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In Central Iran, the mixed siliciclastic?carbonate Nakhlak Group of Triassic age is commonly seen to have a Cimmerian affinity, although it shows considerable resemblances with the Triassic Aghdarband Group in far northeastern Iran, east of Kopeh-Dagh area, with Eurasian affinity. The Nakhlak Group is composed of the Alam (Late Olenekian?Anisian), Baqoroq (Late Anisian??Early Ladinian), and Ashin (Ladinian??Early Carnian) formations consisting mainly of volcanoclastic sandstone and shale and fossiliferous limestone. The Baqoroq Formation contains also metamorphic detritus. Sandstone petrofacies reflect the detrital evolution from active volcanism to growing orogen and again active volcanism. Textural and modal analyses of volcanic lithic fragments from the Alam Formation reflect the eruption style and magma composition of a felsic to intermediate syn-sedimentary arc activity. The detrital modes of the Baqoroq Formation sediments suggest a recycled orogenic source followed by arc activity in a remnant fore-arc basin. The sandstone samples from the Ashin Formation demonstrate a continuity of felsic to intermediate arc activity. Major and trace element concentrations of the Nakhlak Group clastic samples support sediment supply from first-cycle material and felsic magmatic arc input. The enrichment in LREE, the negative Eu anomalies, and the flat HREE patterns indicate origination from the old upper continental crust and young arc material. The chemical index of alteration (CIA ~51–70 for sandstone and 64–76 for shale samples) indicates medium degrees of chemical weathering at the source. Petrographical and geochemical evidence together with facies analysis constructed the following depositional conditions for the Nakhlak Group sediments: In the Olenekian, a fore-arc shallow to deep marine depositional basin developed that later was filled by recycled and arc-related detritus and changed into a continental basin in the Anisian. Ladinian extension let to a deepening of the basin. With respect to the similarities between the Nakhlak and Aghdarband (NE Iran) groups and unusual present-day position of the Nakhlak Group with no stratigraphic connection to the surrounding area, the development of first a fore-arc basin and later change into a back-arc depositional basin in close relation with the Aghdarband basin at the southern Eurasian active margin in the Triassic are here proposed. Understanding the basin development recorded in the Nakhlak Group provides constraints on the closure history of Palaeotethys and of the tectonic evolution of early Mesozoic basins at the southern Eurasian margin before the Cimmerian Orogeny.  相似文献   
Geographical Information System (GIS) has been used in this paper to delineate groundwater resources potential in the western part of greater Kushtia district of Bangladesh, where urgent attention for augmentation of irrigation water supply is required. Thematic maps of transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, net recharge, aquifer thickness, surface water bodies, aquifer resistivity, overburden aquitard thickness and its resistivity have been prepared and assigned weight according to their relative importance using Analytical Hierarchical Process for the preparation of groundwater potential model. Since the values within each thematic map vary significantly, they are classified into various ranges or types and assigned ratings. Finally, the thematic maps are integrated using GIS to prepare the groundwater potential map for the study area in terms of Ground Water Potential Index (GWPI). The evolved map indicates that 22.51% of the study area have GWPI more than 0.70 and therefore, have excellent prospective for exploitation. About 69.12% of the area with GWPI ranging from 0.50 to 0.70 is also quite promising for groundwater abstraction, while the rest 8.37% area having GWPI below 0.50 indicates moderate potential. The obtained map of groundwater potential is found in good agreement with the yields of available pumping test data.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of 12 full‐scale tests on buckling‐restrained brace (BRB) specimens. A simple‐to‐fabricate all‐steel encasing joined by high‐strength bolts was used as the buckling‐restrainer mechanism. Steel BRBs offer significant energy dissipation capability through nondeteriorating inelastic response of an internal ductile core. However, seismic performance of BRBs is characterized by interaction between several factors. In this experimental study, the effects of core‐restrainer interfacial condition, gap size, loading history, bolt spacing, and restraining capacity are evaluated. A simple hinge detail is introduced at the brace ends to reduce the flexural demand on the framing components. Tested specimens with bare steel contact surfaces exhibited satisfactory performance under the American Institute of Steel Construction qualification test protocol. The BRBs with friction‐control self‐adhesive polymer liners and a graphite‐based dry lubricant displayed larger cumulative inelastic ductility under large‐amplitude cyclic loading, exceeding current code minimum requirements. The BRB system is also examined under repeated fast‐rate seismic deformation history. This system showed significant ductility capacity and remarkable endurance under dynamic loading. Furthermore, performance is qualified under long‐duration loading history from subduction zone's megathrust type of earthquake. Predictable and stable performance of the proposed hinge detail was confirmed by the test results. Internally imposed normal thrust on the restrainer is measured using series of instrumented bolts. Weak‐ and strong‐axis buckling responses of the core are examined. Higher post‐yield stiffness was achieved when the latter governed, which could be advantageous to the overall seismic response of braced frames incorporating BRBs.  相似文献   
Shoreline variation and river deltas are among the most dynamic systems in marine environments. The related different variations in spatial and temporal scales play significant roles in land planning and different management applications. Modeling the dynamics of seashore of Boujagh National Park (BNP) which is located on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea in the Sefidrud Delta (SD), considering natural and anthropogenic factors, was the main objective of the current study. To achieve this goal, a combination of remote sensing data, historical data, and numerical simulations was utilized. The BNP covers an area of 3,270 ha and includes two international wetlands, Boujagh and Kiashahr. In earlier periods, this area faced severe morphological changes whereas recently its shoreline has experienced gradual variations. Accordingly, at the first stage, the shoreline variation from 2006 to 2017 was extracted by processing and classifying Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thematic Mapper (TM) images from Landsat satellites using the Maximum Likelihood approach. In the second stage, the two dimensional MIKE21 model was utilized to identify wave and coastal current patterns and parameters for the year 2015. Morphologically, the results showed that, the shoreline of the BNP is affected by several natural and anthropogenic factors. Seaward advancement of the shoreline occurred in zones A (east zone) and C (west zone) due to Caspian Sea Level drop and sedimentation while retreating occurred at Zone B (north zone) influenced by wave and current patterns and reduction of the Sefidrud River flows. Also, the results imply that maintaining the existing conditions results in the disappearance of a considerable part of the ecological area in the BNP. Hence, to manage and preserve the coastline of the BNP complying with the current anthropogenic and natural factors, it is vital to take necessary management measures.  相似文献   
Water Resources - Combined weir-gate structure is one of the important structures which are control the water level, measure discharge and avoid sediment deposition behind the weir. In this study,...  相似文献   
Water leakage paths in the Doosti Dam,Turkmenistan and Iran   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The Doosti Dam, with a reservoir capacity of 1,250 million cubic meters, was constructed on the Harirood River at the border of Turkmenistan and Iran. The reservoir is in direct contact with permeable formations on the right abutment of the dam including the Neyzar Sandstone, the Kalat Limestone and the Pesteleigh alternative layers of marlstone and sandstone. After the reservoir impoundment, several new springs and seepages emerged from these formations and the alluvium. The amount of leakage increased with the rise in reservoir water level. Fifteen kilograms of sodium fluorescein were injected into a 113-m deep borehole intersecting three permeable sandstone layers of the Pesteleigh formation. Dye was detected downstream of the grout curtain in boreholes and springs that were in direct contact with parts of the Pesteleigh formation having the same sandstone layers as the injection borehole. The dye velocity was in the range of diffuse flow, confirming the good performance of the grout curtain in the Pesteleigh formation. No dye was detected in the other formations because the injection borehole was not in direct contact with these formations. The hydraulic relation of the other formations with the reservoir was determined by considering direct contact of the formations with the reservoir, emergence of new springs and seepages after reservoir impoundment, correlation of time variations of the springs discharge and the borehole’s water level with the reservoir water level, and in some cases the hydrochemistry of the water. The results show that the Kalat and Neyzar formations are hydraulically connected to the reservoir, but the small amounts of leakage from these formations at a hydraulic gradient of 24% indicates good performance of the built grout curtain. The total reservoir leakage at maximum reservoir water level was 100 l/s which is insignificant compared with the 15 m3/s average annual release of the reservoir.  相似文献   
The Kangan aquifer (KA) is located beneath the Kangan gas reservoir (KGR), 2,885 m below the ground surface. The gas reservoir formations are classified into nine non-gas reservoir units and eight gas reservoir units based on the porosity, water and gas saturation, lithology, and gas production potential using the logs of 36 production wells. The gas reservoir units are composed of limestone and dolomite, whereas the non-gas reservoir units consist of compacted limestone and dolomite, gypsum and shale. The lithology of KA is the same as KGR with a total dissolved solid of 333,000 mg/l. The source of aquifer water is evaporated seawater. The static pressure on the Gas–Water Contact (GWC) was 244 atm before gas production, but it has continuously decreased during 15 years of gas production, resulting in a 50 m uprising of the GWC and the expansion of KA water and intergranular water inside the gas reservoir. The general flow direction of the KA is toward the northern coast of the Persian Gulf due to the migration of water to the overlying formations via a trust fault. The KA is a gas-capped deep confined aquifer (GCDCA) with special characteristics differing from a shallow confined aquifer. The main characteristics of a GCDCA are unsaturated intergranular water below the confining layers, no direct contact of the water table (GWC) with the confining layers, no vertical flow via the cap rock, permanent uprising of the GWC during gas production, and permanent descend of GWC during water exploitation.  相似文献   
We reconstructed the paleohydrologic and climatic history of the Lake Neor region, NW Iran, from the end of the late glacial to the middle Holocene (15,500–7500 cal yr BP). Subfossil chironomid and pollen assemblages in a sediment core from a peatland located south of Lake Neor enabled identification of four main hydrologic phases. The period 15,500–12,700 cal yr BP was characterized by a relatively dry climate with an open landscape, suggested by the abundance of Irano-Turanian steppe plants (e.g. Amaranthaceae, Artemisia and Cousinia). Dominance of several shallow-water and semi-terrestrial chironomid taxa (e.g. Pseudosmittia, Smittia/Parasmittia and Paraphaenocladius/Parametriocnemus) during this period is indicative of lower water tables in the wetland. Between 12,700 and 11,300 cal yr BP, chironomid taxa indicate higher wetland water tables, as suggested by the presence of Zavrelia, Chironomus anthracinus/plumosus-type and Micropsectra, which are inhabitants of open-water, lacustrine areas. The open-steppe vegetation remained dominant in the watershed during this time. Increasing wetland moisture could be explained by: (1) cool summers that reduced the evaporation rate; and/or (2) a decrease in duration of the summer dry season. The period 11,300–8700 cal yr BP was characterized by lower wetland moisture, contemporaneous with a delay in the expansion of deciduous forest, suggesting persistent dry climate conditions throughout the beginning of the Holocene, which may have been related to the intensified seasonality of precipitation. Around 8700 cal yr BP, higher wetland water levels, inferred from chironomids, occurred simultaneously with the onset of regional deciduous forest expansion, probably caused by a shortening of the summer dry period. We concluded that chironomids are appropriate paleoecological proxies to investigate global and local hydrologic variability in the Middle East.  相似文献   
Micropaleontological investigations on Permian successions in the NW of Iran based on algae led to the determination of taxa belonging to some families such as Ungdarellaceae (Ungdarella uralica), Gymnocodiaceae (Gymnocodium bellerophontis and Permocalculus sp.), Dasycladales (Mizzia cf. M. yabei), and some microproblematics (Vermiporella nipponica and Pseudovermiporella sodalica). These investigations are mainly focused on the Khachik Formation at the Ali Bashi Mountains. According to the algal community, a lagoon environment is offered for the studied successions.  相似文献   
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