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Seawater intrusion has been an important topic in hydrogeology in China in recent decades. The rapid growth of the population and economy in the coastal regions has been consuming a tremendous amount of groundwater resources and has increased the extent of seawater intrusion. The spatial discrepancy of water resource distribution has caused the studies of seawater intrusion into China to mainly be concentrated on the area around the Bohai Sea in the northern part of China. The total area of seawater-intruded land due to excessive groundwater utilization in the area was estimated to be approximately 2,457 km2 in 2003. Great efforts have been made to mitigate the extent of seawater intrusion and to secure more freshwater resources, including building monitoring networks, subsurface barrier and groundwater reservoirs, and artificial infiltration facilities. Management projects over the years were evaluated to satisfy the objectives and to provide valuable experiences for future research and planning. It is expected that the coastal groundwater conditions of the northern region will improve through the development of a national water resource plan, such as the ongoing south-to-north water diversion project.  相似文献   
This study was carried out with the primary aim of understanding how the mangrove ecosystem in the Niger Delta has been altered recently. Specifically, we determined the spatial extent of the mangrove forest in the Niger Delta using remotely sensed satellite data and estimated changes in the spatial extent of the forest from the mid-1980s through 2003. Overall, about 21,340 hectares of Mangrove forest was lost over the study period. Fieldwork confirmed that these losses were primarily due to urbanization, dredging activities, activities of the oil and gas industries, and the spread of Nypa Palm (Nypa frutican) plant species.  相似文献   
Slug tests are a widely used technique to estimate aquifer hydraulic parameters and the test data are generally interpreted with analytical solutions under various assumptions. However, these solutions are not convenient when slug tests are required to be analyzed in a three‐dimensional model for complex aquifer‐aquitard systems. In this study, equivalent well blocks (EWB) are proposed in numerical modeling of slug test data with MODFLOW. Multi‐well slug tests in partially penetrating wells with skin zones can be simulated. Accuracy of the numerical method is demonstrated by benchmarking with analytical solutions. The EWB method is applied in a case study on slug tests in aquitards in the Pearl River Delta, China.  相似文献   
This study was carried out with the primary aim of understanding how the mangrove ecosystem in the Niger Delta has been altered recently. Specifically, we determined the spatial extent of the mangrove forest in the Niger Delta using remotely sensed satellite data and estimated changes in the spatial extent of the forest from the mid-1980s through 2003. Overall, about 21,340 hectares of Mangrove forest was lost over the study period. Fieldwork confirmed that these losses were primarily due to urbanization, dredging activities, activities of the oil and gas industries, and the spread of Nypa Palm (Nypa frutican) plant species.  相似文献   
Four main dinosaur-bearing sites have been investigated in latest Cretaceous deposits from the Amur/Heilongjiang Region: Jiayin and Wulaga in China (Yuliangze Formation) ,Blagoveschensk and Kundur in Rus- sia (Udurchukan Formation) . More than 90% of the bones discovered in these localities belong to hollowcrested lambeosaurine hadrosaurids: Charonosaurus jiayinensis at Jiayin,Amurosaurus riabinini at Blagoveschensk, Olorotitan arharensis at Kundur,and Sahaliyania elunchunorum at Wulaga. Flat-headed hadrosaurine hadrosau- rids are much less numerous,but appear well diversified as well: Kerberosaurus manakini at Blagoveschensk, Wulagasaurus dongi at Wulaga,and a new genus at Kundur. Theropods are represented by shed teeth and isolated bones; isolated scutes and teeth discovered at Kundur are tentatively attributed to nodosaurids. Palynologi- cal studies suggest that these sites are probably synchronous with the Lancian’ vertebrate localities of western North America,which represent the youngest dinosaur faunas in this area. However,the latest Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages are completely different in the Amur/Heilongjiang region (lambeosaurines abundant,ceratopsids absent) and in western North America (ceratopsids abundant,lambeosaurines extremely rare or absent) . This probably reflects some kind of geographical barrier between both areas by Maastrichtian time rather than strong differences in palaeoecological conditions.  相似文献   
Combining paleomagnetic data for 17 new sites from the northwest portion of the (Oligocene) San Juan volcanic field of southern Colorado with data for 29 sites previously published yields a paleomagnetic pole at 85°N, 114°E (with a 95% confidence circle of 7.5° radius). A further combination of the San Juan data with the results of other studies on rocks of Oligocene age from tectonically stable parts of North America gives a mid-Tertiary reference pole located at 81°N, 132.5°E, with a confidence circle of approximately 4°. Mid-Tertiary paleomagnetic poles for the western edge of the continent diverge markedly from this reference pole.  相似文献   
Mirages on Mars     
The possibility of observing mirages on Mars from the Viking lander cameras is examined. A simple model for the production of both inferior and superior mirages is developed. Assuming the atmospheric index of refraction to be a linear function of density (i.e., temperature), ray curvatures are calculated through layers of large, expected thermal gradient.Assuming the Martian morning inversions of Gierasch and Goody (1968), calculations of ray curvature show the superior mirage to be an unlikely occurrence on Mars since the downward curvature of the ray through the inversion layer is less than the downward curvature of the planet. In order to examine the nature of inferior mirages we select a reasonable expression for temperature profile in the surface layer fitted to the midafternoon, midlatitude summer results of Gierasch and Goody. Integration of the expression for ray curvature yields a relation for the minimum distance between the lander cameras and an inferior mirage as a function of the surface superadiabatic lapse rate. Such calculations indicate that the Viking lander cameras will record inferior mirages at horizontal distances of a kilometer or so from the lander. Given the appearance of an inferior mirage at a measured minimum distance from the observer it should be a simple matter to calculate the corresponding mean temperature lapse rate at the surface.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic impacts and natural disturbances have been intense recently in the global scale, affecting the composition of coral reef benthic communities from coral to algal dominated reefs. However, this condition does not always occur considering corals are able to recover when the stressors falter. This study aims to investigate the change in coral reef benthic communities and the relationship among benthic categories. The study was carried out in 2014 and 2016 at five sites, three sites in the Lembeh Strait and two sites in Likupang, North Sulawesi Province. Underwater Photo Transect(UPT) was used at depth of around 4–6 m in slope areas. The result indicated that the benthic communities were slightly changing: the percent covers of hard corals, sponges, soft corals, macroalgae and substrate categories were not significantly different between the years but category of others, particularly seasonally growing hydroid, increased significantly, occupying the available substrates and overtopping other benthos surrounding. The study also found that there was a significant relationship between the change in benthic gradient and the number of hard coral colonies: when the composition becomes less complex, the number of colony declines. In contrast, the hard coral diversity remained unchanged, suggesting the coral reefs apparently have an ecological resilience(sustainable species diversity) against the change although ecological complexity declines. In addition, the hard coral cover was significantly correlated with soft coral and sponge covers, which did not change significantly among the years. In general, the coral reefs in North Sulawesi might experience a temporary blip due to the increasing percent cover of others, and be predicted to recover as there was no indication of soft corals and sponges to increase significantly. However, it is necessary to investigate the dynamic of benthic communities in different depth gradients to gain a comprehensive understanding as the communities respond differently to the light intensity.  相似文献   
Arid and semi-arid environments have been identified with locations prone to impacts of climate variability and change. Investigating long-term trends is one way of tracing climate change impacts. This study investigates variability through annual and seasonal meteorological time series. Possible inhomogeneities and years of intervention are analysed using four absolute homogeneity tests. Trends in the climatic variables were determined using Mann–Kendall and Sen’s Slope estimator statistics. Association of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with local climate is also investigated through multivariate analysis. Results from the study show that rainfall time series are fully homogeneous with 78.6 and 50% of the stations for maximum and minimum temperature, respectively, showing homogeneity. Trends also indicate a general decrease of 5.8, 7.4 and 18.1% in annual, summer and winter rainfall, respectively. Warming trends are observed in annual and winter temperature at 0.3 and 1.5% for maximum temperature and 1.7 and 6.5% for minimum temperature, respectively. Rainfall reported a positive correlation with Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) and at the same time negative association with Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs). Strong relationships between SSTs and maximum temperature are observed during the El Niño and La Niña years. These study findings could facilitate planning and management of agricultural and water resources in Botswana.  相似文献   
In this study, groundwater quality information collected in 1896 (well waters), 1980/1981 (piezometric and seepage samples) and 2002/2003 (seepage samples) in the regions centered by the Mid-Levels area, Hong Kong Island, was compared to illustrate how groundwater quality has changed over a century and the processes controlling it. As shown by saline ammonia and nitrate levels in the late nineteenth century, groundwater was severely polluted by widespread and obvious leakage from poorly designed wastewater collection systems, although groundwater was still a drinking water source for local residents. The extremely high residual chlorines in groundwater demonstrated that large doses of disinfection agents were added to wells at that time. In view of the decline in saline ammonia and nitrate levels, groundwater became less organically polluted in the 1980s probably due to significant improvement of the design of underground sewers. However, more leakage from sources such as salty flushing water and fresh water pipes emerged in the past few decades which added complexity to groundwater chemical systems. Some chemicals were used to identify possible locations of leakages. The temporal variations of the distribution of these chemicals over the area may shed light on the rate of leakage. Leakage from service pipes seems to have improved from the early 1980s to 2002/2003. However, the area is still suffering from widespread and small-scale leakage from service pipes. More efforts should be paid to control small leakages in the future. The findings will be instructive to various government organizations such as the Water Supplies Department and Drainage Services Department to identify possible locations of unobvious leakages in the area.  相似文献   
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