时,事故灾害突发严重。当公路沿线平均高温超过33℃时,事故率突发增长;0~3℃的低温对事故灾害程度影响较大。  相似文献   
为了研究地震引起的斜坡滑动破坏规律及其位移、应变的变化规律,利用数字散斑相关方法(DSCM),对主要受水平方向地震动荷载作用下的斜坡进行了实验模拟。结果表明,斜坡的破坏首先从模型底部弱面位置开始,沿弱面逐渐扩展,最终破坏;斜坡所含弱面的深度,对破坏过程有重要的影响。  相似文献   
利用MC-ICPMS对水样中硼同位素比值的测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Amberlite IRA-743硼特效树脂进行水溶液中硼的分离,对洗脱液温度、体积以及树脂动态交换容量等进行了实验.它的动态交换容量为4.2 mg/g,在室温条件下,用5 mL 2%HNO3可定量从树脂柱上洗脱被吸附的硼.采用Neptune型MC-ICPMS进行硼同位素组成的测定,1 μg/g浓度的硼标准溶液获得放大的信号强度约为0.7V,硼的化学分离过程有效避免了质量歧视效应.实验结果表明,MC-ICPMS对硼存在严重的记忆效应,通过采用5%HNO3-(1%HNO3 0.1%HF)-H2O-20%NH3H2O-H2O的交替清洗方法,可在约1 h内消除硼的记忆效应.在最佳仪器条件下,对含有250 ng硼的水样,可以快速测定硼的同位素组成,占δ11B测定的绝对偏差为0.4‰-0.5‰(SD).  相似文献   
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