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In order to specify a vertical thermal structure related to surface current variation on the continental slope in Tosa Bay, Japan, we analyzed monthly regular hydrographic measurements in the years 1991–2004. Subsurface temperature below 200 m on the slope was found to vary synchronously with the vertical displacement of the main thermocline around 200 m. It is shown that the vertical-averaged temperature below 200 m is significantly correlated with an along-isobath/southwestward surface current velocity on the slope. This correlation indicates that when a strong (weak) southwestward surface current is observed, temperature below 200 m decreases (increases) simultaneously, that is, isotherms below the 200 m are displaced upward (downward) together with the main thermocline. Moreover, when the strong southwestward flow is detected, across-isobath isotherms around 200 m slope upward toward the offshore direction. Furthermore, it is suggested that as the Kuroshio axis moves offshore south of the bay, the southwestward flow tends to be weakened by the combined effect of other Kuroshio parameters such as transport and stream width as well as the Kuroshio axis position. As a result, it is inferred that the correlation between the surface current and subsurface temperature can be interpreted in terms of the formation and decay of an anticlockwise circulation interacting with a cold eddy.  相似文献   
A tripolar pattern as an internal mode of the East Asian summer monsoon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A tripolar anomaly pattern with centers located around the Philippines, China/Japan, and East Siberia dominantly appears in climate variations of the East Asian summer monsoon. In this study, we extracted this pattern as the first mode of a singular value decomposition (SVD1) over East Asia. The squared covariance fraction of SVD1 was 59?%, indicating that this pattern can be considered a dominant pattern of climate variations. Moreover, the results of numerical experiments suggested that the structure is also a dominant pattern of linear responses, even if external forcing is distributed homogeneously over the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, the tripolar pattern can be considered an internal mode that is characterized by the internal atmospheric processes. In this pattern, the moist processes strengthen the circulation anomalies, the dynamical energy conversion supplies energy to the anomalies, and the Rossby waves propagate northward in the lower troposphere and southeastward in the upper troposphere. These processes are favorable for the pattern to have large amplitude and to influence a large area.  相似文献   
Abstract A nearly complete skeleton of a fossil sperm whale from the Middle Miocene age Bessho Formation at Shiga-mura, Nagano Prefecture, the most complete fossil physeterid skeleton found in Japan, is here named Scaldicetus shigensis, new species. Its abruptly tapered rostrum, deep supracranial basin, and high occipital crest are typical of physeterids. Large teeth with crenulate enamel on conical crowns, present in both the palate and mandible, are consistent with the genus Scaldicetus du Bus, 1867, a genus originally based on fossils discovered in the Antwerp Basin, Belgium. Scaldicetus shigensis is relatively primitive, having a relatively long, slender rostrum, large zygomatic arches, large tympanic bullae, prominent occipital condyles, low tooth count and a sloping occipital shield that is deeply emarginated laterally by large temporal fossae. The probable mandibular tooth count is 12, only one more than the primitive eutherian mammalian dentition. Despite its abundant primitive characters, Scaldicetus shigensis has very asymmetrical external nares, comparable to the living sperm whale, Physeter catodon, and is in this way more derived than most of the contemporaneous fossil physeterids. At a time when other sperm whales were more highly evolved, Scaldicetus shigensis retained a primitive occipital shield, large tympanic bullae, and low tooth count, as in primitive Oligocene odontocetes such as Agorophiidae. It was a relict form in Middle Miocene time, and provides an indication of a primitive stage of sperm whale evolution heretofore undocumented. Fossils from elsewhere previously referred to as Scaldicetus, largely on the basis of tooth characters, range in age from Early Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene time. Cranial material that would clarify relationships is lacking for most of these, and this time range seems too long for a cetacean genus. Because of this simplistic approach to identifications, Scaldicetus is probably a grade taxon, not a natural biological grouping. However, the tooth morphology of Scaldicetus shigensis is correct for the genus Scaldicetus, so we provisionally assign it to this genus. Redefinition of the genus Scaldicetus and revision of the Physeteridae are beyond the scope of the present study.  相似文献   
To examine the properties of winter mixed layer (ML) variability in the shelf-slope waters facing the Kuroshio, we analyzed historical temperature records and the simulated results of a triply nested high-resolution numerical model. As a candidate of the shelf-slope waters, we focused on Tosa Bay, off the southern Japan. A time series of observed monthly mean ML temperatures and depths in the bay exhibits a remarkable seasonal variation. The period when the ML develops can be divided into two regimes: from September to November, when the sea surface cooling is gradually enhanced, the ML temperature and depth decreases and increases, respectively; from January to March, the ML temperature and depth are kept nearly constant, while the sea surface cooling in January reaches its annual maximum. In the latter regime, variance for the monthly mean ML depth is the largest of the year. To further study the ML properties in the latter regime corresponding to winter, we examined simulated results. It was found that the largest variance for ML depth is attributed to a dominant intramonthly variation. This is related to a submesoscale variation with typical spatial scales of 10–20 km, induced by the Kuroshio and its frontal disturbances. Simulated monthly mean heat balance within the ML showed that heat advection balances with heat flux at the sea surface and entrainment through the ML bottom. Moreover, the monthly mean heat advection is determined mainly by the intramonthly eddy heat advection, suggesting that the high-frequency intramonthly variation related to submesoscale variations contributes significantly to the low-frequency monthly variations of the ML in winter.  相似文献   
The age of a volcanic rock has been determined by ESR dating using the Ge center in quartz. The total dose of natural radiation and the age obtained from the Ge center are 460 krad and 2.07 ± 0.50 Ma, respectively, and those from the unidentified defect at g = 2.011 are 484 krad and 2.16 ± 0.21 Ma, respectively. These dates agree well with the age of 2.0 ± 0.5 Ma determined by the fission-track method. High stress or temperature destroy these accumulated defects but, in the same time, produce a lot of new diamagnetic precursors which enable us to observe the clear ESR signal.  相似文献   
We describe the day–night vertical distribution patterns of 18 species or types of myctophid fish larvae at the transforming stage based on discrete depth sampling from the surface down to 1000-m depth in the subtropical–tropical western North Pacific. A total of 551 transforming stage larvae were collected at the 19 sampling stations. Except for the Diaphus species and Notolychnus valdiviae, all of the transforming stage larvae (including genera Benthosema, Bolinichthys, Centrobranchus, Ceratoscopelus, Diogenichthys, Hygophum, Lampanyctus, Lobianchia, Myctophum, Symbolophorus, and Triphoturus) were collected in the lower mesopelagic zone from 600- to 900-m depth during both day and night, showing no diel vertical migration (DVM). On the contrary, the Diaphus species and N. valdiviae larvae undergo DVM during the transforming stage, occurring below 200-m layer during the daytime and migrating up to the upper 150-m layer at night, i.e., they show earlier adaptation to juvenile–adult behaviors. Most myctophid fish larvae are known to undertake substantial ontogenetic vertical migration (OVM) from the epipelagic to mesopelagic zones during their early life stage. Although considerable sampling effort was carried out in this study, transforming larvae, except for the above two migratory ones, were not collected in the epipelagic and upper mesopelagic zones, strongly suggesting that their sinking speed would be high. It would be advantageous for survival to spend their highly vulnerable transforming stage in the lower mesopelagic zone, where predation pressures are lower and physical conditions are more stable than in the upper layers.  相似文献   
Observational studies on the semiannual oscillation in the tropical stratosphere and mesosphere are reviewed. Results of many statistics based on rocket and satellite observations reveal that the long-term behavior of the mean zonal wind exhibits two semiannual cycles which have their maximum amplitudes centered at the stratopause level and the mesopause level, each one being associated with the semiannual temperature variations predominating at levels about 10 km lower.Observational evidence obtained from recent studies of the dynamical properties of upper stratospheric waves strongly supports the theoretical consideration that the stratospheric semiannual oscillation is the manifestation of the wave-zonal flow interaction with alternating accelerations of the westerly flow by Kelvin waves and the easterly flow by planetary Rossby waves.Regarding the semiannual variation in the upper mesosphere, however, very little is known about the possible momentum source. Therefore, emphasis is placed on the need for further observations of the structure and behavior of the tropical middle atmosphere.  相似文献   
During the winters of 1981 and 1982, measurements were taken on two Japanese islands of the aerosol and gaseous species which had been carried by northwesterly monsoons over the Pacific Ocean. The aerosols were characterized as sea-salt particles; soil particles, and as particles of sulfate, nitrate, organics and elemental carbon. At Chichi-jima island, which is about 800 km away from the main islands of Japan, it was found that the level of the anthropogenic components of the aerosols was considerably higher than their background level. The mean concentrations of the species on the islands are given in tabular forms. According to a survey made on board a ferry boat, the aerosol and gaseous species were fairly uniformly distributed along the southern coast of the main Japanese islands.  相似文献   
In summer, atmospheric ozone was measured from an aircraft platform simultaneously with nitric oxide (NO), oxides of nitrogen (NO y ), and water vapor over the Pacific Ocean in east Asia from 34° N to 19° N along the longitude of 138±3°E. NO y was measured with the aid of a ferrous sulfate converter. The altitude covered was from 0.5 to 5 km. A good correlation in the smoothed meridional distributions between ozone and NO y was seen. In particular, north of 25° N, ozone and NO y mixing ratios were considerably higher than those observed in tropical marine air south of 25° N. NO y and O3 reached a minimum of 50 pptv and 4 ppbv respectively in the boundary layer at a latitude of 20° N. The NO concentration between 2 and 5 km at the same latitude was 30 pptv. The profiles of ozone and water vapor mixing ratios were highly anti-correlated between 25° N and 20° N. In contrast, it was much poorer at the latitude of 33° N, suggesting a net photochemical production of ozone there.  相似文献   
We present recent results of the observations of giant molecular clouds in nearby galaxies with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope and Millimeter Array. We give some brief comments about observations of GMCs in nearby galaxies with ALMA.  相似文献   
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