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Structural, geomorphological, geophysical and volcanological data have been processed for the implementation of a dedicated GIS through which the structural evolution of the Pleistocene trachytic Cimini volcano (central Italy) has been reconstructed. The evolution of the Cimini complex includes three main close-in time phases: (1) intrusion of a shallow laccolith, rising along NW and NE trending faults and stagnating at the contact between the Mesozoic-Cenozoic and the Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary units constituting the bedrock of the volcano; (2) emplacement of lava domes along radial and tangential fractures formed by the swelling induced by the laccolith growth; (3) ignimbrite eruptions and final effusion of olivine-latitic lavas. Domes are both of Pelean and low lava dome type and their morphology was controlled by the location on the inclined surface of the swelled area. Some domes show to have uplifted upper Pliocene thermally metamorphosed clay sediments, suggesting a cryptodome-like growth. Comparison of the top of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic units with the top of the upper Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary complex, suggests that the laccolith emplaced in a graben of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary complex filled by the Pliocene–Pleistocene sediments uplifted by the shallow intrusion. Stress patterns acting on the Cimini area have been deduced analysing the drainage network and the morphotectonic lineaments. Rose diagrams show a large dispersion of the lineaments reflecting the local presence of radial and tangential fractures. The most frequent extensional NW and NE trending lineaments have regional significance and controlled the magma uprise leading to the laccolith emplacement.  相似文献   
The Mediterranean Sea constitutes a unique basin from an historical and archaeological point of view, as it has been a privileged way of communication for thousands of years for the people that dwelled on its shores. Their passage has left many traces on the seabeds in the areas where the ancient commercial routes passed, and remains of structures where moorings, havens or dwellings existed. Some of these structures, nowadays submerged, offer interesting indications aiding the reconstruction of the ancient coastlines. This contribution aims to examine recent work in coastal geo-archaeology, targeting both (1) gathering and discussion of the data, particularly those pertaining to the Italian coasts; and (2) commentary on the methodological debate and verification of the possibility of a protocol that may contain unequivocal referring elements.To investigate the archaeological evidence currently underwater because of the relative sea level variations (harbour infrastructures, fishponds, villae maritimae, caves – nymphaei, private or public buildings or town quarters, pre- and protohistorical villages, quarries, caves, etc.), a clear and more coherent methodological assumption may be needed. The archaeological interpretation must initially establish the maritime and/or harbour nature and vocation of the site, determine its typology and specific usage, analyze the elements of its building techniques (that reveal themselves as meaningful markers of height or depth at the time of building) and its “functional” elements (the measure of the emerged part with respect to the average sea level), and point out the time of construction, its chronological range of usage/frequentation, the dynamics of its abandonment/destruction/obliteration.The evaluation of both the height and functional depth to the mean sea level depends on the typology of the archaeological evidence, its use and the local tide amplitudes. The surface of a pier surely has a functional elevation different from that of a haulage area or a platea or a pavement.  相似文献   
This paper examines hydrodynamic pressure diagrams due to earthquakes acting on distinct configurations of the upstream face of a dam, considering the reservoir length and different bathymetries of the reservoir bottom. Two suitable mathematical models are used to obtain the dynamic pressure on the dam, and the reservoir free surface oscillation. Conceptual mathematical models are proposed to study the impact of a landslide triggered by an earthquake, and its progress into the reservoir. The waves formed when a landslide advances into the reservoir are tested with the help of laboratory results. These waves and their propagation in the reservoir are studied using experimental data and numerical results, including wave-type analyses based on dimensionless parameters. Two distinct 1DH and 2DV numerical models based on different mathematical formulations are tested. A discussion of physical and numerical results is detailed in a general risk context and uncertainty associated with the input data in a deterministic model. Numerical simulations are performed for the upper and lower limits of the sliding mass velocity diagram which is obtained as a result of the intrinsic uncertainty of the stochastic nature of the friction angle. Finally, the findings are discussed and some conclusions drawn.  相似文献   
A complex seismic sequence characterised by two thrust earthquakes of magnitudes M \(_\mathrm{L}\) 5.9 and M \(_\mathrm{L}\) 5.8 occurred on May 20 and 29, 2012, respectively, and activated the central portion of the Ferrara Arc structure beneath the Po Plain in northern Italy. The sequence, referred to as Emilia 2012, was recorded by the Italian Strong Motion Network, the Irpinia Network, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Network and 15 temporary stations installed by the Civil Protection Department. In this study, we compile and analyse a large dataset that contains 3,273 waveforms from 37 \(M_\mathrm{L} \ge 4.0\) seismic events. The main aim of this paper is to characterise the ground motion induced by the Emilia 2012 seismic sequence and compare it with other data in the Italian strong motion database and to the recent Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs) developed for northern Italy, all of Italy and Europe. This is achieved by (1) the computation and analysis of the strong motion parameters of the entire Emilia Strong Motion Dataset (ESMD) and (2) a comprehensive investigation of the May 29 event recordings in terms of time–frequency analysis, the ground motion parameters and the response spectra. This detailed analysis was made possible by the temporary Civil Protection Department stations that were installed soon after the May 20 event at several municipalities in the epicentral area. Most of the recordings are characterised by low-frequency content and long durations, which is a result of the thick sedimentary cover that is typical of the Po Plain. The distributions of the observed horizontal peak ground accelerations and velocities (PGAs and PGVs) with distance are generally consistent with the GMPEs. This is particularly true for the data from M \(_\mathrm{L} \ge \) 5.0 (M \(_\mathrm{W}\ge \) 5.0) events, though the data are scattered at distances beyond approximately 60–70 km and show faster attenuation than the European GMPEs. The horizontal components for the May 29 event at two near-fault stations (Mirandola and San Felice sul Panaro) are overestimated by all of the analysed GMPEs. In contrast, the vertical components, which played an important role in the shaking near the source, are underestimated. The May 29 event produced intense velocity pulses on the horizontal components and the highest peak ground acceleration ever recorded in Italy on the vertical component of the Mirandola near-fault station. The ground motion recordings contained in the ESMD significantly enrich the Italian strong motion database. They contribute new information about (1) the possibility of exceeding the largest recorded PGA in Italy, (2) the development of a spectral design that takes into account the role of the vertical component and the extreme variability of the near-fault ground shaking, and (3) the characterisation of the ground motions in deep sedimentary basins.  相似文献   
Limnological features of Tulé Reservoir, a large and shallow reservoir in western Venezuela were studied from May 1992 to December 1993. This reservoir is polymictic, with a low water transparency. Levels of nitrogen were high and phytoplankton productivity was low. The phytoplankton productivity values may be explained by the low concentrations of orthophosphate during the larger part of the sampling period and the frequent mixing and resuspension of sediments. Heterotrophic bacteria were between 1651.67 and 4365.00 Colony-forming Units/ml. Species composition of the crustacean zooplankton community was similar to other neotropical eutrophic reservoirs.  相似文献   
The high-resolution Voyager images of Ganymede show a class of fresh craters 6–89 km in diameter which is distinguished by an ejecta blanket similar to those seen for some types of Martian craters. One hundred and eighty-five were identified and studied for trends with respect to latitude, longitude, and terrain type. No correlation of the ratio of ejecta diameter to crater diameter was found as a function of latitude or longitude, and there is only a suggestion of a trend in this ratio with respect to major terrain types. Central peak frequency is greatest for the smaller crater diameters. Central pit occurrence dominates central peak occurrence at crater diameters ?35 km. We conclude that the ejecta morphology probably results from impact into an icy target. The question of whether atmospheric ejecta-particle drag contributes to ejecta blanket morphologies on planets with an atmospheric cannot be resolved entirely from the Voyager images. The image resolution is insufficient to show diagnostic flow features on the ejecta, if they exist, or to detect evidence of any other ejecta deposits which would lie beyond the pedestal, predicted by some researchers to exist only on bodies with an atmosphere.  相似文献   
The deep-sea habitat, from 200 to 2000 m depth, has long been thought as an ecosystem where biotic and abiotic factors vary very little and consequently species are not disturbed by processes and phenomena which could promote fast evolutionary mechanisms. Unfortunately, biological information relating to deep water is limited, especially regarding the population genetics of species inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea, and general patterns cannot be inferred. In this study we report data on the population genetic structure of Aristeus antennatus , a deep-sea decapod crustacean species which has been widely studied due to its important economic value. We surveyed and examined the variation in a 369-bp fragment of the mtDNA control region from individuals caught by Spanish and Italian trawlers in eight localities. High levels of mitochondrial control region haplotypic diversity (ranging from 0.884 to 0.989) were observed. AMOVA showed a high level of genetic variation, more within than between populations, and a low but significant ΦST value was recovered. Minimum spanning network did not separate any haplotype group and haplotype distribution does not mirror the geographic origin of the samples. The absence of population substructuring was also observed with a principal coordinates analysis, which uses an individual-by-individual comparison. These results revealed extensive gene flow among populations. Information on demographic history based on mismatch analysis revealed an unstable population, showing an alternate pattern of growth and decline. Our results indicated that in the western and central Mediterranean basins A. antennatus is a large panmictic population with a fluctuating abundance. The absence of deep-sea barriers and adult migration may prevent the structuring of the species into genetically differentiated populations.  相似文献   
Boundary-layer instabilities are studied by analyzing the results of laboratory simulations of wall turbulence in a shear-driven rotating flow. The experiments were carried out in the Turin University Laboratory rotating water tank, where a circular flow was generated by either increasing (spin-up) or decreasing (spin-down) the rotation speed of the platform. The flow was measured using a Particle Image Velocimetry technique and the developed turbulence analyzed. Two cases were accounted for, in the former the measurements were performed over a smooth surface (bottom of the tank), while in the latter a rough-to-smooth transition was considered. The turbulent boundary layer developed inside the tank is analyzed by means of vertical profiles of mean and turbulent quantities and on the basis of drag coefficients. Then turbulent structures developed in the different cases are shown and discussed in terms of the vorticity fields. Finally, an analysis based on the concept of swirling strength was carried out to select among the vortex extremes those associated with a coherent structure.  相似文献   
Present study examined phosphorus dynamics through delineation of source as well as availability of phosphorus and its fractionation within the intertidal sediments of Pichavaram mangrove ecosystem. Twelve sediment samples and two cores were collected from the mangrove forest along with estuarine area (Vellar-Coleroon) during January 2005. Sediments were analyzed for total phosphorus and its fractionation using operationally defined chemical sequential extraction scheme (SEDEX). Dissolved phosphorus (in water) and total phosphorus (in sediments) concentrations were high in the Vellar region of Pichavaram mangrove area due to pollution load from nearby villages and agricultural fields. However, the spatial variation in dissolved phosphorus were insignificant (at significance level = 0.05). The results for the phosphorus fractionation (post-tsunami) were compared with earlier studies (pre-tsunami). It was observed that all phosphorus fractions (except adsorbed-phosphorus) showed a highly significant (at significance level = 0.05) increase in concentration after the tsunami event. There was significant decrease in the adsorbed phosphorus concentration as a result of tsunami. The changes were more pronounced for organic phosphorus which increased by almost twofold following the event. These variations were attributed to change in salinity, increase in dissolved oxygen as well as the retreat of tsunami water carrying the waste load. The vertical distribution of phosphorus through core sediments showed that mixing after tsunami had altered the different phosphorus fraction and its availability. Overall, the study indicated that the fluvial weathering along with litter degradation and anthropogenic sources controlled the biogeochemistry of phosphorus in this mangrove ecosystem. Observed changes in the concentrations are a result of altered physico-chemical characteristics caused by tsunami.  相似文献   
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