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The European Venus Explorer (EVE) mission described in this paper was proposed in December 2010 to ESA as an ‘M-class’ mission under the Cosmic Vision programme. It consists of a single balloon platform floating in the middle of the main convective cloud layer of Venus at an altitude of 55?km, where temperatures and pressures are benign (~25°C and ~0.5 bar). The balloon float lifetime would be at least 10 Earth days, long enough to guarantee at least one full circumnavigation of the planet. This offers an ideal platform for the two main science goals of the mission: study of the current climate through detailed characterization of cloud-level atmosphere, and investigation of the formation and evolution of Venus, through careful measurement of noble gas isotopic abundances. These investigations would provide key data for comparative planetology of terrestrial planets in our solar system and beyond.  相似文献   
The Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian evolution of peri-Gondwanan terranes (e.g. Avalonia, Carolinia, Cadomia) along the northern (Amazonia, West Africa) margin of Gondwana provides insights into the amalgamation of West Gondwana. The main phase of tectonothermal activity occurred between ca. 640–540 Ma and produced voluminous arc-related igneous and sedimentary successions related to subduction beneath the northern Gondwana margin. Subduction was not terminated by continental collision so that these terranes continued to face an open ocean into the Cambrian. Prior to the main phase of tectonothermal activity, Sm-Nd isotopic studies suggest that the basement of Avalonia, Carolinia and part of Cadomia was juvenile lithosphere generated between 0.8 and 1.1 Ga within the peri-Rodinian (Mirovoi) ocean. Vestiges of primitive 760–670 Ma arcs developed upon this lithosphere are preserved. Juvenile lithosphere generated between 0.8 and 1.1 Ga also underlies arcs formed in the Brazilide Ocean between the converging Congo/São Francisco and West Africa/Amazonia cratons (e.g. the Tocantins province of Brazil). Together, these juvenile arc assemblages with similar isotopic characteristics may reflect subduction in the Mirovoi and Brazilide oceans as a compensation for the ongoing breakup of Rodinia and the generation of the Paleopacific. Unlike the peri-Gondwanan terranes, however, arc magmatism in the Brazilide Ocean was terminated by continent-continent collisions and the resulting orogens became located within the interior of an amalgamated West Gondwana. Accretion of juvenile peri-Gondwanan terranes to the northern Gondwanan margin occurred in a piecemeal fashion between 650 and 600 Ma, after which subduction stepped outboard to produce the relatively mature and voluminous main arc phase along the periphery of West Gondwana. This accretionary event may be a far-field response to the breakup of Rodinia. The geodynamic relationship between the closure of the Brazilide Ocean, the collision between the Congo/São Francisco and Amazonia/West Africa cratons, and the tectonic evolution of the peri-Gondwanan terranes may be broadly analogous to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic closure of the Tethys Ocean, the collision between India and Asia beginning at ca. 50 Ma, and the tectonic evolution of the western Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   
Despite a history that dates back at least a quarter of a century, studies of voids in the large-scale structure of the Universe are bedevilled by a major problem: there exist a large number of quite different void-finding algorithms, a fact that has so far got in the way of groups comparing their results without worrying about whether such a comparison in fact makes sense. Because of the recent increased interest in voids, both in very large galaxy surveys and in detailed simulations of cosmic structure formation, this situation is very unfortunate. We here present the first systematic comparison study of 13 different void finders constructed using particles, haloes, and semi-analytical model galaxies extracted from a subvolume of the Millennium simulation. This study includes many groups that have studied voids over the past decade. We show their results and discuss their differences and agreements. As it turns out, the basic results of the various methods agree very well with each other in that they all locate a major void near the centre of our volume. Voids have very underdense centres, reaching below 10 per cent of the mean cosmic density. In addition, those void finders that allow for void galaxies show that those galaxies follow similar trends. For example, the overdensity of void galaxies brighter than   m B =−20  is found to be smaller than about −0.8 by all our void finding algorithms.  相似文献   
The high resolution laboratory spectrum of hot water vapour has been recorded in the 500–13 000 cm−1 wavenumber range and we report on the analysis of the 4750–13 000 cm−1 (0.769–2.1 μm) portion. The emission spectrum was recorded using an oxy-acetylene welding torch and a Fourier transform spectrometer. Line assignments in the laboratory spectrum as well as in an absorption spectrum of a sunspot umbra were made with the help of the BT2 line-list. Our torch spectrum is the first laboratory observation of the 9300 Å'steam bands' seen in M-stars and brown dwarfs.  相似文献   
Multibeam bathymetric surveys and single-beam profiles were collected in 2003–2010 from aboard the Ukrainian RV Professor Vodyanitskiy (cruises PV-58 and PV-60, 2003 and 2004), and the German RV Meteor (cruise M-72, legs 1 and 4, 2007) and RV Maria S. Merian (cruise MSM-15, leg 2, 2010) along the continental margin of the NW Black Sea. Integrating published, reprocessed and novel data has revealed the existence of a major continuous channel extending from the Dnepr paleo-delta into greater water depths. It is more than 90 km long, 1.1 km wide and up to 125 m deep. On the upper slope (120–960 m water depth), a number of smaller channels merge into the large, Y-shaped Dnepr Canyon, which then continues obliquely downslope via this submarine channel to at least 1,815 m water depth off the Crimean continental margin, NW Black Sea. The channel could be an important, hitherto unknown link between the shallow oxic and deep anoxic environments of the Black Sea, along which sediment and organic matter could be funneled into the deep-sea basin. This would have far-reaching implications for investigations dealing with marine geology and biology, climate change, as well as oil and natural gas exploitation. The unusual alignment of the channel along the margin of the basin, as well as the location and mode of channel termination in deeper waters deserve future research.  相似文献   
A suite of geomorphological and sedimentological features in the catchment of the upper Yenisei River in the Sayan mountains of southern Siberia testifies to the occurrence of cataclysmic floods that flowed down the river. Evidence of large-scale high-energy flood events includes: 1) gravel dunes, up to a few meters high and spaced 50 to 80 m apart, in the Kyzyl Basin 2) landforms such as hanging valleys and paleochannels and 3) flood sediments in a tributary valley. The origins of the Yenisei floods were likely diverse due to complex hydrological processes operating in the Sayan mountains. The possibilities include failures of multiple, variably impounded (ice, sedimentary, tectonic scarp, and lava flow dams) paleolakes in the two large intermontane basins of Darkhadyn Khotgor and Todza, and other minor basins, in the upper Yenisei River catchment. Dating techniques applied to the paleolakes in the Darkhadyn Khotgor and Todza basins revealed their formation during various periods in the middle–late Pleistocene and Holocene. Flooding from the Darkhadyn Khotgor appears to explain many of the inferred flood features, although contributions by flooding from other paleolake basins cannot be ruled out. Computer simulation of the flooding caused by a Darkhadyn Khotgor paleolake ice-dam failure indicates a probable peak discharge of  3.5 × 106 m3 s− 1, approximately one-fifth that of the floods that formed the Channeled Scabland in the U.S.A. Many of the outburst events probably occurred in the late Quaternary, but earlier floods could also have occurred.  相似文献   
High-Mg lavas are characteristic of the mid-Miocene volcanism in Inner Asia.In the Vitim Plateau,small volume high-Mg volcanics erupted at 16-14 Ma.and were followed with voluminous moderate-Mg lavas at 14-13 Ma.In the former unit,we have recorded a sequence of(1) initial basaltic melts,contaminated by crustal material,(2) uncontaminated high-Mg basanites and basalts of transitional(K-Na-K) compositions,and(3) picrobasalts and basalts of K series;in the latter unit a sequence of(1) initial basalts and basaltic andesites of transitional(Na-K-Na) compositions and(2) basalts and trachybasalts of K-Na series.From pressure estimation,we infer that the high-Mg melts were derived from the sublithospheric mantle as deep as 150 km,unlike the moderate-Mg melts that were produced at the shallow mantle.The 14-13 Ma rock sequence shows that initial melts equilibrated in a garnet-free mantle source with subsequently reduced degree of melting garnet-bearing material.No melting of relatively depleted lithospheric material,evidenced by mantle xenoliths,was involved in melting,however.We suggest that the studied transition from high-to moderate-Mg magmatism was due to the mid-Miocene thermal impact on the lithosphere by hot sub-lithospheric mantle material from the Transbaikalian low-velocity(melting) domain that had a potential temperature as high as 1510℃.This thermal impact triggered rifting in the lithosphere of the Baikal Rift Zone.  相似文献   
The simulated Doppler shifts of the solar Mg I Fraunhofer line produced by scattering on the solar light by asteroidal, cometary, and trans-neptunian dust particles are compared with the shifts obtained by Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) spectrometer. The simulated spectra are based on the results of integrations of the orbital evolution of particles under the gravitational influence of planets, the Poynting-Robertson drag, radiation pressure, and solar wind drag. Our results demonstrate that the differences in the line centroid position in the solar elongation and in the line width averaged over the elongations for different sizes of particles are usually less than those for different sources of dust. The deviation of the derived spectral parameters for various sources of dust used in the model reached maximum at the elongation (measured eastward from the Sun) between 90° and 120°. For the future zodiacal light Doppler shifts measurements, it is important to pay a particular attention to observing at this elongation range. At the elongations of the fields observed by WHAM, the model-predicted Doppler shifts were close to each other for several scattering functions considered. Therefore the main conclusions of our paper do not depend on a scattering function and mass distribution of particles if they are reasonable. A comparison of the dependencies of the Doppler shifts on solar elongation and the mean width of the Mg I line modeled for different sources of dust with those obtained from the WHAM observations shows that the fraction of cometary particles in zodiacal dust is significant and can be dominant. Cometary particles originating inside Jupiter's orbit and particles originating beyond Jupiter's orbit (including trans-neptunian dust particles) can contribute to zodiacal dust about 1/3 each, with a possible deviation from 1/3 up to 0.1-0.2. The fraction of asteroidal dust is estimated to be ∼0.3-0.5. The mean eccentricities of zodiacal particles located at 1-2 AU from the Sun that better fit the WHAM observations are between 0.2 and 0.5, with a more probable value of about 0.3.  相似文献   
The Azas Plateau volcanic field is located in the Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation. The compositions of the Azas Plateau volcanics include low-viscosity trachybasalt and basanite. Volcanic edifices of Middle-Late Pleistocene age are widely distributed in the southeastern part of the volcanic field. There are subglacial volcanoes among the volcanic edifices, and their formation coincided with extensive ancient glaciations in the region. The dominant subglacial volcanoes in the area are tuyas. The general shapes of the tuyas (flat-tops with steep sides) are due to eruptions into meltwater lakes and confinement of ice walls, and effusive subaerial eruptions of basaltic lavas. There are also non-flat-topped subglacial volcanoes and at least one subaerial volcanic edifice in the area. Degradation appears to have modified the primary shapes of the tuya edifices, and such processes seem to include failures of over-steepened slopes, gully formation due to stream runoff and debris flows, cirque/valley glaciation, and modification by rock glaciers. The estimated thicknesses of the ice sheets covering the subglacial volcanoes during their eruptions range 300–600 m on average.  相似文献   
Coarse clastic rocks in the Liuqu Conglomerate, formed in both terrestrial and subaqueous settings, record a Paleogene phase in the tectonic evolution of Tibet. Facies changes are commonly abrupt with rapid changes in clast types, grain size and stratal patterns. Sediments were derived from the leading (northern) edge of the Indian margin and a Late Jurassic–Cretaceous intraoceanic island arc that lay within Tethys. The coarse clastic sedimentary rocks of the Liuqu conglomerates are extremely proximal, but are locally offset relative to their original source terranes. They record aspects of the history of collision between these terranes and are interpreted to have been deposited in oblique–slip basins that developed along the zone of collision. The absence of clasts derived from terranes to the north of the Yarlung–Tsangpo suture suggests that basins associated with deposition of the Liuqu Conglomerate developed prior to the final collision between India and Asia.  相似文献   
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