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Monthly mesoscale eddy kinetic energy (EKE) per unit mass has been computed for four years, 1993-1996, from TOPEX altimeter data in the Indian Ocean. It ranges from 50 cm2/s2 to 2,700 cm2/s2 (about 4,000 cm2/s2 near the Somali region in a few months). In the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, regions of high energies associated with various current systems under the influence of monsoonal winds have been delineated. Monthly variation of EKE near the Somali region has been studied. In this region the maximum EKE per unit mass has been observed during August every year, with variations in magnitude from year to year. The mesoscale eddy kinetic energy computed from TOPEX altimeter-derived SSH during 1993-1996 is highest near the Somali region during the SW monsoon, due to formation of mesoscale eddies and also because of upwelling. In the Bay of Bengal, high eddy kinetic energy is seen toward the western side during nonmonsoonal months due to the western boundary current. In the South Indian Ocean, it is high at a few places in some of the months. A large part of the Indian Ocean exhibits low eddy kinetic energy (less than 300 cm2/s2) year-round.  相似文献   
Present study is an effort to distinguish between the contributions of natural weathering and anthropogenic inputs towards high salinity and nutrient concentrations in the groundwater of National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi, India. Apart from the source identification, the aquifer of entire territory has been characterized and mapped on the basis of salinity in space and water suitability with its depth. Major element chemistry, conventional graphical plots and specific ionic ratio of Na+/Cl, SO4 2−/Cl, Mg2+/Ca2+ and Ca2+/(HCO3  + SO4 2−) are conjointly used to distinguish different salinization sources. Results suggest that leaching from the various unlined landfill sites and drains is the prime cause of NO3 contamination while study area is highly affected with inland salinity which is geogenic in origin. The seasonal water level fluctuation and rising water level increases nutrients concentration in groundwater. Mixing with old saline sub-surface groundwater and dissolution of surface salts in the salt affected soil areas were identified as the principle processes controlling groundwater salinity through comparison of ionic ratio. Only minor increase of salinity is the result of evaporation effect and pollution inflows. The entire territory has characterized into four groups as fresh, freshening, near freshening and saline with respect to salinity in groundwater. The salinity mapping suggests that in general, for drinking needs, groundwater in the fresh, freshening and near freshening zone is suitable up to a depth of 45, 20 and 12 m, respectively, while the saline zones are unsuitable for any domestic use. In the consideration of increasing demand of drinking water in the area; present study is vital and recommends further isotopic investigations and highlights the need of immediate management action for landfill sites and unlined drains.  相似文献   
Leaf litter interception of water is an integral component of the water budget for some vegetated ecosystems. However, loss of rainfall to litter receives considerably less attention than canopy interception due to lack of suitable sensors to measure changes in litter water content. In this study, a commercially available leaf wetness sensor was calibrated to the gravimetric water content of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana ) litter and used to estimate litter interception in a subhumid eastern redcedar woodland in north‐central Oklahoma. Under controlled laboratory conditions, a strong positive correlation between the leaf wetness sensor output voltage (mV) and measured gravimetric litter water content (? g) was determined: ? g = (.0009 × mV2) ? (0.14 × mV) ? 11.41 (R 2 = .94, p  < .0001). This relationship was validated with field sampling and the output voltage (mV) accounted for 48% of the observed variance in the measured water content. The maximum and minimum interception storage capacity ranged between 1.16 and 12.04 and 1.12 and 9.62 mm, respectively. The maximum and minimum amount of intercepted rain was positively correlated to rainfall amount and intensity. The continuous field measurements demonstrated that eastern redcedar litter intercepted approximately 8% of the gross rainfall that fell between December 16, 2014 and May 31, 2015. Therefore, rainfall loss to litter can constitute a substantial component of the annual water budget. Long‐term in situ measurement of litter interception loss is necessary to gain a better estimate of water availability for streamflow and recharge. This is critical to manage water resources in the south‐central Great Plains, USA where grasslands are rapidly being transformed to woodland or woody dominated savanna.  相似文献   
Abandoned channel belts, ponds and point bar deposits of palaeochannels in the interfluve regions of the central Ganga Plain suggest changes in the morphohydrologic conditions during the Latest Pleistocene–Holocene. Stratigraphy of these ponds comprises channel sand at the base overlain by shell-bearing clayey silt. The contact of the two facies marks the phase when channels converted into standing water bodies. Point bar deposits of some palaeochannels are overlain by oxidised aeolian sand, indicating that the channel abandonment possibly occurred due to the desiccation and aridity in the region.Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronometry of the pond sediments suggests that the deposition of the basal channel sand started before 13 ka and continued up to 8 ka. The ponds formed around 8–6 ka when the channel activity ceased. Evidence from the point bar deposits also indicates that the fluvial activity in the region ended sometime during 7–5 ka. This was followed by aeolian aggradation. The present study thus suggests that the hydrologic conditions in the Gangetic plains, i.e. initiation of channels and their abandonment, formation of microgeomorphologic features such as ponds and their eventual siltation, were controlled largely by climatic changes (i.e. monsoon changes) supported by tectonic activity. For the past 2 ka, increasing human and related agricultural activity has substantially accentuated the natural siltation rate of ponds.  相似文献   
Nonlinear analysis of electrostatic drift Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is performed. It is shown that the analysis leads to the propagation of the weakly nonlinear dispersive waves and the nonlinear behaviour is governed by the nonlinear Burger's equation.  相似文献   
Metals in Sediments of the Upper Laguna Madre   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Laguna Madre system is the largest hypersaline coastal basin in the United States. Surface sediments from 22 Upper Laguna Madre (ULM) sites were analyzed for grain size and metals (Cd, Cu, Ba, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, Fe, and Al) to assess the extent of contamination in the area. Sediments were found to consist mainly of sand texture. Clay and silts were minor constituents (<10%) of the sediments. Anomalies in metal concentrations were found at some sites and were related to probable sources, i.e., recreational and industrial activities. Concentrations of metals were normalized to grain size, Al, and Fe to distinguish natural and anthropogenic sources. Most metals showed positive correlations (p < 0.001) with Fe and Al, suggesting a natural variability of metal concentrations in sediments. Concentrations of metals, except Cd and Pb, at most sites were found to be below threshold concentrations thought to produce toxic effects in marine and estuarine organisms.  相似文献   
Using the data collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition, maps showing the distribution of depth, acceleration potential, salinity and oxyty were prepared for the northeast monsoon for the four potential thermosteric anomaly surfaces: 160, 120, 80 and 60 cl/t. Zonal components of current along 84°E were computed from the geopotential dynamic heights. From such an analysis, it became clear that low-salinity water from the Pacific intrudes into the western Indian Ocean through the Banda and Timor seas in the upper layers above 100 cl/t surface, while the North Indian Ocean Water penetrates towards the Eastern Archipelago below 100 cl/t surface. The South Equatorial Countercurrent and the Tropical Countercurrent are well depicted on the vertical section of zonal components as well as on the distribution of acceleration potential.  相似文献   
Here we report an in-depth reanalysis of an article by Vats et al. (Astrophys. J. 548, L87, 2001) that was based on measurements of differential rotation with altitude as a function of observing frequencies (as lower and higher frequencies indicate higher and lower heights, respectively) in the solar corona. The radial differential rotation of the solar corona is estimated from daily measurements of the disc-integrated solar radio flux at 11 frequencies: 275, 405, 670, 810, 925, 1080, 1215, 1350, 1620, 1755, and 2800 MHz. We use the same data as were used in Vats et al. (2001), but instead of the twelfth maxima of autocorrelograms used there, we use the first secondary maximum to derive the synodic rotation period. We estimate synodic rotation by Gaussian fit of the first secondary maximum. Vats et al. (2001) reported that the sidereal rotation period increases with increasing frequency. The variation found by them was from 23.6 to 24.15 days in this frequency range, with a difference of only 0.55 days. The present study finds that the sidereal rotation period increases with decreasing frequency. The variation range is from 24.4 to 22.5 days, and the difference is about three times larger (1.9 days). However, both studies give a similar rotation period at 925 MHz. In Vats et al. (2001) the Pearson’s factor with trend line was 0.86, whereas present analysis obtained a \({\sim}\,0.97\) Pearson’s factor with the trend line. Our study shows that the solar corona rotates more slowly at higher altitudes, which contradicts the findings reported in Vats et al. (2001).  相似文献   
We present numerical simulations of the modified nonlinear Schrödinger equation satisfied by kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) leading to the formation of magnetic filaments at different times. The relevance of these filamentary structures to solar wind turbulence and particle heating has also been pointed out.  相似文献   
A significant fraction of the total number of particles present in the atmosphere is formed by nucleation in the gas phase. Nucleation and the subsequent growth process influence both number concentration of particles and their size distribution besides chemical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. Sulphate aerosol nucleation mechanisms promoted by ions have been evaluated here in a tropospheric interactive chemistry-aerosol module for mass and number concentration in a global atmospheric model. The indirect radiative forcing of sulphate particles is assessed in this model; indirect radiative forcing is different for ion-induced (IIN) and ion-mediated (IMN) mechanisms. The indirect radiative forcing in 10-year simulation runs has been calculated as ?1.42?W/m2 (IIN) and ?1.54?W/m2 (IMN). The 5% emission of primary sulphate particles in simulations changes the indirect radiative forcing from ?1.42 to ?1.44?W/m2 for IIN case, and from ?1.54 to ?1.55 W/m2 for the IMN case. More precisely, owing to greater nucleation rates, IMN mechanisms produces greater cooling than the IIN mechanisms in the backdrop that both mechanisms produce almost identical distribution of CDNC in their pre-industrial runs. The inclusion of primary particles in simulations with IIN and IMN mechanisms increases both CDNC and the indirect radiative forcing.  相似文献   
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