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采尔兰西北部多尼戈尔偏铝到过铝质花岗岩类岩基,侵位于Dalradian超群绿片岩一角闪岩相变质沉积岩中,年龄约为400Ma。本文提供了该区6个深成岩体的11个样品和唐群纽里杂岩体东北部1个花岗闪长岩样品的Sm-Nd和Rb-Sr同位素资料,主要结果是多尼戈尔岩基的Sr同位素初始比相似(0.7051-0.7068),但初始εNd值变化较大(-1.2到-8.3,纽里杂岩体的初始εNd值为-0.5)。不同的花岗岩具有不同的Nd同位素组成特征,一些岩石含有富轻稀土的古老地壳组分,而另一些岩石含有年轻地壳和(或)幔源岩浆组分。Nd和Sr同位素组成的变化可用一种混合假说解释。  相似文献   
Dissolved and particulate organic matter (DOM and POM) distribution, lignin phenol signatures, bulk elemental compositions, fluorescence indices and microbial plankton (algae, bacteria, viruses) in a temperate river floodplain system were monitored from January to November 2003. We aimed to elucidate the sources and compositions of allochthonous and autochthonous organic matter (OM) in the main channel and a representative backwater in relation to the hydrological regime. Additionally, bacterial secondary production was measured to evaluate the impact of organic carbon source on heterotrophic prokaryotic productivity. OM properties in the backwater tended to diverge from those in the main channel during phases without surface water connectivity; this was likely enhanced due to the exceptionally low river discharge in 2003. The terrestrial OM in this river floodplain system was largely derived from angiosperm leaves and grasses, as indicated by the lignin phenol composition. The lignin signatures exhibited significant seasonal changes, comparable to the seasonality of plankton-derived material. Microbially-derived material contributed significantly to POM and DOM, especially during periods of low discharge. High rates of bacterial secondary production (up to 135 μg C L(-1) d(-1)) followed algal blooms and suggested that autochthonous OM significantly supported heterotrophic microbial productivity.  相似文献   
全新世呼伦湖区植被和气候变化的孢粉记录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章详细分析了内蒙古呼伦湖HL06岩芯沉积的孢粉组合,基于AMS 14C年代标尺,恢复了全新世湖区植被演变过程;并根据我国北方和蒙古表土孢粉数据和气象资料,建立了孢粉-气候参数转换函数,定量重建了呼伦湖区降水和气温的变化历史.结果表明,11000~8000aB.P.,湖区植被以蒿、藜占优,为干草原景观,气候暖干;8000~6400aB.P.,湖区禾本植物扩张,山地桦林发育,降水显著增加,气温逐渐降低;6400~4400aB.P.,湖区早生草本植物增加,降水减少,气温继续下降;4400~3350aB.P.,耐旱藜科植物大量生长,湖区荒漠化,气候极端干旱;3350~2050aB.P.,湖区草原植被有所恢复,降水略有增加,气温有所回升;2050~1000aB.P.,湖区蒿属植物减少,山地松林发育,气温降至全新世最低;最近1000年,藜科、禾本科等伴人植物大量出现,反映出人类活动对湖区自然环境的影响.全新世呼伦湖区气温变化在轨道尺度上受控于北半球太阳辐射量的变化,而在亚轨道尺度上可能与东亚夏季风强度有关.距今8000年前湖区降水较弱可能因为早全新世北半球高纬残存冰盖抑制了东亚季风雨带的北上,季风降水的千年-百年尺度波动与热带西太平洋海气相互作用密切相关.  相似文献   
从压力—温度—时间(P-T-t)路径可以推演下部大陆地壳和区域麻粒岩地体形成和演化的构造环境,其受岩石学和地球物理方面条件所制约。区域麻粒岩的P-T条件要求有平均大于35℃km~(-1)的瞬时地热梯度。这意味着热流至少要达到100mWm~(-2)。这样高的热流可能起因于岩浆加热。符合这种条件的构造环境包括会聚板块边缘、大陆裂谷、热点以及深部大岩基的边缘。然而,一定的P-T-t路径并不从属于目前所能认识出的特定构造环境。顺时针  相似文献   
石油工业部门大量的海底多道地震资料表明:对阿巴拉楔亚阿卡德(Acadlian)变形前锋的经典解释并不准确。晚奥陶-志留纪末的Long Point-Clam Bank层系由于褶皱形成倾向北西的同斜层。而基底寒武-奥陶纪的地台型层系倾向南东。我们认为插入其间的区域为一“三角带”构造。它与其它逆冲带前陆边缘的情况类似。以前将Port au Port半岛上Long Point组与其下伏的Humber Arm异体系统间接触关系定为不整合,实际上是三角带倾向南东的上滑脱面。半岛上的地台型层系可能位于三角带内,为异地系统;阿卡德期(S-D)至少向北西移动30km。三角带向北东对海岛港湾的滨岸带,证明Long Range地块中的格林维尔(Grenvillian)基底也属异地系统。  相似文献   
Some Suggested Future Directions ofQuantitative Resource Assessments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Like most journeys, success depends critically on wherewe are going to be in the end. Thus, if we are to have someideas about future directions of quantitative assessments ofmineral resources, we need some basic understanding of whatthe assessments will be used for. What will be expected ofquantitative resource assessments in the future? It would behelpful to identify who will use these future assessments, howthe assessments will be used, and what are acceptable forms ofproducts. The purpose o…  相似文献   
Classic physical and chemical treatments applied to separating clay minerals from the host sediments are often difficult or aggressive for clay minerals. A technique using cation exchange resins (amberlite IRC-50H and amberlite IR-120) is used to separate clay minerals from the host sediments. The technique is based on the exchange of cations in the minerals that may be associated clay minerals in sediments, such as Ca and Mg from dolomite; Ca from calcite, gypsum and francolite with cations carried by resin radicals. The associated minerals such as gypsum, calcite, dolomite and francolite are removed in descending order. Separation of clay minerals using cation exchange resins is less aggressive than that by other classic treatments. The efficiency of amberlite IRC-50H in the removal of associated minerals is greater than that of amberlite IR-120.  相似文献   
为深入认识非恒定流驱动下床面形态的演变规律及尺度变化趋势,采用水泵控制系统生成了一系列历时与洪峰流量不同的洪水过程来冲刷由粗沙组成的实验动床(中值粒径d50=1.95 mm),研究中运用非恒定流的形态、非恒定性及水流做功参数来量化洪水过程;统计分析河床高程数据得到床面形态的波长、波高及陡度。实验结果表明:在不同尺度的非恒定流洪水作用下,实验动床表面分别形成了沙垄、交错边滩以及介于两者之间的过渡型床面形态;洪水的非恒定性对床面形态尺度的影响最大,其次是水流做功参数,而非恒定流的形态影响较为微弱;在此基础上构建了用于描述非恒定流驱动条件与床面形态尺度响应的定量关系。  相似文献   
汶川地震造成了大量的次生地质灾害,同时在灾区也形成了大量高陡斜坡堆积体,有的位于河流岸边,有的位于泥石流沟内,有的位于居民点及重要基础设施周围。在雨季来临时,强降雨对斜坡堆积体影响的大小对灾后重建有着重要的影响。本文采用室内物理模型进行实验研究,得出了在软岩地区的这类坡面堆积体产生运动的条件,并给出了粗颗粒的含量对坡体产生失稳的影响模式。  相似文献   
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