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Internal variability of the Asian monsoon system and the relationship amongst its sub-systems, the Indian and East Asian Summer Monsoon, are not sufficiently understood to predict its responses to a future warming climate. Past environmental variability is recorded in Palaeoclimate proxy data. In the Asian monsoon domain many records are available, e.g. from stalagmites, tree-rings or sediment cores. They have to be interpreted in the context of each other, but visual comparison is insufficient. Heterogeneous growth rates lead to uneven temporal sampling. Therefore, computing correlation values is difficult because standard methods require co-eval observation times, and sampling-dependent bias effects may occur. Climate networks are tools to extract system dynamics from observed time series, and to investigate Earth system dynamics in a spatio-temporal context. We establish paleoclimate networks to compare paleoclimate records within a spatially extended domain. Our approach is based on adapted linear and nonlinear association measures that are more efficient than interpolation-based measures in the presence of inter-sampling time variability. Based on this new method we investigate Asian Summer Monsoon dynamics for the late Holocene, focusing on the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), the Little Ice Age (LIA), and the recent period of warming in East Asia. We find a strong Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) influence on the East Asian Summer Monsoon during the MWP. During the cold LIA, the ISM circulation was weaker and did not extend as far east. The most recent period of warming yields network results that could indicate a currently ongoing transition phase towards a stronger ISM penetration into China. We find that we could not have come to these conclusions using visual comparison of the data and conclude that paleoclimate networks have great potential to study the variability of climate subsystems in space and time.  相似文献   
Compared to other phytoplankton groups, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria generally prefer high water temperatures for growth and are therefore expected to benefit from global warming. We use a coupled biological-physical model with an advanced cyanobacteria life cycle model to compare the abundance of cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea during two different time periods (1969–1998; 2069–2098). For the latter, we find prolonged growth and a more than twofold increase in the climatologically (30 years) averaged cyanobacteria biomass and nitrogen fixation. Additional sensitivity experiments indicate that the biological-physical feedback mechanism through light absorption becomes more important with global warming. In general, we find a nonlinear response of cyanobacteria to changes in the atmospheric forcing fields as a result of life-cycle related feedback mechanisms. Overall, the sensitivity of the cyanobacteria-driven system suggests that biological-physical and life-cycle related feedback mechanisms are important and must therefore be included in future projection studies.  相似文献   
The Corinth rift (Greece) is one of the world's most active rifts. The early Plio‐Pleistocene rift is preserved in the northern Peloponnese peninsula, south of the active Corinth rift. Although chronostratigraphic resolution is limited, new structural, stratigraphic and sedimentological data for an area >400 km2 record early rift evolution in three phases separated by distinct episodes of extension rate acceleration and northward fault migration associated with major erosion. Minimum total N–S extension is estimated at 6.4–7.7 km. The earliest asymmetrical, broad rift accommodated slow extension (0.6–1 mm a?1) over >3 Myrs and closed to the west. North‐dipping faults with throws of 1000–2200 m defined narrow blocks (4–7 km) with little footwall relief. A N‐NE flowing antecedent river system infilled significant inherited relief (Lower group). In the earliest Pleistocene, significant fluvial incision coincided with a 15 km northward rift margin migration. Extension rates increased to 2–2.5 mm a?1. The antecedent rivers then built giant Gilbert‐type fan deltas (Middle group) north into a deepening lacustrine/marine basin. N‐dipping, basin margin faults accommodated throws <1500 m. Delta architecture records initiation, growth and death of this fault system over ca. 800 ka. In the Middle Pleistocene, the rift margin again migrated 5 km north. Extension rate increased to 3.4–4.8 mm a?1. This transition may correspond to an unconformity in offshore lithostratigraphy. Middle group deltas were uplifted and incised as new hangingwall deltas built into the Gulf (Upper group). A final increase to present‐day extension rates (11–16 mm a?1) probably occurred in the Holocene. Fault and fault block dimensions did not change significantly with time suggesting control by crustal rheological layering. Extension rate acceleration may be due to strain softening or to regional tectonic factors.  相似文献   

To investigate the uptake and depuration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated with the Rena oil spill we sampled the surf clam Paphies subtriangulata at two open coast locations (6?km apart) just prior to oil coming ashore (7 October 2011), then at 1–3 week intervals for the next 4 months. Total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (tPAH) increased at both sites from 1 to 96–124?µg?kg?1 (wet weight) by 18 October before declining to low levels (<4?µg?kg?1) by February 2012. Ongoing sampling throughout 2012–2014 included three additional sites to the north east (up to 30?km away) and a site 5?km to the south east revealing tPAH levels generally <10?µg?kg?1 except in October 2013 where levels ranged between 39–45?µg?kg?1 at all sites. A comparison of PAH component profiles with oil-contaminated beach sediment indicated that the high levels observed in surf clams between October–December 2011 were clearly associated with the Rena spill. However, the October 2013 peak had a PAH profile inconsistent with weathered Rena oil, suggesting an alternative source of contamination. Our results highlight the potential for P. subtriangulata as a PAH monitoring tool but recognise more study is needed to better quantify baseline levels and uptake and depuration dynamics.  相似文献   
Soil loss caused by erosion has enormous economic and social impacts. Splash effects of rainfall are an important driver of erosion processes; however, effects of vegetation on splash erosion are still not fully understood. Splash erosion processes under vegetation are investigated by means of throughfall kinetic energy (TKE). Previous studies on TKE utilized a heterogeneous set of plant and canopy parameters to assess vegetation's influence on erosion by rain splash but remained on individual plant- or plot-levels. In the present study we developed a method for the area-wide estimation of the influence of vegetation on TKE using remote sensing methods. In a literature review we identified key vegetation variables influencing splash erosion and developed a conceptual model to describe the interaction of vegetation and raindrops. Our model considers both amplifying and protecting effect of vegetation layers according to their height above the ground and aggregates them into a new indicator: the Vegetation Splash Factor (VSF). It is based on the proportional contribution of drips per layer, which can be calculated via the vegetation cover profile from airborne LiDAR datasets. In a case study, we calculated the VSF using a LiDAR dataset for La Campana National Park in central Chile. The studied catchment comprises a heterogeneous mosaic of vegetation layer combinations and types and is hence well suited to test the approach. We calculated a VSF map showing the relation between vegetation structure and its expected influence on TKE. Mean VSF was 1.42, indicating amplifying overall effect of vegetation on TKE that was present in 81% of the area. Values below 1 indicating a protective effect were calculated for 19% of the area. For future work, we recommend refining the weighting factor by calibration to local conditions using field-reference data and comparing the VSF with TKE field measurements. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   
提出了连排钢管混凝土柱带钢板耗能键组合剪力墙,它由钢管混凝土连排柱、柱间钢板耗能键、钢板耗能键外包混凝土条带三种单元组合而成。进行了4个不同设计参数试件的低周反复荷载试验研究。分析了各试件的承载力、刚度及其退化过程、滞回特性、延性和破坏特征,探讨了分灾耗能机制。研究表明:连排钢管混凝土柱带钢板耗能键组合剪力墙,承载力较大,后期刚度较稳定;混凝土条带在开裂与闭合过程中消耗地震能量,钢板耗能键通过弯剪变形消耗地震能量,钢管与混凝土条带共同工作协同耗能,具有良好的抗震耗能机制;这种新型组合剪力墙具有较强综合抗震耗能能力。  相似文献   
巴什布拉克铀矿床是新疆典型的与地沥青有关的砂岩型铀矿床。研究该矿床油气有机质来源、演化程度及后期降解过程,有助于深入解读原生红层在油气二次还原条件下的铀富集机理。本文针对该区铀矿化与油气密切相关的特点,采集了钻孔中具明显油浸的铀矿化砂岩和砾岩进行提取物分析。通过对提取物氯仿沥青“A”及其族组成和饱和烃气相色谱分析可见,有机质正构烷烃主峰碳为C17、C18、C20、C24和C25;(C21+C22)/(C28+C29)为0.58~12.17;Pr/Ph为0.40~1.47;Ts/Tm为1.3~16.1,高含量的系列重排藿烷化合物和“V”型甾烷分布,显示该区油气有机质主要来源于中下侏罗统湖相沉积。OEP为1.04~1.14,深部样品的OEP<1.0;C-21/C+22为0.18~2.11,指示局部烃源岩可能受到热改造提前进入生油门限,导致矿区深部浸入的油气有机质演化程度较高。早期浸入的油气有机质饱和烃气相色谱基线呈上飘“鼓包”状突出,Pr/nC17为0.6~0.9,Ph/nC18为0.8~11.98,表明受到氧化和微生物降解作用,在此过程中铀发生沉淀和富集。铀矿化主要受油气氧化和降解产物地沥青分布范围控制。  相似文献   
The 2011 submarine volcanic eruption in El Hierro (Canary Islands)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty years after the Teneguía Volcano (La Palma, 1971), a submarine eruption took place off the town of La Restinga, south of El Hierro, the smallest and youngest island of the Canarian Archipelago. Precursors allowed an early detection of the event and its approximate location, suggesting it was submarine. Uncertainties derived from insufficient scientific information available to the authorities during the eruption, leading to disproportionate civil protection measures, which had an impact on the island's economy—based primarily on tourism—while residents experienced extra fear and distress.  相似文献   
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