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Phytoplankton is considered a key component mediating the ocean-atmospheric exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Lab simulations which model biological responses to atmospheric change are difficult to translate into natural settings owing in part to the vertical migration of phytoplankton. In the sea this vertical migration acts to regulate actual carbon dioxide consumption. To capture some critical properties of this vertical material transfer, we monitored the effects of atmospheric CO2 on dense suspensions of bioconvecting microorganisms. Bioconvection refers to the spontaneous patterns of circulation which arise among such upwardly swimming cells as alga, protozoa, zoospore and large bacteria. Gravity, phototaxis and chemotaxis have all been implicated as affecting pattern-forming ability. The ability of a biologically active suspension to detect atmospheric changes offers a unique method to quantify organism adjustment and vertical migration. With increasing CO2, bioconvection patterns in alga (P. parva) and protozoa (T. pyriformis) lose their robustness, and surface cell populations retreat from the highest CO2 regions. Cell movement (both percent motile and mean velocity) generally diminishes. A general program of image analysis yields statistically significant variations in macroscopic migration patterns; both fractal dimension and various crystallographic parameters correlate strongly with carbon dioxide content.  相似文献   
岩层厚度对碳酸盐岩构造裂缝面密度和分形分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩层厚度对于碳酸盐岩构造裂缝的发育起到重要作用.新疆柯坪大湾沟、青松和蓬莱坝构造性质比较稳定,剖面的构造裂缝测量结果统计分析表明,碳酸盐岩构造裂缝面密度与层厚呈负相关关系,层厚越大,构造裂缝面密度越小,但裂缝规模较大;随着层厚减薄,构造裂缝面密度线性增大,但裂缝规模较小.碳酸盐岩构造裂缝具有良好的分形特征,统计结果显示...  相似文献   
侯公羽  梁荣  龚砚芬  刘琳  田乐 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z2):325-331
对煤矿长斜井盾构机(tunnel boring machine,TBM)施工的风险因素进行了识别,建立了二层次的风险评估指标体系,并确定了风险等级分类标准,利用熵权法确定风险指标的权向量,进而建立了基于集对分析法的煤矿长斜井TBM施工同异反评估模型。在此基础上利用偏联系数的理论确定了文中五元偏联系数的计算方法,根据改进的集对势理论给出风险趋势的预测方法。利用该模型对台格庙矿区煤矿长斜井(1#、2#实验井)TBM施工风险进行了评估与趋势预测。研究表明该模型与方法在煤矿长斜井TBM施工风险分析中是有效的、实用的,可为煤矿长斜井TBM施工风险分析与预测提供一种新的途径。  相似文献   
The lateral transport of bicarbonate as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the oceans is an integral component of the global carbon budget and can represent the sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere. Recently studies have implicated land use change, in particular agricultural development, as an accelerator of bicarbonate export. However, due to the co-variation of land use, bedrock and surficial geologies, and the relationship between bicarbonate export and climate, the impact of anthropogenic activities on DIC export remains an important research question. In order to examine the land use controls on DIC export from small temperate watersheds we sampled 19 streams draining catchments of varying land uses with similar bedrock and surficial geologies. In addition to an agricultural effect, there was a strong correlation between the percent of watershed in urban development and DIC concentrations and DIC yields. Urban watersheds exported 7.8 times more DIC than their nearby forested counterparts and 2.0 times more DIC than nearby agricultural catchments. Isotopic data suggest that excess DIC export from altered systems results from increased chemical weathering, enhanced CO2 production within urban green spaces, and as a result of organic matter loading from septic systems and leaky sewer lines. Furthermore, we found that nitrogen additions (e.g. fertilizers and manure) are aiding in the dissolution of lime, increasing the total export of DIC from agricultural watersheds. Calculated anthropogenic loading rates ranged from 0.43 to 0.86 mol C m− 2 yr− 1. These loading rates suggest that a significant portion of global DIC export might be attributable to human activities, although the impacts on CO2 sequestration are difficult to determine.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to estimate syntectonic P-T conditions within albite- and garnet-bearing orthogneisses. These rocks are generally characterized by the assemblage quartz + albite + biotite + phengite + CaFe-garnet + epidote + titanite. Garnet contains up to 55 mole per cent of grossular. K-feldspar is a relict magmatic phase.

P-T conditions are estimated using several independent methods. First, it is shown that exchange reactions based on the Fe---Mg partitioning between garnet and biotite or garnet and phengite cannot be used to estimate temperatures in these rocks, due to the high grossular content of garnet. Second, maximum and minimum pressures are constrained, respectively, by the occurrence of albite instead of jadeite + quartz and by the assemblage phengite + biotite + quartz. Third, phase equilibria in albite- and garnet-bearing metagranites are modelled in the system K2O---CaO---FeO---Al2O3---SiO2---H2O. Equilibrium curves are calculated for the observed phase compositions. Uncertainties in P-T estimates mainly result from the choice of appropriate non-ideal solution models for the garnet.

An application is developed for granites from the Gran Paradiso nappe (Western Alps). These granites show an heterogeneous deformation of Alpine age expressed by mylonitic shear zones cutting across weakly deformed domains. Estimated P-T conditions for the synkinematic assemblages are 10–16 kbar at 550±50°C.  相似文献   

The ability of four regional climate models to reproduce the present-day South American climate is examined with emphasis on La Plata Basin. Models were integrated for the period 1991–2000 with initial and lateral boundary conditions from ERA-40 Reanalysis. The ensemble sea level pressure, maximum and minimum temperatures and precipitation are evaluated in terms of seasonal means and extreme indices based on a percentile approach. Dispersion among the individual models and uncertainties when comparing the ensemble mean with different climatologies are also discussed. The ensemble mean is warmer than the observations in South Eastern South America (SESA), especially for minimum winter temperatures with errors increasing in magnitude towards the tails of the distributions. The ensemble mean reproduces the broad spatial pattern of precipitation, but overestimates the convective precipitation in the tropics and the orographic precipitation along the Andes and over the Brazilian Highlands, and underestimates the precipitation near the monsoon core region. The models overestimate the number of wet days and underestimate the daily intensity of rainfall for both seasons suggesting a premature triggering of convection. The skill of models to simulate the intensity of convective precipitation in summer in SESA and the variability associated with heavy precipitation events (the upper quartile daily precipitation) is far from satisfactory. Owing to the sparseness of the observing network, ensemble and observations uncertainties in seasonal means are comparable for some regions and seasons.  相似文献   
This study investigates projected changes in rainfall and temperature over Malaysia by the end of the 21st century based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2, A1B and B2 emission scenarios using the Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies (PRECIS). The PRECIS regional climate model (HadRM3P) is configured in 0.22° × 0.22° horizontal grid resolution and is forced at the lateral boundaries by the UKMO-HadAM3P and UKMOHadCM3Q0 global models. The model performance in simulating the present-day climate was assessed by comparing the modelsimulated results to the Asian Precipitation - Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation (APHRODITE) dataset. Generally, the HadAM3P/PRECIS and HadCM3Q0/PRECIS simulated the spatio-temporal variability structure of both temperature and rainfall reasonably well, albeit with the presence of cold biases. The cold biases appear to be associated with the systematic error in the HadRM3P. The future projection of temperature indicates widespread warming over the entire country by the end of the 21st century. The projected temperature increment ranges from 2.5 to 3.9°C, 2.7 to 4.2°C and 1.7 to 3.1°C for A2, A1B and B2 scenarios, respectively. However, the projection of rainfall at the end of the 21st century indicates substantial spatio-temporal variation with a tendency for drier condition in boreal winter and spring seasons while wetter condition in summer and fall seasons. During the months of December to May, ~20-40% decrease of rainfall is projected over Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo, particularly for the A2 and B2 emission scenarios. During the summer months, rainfall is projected to increase by ~20-40% across most regions in Malaysia, especially for A2 and A1B scenarios. The spatio-temporal variations in the projected rainfall can be related to the changes in the weakening monsoon circulations, which in turn alter the patterns of regional moisture convergences in the region.  相似文献   
Statistical ice cover models were used to project daily mean basin ice cover and annual ice cover duration for Lakes Superior and Erie. Models were applied to a 1951–80 base period and to three 30-year steady double carbon dioxide (2 × CO2) scenarios produced by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), the Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS), and the Oregon State University (OSU) general circulation models. Ice cover estimates were made for the West, Central, and East Basins of Lake Erie and for the West, East, and Whitefish Bay Basins of Lake Superior. Average ice cover duration for the 1951– 80 base period ranged from 13 to 16 weeks for individual lake basins. Reductions in average ice cover duration under the three 2 × CO2 scenarios for individual lake basins ranged from 5 to 12 weeks for the OSU scenario, 8 to 13 weeks for the GISS scenario, and 11 to 13 weeks for GFDL scenario. Winters without ice formation become common for Lake Superior under the GFDL scenario and under all three 2 × CO2 scenarios for the Central and East Basins of Lake Erie. During an average 2 × CO2 winter, ice cover would be limited to the shallow areas of Lakes Erie and Superior. Because of uncertainties in the ice cover models, the results given here represent only a first approximation and are likely to represent an upper limit of the extent and duration of ice cover under the climate change projected by the three 2 × CO2scenarios. Notwithstanding these limitations, ice cover projected by the 2 × CO2 scenarios provides a preliminary assessment of the potential sensitivity of the Great Lakes ice cover to global warming. Potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts of a 2 × CO2 warming include year-round navigation, change in abundance of some fish species in the Great Lakes, discontinuation or reduction of winter recreational activities, and an increase in winter lake evaporation.  相似文献   
Self-organizing map (SOM) is used to simulate summer daily precipitation over the Yangtze–Huaihe river basin in Eastern China, including future projections. SOM shows good behaviors in terms of probability distribution of daily rainfall and spatial distribution of rainfall indices, as well as consistency of multi-model simulations. Under RCP4.5 Scenario, daily rainfall at most sites (63%) is projected to shift towards larger values. For the early 21st century (2016–2035), precipitation in the central basin increases, yet decreases occur over the middle reaches of the Yangtze River as well as a part of its southeast area. For the late 21st century (2081–2100), the mean precipitation and extreme indices experience an overall increase except for a few southeast stations. The total precipitation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and in its south area is projected to increase from 7% at 1.5 °C global warming to 11% at 2 °C, while the intensity enhancement is more significant in southern and western sites of the domain. A clustering allows to regroup all SOM nodes into four distinct regimes. Such regional synoptic regimes show remarkable stability for future climate. The overall intensification of precipitation in future climate is linked to the occurrence-frequency rise of a wet regime which brings longitudinally closer the South Asia High (eastward extended) and the Western Pacific Subtropical High (westward extended), as well as the reduction of a dry pattern which makes the two atmospheric centers of action move away from each other.  相似文献   
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