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宁夏冬季负积温变化特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对宁夏20个测站1961—2004年的冬季负积温EOF分析表明,冬季的冷趋势具有明显的大尺度特征,在近40 a逐渐变暖。据累积距平显示,l986年出现了突变,之前,冬季气温偏低,具体表现为冷冬年全部分布在此时段,之后偏暖,90年代以后出现暖冬的频次明显增加。≤0℃持续日数具有明显的年代际变化,2001—2004年比60年代平均减少了13.5 d。在80%保证率下,全区≤0℃持续日数和负积温依地势自北向南增多,引黄灌区最少,中部干旱带次之,南部黄土丘陵区相对最多。  相似文献   
蜀南地区茅口组为一套沉积稳定的巨厚层生物碎屑灰岩,基质致密性脆。中二叠世末的东吴运动使蜀南地区茅口组顶部发育古风化壳岩溶,古岩溶地区水系控制着古岩溶的发育和演化。在研究古地貌恢复方法的基础上,分析研究区地层特征和区域构造背景,采用印模法进行古地貌恢复,进而研究了古岩溶地区的水系发育特征。在此基础上,结合风化壳表面侵蚀溶蚀特征、沉积物性质、地貌组合形态、钻井和地震资料,把研究区划分为岩溶台地、岩溶陡坡、岩溶缓坡及岩溶盆地4种二级地貌单元和溶丘洼地、岩溶槽谷、峰林平原等10种三级地貌单元,进一步分析了各种地貌单元的岩溶特征,为下一步的储集层预测提供了有利的目标。  相似文献   
Toxicity of heavy metals adversely affects environment and human health. Organic materials derived from natural matters or wastes have been applied to soils to reduce the mobility of contaminants such as heavy metals. However, the application of cow bone powder (CB), biochar (BC), and eggshell powder (ES) is rarely investigated for the reduction of Pb bioavailability in soils irrigated with saline water. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of CB, BC, and ES additions as immobilizing substances on Pb bioavailability in shooting range soil irrigated with deionized and saline water. Each additive of CB, BC, and ES at 5 % (w/w) was mixed with soils and then the deionized and saline water were irrigated for 21 days. With deionized water irrigation, the soils treated with CB, BC, and ES exhibited higher pH when compared with saline water irrigation. With saline water irrigation, the electrical conductivity, water-soluble anions, and cations were significantly increased in soils treated with CB, BC, and ES. The water-soluble Pb in soils treated with CB, BC, and ES was significantly decreased with saline water irrigation. On the other hand, the water-soluble Pb in soil treated with CB was increased with deionized water irrigation. Only BC with saline water irrigation decreased the Pb concentration in maize shoots.  相似文献   
Discharge is an important factor in river design for water utilization, water control and hydraulic structures; therefore, an accurate estimation of the discharge is required. At present, a rating curve depicting the relationship between a stage and discharge is used to calculate the discharge from river systems. Although the rating curve has an advantage in that it can predict and use the discharge during the flood season in which the measurement is difficult, there is room for improvement as it does not reflect the hydraulic characteristics of rivers. Therefore, in this study, discharge was predicted using the convenient calculation method with empirical mediating variables of the Manning and Chezy equations which were proposed by the author’s previous research as a new methodology for estimating discharge in an open channel. This was proven, based on the data measured in a meandering open channel system in a lab at the Mississippi River in the US and at the Columbia Del Dique Canal, and an accuracy level at a coefficient of 0.8 was demonstrated. Thus, this method, which reflects the hydraulic characteristics and predicts the discharge in a simple manner, is expected to be convenient in practice.  相似文献   
徐宏杰  桑树勋  易同生  赵霞  刘会虎  李林 《地球科学》2014,39(11):1507-1516
基于黔西六盘水煤田和织纳煤田16口井36层次的试井资料, 采用地质统计分析等方法, 探讨了黔西地区煤储层渗透性的展布规律与地应力特征, 论证了煤层埋深与地应力对其渗透性的控制机制.研究表明, 研究区煤储层以特低渗-低渗透率储层(<0.1×10-9m2)为主, 中渗透率储层(0.1×10-9~1.0×10-9m2)也占有相当大比例; 应力场类型在浅部表现为大地动力场型, 一定深度可能转化为准静水压力状态.煤储层渗透率及其埋深的负幂指数关系较为离散, 但在不同深度渗透率转折点与地应力场类型转变一致; 单井煤储层试井渗透率差异较大, 随地应力增大和埋深增加而降低, 平面展布受地应力强度控制由SW-NE具\"低-高-低\"发育规律.埋深对渗透率的控制实质是地应力的控制, 区域构造位置及其所处高应力场作用下的煤体形变与破碎致使孔裂隙压缩或闭合是该区渗透性差异的主要控制机制.   相似文献   
Comprehensive flood prevention plans are established in large basins to cope with recent abnormal floods in South Korea. In order to make economically effective plans, appropriate design rainfalls are critically determined from the rainfall depth-frequency curves which take the occurrence of abnormal floods into consideration. Conventional approaches to construct the rainfall depth-frequency curves are based on the stationarity assumption. However, this assumption has a critical weak aspect in that it cannot reflect non-stationarities in rainfall observations. As an alternative, this study suggests the non-stationary Gumbel model (NSGM) which incorporates a linear trend of rainfall observations into rainfall frequency analysis to construct the rainfall depth-frequency curves. A comparison of various schemes employed in the model found that the proposed NSGM permits the estimation of the distribution parameters even when shifted in the future by using linear relationships between rainfall statistics and distribution parameters, and produces more acceptable estimates of design rainfalls in the future than the conventional model. The NSGM was applied at several stations in South Korea and then expected the design rainfalls to increase by up to 15–30% in 2050.  相似文献   
To assess the impact of an artificial dyke in Chonsu Bay (CBD) on the organic carbon (C(org)) cycle, we measured excess (210)Pb activities, C(org) and nitrogen content in sediment cores. The C(org) oxidation rates (C(ox)) on the surface sediment and benthic nutrient fluxes were also quantified with an in situ benthic chamber. The higher excess (210)Pb inventory, C(org) and nitrogen in cores near the CBD indicated lateral transport and local, massive deposition of particulate matter due to tidal circulation altered by artificial dyke construction. The C(ox) in sediment near the CBD was about twice as high as that out of the bay, suggesting the importance of benthic remineralization of organic matter. The benthic fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate were four to six times higher than those outside the bay, corresponding to 141% and 131% respectively, of the requirements for primary production.  相似文献   
Thousands of orbit tracks of space objects are collected by a radar each day,and many may be from uncatalogued objects.As such,it is an urgent demand to catalog...  相似文献   
在充分了解决策二叉树分类过程的基础上, 以西藏波密地区的TM遥感影像为研究对象, 提取并分析各种典型地物的反射光谱特征, 利用不同地物的光谱差异并结合人工目视判读建立了一组能够精确、快速划分遥感影像的分类规则。用ENVI建立分类决策树对实验区遥感影像进行分类, 并将分类结果和传统的最大似然法相比较。结果表明:决策树分类的总体精度和Kappa分别为97.15%和0.9644, 优于传统的最大似然法, 取得了较为满意的分类结果。  相似文献   
It has been shown from petrologic,geochemical,trace element and REE evidence that the gran-ite intrusions at Sikongshan,Anhui Province,can be assigned to two distinct types which are radically different in age and origin.The Precambrian gneissic granited resulted from remelting of old continental crust while the Mesozoic granites were derived ,also through remelting,from low-Rb/Sr rocks at greater depths.Granite masses at Tiantangzhai and Zhoujiawan in the Dabieshan Mountains are also dicussed.  相似文献   
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