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At Gordon Butte (Crazy Mountains, Montana), agpaitic nepheline-syenite pegmatites intrude potassic alkaline rocks (principally, malignites and nepheline microsyenites). All pegmatite veins are composed predominantly of potassium feldspar, nepheline, prismatic aegirine, barytolamprophyllite, wadeite, eudialyte, loparite-(Ce) and altered rinkite ("vudyavrite") embedded in spherulitic and fibrous aegirine. Well-differentiated veins contain "pockets" filled with calcite, fluorapatite, mangan-neptunite, Mn-Ti-enriched prismatic aegirine, calcium catapleiite, and an unidentified Ca-Ti silicate. The potassium feldspar corresponds to Ba-rich sanidine with relatively low Na contents. The nepheline contains low levels of SiO2 and elevated Fe contents. The compositions of nepheline cluster in the lower portion of the Morozewicz-Buerger convergence field, indicating low-temperature crystallization and/or chemical re-equilibration of this mineral. The association of sanidine with nearly stoichiometric nepheline is unusual for agpaitic rocks and probably reflects inhibition of Al/Si ordering in the feldspar by Ba. At least four types of clinopyroxene can be distinguished on the basis of their morphology and composition. All these types correspond to Al- and Ca-poor aegirine (typically <0.6 and 2.6 wt% Al2O3 and CaO, respectively). The overall evolutionary trend of clinopyroxene in the Gordon Butte rocks is from Fe-poor diopside to aegirine-augite in the malignites and nepheline microsyenites, and culminates with the pegmatitic aegirine. This trend is characteristic for potassic alkaline complexes and results from preferential partitioning of Fe2+ into biotite during the magmatic crystallization. Barytolamprophyllite in the pegmatites is primary (as opposed to deuteric); only a few crystals contain a core composed of lamprophyllite. The evolutionary history of the Gordon Butte pegmatites can be subdivided into primary, agpaitic, and deuteric stages. The earliest paragenesis to crystallize included accessory zircon and thorite. Sr-rich loparite also precipitated relatively early serving as a major repository for Sr, REE, and Nb. During the agpaitic stage, diverse titano- and zircono-silicates (barytolamprophyllite, eudialyte, wadeite, and rinkite, among others) consumed most of the Ba, Sr, Ti, Zr, and Nb still remaining in the melt. The final stage in the evolution of the pegmatites involved interaction of the earlier-formed mineral assemblages with deuteric fluids. In common with the Rocky Boy pegmatites, Sr-REE-Na-rich fluorapatite, Ba-Fe titanates and REE-bearing carbonates (ancylite, calcio-ancylite, and bastnäsite-parisite series) are chief products of the deuteric stage. The alteration of the primary mineral assemblages by deuteric fluids also produced muscovite-zeolite pseudomorphs after nepheline, replacement of wadeite and eudialyte by catapleiite-group minerals, re-deposition of Ba in the form of hyalophane, baotite, and benitoite, and cation leaching from rinkite, eudialyte, and loparite. The mineralogy of the pegmatites from Gordon Butte, other potassic complexes, and sodic agpaitic occurrences is compared in detail.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - Historically, during periods of extreme drought, food security in the drylands of the semiarid region of Northeast Brazil (NEB) is under severe risk due to agricultural collapse....  相似文献   
An array of five bottom-tethered moorings with 19 PARFLUX time-series sediment trap at three depths (1 and 2 km below the surface, and 0.7 km above the sea-floor) was deployed in the western Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean, along 170°W. The five stations were selected to sample settling particles in the main hydrological zones of the Southern Ocean. The sampling period spanned 425 days (November 28, 1996–January 23, 1998) and was divided into 13 or 21 synchronized time intervals. A total of 174 sequential samples were recovered and analyzed to estimate fluxes of total mass (TMF), organic carbon, carbonate, biogenic silica, and lithogenic particles. The fluxes of biogenic material were higher than anticipated, challenging the notion that the Southern Ocean is a low-productivity region. Organic carbon fluxes at 1 km depth within the Polar Frontal Zone and the Antarctic Zone were relatively uniform (1.7–2.3 g m−2 yr−1), and about twice the estimated ocean-wide average (ca. 1 g m−2 yr−1). Carbonate fluxes were also high and uniform between the Subantarctic Front and ca. 64°S (11–13 g m−2 yr−1). A large fraction of the carbonate flux in the Antarctic Zone was due to the presence of pteropod shells. Coccoliths were found only to the north of the Polar Front, and calcium carbonate became the dominant phase in the Subantarctic Zone. In contrast, carbonate particles were nearly absent near 64°S. Latitudinal variations in biogenic silica fluxes were substantial. The large opal flux (57 g m−2 yr−1) measured in the Antarctic Zone suggests that opal productivity in this region has been previously underestimated and helps to explain the high sedimentary opal accumulation often found south of the Polar Front. Unlike biogenic material, fluxes of lithogenic particles were among the lowest measured in the open-ocean (0.12–0.05 g m−2 yr−1), reflecting a very low dust input.  相似文献   
Seismic anisotropy — the state of the art: II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The theory, causes, observations, and possible applications of seismic anisotropy in the Earth have developed considerably since the previous state of the art paper was published in 1977. The behaviour of waves in layered anisotropic media is now much better understood and the evidence for seismic anisotropy indicates that anisotropy is likely to be present throughout much of the crust and upper mantle. The top few hundred kilometres of the mantle appears to be anisotropic with the orientations aligned by the present or palaeo stress-field. The upper part of the crust is frequently anisotropic, probably due to cracks differentially aligned by the non-lithostatic stresses. The possibility of being able to monitor crack geometry by seismic techniques opens a wide range of applications in currently important activities.  相似文献   
Dispute settlement mechanisms (DSMs), and the institutional architecture of free trade agreements, have been neglected in economic geography's contemplations of international trade or globalization. This article highlights the role of DSMs in free trade agreements, especially in relation to the World Trade Organization (WTO), and draws out some implications for local development. The study reviews literatures that have addressed the mandate and rationale of the WTO's formal and legalistic DSM, paying especial attention to the realist perspective on international trade, the issue of fairness, and implications of asymmetric power relations for local development. Economic geographers need to incorporate free trade institutional architectures in contemplations of local development.  相似文献   
 Placing spatial econometrics and more generally spatial statistics in the context of an extensible data analysis environment such as R exposes similarities and differences between traditions of analysis. This can be fruitful, and is explored here in relation to prediction and other methods usually applied to fitted models in R. Objects in R may be assigned a class attribute, including fitted model objects. Such fitted model objects may be provided with methods allowing them to be displayed, compared, and used for prediction, and it is of interest to see whether fitted spatial models can be treated in the same way. Received: 26 August 2002 / Revised version: 15 January 2003  相似文献   
The CSU-RAMS-2A was used to simulate the meteorological fields over the Zhujiang River Delta in South China.Initialized from a horizontally homogeneous atmosphere,real topography and inhomogeneous surface boundary condi-tions,the model was run with thermal and terrain forcing.The modeling results of winter and summer cases are com-pared with those observed.The similarity of the predicted distributions of winds,temperatures and humidities to the ob-served patterns permits us to conclude that the mesoscale distribution of meteorological elements for the two study datesis the result of the thermal and dynamical forcing by the underlying surface and topography.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the uncertainties involved in the projections of seasonal temperature and precipitation changes over South America in the twenty-first century. Climate simulations generated by 24 general circulation models are weighted according to the reliability ensemble averaging (REA) approach. The results show that the REA mean temperature change is slightly smaller over South America compared to the simple ensemble mean. Higher reliability in the temperature projections is found over the La Plata basin, and a larger uncertainty range is located in the Amazon. A temperature increase exceeding 2 °C is found to have a very likely (>90 %) probability of occurrence for the entire South American continent in all seasons, and a more likely than not (>50 %) probability of exceeding 4 °C by the end of this century is found over northwest South America, the Amazon Basin, and Northeast Brazil. For precipitation, the projected changes have the same magnitude as the uncertainty range and are comparable to natural variability.  相似文献   
The gas-phase reaction of ClONO2 with HCl was investigated using two large-volume environmental chambers with analysis by in situ long pathlength Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy. In these chambers the reaction was observed to proceed, at least in part, by heterogenous routes, and an upper limit to the rate constant for the homogeneous gas-phase reaction of geneous routes, and an upper limit to the rate constant for the homogeneous gas-phase reaction of $$kleft( {{text{ClONO}}_{text{2}} + {text{HCl}}} right) < 1.5 times 10^{ - 19} {text{ cm}}^{text{3}} {text{ molecule}}^{{text{ - 1}}} {text{ s}}^{{text{ - 1}}}$$ Was derived at 298±2K. Assuming that this room-temperature upper limit to the rate constant is applicable to stratospheric temperatures, this homogeneous gas-phase reaction can be estimated to be of negligible importance as a ClONO2 loss process in the stratosphere.  相似文献   
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