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考虑到地震作用下地下结构往往受到双向往复荷载作用,本文提出了循环往复加载的地下结构Pushover分析方法.介绍了该方法的实施步骤、基本功能与特点.该方法考虑了地震作用下地下结构双向受力的特点,利用多点位移控制的推覆分析算法进行地震作用下正向加载-卸载-反向再加载的全过程分析.该方法将一次循环加载过程近似看作一次地震作用过程,提出了基于循环往复加载Pushover分析的损伤模型,避免了对土-结构整体模型进行复杂的动力相互作用分析;通过一次循环往复加载的Pushover分析,根据结构构件刚度的改变对结构损伤进行有效评估.结合实际工程进行算例分析初步验证了循环往复加载Pushover分析及地震损伤模型的有效性.  相似文献   
层间隔震结构作为一种新型的隔震形式,不仅可以降低上部结构的动力响应,还可以弥补基础隔震结构的不足.现有研究多集中在远场地震作用下的规则层间隔震结构.本文利用通用结构分析与设计软件SAP2000分别模拟了一幢8层带裙房钢筋混凝土框架层间隔震结构、基础隔震结构和抗震结构,分析并对比了三种结构在近场地震作用下动力响应特征.结果表明在近场条件下三种结构顶层均出现不同程度的鞭梢效应;相比抗震结构两种隔震结构具有很好的减震效果,而且基础隔震结构的减震效果好于层间隔震结构;由于结构刚度突变的部位剪力较大,所以应对其裙楼顶部予以加强.  相似文献   
农村住宅砌体结构地震破坏数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
国内震害调查表明我国农村房屋在地震中破坏严重,主要原因是农村自建房屋大都缺乏基本抗震措施.近年来有关部门针对农村房屋的抗震性能提出一些改进措施,但这些措施实际抗震效果如何,除了极少数通过模型试验验证外,很少得到验证.本文建立了砌体结构非线性有限元分析模型,以一幢农宅为研究对象,通过地震时程反应来再现其在地震作用下的破坏状况.研究表明本文提出数值模型能够较好的模拟砌体结构在地震中破坏过程,发现结构抗震薄弱部位.通过对三种模型对比分析表明圈梁和构造柱可以有效提高砌体结构整体抗震性能,但对局部破坏影响不大,需要在以后抗震设计中加以考虑.  相似文献   
2013年7月22日甘肃岷县漳县6.6级地震打破了青藏高原东北缘地区自2003年以来近十年的6级平静,该地震的意义及该区未来震情发展受到了地震学家的关注.本文运用Morlet小波变换分析了1875-2013年青藏高原东北缘MS≥6.0强震活动的周期特征,结果表明该区强震存在2~3年、8~10年、25~30年等尺度的显著周期;1977年以来青藏高原东北缘地区强震活动频度虽然正常但活动强度处于一个相对较低的阶段.在讨论了岷县漳县6.6级地震的发震背景基础上,认为该地震在青藏高原东北缘强震活动长时间较弱的背景下发生,可能是该区强震活动强弱的一个拐点,未来该区强震活动的频度与强度有增加的趋势.研究结果对该区震情跟踪工作有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
Talc mineralisation occurs as hematite–talc schist between soft hematite ore and dolomitic itabirite at Gongo Soco, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The hematite–talc schist and soft hematite have a prominent tectonic foliation of tabular hematite. Tabular hematite without preferential orientation is superimposed on the tectonic foliation. The talcose schist is enriched in F and has a constant Fe/S ratio. Electron-microprobe analyses indicate trace amounts of S in different generations of hematite. The whole-rock Fe/S ratio possibly represents sulfate S from hematite-hosted fluid inclusions. Fluid inclusions in foliation-overprinting hematite and chlorite geothermometry from talcose rocks suggest, respectively, temperatures from <200°C to ~300°C. Tourmaline, a rarely observed mineral in the hematite–talc schist, belongs to the alkali group and falls in the dravite compositional field. Boron-isotope determinations of tourmaline crystals, using secondary ion mass spectrometry, vary from −20‰ to −12‰ δ11B. This compositional isotopic range and the tourmaline chemical composition suggest a meta-evaporitic origin. A non-marine evaporitic setting is the most likely source of acidic, highly oxidising fluids, which resulted in the abundant F-bearing talc and the presence of otherwise immobile Ti in hematite. Oxidising brines were channelled along shear zones and converted dolomitic itabirite into the Gongo Soco soft hematite and the talc mineralisation. The latter is envisaged as the hydrothermal wall-rock alteration of dolomitic itabirite, which gave rise to the soft hematite ore.  相似文献   
The Horní Slavkov–Krásno Sn–W ore district is hosted by strongly altered Variscan topaz–albite granite (Krudum granite body) on the northwestern margin of the Bohemian Massif. We studied the fluid inclusions on greisens, ore pockets, and ore veins from the Hub Stock, an apical expression of the Krudum granite. Fluid inclusions record almost continuously the post-magmatic cooling history of the granite body from ~500 to <50°C. Rarely observed highest-temperature (~500°C) highest-salinity (~30?wt.% NaCl eq.) fluid inclusions are probably the result of secondary boiling of fluids exsolved from the crystallizing magma during pressure release which followed hydraulic brecciation of the gneissic mantle above the granite cupola. The greisenization was related to near-critical low-salinity (0–7?wt.% NaCl eq.) aqueous fluids with low amount of CO2, CH4, and N2 (≤10?mol% in total) at temperatures of ~350–400°C and pressures of 300–530 bar. Crush-leach data display highly variable and negatively correlated I/Cl and Br/Cl values which are incompatible with both orthomagmatic and/or metamorphic origin of the fluid phase, but can be explained by infiltration of surficial and/or sedimentary fluids. Low fluid salinity indicates a substantial portion of meteoric waters in the fluid mixture that is in accordance with previous stable isotope data. The post-greisenization fluid activity associated with vein formation and argillitization is characterized by decreasing temperature (<350 to <50°C), decreasing pressure (down to ~50–100 bar), and mostly also decreasing salinity.  相似文献   
Relative humidity ( P\textH 2 \textO P_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} , partial pressure of water)-dependent dehydration and accompanying phase transitions in NAT-topology zeolites (natrolite, scolecite, and mesolite) were studied under controlled temperature and known P\textH 2 \textO P_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} conditions by in situ diffuse-reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy and parallel X-ray powder diffraction. Dehydration was characterized by the disappearance of internal H2O vibrational modes. The loss of H2O molecules caused a sequence of structural transitions in which the host framework transformation path was coupled primarily via the thermal motion of guest Na+/Ca2+ cations and H2O molecules. The observation of different interactions of H2O molecules and Na+/Ca2+ cations with host aluminosilicate frameworks under high- and low- P\textH 2 \textO P_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} conditions indicated the development of different local strain fields, arising from cation–H2O interactions in NAT-type channels. These strain fields influence the Si–O/Al–O bond strength and tilting angles within and between tetrahedra as the dehydration temperature is approached. The newly observed infrared bands (at 2,139 cm−1 in natrolite, 2,276 cm−1 in scolecite, and 2,176 and 2,259 cm−1 in mesolite) result from strong cation–H2O–Al–Si framework interactions in NAT-type channels, and these bands can be used to evaluate the energetic evolution of Na+/Ca2+ cations before and after phase transitions, especially for scolecite and mesolite. The 2,176 and 2,259 cm−1 absorption bands in mesolite also appear to be related to Na+/Ca2+ order–disorder that occur when mesolite loses its Ow4 H2O molecules.  相似文献   
Vibrational density of states of the NaAlSi2O6 jadeite and NaAlSiO4 calcium ferrite (CF)-type, and SiO2 stishovite is calculated as a function of pressure up to 50 GPa using density functional perturbation theory. The calculated frequencies are used to determine the thermal contribution to the Helmholtz free energy within the quasi-harmonic approximation and to derive the equation of state and several thermodynamic properties of interest. A dissociation of jadeite into a mixture of a CF-type phase and stishovite is predicted to occur at 23.4 GPa and 1,800 K with a positive Clapeyron slope of 2.8 MPa/K. Elastic anisotropy for jadeite, the CF-type phase, and stishovite also computed clearly shows that stishovite and the CF-type phase are the most anisotropic and isotropic in these three phases, respectively.  相似文献   
A set of raw industrial materials, that is, pure quartz and quartz-rich mixtures, were investigated through electron paramagnetic resonance and electron spin echo-envelope modulation spectroscopies, with the aim of evaluating the effective role played by defect centres and of assessing whether they can be used to monitor changes in the physical properties of quartz powders with reference to their health effects. The obtained results point to two interactions of the Al defect centres with H+, hosted in sites within the channels parallel and perpendicular to the c axis of quartz, respectively. These two Al/H+ (hAl) centres exhibit a weak chemical bond, and their relative amounts appear to be modified/controlled by the thermo-mechanical processes underwent by powders. Indeed, a mechanically promoted inter-conversion between the two kinds of site is suggested. As a consequence, the hAl centres are effective in monitoring even modest activations of powders, through thermal or mechanical processes, and they are also supposed to play a specific, relevant role in quartz reactivity during the considered industrial processes.  相似文献   
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