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Former zinc and lead mines that have been operating for half a century are located in the massif of Bou Caid (Tissemsilt, Algeria). Hazardous heavy metals emitted from the mines are abundant in the surrounding soil and cause strong metal pollution in the region. This paper investigates the extent of lead and zinc mine activity derived pollution by characterizing both magnetic and geochemical properties of samples collected in the vicinity of the mines. The results of the magnetic study show the coexistence of magnetic minerals such as magnetite, hematite and goethite. Analyses on surface soils and weathered rocks suggest that hematite and goethite have ore-related lithogenic origins. Magnetic susceptibility shows a positive correlation with lead content when present in low-to-medium concentrations (< ~500 mg/kg). At higher lead concentrations, there is no correlation with magnetic susceptibility. The relationship between magnetic susceptibility and zinc content is not straightforward. These observations are explained by the higher affinity of Pb to iron oxides at lower pollution levels and their preferential bonding to carbonates when Pb and Zn contents are extremely high, as demonstrated by Iavazzo et al. (J Geochem Explor 113:56–67, 2012) in a study of former Zn–Pb mine in Morocco. Based on the general features of the spatial maps of field-measured magnetic susceptibility, mass-specific magnetic susceptibility, Pb and Zn contents, it is concluded that field magnetic measurements provide a good qualitative proxy of pollution spread out of the mining galleries, while laboratory measurements afford a more detailed investigation of the links between iron oxides and the main heavy metals in the ore.  相似文献   
Possible water–rock interaction processes, in the Moroccan basin of Oum Er-Rabia, were discussed by a geochemical study of groundwater from the Turonian limestone aquifer, the most important water resource in the region. Different types of water according to the classification of Piper were defined. Waters have shown an evolution from dominant CHO3–Ca–Mg type through mixed to SO4–Cl–Ca–Mg type. The use of geochemical diagrams and chemical speciation modeling method has shown that water–rock interaction is mainly controlled by carbonate and anhydrite dissolution, ion exchange and reverse ion exchange processes. Water–rock equilibrium conditions are favorable for the precipitation of calcite, dolomite, kaolinite and magnesian smectite.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to analyze temporal and seasonal trends of air pollution in Bahrain between 2006 and 2012 by utilizing datasets from five air quality monitoring stations. The non-parametric and robust Theil-Sen approach is employed to study quantitatively temporal variations of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and ozone (O3). The calculated annual concentrations for PM10 and PM2.5 in Bahrain were substantially higher than recommended World Health Organization (WHO) guideline standards. Results showed increasing trends for PM10, PM2.5, and SO2 whereas O3 and its precursor NO2 showed decreasing behavior. The general increase in air pollution trends is in agreement with prediction of air pollution models for Middle East region due to economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization. The significances of long-term trends were examined. Additional to actual (unadjusted) trends, meteorological adjusted (deseasonalized) trends and seasonal trends were quantified. The box-plot analysis visually illustrated monthly variations of key air pollutants. It showed that only PM10 and PM2.5 exhibited seasonal pattern, and their concentrations increased during summer and decreased during winter. The effects of ambient air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and rainfall on particulate matter (PM) concentrations were further investigated. The Spearman correlation coefficient results demonstrated significant negative correlation between relative humidity and PM concentrations (??0.595 for PM10 and ??0.526 for PM2.5) while significant positive correlation was observed between temperature and PM concentrations (0.420 for PM10 and 0.482 for PM2.5).  相似文献   
The main objective of this paper is to examine how different engineering soils react to environmental variations and to provide correlations to characterize their behaviour under null external mechanical stress. Two French and two Algerian soils with liquid limits ranging from 36 to 112 were prepared under both slurry and Proctor compaction conditions, and then subjected to drying–wetting paths with suction controlled from several kPa to several hundreds of MPa. Experimental results are presented in five diagrams to show globally and simultaneously the shrinkage–swelling, saturation–desaturation and water retention characteristics. A reasonable consistency was observed between the oedometric and drying curves of slurry, confirming the equivalence between hydraulic loading (suction) and mechanical loading (consolidation stress) on the volume change behaviour of different soils. As an intrinsic parameter of soil nature, liquid limit was found to have a significant influence on the shrinkage limit, air-entry suction and compressibility of both slurry and compacted samples. For that reason, correlations between these characteristics and liquid limit were set up, providing a good basis for a first estimation of the drying–wetting curves. At the micro-scale, new experimental results were obtained: either on drying or wetting path, the micro-pores were almost unaffected, whereas, when matrix suction increased from 0.1 to 8 MPa, the volume of macro-pores decreased to quasi-closure. At last, the analogy between the compaction and drying–wetting curves, and the comparison of different methods to determine the water retention curve were addressed. Such analogies and comparisons contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms of mechanical stress and suction.  相似文献   
Summary The application of four hornblende geobarometers, two empirical and two experimental, to the 400 Ma Galway Granite, Ireland gives a pressure of crystallization of the zoned hornblende cores in the western parts of the granite of 2.62 ± 1.2 kb falling to < 1.53 ±1.02 kb at the hornblende rims whereas in the more eastern part of the batholith the value of 4.30 ± 0.70 kb is obtained from unzoned hornblendes. These results are consistent with field and petrographic evidence which indicates a much deeper level of early crystallization of the granite in the central and eastern area with larger K-feldspar phenocrysts (up to 6 cm). Although some of the uplift is related to late upward faulting, the main uplift of the centre of the granite in the east was due to late magmatic differential slip against the marginal granite which became vertically foliated. In the west the crystallization of hornblende started and completed at lower pressures than in the east with final hornblende crystallization at the limit of the field of igneous hornblende and at depth of < 5 km. Hornblende geobarometry reveals: (1) that different parts of some batholiths crystallized at very different pressures (and therefore depths) and have been juxtaposed at the present level of erosion (2) that at least the early part of the crystallization of some granites took place at significantly greater depths than the final crystallization and emplacement position; (3) in zoned hornblendes crystallization occurred during magma movement.
Hornblende-Barometrie des Galway-Batholithen, Irland: Ein empirischer Test
Zusammenfassung Vier Hornblende-Geobarometer, zwei empirische and zwei experimentelle wurden auf den 400 m.y. alten Galway-Granit, Irland, angewendet and ergeben ähnliche Resultate. Der Durchschnitt der Berechnungen gibt einen Kristallisationsdruck der zonierten Hornblendekerne in den westlichen Teilen des Granits von 2.62 ± 1.2 kbar. Diese Werte fallen auf weniger als < 1.53 ± 1.02 kbar in den Hornblenderändern, während in den östlichen Teilen des Batholithen ein Wert von 4.30 ± 0.70 kbar von nicht zonierten Hornblenden erhalten wurde. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen gut mit Geländebeobachtungen und petrographischen Daten überein, die darauf hinweisen, daß der Granit im zentralen und östlichen Bereich in größerer Tiefe kristallisiert ist. Dabei erreichten K-Feldspat Kristalle Maximumlängen von 6 cm, verglichen mit nur 3 cm im Westen und am Rand. Obwohl ein Teil der Hebung auf späte Verwerfungen zurückgeht, war die Haupthebung zentraler Teile des Granites im Osten durch spätmagmatische, differentielle Gleitung gegenüber den randlichen Granitzonen bedingt, wobei letztere vertikal gefältelt wurden. Im Westen begann die Kristallisation der Hornblende bei niedrigeren Drucken als im Osten, wobei die späteste Hornblende-Kristallisation an der Grenze des Feldes magmatischer Hornblende und in Tiefe von < als 5 km stattfand. Hornblende-Geobarometrie zeigt, daß 1. verschiedene Teile des gleichen Batholithen unter verschiedenen Drucken (und somit in verschiedenen Tiefen) kristallisierten und erst im gegenwärtigen Erosions-Niveau nebeneinander gestellt wurden; 2. daß wenigstens die Frühkristallisation einiger Granite in signifikant größeren Tiefen als die Endkristallisation, und die Position der Platznahme lagen; 3. in zonierten Hornblenden Kristallisation während magmatischer Bewegung stattfand.

With 2 Figures

Formerly Oum-toub, Skikda, BP56, 21450, Algeria  相似文献   
Durable development requires full profit and knowledge of natural resources potentialities. Multi-criterion approaches that encompass geological, morphological, hydrological and Geographical Information System technologies are ones of exiting developments in environmental sciences. This work is a proposition of a numerical model based on a groundwater potentiality index (GPI) calculation, using data on rock fracturing, lithology, drainage, topography, rainfall and drilling water yield. It provides the ability to identify areas indicating favorable conditions for exploratory well positioning in semi-arid zones with non-permeable outcrops. It is therefore a helpful tool to assist water resources prospecting in deprived regions. The newly conceived approach has been applied in the southeastern boundary of the Bouregreg and coastal basins of Central Morocco, where Paleozoic fractured rocks outcrop. The suitability of the GPI method use was verified by comparing the GPI map values with water yield of thirteen pumping tests in a field checking area, which revealed promising results.  相似文献   
Use of Natural Pozzolana and Lime for Stabilization of Cohesive Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigates the use of natural pozzolana combined with lime for ground improvement applications. Laboratory tests were undertaken to study the effect of natural pozzolana, lime or a combination of both on the physical and the mechanical characteristics of cohesive soils. Natural pozzolana, lime and natural pozzolana-lime were added to two cohesive soils at ranges of 0–20 and 0–8%, respectively. Consistency, compaction, undrained traxial shear and unconfined compressive strength tests were performed on untreated and treated soil samples to assess the physical and mechanical characteristics of the soil. Treated samples were cured for 1, 7, 28 and 90 days. The results show that the cohesive soils can be successfully stabilized by combining natural pozzolana and lime.  相似文献   
Sustainable development requires the control and comprehension of natural and anthropic parameters acting on the lifestyle of a target population. It necessitates the envisaging of possible risks related to the change in conditions of the development processes proceeding. Consequently, a database relating to the parameters considered for the planning of durable development programs is necessary. This work, taking the Qalaat Mgouna site as example, shows the utility of the geographic information system (GIS) technology for the gathering and the processing of data concerning natural parameters—geology, morphology, pedology and climate and anthropic parameters—demography, poverty and vulnerability to poverty. The study of the Qalaat Mgouna case shows an urgent need to act for improving the lifestyle of the local population, by adopting sustainable development processes and considering the progressive reduction in the natural resources due to the climatic change and anthropic causes. The result obtained is thus the development of an extensible and multi-source database and thematic maps, available for the planners and serving as a base document for planning development strategies and envisaging the risks associated with execution processes.  相似文献   
Based on the moment magnitude scale, a probabilistic model was developed to predict the occurrences of strong earthquakes in the seismoactive area of Zemmouri, Algeria. Firstly, the distributions of earthquake magnitudes M i were described using the distribution function F 0(m), which adjusts the magnitudes considered as independent random variables. Secondly, the obtained result, i.e., the distribution function F 0(m) of the variables M i was used to deduce the distribution functions G(x) and H(y) of the variables Y i = Log M 0,i and Z i = M 0,i , where (Y i ) i and (Z i ) i are independent. Thirdly, some forecast for moments of the future earthquakes in the studied area is given.  相似文献   
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