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The process of combining models of the ocean circulation with large data sets is known in meteorology as model initialization and data assimilation. This process is new to oceanographers, who only now are on the verge of having available world-wide synoptic maps of dynamic variables. In this paper we carry out a series of idealized initialization/assimilation experiments with a primitive equation (PE) model, which constitute a first step in developing a realistic process model and data assimilation techniques for the Gulf Stream system. The PE model is used in a spin-down mode and initialized with an analytic jet profile with geostrophically balanced fields.Two major questions are addressed in the present study. The first concerns the initialization process of a PE model during which internal/inertial gravity wave noise is produced. We ask: are the initialization shocks equally crucial for ocean models as they have been for their atmospheric counterparts? The results of an extensive series of balanced versus unbalanced initializations indicate that, for a PE model with a rigid lid, a brutally unbalanced initialization is required to produce strong internal gravity wave shocks. A geostrophically balanced initialization is sufficient to ensure smooth jet evolutions, with no apparent gravity waves, over long time durations in the spin-down mode. No sophisticated initialization procedures seem, therefore, to be required.The second question addressed is: which component of the flow is the most important in data assimilation to drive the model response towards a baseline reference ocean? We specifically compare the knowledge of the depth-integrated flow only, corresponding to measurements of the total transport, with the knowledge of the density field only, or equivalently the velocity shear. The knowledge of the interior density field is much more effective in decreasing the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) errors relative to the reference ocean. If the baroclinic structure is known, coarse horizontal resolutions of data insertion can be reached before significantly worsening the model estimates. If only the depth-averaged flow is known, a decrease in the horizontal resolution of data assimilation has an immediate effect: the r.m.s. errors sharply increase and the assimilation run diverges from the reference ocean. In the assimilation of the barotropic flow alone, even with dense resolution, the errors in the deep layers always show an increasing trend. The relative effectiveness of baroclinic versus barotropic data insertion can be rationalized in the context of geostrophic adjustment theory.  相似文献   
Land subsidence due to underground resources exploitation is a well-known problem that affects many cities in the world, especially the ones located along the coastal areas where the combined effect of subsidence and sea level rise increases the flooding risk. In this study, 25 years of land subsidence affecting the Municipality of Ravenna (Italy) are monitored using Advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (A-DInSAR) techniques. In particular, the exploitation of the new Sentinel-1A SAR data allowed us to extend the monitoring period till 2016, giving a better understanding of the temporal evolution of the phenomenon in the area. Two statistical approaches are applied to fully exploit the informative potential of the A-DInSAR results in a fast and systematic way. Thanks to the applied analyses, we described the behavior of the subsidence during the monitored period along with the relationship between the occurrence of the displacement and its main driving factors.  相似文献   
HII regions are known to contribute to the so-called thin layer of the diffuse Warm Ionized Gas. In order to constrain thiscontribution, we reconstruct the 3-D distribution of the sources.A detailed spatial analysis of the largest up-to-date sample of HIIregions is presented.  相似文献   
Lithium concentrations and isotopic compositions of olivine and 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd of coexisting clinopyroxene from peridotite xenoliths from the Quaternary Labait volcano, Tanzania, document the influence of rift-related metasomatism on the ancient cratonic mantle. Olivines show negative correlations between Fo content and both δ7Li and Li concentrations. Olivines in iron-rich peridotites (Fo85–87) have high Li concentrations (3.2–4.8 ppm) and heavy δ7Li (+5.2 to +6.6). In contrast, olivines in ancient, refractory peridotites have lower Li concentrations (∼2 ppm) and relatively light δ7Li (+2.6 to +3.5). This reflects mixing between ancient, refractory cratonic lithosphere and asthenosphere-derived rift magmas. A uniquely fertile, deformed, high-temperature garnet lherzolite, interpreted to be from the base of the lithosphere, has a 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7029 and 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51286, similar to HIMU oceanic basalts. It provides the best estimate of the Sr–Nd isotope composition of the upwelling mantle (i.e., plume, sensu lato) underlying this portion of the East African Rift, and is slightly less radiogenic compared to previous estimates of the plume that were based on rift basalts. Although elevated δ7Li are not exclusive to HIMU source regions, the data collectively indicate that the plume beneath Labait has HIMU characteristics in Sr, Nd and Li isotope composition. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to determine polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) distribution and microbial population changes in brackish sediments from an Italian lagoon included in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance. The presence and level of PAH-degrading bacteria were estimated by the most probable number (MPN) enumeration technique, whereas degradation capability towards target compounds was checked against loss of spiked PAHs (Phenanthrene, Anthracene and Fluoranthene) in MPN tubes after incubation in optimal conditions. Chemical analyses and microbiological counts suggested a potential for PAHs biodegradation by natural occurring populations of sediment microorganisms, thus indicating an "optimal range" in sediment PAHs concentrations, outside of which the natural selection of the indigenous microflora did not occur. The MPN procedure here described, provided an effective and reliable way to simultaneously determine microbial population densities and subsequent confirmation of the biodegradation capability of sediment indigenous microflora when exposed to laboratory and environmental concentrations of PAHs.  相似文献   
Lithium isotope and abundance data are reported for Apollo 15 and 17 mare basalts and the LaPaz low‐Ti mare basalt meteorites, along with lithium isotope data for carbonaceous, ordinary, and enstatite chondrites, and chondrules from the Allende CV3 meteorite. Apollo 15 low‐Ti mare basalts have lower Li contents and lower δ7Li (3.8 ± 1.2‰; all uncertainties are 2 standard deviations) than Apollo 17 high‐Ti mare basalts (δ7Li = 5.2 ± 1.2‰), with evolved LaPaz mare basalts having high Li contents, but similar low δ7Li (3.7 ± 0.5‰) to Apollo 15 mare basalts. In low‐Ti mare basalt 15555, the highest concentrations of Li occur in late‐stage tridymite (>20 ppm) and plagioclase (11 ± 3 ppm), with olivine (6.1 ± 3.8 ppm), pyroxene (4.2 ± 1.6 ppm), and ilmenite (0.8 ± 0.7 ppm) having lower Li concentrations. Values of δ7Li in low‐ and high‐Ti mare basalt sources broadly correlate negatively with 18O/16O and positively with 56Fe/54Fe (low‐Ti: δ7Li ≤4‰; δ56Fe ≤0.04‰; δ18O ≥5.7‰; high‐Ti: δ7Li >6‰; δ56Fe >0.18‰; δ18O <5.4‰). Lithium does not appear to have acted as a volatile element during planetary formation, with subequal Li contents in mare basalts compared with terrestrial, martian, or vestan basaltic rocks. Observed Li isotopic fractionations in mare basalts can potentially be explained through large‐degree, high‐temperature igneous differentiation of their source regions. Progressive magma ocean crystallization led to enrichment in Li and δ7Li in late‐stage liquids, probably as a consequence of preferential retention of 7Li and Li in the melt relative to crystallizing solids. Lithium isotopic fractionation has not been observed during extensive differentiation in terrestrial magmatic systems and may only be recognizable during extensive planetary magmatic differentiation under volatile‐poor conditions, as expected for the lunar magma ocean. Our new analyses of chondrites show that they have δ7Li ranging between ?2.5‰ and 4‰. The higher δ7Li in planetary basalts than in the compilation of chondrites (2.1 ± 1.3‰) demonstrates that differentiated planetary basalts are, on average, isotopically heavier than most chondrites.  相似文献   
This work deals with sedimentological, petrographic, and structural analyses of a middle Miocene late-orogenic sedimentary cycle, denoted Oued Dayr Formation, recognized in the Rifian sector of the Maghrebian Chain (Morocco). The analyzed Formation (75 m thick) starts with 15–20 m of light colored polymict conglomerates, with minor sandstone beds, lying on the Paleozoic basement and Mesozoic cover of the Ghomaride Nappe. Facies analysis indicates a fining-upward deposition in a marine environment characterized by increasing deepening, reflecting a subsidence rate that exceeds sedimentary supply. Petrographic analysis points out that sandstones are represented by litharenites originated by erosion of recycled orogen. The conglomerates pebbles and cobbles consist of Alpine low- to high-grade metamorphic rocks as metarenites, phyllites, mylonitic quartzites, micaschists, augen gneisses deriving from the exhumed deep metamorphic basement, the overlying metasedimentary of the Sebtide Nappes and of sedimentary rocks as sandstones, jaspes, limestones, and shales deriving from the Ghomaride Nappes and their sedimentary cover. Data reveal mixed provenance indicating that the Oued Dayr Formation was fed by the Internal Nappes stack of the Maghrebian Chain. Structural analysis shows that the Oued Dayr Formation accumulated in a Thrust-Top basin, during an early extension (D0 phase), recorded by synsedimentary normal faults within middle Langhian deposits on the rear of the Internal Nappes stack. Subsequent ductile and brittle compressional (D1, D2, D3) and extensional (D4) deformation phases occurred during and/or after the stacking, exhumation, and early unroofing of Sebtide Complex coeval with the opening of the western Mediterranean back-arc basins since middle Miocene time.  相似文献   
A procedure for determining a wide range of chalcophile and siderophile elements in typical crustal rocks using standard addition and ICP‐SFMS (inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry) is presented. New results for Ga, Ge, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, W, Tl and Bi abundances in USGS whole‐rock reference materials AGV‐2, BHVO‐1, BIR‐1, G‐2, GSP‐1 and W‐2 are reported using this analytical procedure. Intermediate precision of means based on multiple dissolved aliquots of each USGS reference material was 10% RSD or better for Ga, Ge, In and Sn in all, and similarly good for Ag, Cd, Sb, Tl and Bi in most reference materials. Poorer intermediate precision of Mo and W measurements in several reference materials is probably due to higher analytical blanks on these elements and powder heterogeneity due to a sulfide‐related nugget effect in the specific case of Mo in GSP‐1. Results for all elements fell within the range of available published data with the exception of Ag, which yielded systematically higher concentrations than found in the literature for five of the six reference materials, likely reflecting interference from unresolved polyatomic species.  相似文献   
Ariake Bay, Kyushu Island, has recently exhibited environmental degradation in the form of red tides and anoxic bottom water. To determine the characteristics and regional classification of the copepod community, zooplankton surveys were made throughout the bay in three cruises each in October 2004, January 2005 and March 2009 by vertical tows of a 0.1-mm-mesh plankton net. Oithona davisae was the most abundant in January and March, and Microsetella norvegica in October. Cluster analysis revealed that the copepod community from each cruise was generally separated into the inner to eastern-middle region and the western-middle to mouth region. A SIMPER analysis revealed that dissimilarity between the groups and similarity within each group were mainly due to the dominant species, but the similarities within the outer-region group in January and March were mostly contributed by Paracalanus parvus s.l. A non-metric multidimensional scaling with bubble plots of environmental variables and a BIOENV analysis showed that transparency was more different between the two groups than temperature and salinity. As compared with two similarly sized, eutrophic bays (Tokyo and Osaka Bays), Ariake Bay differs from Tokyo Bay in the dominance of M. norvegica and from Osaka Bay in the high abundance of O. davisae even in the colder season. The dominant species and the regional classification of the copepod community in the bay were similar to those in the studies in the 1970s, suggesting that the copepod community has not notably changed during the last 3 decades.  相似文献   
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