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A total of 81 samples (244 specimens) from Upper Cretaceous Indus Molasse and Middle to Upper Cretaceous Dras Flyschoids of the Indus-Tsangpo suture zone in Ladakh (northwest Himalaya) has been studied by thermal demagnetization methods.Both formations showed a characteristic magnetization component indicative for equatorial to low northern palaeolatitudes of acquisition. Similar palaeolatitudes have been obtained before from secondary magnetization components of Early Tertiary age in the Ladakh Intrusives and in the Tibetan Sedimentary Series of central Nepal. The present characteristic components are interpreted likewise as secondary magnetizations which stabilized between 50 and 60 m.y. ago, during Greater India's collision with Asia's southern margin.The Dras Flyschoids show another magnetic component which, in case of primary origin, indicates acquisition at a low southern palaeolatitude. If correct, this interpretation supports recent suggestions for Late Cretaceous obduction of an island arc on Greater India's northern margin.  相似文献   
The gravitational instability of flow through porous medium for some hydrodynamical and hydromagnetical systems of astrophysical interest is investigated. The effects of rotation, magnetic field, viscosity and finite electrical conductivity are studied for the gravitational instability through porous medium. The effect of suspended particles on the instability is also considered. It is found that Jean's criterion remains unchanged in the presence of porosity, viscosity, finite conductivity, rotation, magnetic field and suspended particles in the medium.  相似文献   
The extent to which riverine Os is trapped in a temperate estuary was the aim of this study. The behavior of Os through the Hudson River, East River and the Long Island Sound (LIS) system is addressed using both natural Os and anthropogenically mobilized Os. The Os concentration ([Os]) and isotopic composition (187Os/188Os) of the Mid-Atlantic Bight as inferred from the analysis of a water sample of 31‰ salinity (S) at Vineyard Sound, MA are 46 fM and 1.070, respectively. In comparison, the Hudson River at Newburgh, NY has [Os] = 68 fM and 187Os/188Os = 1.265. The Os concentration of the East River at the Whitestone Bridge is 51 fM and remains essentially constant proceeding eastward in the LIS despite the increase of salinity from 20‰ towards the higher value of the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The 187Os/188Os ratio of water at Whitestone Bridge is 0.945 and increases eastward through the Sound to 0.979 at 7 km and then to 1.019 at 39.6 km. The behavior of Os through LIS appears to be conservative at S > 20‰. On the basis of Os concentration and isotopic composition we infer that anthropogenic Os is being added to the East River through sewers with the likely isotopic ratio of ∼0.13 and that about 24% of riverine Os must be removed at S ? 20‰. There is a net transport of about 0.4-1 mole of anthropogenic Os per year from the East River into the LIS. The residence time of Os in the ocean at present must be about 39,000 years, unless an independent source of supply of Os can be identified.  相似文献   
In this article, the potential of a binder developed by admixing fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) to stabilise expansive soils is evaluated. Laboratory tests included determination of free swell index, swell potential and swelling pressure tests of the soil/binder mixtures at different mixing ratio. The test results showed decrease in the swelling behaviour of the soil with increase in binder content. The percent swell–time relationship was observed to fit the hyperbolic curves enabling us to predict the ultimate percent swell from few initial test results. Addition of 1% of lime to the binder showed further improvement in reducing swelling. A good linear relationship is established between percent oedometer swell and modified free swell index (MFSI) for soil/binder mixtures without lime but the same has not been observed in the presence of lime. The compressibility characteristics of the soil/binder mixtures reduced nominally with increase in binder content but in the presence of lime, the compressibility reduced significantly. Binder used in this study has been found to be effective and economic to stabilise expansive soils with lesser amount of chemical additives such as lime.  相似文献   
The River Ganga in the central Gangetic plain shows the incision of 20 m of Late Quaternary sediments that form a vast upland terrace (T2). The incised Ganga River Valley shows two terraces, namely the river valley (terrace-T1) and the present-day flood plain (terrace-T0). Terrace-T1 shows the presence of meander scars, oxbow lakes, scroll plains, which suggests that a meandering river system prevailed in the past. The present-day river channel flows on terrace-T0 and is braided, sensu stricto. It is thus inferred that the River Ganga experienced at least two phases of tectonic adjustments: (1) incision and (2) channel metamorphosis from meandering to braided.Optical dating of samples from three different terraces has bracketed the phase of incision to be <6 and 4 ka. Different ages of the top of terrace-T2 show that this surface experienced differential erosion due to tectonic upwarping in the region, which also caused the river incision. River metamorphosis occurred some time during 4 and 0.5 ka.  相似文献   
We present values of velocity of ground water percolation (Vg) over large depth intervals, varying from shallow to deeper depths in Indaram area of Godavari sub-basin. The velocities have been estimated using available measured geothermal data. Sub-surface temperatures were measured in seven boreholes. Terrestrial heat flow values are calculated using temperature data and measured values of thermal conductivity of core samples. The results show that Vg is ~3.4 ×10?7 cm /sec in the top layers (70–150 m) and decreases to ~0.04×10?7 cm/sec in the deeper levels around 350 m depth and becomes negligibly small thereafter, thereby, indicating that the overall permeability of the sub-surface layers, due to the occurrence of successions of permeable, semi-permeable layers gets reduced to more or less zero at depths around 350 m. The value of Thermal Peclet Number, which is the ratio of the heat transfer through convection to that through conduction, naturally becomes negligible around this depth in the area. The observed consistency of the magnitude of heat flow through various deep sections is a clear indicator that water percolation is practically reduced to zero at depths around 320–400 m and that conduction is the dominant mechanism of heat transfer below the inferred depth section, while the upper layers are dominated by recharge at various depths by near surface water from streams at Indaram.  相似文献   
The explosive rhyolitic eruption of Öræfajökull volcano, Iceland, in AD 1362 is described and interpreted based on the sequence of pyroclastic fall and flow deposits at 10 proximal locations around the south side of the volcano. Öræfajökull is an ice-clad stratovolcano in south central Iceland which has an ice-filled caldera (4–5 km diameter) of uncertain origin. The main phase of the eruption took place over a few days in June and proceeded in three main phases that produced widely dispersed fallout deposits and a pyroclastic flow deposit. An initial phase of phreatomagmatic eruptive activity produced a volumetrically minor, coarse ash fall deposit (unit A) with a bi-lobate dispersal. This was followed by a second phreatomagmatic, possibly phreatoplinian, phase that deposited more fine ash beds (unit B), dispersed to the SSE. Phases A and B were followed by an intense, climactic Plinian phase that lasted ∼ 8–12 h and produced unit C, a coarse-lapilli, pumice-clast-dominated fall deposit in the proximal region. At the end of Plinian activity, pyroclastic flows formed a poorly-sorted deposit, unit D, presently of very limited thickness and exposed distribution. Much of Eastern Iceland is covered with a very fine distal ash layer, dispersed to the NE. This was probably deposited from an umbrella cloud and is the distal representation of the Plinian fallout. A total bulk fall deposit volume of ∼ 2.3 km3 is calculated (∼ 1.2 km3 DRE). Pyroclastic flow deposit volumes have been crudely estimated to be < 0.1 km3. Maximum clast size data interpreted by 1-D models suggests an eruption column ∼ 30 km high and mass discharge rates of ∼ 108 kg s− 1. Ash fall may have taken place from heights around 15 km, above the local tropopause (∼ 10 km), with coarser clasts dispersed below that under a different wind regime. Analyses of glass inclusions and matrix glasses suggest that the syn-eruptive SO2 release was only ∼ 1 Mt. This result is supported by published Greenland ice-core acidity peak data that also suggest very minor sulphate deposition and thus SO2 release. The small sulphur release reflects the low sulphur solubility in the 1362 rhyolitic melt. The low tropopause over Iceland and the 30-km-high eruption column certainly led to stratospheric injection of gas and ash but little sulphate aerosol was generated. Moreover, pre-eruptive and degassed halogen concentrations (Cl, F) indicate that these volatiles were not efficiently released during the eruption. Besides the local pyroclastic flow (and related lahar) hazard, the impact of the Öræfajökull 1362 eruption was perhaps restricted to widespread ash fall across Eastern Iceland and parts of northern Europe.  相似文献   
A finite element analysis of a reinforced embankment-foundation system has been conducted using a coupled formulation and elastoplasticity theory. Such important factors as type of reinforcement, the type of clay, depth of foundation and drainage condition affecting the system have been systematically investigated using appropriate constitutive models to depict various components of the system and material parameters of two typical soft clay deposits found in India. The displacements, reinforcement force and maximum heights of the embankments are among the aspects presented and discussed. It is shown that the effectiveness of the reinforcement is dependent on its stiffness and the shear strength of the clay deposit. The foundation depth has significant effect on the nature and magnitude of displacement, the reinforcement force and the height of embankment. Drainage conditions are shown to markedly influence the effectiveness of reinforcement. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
India's growing role in the global climate debate makes it imperative to analyse emission reduction policies and strategies across a range of GHGs, especially for under-researched non-CO2 gases. Hydrofluorocarbons' (HFCs) usage in cooling equipment and subsequent emissions are expected to increase dramatically in India with the phase-out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) as coolants in air-conditioning equipment. We focus on the residential air-conditioning sector in India and analyse a suite of HFC and alternative coolant gas scenarios for understanding the implications for GHG emissions from this sector within an integrated assessment modelling framework. We find that, if unabated, HFC410A emissions will contribute to 36% of the total global warming impact from the residential air-conditioner sector in India in 2050, irrespective of the future economic growth trajectory, and the remaining 64% is from energy to power residential air-conditioners. A move towards more efficient, low global warming potential (GWP) alternative refrigerants will significantly reduce the cumulative global warming footprint of this sector by 37% during the period 2010–2050, due to gains both from energy efficiency as well as low GWP alternatives. Best practices for reducing direct emissions are important, but only of limited utility, and if a sustainable lifestyle is adopted by consumers with lower floorspace, low GWP refrigerants, and higher building envelope efficiencies, cumulative emissions during 2010–2050 can be reduced by 46% compared to the Reference scenario.

Policy relevance

Our analysis has important implications for Indian climate policy. We highlight that the Indian government's amendment proposal to the Montreal Protocol is a strong signal to the Indian market that the transition away from high GWP refrigerants towards low/zero GWP alternatives will happen sooner or later. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency should extend building energy conservation code policy to residential buildings immediately, and the government should mandate it. Government authorities should set guidelines and mandate reporting of data related to air-conditioner coolant recharge frequency and recovery of scrapped air-conditioner units. For contentious issues like flammability where there is no consensus within the industry, the government needs to undertake an independent technical assessment that can provide unbiased and reliable information to the market.  相似文献   

Detailed studies on the status of Saraswati Nadi of northern Haryana have been carried out using multi date and multi resolution satellite images, GIS techniques and ground data. Palaeochannels have been delineated using remote sensing techniques and validated using discovered archaeological sites, sedimentological data from drilled wells and water quality data. Detailed analysis of hydrological data (rainfall and stream discharge), catchment area and petrographic analysis of rock samples have been done to decipher the dwindling state of Saraswati Nadi. Likelihood of Adi Badri as the place of origin of Saraswati Nadi and its possible linkage with the Vedic Saraswati River is discussed. Suggestions have been given for safeguarding and revival of Saraswati Nadi as a national heritage.  相似文献   
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