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The world-class Imiter silver deposit, in the Anti-Atlas Mountains of Morocco, is a Neoproterozoic epithermal vein deposit genetically associated with a felsic volcanic event, and formed within a regional extensional tectonic regime. Rhyolitic volcanism related to ore formation has been dated at 550Dž Ma by ion-probe U/Pb on zircons. The economic silver mineralization is superimposed on an older, discrete base-metal assemblage associated with calc-alkaline granodioritic magmatism. The magmatism is dated at 572LJ Ma by ion-probe U/Pb dating on zircons, and by 40Ar/39Ar dating on hydrothermal muscovites. In the Anti-Atlas Mountains, the Precambrian-Cambrian transition appears as an important period for the formation of major, productive precious-metal deposits associated with volcanic events and extensional tectonics. The Imiter silver deposit constitutes a Precambrian analogue to modern epithermal deposits.  相似文献   
The Middle Jurassic plutonism of the Central High Atlas (Morocco) was emplaced in N45° trending anticlinal ridges. It is characterised by various petrographic facies including mafic rocks (troctolites), intermediate rocks (diorites, monzodiorites), and evolved rocks (syenites), together with heterogeneous facies resulting from mixing between acidic and the intermediate magmas. Mineralogical and chemical data show (i) the transitional character of the Jurassic magmatic series of the Central High Atlas and (ii) the implication of continental crust as a contaminant during fractional crystallization. To cite this article: R. Zayane et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 97–104.  相似文献   
Dredging operations produce considerable quantities of materials, to be managed and this opens an opportunity for valorization in civil engineering. However, the contamination of the dredged sediments has become a major problem to solve. The major contaminants are heavy metals and organic compounds. This study focuses on the use of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) to stabilize heavy metals from sediments and destroy organic matter by calcination at 650 °C with a goal of using sediments in roadworks. Several studies have been conducted in this eld. The stabilized materials obtained have been used in civil engineering. The main purpose of this work is to discuss the environmental behavior of marine sediment treated by phosphatation and calcination. Two types of phosphoric acids were used. The pH dependence leaching test has been used as the basic characterization to evaluate the effect of the type of phosphoric acid on the metals behavior in a valorization scenario. The standard leaching test and the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) were conducted as compliance tests. In regards of the obtained results, the environmental assessment has also shown a reduction in the availability of targeted heavy metals in alkaline environment whatever the type of acid used for treatment. This opens opportunities for co-valorization.  相似文献   
After the last glacial maximum (LGM; 18,000 years. bp) plants migrated onto areas made free by the retreating ice sheets. Pollen records document changes in ecosystems and are an important proxy for the reconstruction of climate parameters. Here, we quantify changes in January temperature (Tjan) over the past 14,000 years using 216 European pollen records. We used functional principal component analysis to evaluate the patterns of change over this period of time. Between 14 and 12 ka, Tjan records show comparable changes across Europe. After this time period, northwest and southeast Europe experienced differing trends in Tjan, trends that became pronounced by 9 ka. The spatial gradient of Tjan records is well-correlated with the overall change from steppe to increasingly diverse forest ecosystems. In particular, differential incorporation of conifer vs. deciduous species into forest ecosystems, based on differential colonization out of refugia, likely resulted in albedo gradients over Europe that affected regional Tjan.  相似文献   
A methodology is proposed for mapping susceptibility to landsliding and validating the results. Heavy rains in late 1996 and early 1997 led to a large number of landslids in the Rute sector (Córdoba, Southern Spain), where landslide susceptibility mapping had previously been carried out using a ‘matrix’ method developed with a Geographical Information System (GIS). Analysis of the distribution of the new landslides (or reactivated earlier ones) enabled the methodology to be validated by calculating association coefficients and determining the closeness of the match between subsequent field evidence and the previously defined susceptibility levels. From the data obtained, it can be concluded that the susceptibility mapping effectively explained the spatial distribution of landslides, thus providing valuable information on stability conditions over a widespread area. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
X-PEEM images and XPS were collected on isolated layers of three synthetic swelling clays, one hectorite and two saponites with various charge, recording the Si(2p), Al(2p) and Mg(2p) core level spectra from the clay sheets. Spectra were fitted to determine the different components of the core levels. Due to their large full width at half maximum, Si XPS spectra were fitted using two to three doublets. It appears that, for a given clay mineral, Si, Al and Mg binding energies (BE) were constant, for all the observed layers. However, variations of the Si BE were observed depending on the nature of the mineral investigated. The various components obtained from the fit of Si spectra could be assigned to different substitution rates; binding energy shifting to lower values with substitution increase in the layer. Furthermore, variations in Si BE according to charge location were assigned to the influence of exchangeable cation.  相似文献   
为了揭示闽江下游闽侯盆地第四纪沉积环境演变与人类活动历史,对闽江下游闽侯盆地庄边山遗址附近的FZ5钻孔进行了孢粉、硅藻分析。结果表明:闽侯盆地全新世海侵初始发生时间约为9 000 cal. a B.P.,至7 500 cal. a B.P.达到最大海侵范围,晚全新世海退的发生时间在闽侯盆地大约为1 900 cal. a B.P.。孢粉分析证实了当地早中全新世温暖的亚热带气候以及浓密的常绿阔叶林植被。在7 500―1 900 cal. a B.P.之间无论植被覆盖还是气候环境均比较稳定,高海平面时期的适宜气候以及海湾环境也有利于当地以渔猎经济方式为主的新石器文化(昙石山文化)的兴起和发展。自1 900 cal. a B.P.以后,孢粉组合突变为以先锋植物芒萁属(Dicranopteris)、禾本科(Poaceae)、松属(Pinus)等类型为主,揭示了当地植被受到人类农业刀耕火种的影响而发生显著变化。高含量的禾本科花粉(含一定数量的水稻)仅在剖面上部明显增加这一事实,证实了闽侯和福州一带水稻种植的大面积发展始于距今1 900 a前后。  相似文献   
This paper presents a new, fast and economical method for digitizing a rock surface profile to determine its joint roughness coefficient (JRC) value (Barton and Choubey, Rock Mech Rock Eng 10:1–54, 1977) using a set of existing parameters, the appropriateness of which has been tested. The new procedure was applied to four rock road cuts in the Alpujarra area of Granada province (Andalusia, Spain), supported by 117 digitized profiles. The method avoids any personal subjectivity bias. The usual subjectivity in the visualization and assessment of the JRC value is estimated here by a survey test answered by 90 trained users. The survey test consisted of a set of JRC visual comparisons of 12 roughness profiles, selected from the 117 profiles surveyed during the field research in the Alpujarra region, with the Barton typical profiles. The results of the survey clearly show systematic inaccuracies in the traditional procedure that are reduced if the advice presented in the conclusions of this paper is taken in account when performing the visual estimation.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a new approach for forecasting continuous indoor air quality time series and in particular the concentration of a common air pollutant in offices like formaldehyde. Forecasting is achieved through the combination of the spectral band decomposition using fast Fourier transform and nonlinear time series modeling. Two nonlinear models have been tested: a threshold autoregressive (TAR) model and a Chaos dynamics-based modeling. This study shows the benefit of the Fourier decomposition coupled with nonlinear modeling of each extracted component, compared to forecasting applied directly on the raw data. Both TAR and Chaos dynamics models are able to reproduce nonlinearities, with slightly better performance in the case of the second model. These hybrid models provide good performance on forecast time horizon up to 12 h ahead.  相似文献   
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