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A type of authigenic pyrites that fully fill or semi-fill the rock fractures of drillholes with gas hydrate anomalies are found in the Qilian Mountain permafrost; this type of pyrite is known as “fracture-filling” pyrite. The occurrence of “fracture-filling” pyrite has a certain similarity with that of the hydrate found in this region, and the pyrite is generally concentrated in the lower part of the hydrate layer or the hydrate anomaly layer. The morphology, trace elements, rare earth elements, and sulfur isotope analyses of samples from drillhole DK-6 indicate that the “fracture-filling” pyrites are dominated by cubic ones mainly aligned in a step-like fashion along the surfaces of rock fractures and are associated with a circular structure, lower Co/Ni and Sr/Ba, lower ΣREE, higher LREE, significant Eu negative anomalies, and Δ34SCDT positive bias. In terms of the pyrites’ unique crystal morphology and geochemical characteristics and their relationship with the hydrate layers or abnormal layers, they are closely related with the accumulation system of the gas hydrate in the Qilian Mountain permafrost. As climate change is an important factor in affecting the stability of the gas hydrate, formation of fracture-filling pyrites is most likely closely related to the secondary change of the metastable gas hydrate under the regional climate warming. The distribution intensity of these pyrites indicates that when the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) is narrowing, the hydrate decomposition at the bottom of the GHSZ is stronger than that at the top of the GHSZ, whereas the hydrate decomposition within the GHSZ is relatively weak. Thus, the zone between the shallowest and the deepest distribution of the fracture-filling pyrite recorded the largest possible original GHSZ.  相似文献   
印尼大地震震前次声异常信号的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004年12月26日发生在印尼苏门答腊岛附近印度洋海斌的地震震级高达9.0(Mw9.0),引起了巨大海啸.造成了几十万人的伤亡,至今全世界的人们还记忆犹新。美国地质调查局把此次地震列为百年以来全球第五大地震。时隔3个月,2005年3月29日在印尼又发生了Ms8.7地震,5月17日再次发生了7.1级地震。北京工业大学地震研究所在这几次印尼地震前都收到次声波异常信号,本文对这些异常信号进行了初步的分析与探讨。  相似文献   
2005年1月18日乳山ML4.3地震序列   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2005年1月18日乳山ML4.3地震序列特征及烈度分布进行了介绍, 认为乳山ML4.3地震序列是一次能量衰减较快、频度起伏衰减的主-余型地震序列, 序列本身不具有明显的前兆意义.  相似文献   
On the basis of apatite fission track (AFT) analyses,this article aims to provide a quantitative overview of Cenozoic morphotectonic evolution and sediment supply to the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS).Seventeen granite samples were collected from the coast to the inland of the South China block.Plots of AFT age against sample location with respect to the coastline show a general trend of youngling age away from the coast,which implies more prolonged erosion and sediment contribution at the inland of the South China Sea during post break-up evolution.Two-stage fast erosion process,Early Tertiary and Middle Miocene,is deduced from simulated cooling histories.The first fast cooling and denudation during Early Tertiary are recorded by the samples along the coast (between 70 and 60 Ma) and the inland (between 50 and 30 Mu),respectively.This suggests initial local erosion and deposition in the northern margin of the SCS during Early Tertiary.Fast erosion along the coast ceased since ca.50 Ma,while it had lasted until ca.30 Ma inland,indicating that the erosion was transferred from the local coastal zone initially toward the continental interior with unified subsidence of the northern margin,which resulted in the formation of a south-dipping topography of the continental margin.The thermal stosis in the South China block since ca.30 Mu must det'me the time at which the northern margin became dynamically disconnected from the active rifting and stretching that was taking place to the south.The lower erosion rate is inconsistent with higher sedimentary rate in the Pearl River Mouth basin during Late Oligocene (ca.25 Ma).This indicates that the increased sedimentation in the basin is not due to the erosion of the granite belt of the South China block,but perhaps points to the westward propagation of the paleo-Pearl River drainage related to the uplift of the eastern margin of Tibet plateau and southward jumping of spreading axis of the South China Sea.The socond erosion acceleration rate of the Middle Miocene (ca.14 Ma) cooling could have been linked to the long-distance effect of uplift of the Tibet plateau or due to the enhanced East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   
Two NE-SW trending wide-angle seismic profiles were surveyed across the Chinese side Two NE-SW trending wide-angle seismic profiles were surveyed across the Chinese side of the Yinggehai (莺歌海) basin (YGHB) with ocean bottom hydrophones (OBHs) and piggyback recorded by onshore stations located on the Hainan (海南)Island.Detailed velocity-depth models were obtained through traveltime modeling and partially constrained by amplitude calculations.More than 15 km Tertiary sedimentary infill within the YGHB can be divided in to three layers with distinct velocity-depth distribution.Overall,the upper layer has a high velocity gradient with 3.8-4.1 km/s at its bottom,consistent with progressive compaction and diagenesls.Its thickness increases gradually towards the basin center,reaching 4.5 km along the southern profile.The middle layer is characterized in its most part as a pronounced low velocity zone (LVZ) with average velocity as low as 3.0 km/s.Its thickness increases from 3.0 to over 4.5 km from NW towards SE.The primary causes of the velocity inversion are high accumulation rate and subsequent under-compaction of sediments.The velocity at the top of the lower layer is estimated at about 4.5 km/s.Despite strong energy source used (4 x 12L airgun array),no reflections can be observed from deeper levels within the basin.Towards NE the basin is bounded sharply by a clear and deep basement fault (Fault No.1),which seems to cut through the entire crust.A typical continental crust with low-velocity middle crust is found beneath the coast of the western Hainan Island.Its thickness is determined to be 28 km and shows no sign of crustal thinning towards the basin.The sharp change in crustal structure across Fault No.1 indicates that the fault is a strike-slip fault.The crustal structure obtained in this study clearly favors the hypothesis that the YGHB is a narrow pull-apart basin formed by strike-slip faulting of the Red River fault zone.  相似文献   
In this study, the effect of the lower boundary position selection for the Fourier equation on heat transfer and energy balance in soil is evaluated. A detailed numerical study shows that the proper position of the lower boundary is critical when solving the Fourier equation by using zero heat flux as the lower boundary condition. Since the position defines the capacity of soil as a heat sink or source, which absorbs and stores radiation energy from the sky in summer and then releases the energy to the atmosphere in winter, and regulates the deep soil temperature distribution, the depth of the position greatly influences the heat balance within the soil as well as the interaction between the soil and the atmosphere. Based on physical reasoning and the results of numerical simulation, the proper depth of the position should be equal to approximately 3 times of the annual heat wave damping depth. For most soils, the proper lower boundary depth for the Fourier equation should be around 8 m to 15 m, depending on soil texture.  相似文献   
泡沫镍基P-25薄膜光催化降解水中喹啉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高TiO2薄膜的光催化效率和使用稳定性,采用浸渍涂布法将粉体P-25 TiO2负载在泡沫镍基片上,制备泡沫镍基负载P-25薄膜光催化材料,利用XPS和FE-SEM分析了薄膜的晶相和形貌,并考察了不同条件下P-25薄膜对水中喹啉的降解效能。研究发现:P-25薄膜均匀覆盖泡沫镍基片表面,薄膜呈混晶结构,表面呈现微裂痕。实验表明:增大光照强度和曝气量能够明显提高水中喹啉的光催化降解率;低pH有利于水中喹啉的去除;初始浓度和温度不是光催化反应的主控因子;曝气产生的吹脱、扰动和水力紊流效应对光催化反应的影响不明显。结果显示:不改变水溶液温度和pH条件下,P-25薄膜对水中喹啉有良好的去除效果,并可多次重复使用。  相似文献   
土壤碳储量问题是大气温室效应和全球变化研究的热点问题。本文采用“单位土壤碳量”方法,计算了吉林省大安市表层土壤有机碳总储量和平均土壤有机碳储量,以为全球碳循环研究提供精确的基础数据。分析和比较了反距离加权、全局多项式、局部多项式、径向基函数和普通克里格等不同插值模型对表层单位土壤有机碳储量空间插值结果的影响,结果表明全局多项式插值的均差最小,径向基函数中张力样条法的平均绝对误差最小,普通克里格法的标准差最小。综合分析来看,普通克里格的有理二次方程式模型插值精度最高。   相似文献   
祁连山冻土区含天然气水合物层段的油气显示现象   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以祁连山冻土区天然气水合物钻孔DK-2孔为例,对含油气显示岩心样品进行了储集岩热解分析,结合野外观察到的含油气显示现象,讨论了油气显示性质及其对水合物的可能指示意义。野外观察到的油迹、油斑、油浸、油染等不同级别油气显示现象大多产出在细砂岩、中砂岩中,部分产出在粉砂质泥岩夹薄层碳酸盐岩接触面及裂隙中,它们均得到室内储集岩热解分析结果的证实。油气显示所指示原油性质以中质油、重质油为主,少部分为超重油,甚至为沥青。钻孔中油气显示现象与水合物密切伴生,特别是水合物产出深度段或下部常见具中质油特征的油气显示,或可作为水合物一种指示。  相似文献   
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