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The formation and evolution of permafrost in China during the last 20 ka were reconstructed on the basis of large amount of paleo-permafrost remains and paleo-periglacial evidence, as well as paleo-glacial landforms, paleo-flora and paleofauna records. The results indicate that, during the local Last Glacial Maximum(LLGM) or local Last Permafrost Maximum(LLPMax), the extent of permafrost of China reached 5.3×106-5.4×106 km2, or thrice that of today, but permafrost shrank to only0.80×106-0.85×106 km2, or 50% that of present, during the local Holocene Megathermal Period(LHMP), or the local Last Permafrost Minimum(LLPMin). On the basis of the dating of periglacial remains and their distributive features, the extent of permafrost in China was delineated for the two periods of LLGM(LLPMax) and LHMP(LLPMin), and the evolution of permafrost in China was divided into seven periods as follows:(1) LLGM in Late Pleistocene(ca. 20000 to 13000-10800 a BP)with extensive evidence for the presence of intensive ice-wedge expansion for outlining its LLPMax extent;(2) A period of dramatically changing climate during the early Holocene(10800 to 8500-7000 a BP) when permafrost remained relatively stable but with a general trend of shrinking areal extent;(3) The LHMP in the Mid-Holocene(8500-7000 to 4000-3000 a BP)when permafrost degraded intensively and extensively, and shrank to the LLPMin;(4) Neoglaciation during the late Holocene(4000-3000 to 1000 a BP, when permafrost again expanded;(5) Medieval Warming Period(MWP) in the late Holocene(1000-500 a BP) when permafrost was in a relative decline;(6) Little Ice Age(LIA) in the late Holocene(500-100 a BP), when permafrost relatively expanded, and;(7) Recent warming(during the 20 th century), when permafrost continuously degraded and still is degrading. The paleo-climate, geography and paleopermafrost extents and other features were reconstructed for each of these seven periods.  相似文献   
基于气候干燥度的青藏高原多年冻土区分类新方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采取综合分析与主导因素相结合的原则, 阐明了青藏高原各大地貌单元的大气环流及自然景观特征, 描述了高原多年冻土形成和分布格局. 基于综合地域分异规律, 以年降水量和干燥度(蒸发/降水)作为主要指标, 并参考年平均气温、气温年较差及年平均空气湿度等, 结合地形因素将高原多年冻土划分为: 湿润型、亚湿润型、半干旱型、干旱型和极干旱型五种类型, 并对各类多年冻土的代表性地区的冻土特征分别进行论述. 该分类方法适合于小比例尺的冻土测绘和制图.  相似文献   
坡体地下水位上升是诱发滑坡的重要因素,实时排出地下水是防治边坡地质灾害的有效手段。虹吸排水具有免动力和流动过程由液位变化自动控制的物理特性,可满足实时排出坡体地下水的需要,但虹吸管中空气积累会导致虹吸过程中断,制约了边坡虹吸排水技术的推广应用。溶解于水的空气因虹吸管内压力降低而释出是形成气泡的物理基础。实验结果表明,虹吸进水口水面以上垂直高度3.5 m以上就会出现大量气泡,经过虹吸顶点后,气泡发生强烈的兼并形成大气泡。当虹吸管的进出水口的水头差较大时,气泡间的水弹容易推动气泡从出水口排出。当虹吸管直径大于5 mm时,缓慢的虹吸流动,会发生管内气泡的积累,最终破坏虹吸过程;虹吸管的直径小于4 mm时,可以形成基本稳定的弹状流。因此,为保持边坡虹吸过程长期有效,经常性降雨并且坡体地下水丰富的地区可选用直径为5 mm的虹吸管,非经常性降雨的地区应选择小于等于4 mm的虹吸管。  相似文献   
Nanoporous polystyrene fibers for oil spill cleanup   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The development of oil sorbents with high sorption capacity, low cost, scalable fabrication, and high selectivity is of great significance for water environmental protection, especially for oil spillage on seawater. In this work, we report nanoporous polystyrene (PS) fibers prepared via a one-step electrospinning process used as oil sorbents for oil spill cleanup. The oleophilic-hydrophobic PS oil sorbent with highly porous structures shows a motor oil sorption capacity of 113.87 g/g, approximately 3-4 times that of natural sorbents and nonwoven polypropylene fibrous mats. Additionally, the sorbents also exhibit a relatively high sorption capacity for edible oils, such as bean oil (111.80 g/g) and sunflower seed oil (96.89 g/g). The oil sorption mechanism of the PS sorbent and the sorption kinetics were investigated. Our nanoporous material has great potential for use in wastewater treatment, oil accident remediation and environmental protection.  相似文献   
Unsteady inter-porosity flow modeling for a multiple media reservoir   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The paper deals with unsteady inter-porosity flow modeling of underground fluid in a multiple media reservoir. Assuming spherical vugs, symmetrically distributed pressure, negligible inter-porosity flow between matrix and vug systems and centrifugal flow of the fluid from matrix blocks or vugs to fractures, and treating media directly connected with wellbore as the fracture system, we establish and solve a model of unsteady inter-porosity flow for dual and triple porosity media reservoirs. We provide simulated graphs of pressure and pressure derivative log-log type curves, and analyze the transient flow process and characteristics of type curves affected by different parameters. The new type curves of unsteady inter-porosity flow modeling are evidently different in shape and characteristics from those of pseudo-steady inter-porosity flow modeling. The location of dimensionless pressure of unsteady inter-porosity is lower than that of pseudo-steady inter-porosity, which indicates that unsteady inter-porosity flow accelerates an energy supplement during production. Qualitatively, the unsteady inter-porosity flow modeling reduces the classical V-shaped response. We also estimated parameters from well test data in real applications using this model.  相似文献   
This study assesses the performance of the Geostationary Ocean Imager (GOCI) for mapping of suspended particulate matter in the Bohai Sea, a turbid water region. GOCI imagery for remote sensing reflectance and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) is analysed in detail for two days in June 2011 (8 images per day). Both instantaneous and daily composite maps are considered and a comparison is made with corresponding reflectance and TSS products from MODIS-AQUA. Results show TSS distributions corresponding to previous studies of the region. The advantage of the higher acquisition frequency (8 images/day instead of 1) offered by GOCI is clearly demonstrated in the daily composite which is more complete during this period of scattered but moving clouds. Consideration of temporal variation over the day indicates low natural variability but some artificial variability from processing errors ?? this analysis provides a first indication of how the higher frequency of data from geostationary ocean colour could lead to improved data quality control via temporal coherency outlier detection. While there is room for improvement on the GOCI calibration, atmospheric correction and retrieval algorithms, the current study suggests that the GOCI data can already be used now to study qualitatively sediment dynamics except in the extremely turbid waters which are masked out of the current dataset. In a wider context, it is considered that the technical challenges of geostationary ocean colour have been met by the GOCI concept, and, notwithstanding potential improvements on the concept and data processing methods, it is recommended that this mission serve as a model for future geostationary ocean colour sensors over Europe/Africa and the Americas.  相似文献   
中国海域区古近纪含煤盆地与煤系分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新近纪和古近纪是全球重要的聚煤期。中国古近纪聚煤盆地分布在东部沿海省区,是全球性环太平洋聚煤带的组成部分。中国海域区含煤沉积盆地虽然也属于断陷盆地和坳陷盆地类型,且成群出现,但总体构造背景有利于含煤沉积的持续发展,盆地群连续性好,含煤沉积厚度大,如琼东南盆地、东海海域西湖凹陷,含煤沉积厚度达1 km以上,这是陆上区古近纪含煤盆地所不能相比的。研究表明,海域区的聚煤盆地内大多由若干凹陷组成,为聚煤凹陷,可分为两大类,即半地堑凹陷和地堑凹陷。根据成煤盆地的水体深浅又可分为深水半地堑凹陷和浅水半地堑凹陷,地堑凹陷均为深水凹陷。盆地内表现为明显的两个聚煤带:缓坡聚煤带和陡坡聚煤带,缓坡聚煤带占绝对优势。在潮坪体系的潮上带和潮间带沼泽,利于聚煤作用的广泛发生。泥炭的堆积可能存在两种形式:原地堆积和异地堆积。由于盆地构造的频繁活动异地堆积可能是海域区聚煤盆地成煤作用的重要形式。海域区巨厚的含煤沉积为海域区煤成气成藏提供了丰厚的物质基础。又由于含煤地层埋深大,煤的变质作用程度相对较高,成为良好的烃源岩。  相似文献   
位于浙江天台县蟹山山体内的黑洞洞室群, 以其优越的工程地质条件和完整的岩体结构, 自隋朝以来成为大型古地下采石场。洞室群包括总面积达24 000 m2的21个洞室, 其长轴方向基本沿两组主要地质结构面走向展布。研究显示:总体采石层系上白垩统塘上组(K2t)第6层灰白色含玻屑熔结凝灰岩;岩体质量指标Q值计算结果为53(I级)。按现代地下洞室设计理念, 其长期稳定最大跨度应不大于50 m, 但实际上5号洞最大跨度达81 m, 可望成为地下人工岩石单洞跨度之最。现场调查发现, 古人在蟹山山脚残留多处地质探洞。古代工匠在洞室开挖过程中遇到断层破碎带时, 采用了近垂直、小断面、高台阶穿越技术方法, 有效保证了不良地质体中无支护开采的安全性和长期稳定性, 这对现代地下工程具有借鉴和工程类比意义。  相似文献   
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According to the construction project of the crustal deformation mobile monitoring network in the cascade hydropower stations built in the lower reaches of Jinsha River,this paper analyzes the design ideas and layout principles of crustal deformation mobile monitoring used in the monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes. This paper introduces three types of monitoring networks used in the Xiluodu reservoir and Xiangjiaba reservoir, as well as the work already undertaken,in order to provide a kind of reference for the related engineering construction and comprehensive monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes.  相似文献   
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