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We present a comparative analysis of 1400 data series of water chemistry (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations), phytoplankton biomass as chlorophylla (chla) concentrations, concentrations of suspended matter and Secchi depth transparency collected from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s from 162 stations in 27 Danish fjords and coastal waters. The results demonstrate that Danish coastal waters were heavily eutrophied and had high particle concentrations and turbid waters. Median values were 5.1 μg chla 1−1, 10.0 mg DW 1−1 of suspended particles, and Secchi depth of 3.6 m. Chlorophyll concentration was strongly linked to the total-nitrogen concentration. The strength of this relationship increased from spring to summer as the concentration of total nitrogen declined. During summer, total nitrogen concentrations accounted for about 60% of the variability in chlorophyll concentrations among the different coastal systems. The relationship between chlorophyll and total phosphorus was more consistant over the year and correlations were much weaker than encountered for total nitrogen. Secchi depth could be predicted with good precision from measurements of chlorophyll and suspended matter. In a multiple stepwise regression model with In-transformed values the two variables accounted for most of the variability in water transparency for the different seasons and the period March–October as a whole (c. 80%). We were able to demonstrate a significant relationship between total nitrogen and Secchi depth, with important implications for management purposes.  相似文献   
The shift of lava geochemistry between volcanic front to rear-arc volcanoes in active subduction zones is a widespread phenomenon. It is somehow linked to an increase of the slab surface depth of the subducting oceanic lithosphere and increasing thickness of the mantle wedge and new constraints for its causes may improve our understanding of magma generation and element recycling in subduction zones in general. As a case study, this paper focuses on the geochemical composition of lavas from two adjacent volcanic centres from the volcanic front (VF) to rear-arc (RA) transition of the Southern Kamchatkan subduction zone, with the aim to examine whether the shift in lava geochemistry is associated with processes in the mantle wedge or in the subducted oceanic lithosphere or both. The trace element and O-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb (double-spike)-isotopic composition of the mafic Mutnovsky (VF) and Gorely (RA) lavas in conjunction with geochemical modelling provides constraints for the degree of partial melting in the mantle wedge and the nature of their slab components. Degrees of partial melting are inferred to be significantly higher beneath Mutnovsky (∼18%) than Gorely (∼10%). The Mutnovsky (VF) slab component is dominated by hydrous fluids, derived from subducted sediments and altered oceanic crust, eventually containing minor but variable amounts of sediment melts. The composition of the Gorely slab component strongly points to a hydrous silicate melt, most likely mainly stemming from subducted sediments, although additional fluid-contribution from the underlying altered oceanic crust (AOC) is likely. Moreover, the Hf-Nd-isotope data combined with geochemical modelling suggest progressive break-down of accessory zircon in the melting metasediments. Therefore, the drastic VF to RA shift in basalt chemistry mainly arises from the transition of the nature of the slab component (from hydrous fluid to melt) in conjunction with decreasing degrees of partial melting within ∼15 km across-arc. Finally, systematic variations of key inter-element with high-precision Pb-isotope ratios provide geochemical evidence for a pollution of the Mutnovsky mantle source with Gorely melt components but not vice versa, most likely resulting from trench-ward mantle wedge corner flow. We also present a geodynamic model integrating the location of the Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanic centres and their lava geochemistry with the recently proposed thermal structure of the southern Kamchatkan arc and constraints about phase equilibria in subducted sediments and AOC. Herein, the slab surface hosting the subducted sediments suffers a transition from dehydration to melting above a continuously dehydrating layer of AOC. Wider implications of this study are that an onset of (flush-) sediment melting may ultimately be the main trigger for the VF to RA transition of lava geochemistry in subduction zones.  相似文献   
The broad belt of intraplate volcanism in the East Atlantic between 25° and 37° N is proposed to have formed by two adjacent hotspot tracks (the Madeira and Canary tracks) that possess systematically different isotopic signatures reflecting different mantle source compositions. To test this model, Hf isotope ratios from volcanic rocks from all individual islands and all major seamounts are presented in this study. In comparison with published Nd isotope variations (6 εNd units), 176Hf/177Hf ratios span a much larger range (14 εHf units). Samples from the proposed Madeira hotspot track have the most radiogenic Hf isotopic compositions (176Hf/177Hfm up to 0.283335), extending across the entire field for central Atlantic MORB. They form a relatively narrow, elongated trend on the Nd vs. Hf isotope diagram (stretching over > 10 εHf units) between a depleted N-MORB-like endmember and a moderately enriched composition located on, or slightly below, the Nd–Hf mantle array, which overlaps the proposed “C” mantle component of Hanan and Graham (1996). In contrast, all samples from the Canary hotspot track plot below the mantle array (176Hf/177Hfm = 0.282943–0.283067) and form a much denser cluster with less compositional variation (~4 εHf units). The cluster falls between (1) a low Hf isotope HIMU-like endmember, (2) a more depleted composition, and (3) the moderately enriched end of the Madeira trend. The new Hf isotope data confirm the general geochemical distinction of the Canary and Madeira domains in the East Atlantic. Both domains, however, seem to share a common, moderately enriched endmember that has “C”-like isotope compositions and is believed to represent subducted, <1-Ga-old oceanic lithosphere (oceanic crust and possibly minor sediment addition). The lower 176Hf/177Hf ratio of the enriched, HIMU-like Canary domain endmember indicates the contribution of oceanic lithosphere with somewhat older recycling ages of ≥1 Ga.  相似文献   
We present major element and PGE (platinum-group-element) abundances in addition to Re–Os isotope data for 11 spinel-facies whole rock peridotites from a single maar from the Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco.Major element systematics of these xenoliths are generally correlated with indices of depletion. FeO–MgO systematics appear to suggest spinel-facies melting in the range of 5 to 25%. However, Al2O3 abundances in these xenoliths appear elevated relative to primitive mantle (Prima). The Al2O3 abundances in conjunction with other major elements require distinct re-enrichment of the Middle Atlas continental mantle root due to melt/rock reaction and precipitation of amphibole and/or clinopyroxene from passing silicate melts akin to MORB or OIB that evolved in reverse direction along the melting curves in e.g. FeO–MgO space. Sc and V confirm the range of apparent depletion and also indicate that the currently preserved fO2 in these peridotites is distinctly different from fO2 conditions observed in subduction zones.The majority of these xenoliths have low Os and Ir (I-PGEs) concentrations relative to Prima and modelled sulphide- and clinopyroxene-depleted residues of mantle melting under low fO2, mid-ocean ridge-like conditions. Moreover, Pt and Pd (P-PGE) abundances are elevated when compared to their expected abundances after substantial melt extraction. Importantly, the systematically low Ir abundances in the majority of samples show well-correlated trends with Al2O3, MgO and Cu that are inconsistent with established melting trends. Os isotopes in the Middle Atlas xenoliths range from 187Os/188Os = 0.11604 to 0.12664 although most samples are close to chondritic. The Os isotope ratios are decoupled from 187Re/188Os but, together with Re abundances, also exhibit a good correlation with Al2O3, MgO and Cu.The major element, I-PGE and Os isotope correlations suggest that the initial melt depletion led to the exhaustion of sulphide and clinopyroxene (20 to 30%) without significant stabilization of I-PGE-rich alloys. During later modal metasomatism of the refractory Middle Atlas continental mantle root with silicate melts akin to MORB or OIB the introduction of clinopyroxene/amphibole reduced the volume of the melt inducing sulphur saturation in these melts causing precipitation of secondary sulphides. This coupled crystallization of pyroxenes and sulphides (chalcopyrite) resulted in the two-component mixing systematics exhibited by I-PGEs, Os isotopes with major elements and Cu preserved in the Middle Atlas continental mantle root.  相似文献   
The characterisation of relative copper isotope amount ratios (δ65Cu) helps constrain a variety of geochemical processes occurring in the geosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. The accurate and precise determination of δ65Cu in matrix reference materials is crucial in the effort to validate measurement methods. With the goal of expanding the number and variety of available geological and biological materials, we have characterised the δ65Cu values of ten reference materials by MC‐ICP‐MS using C‐SSBIN model for mass bias correction. SGR‐1b (Green River shale), DOLT‐5 (dogfish liver), DORM‐4 (fish protein), TORT‐3 (lobster hepatopancreas), MESS‐4 (marine sediment) and PACS‐3 (marine sediment) have for the first time been characterised for δ65Cu. Additionally, four reference materials (with published δ65Cu values) have been characterised: BHVO‐1 (Hawaiian basalt), BIR‐1 (Icelandic basalt), W‐2a (diabase) and Seronorm? Trace Elements Serum L‐1 (human serum). The reference materials measured in this study possess complex and varied matrices with copper mass fractions ranging from 1.2 µg g?1 to 497 µg g?1 and δ65Cu values ranging from ?0.20‰ to 0.52‰ with a mean expanded uncertainty of ± 0.07‰ (U, k = 2), covering much of the natural copper isotope variability observed in the environment.  相似文献   
In order to constrain better the distribution, age, geochemistry and origin of widespread Cenozoic intraplate volcanism on Zealandia, the New Zealand micro-continent, we report new 40Ar/39Ar and geochemical (major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotope) data from offshore (Chatham Rise, Campbell and Challenger Plateaus) and onland (North, South, Auckland, Campbell, Chatham and Antipodes Islands of New Zealand) volcanism on Zealandia. The samples include nephelinite, basanite through phonolite, alkali basalt through trachyte/rhyolite, and minor tholeiite and basaltic andesite, all of which have ocean island basalt (OIB)-type trace element signatures and which range in age from 64.8 to 0.17 Ma. Isotope ratios show a wide range in composition (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7027–0.7050, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.5128–0.5131, 177Hf/176Hf = 0.2829–0.2831, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.62–20.67, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.54–15.72 and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.27–40.34) with samples plotting between mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORB) and Cretaceous New Zealand intraplate volcanic rocks.Major characteristics of Zealandia's Cenozoic volcanism include longevity, irregular distribution and lack of age progressions in the direction of plate motion, or indeed any systematic temporal or spatial geochemical variations. We believe that these characteristics can be best explained in the context of lithospheric detachment, which causes upwelling and melting of the upper asthenospheric mantle and portions of the removed lithosphere. We propose that a large-scale seismic low-velocity anomaly, that stretches from beneath West Antarctica to Zealandia at a depth of > 600 km may represent a geochemical reservoir that has been in existence since the Cretaceous, and has been supplying the upper mantle beneath Zealandia with HIMU-type plume material throughout the Cenozoic. In addition, the sources of the Cenozoic intraplate volcanism may be at least partially derived through melting of locally detached Zealandia lower lithosphere.  相似文献   
We use coseismic GPS data from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake to estimate the subsurface shape of the Chelungpu fault that ruptured during the earthquake. Studies prior to the earthquake suggest a ramp–décollement geometry for the Chelungpu fault, yet many finite source inversions using GPS and seismic data assume slip occurred on the down-dip extension of the Chelungpu ramp, rather than on a sub-horizontal décollement. We test whether slip occurred on the décollement or the down-dip extension of the ramp using well-established methods of inverting GPS data for geometry and slip on faults represented as elastic dislocations. We find that a significant portion of the coseismic slip did indeed occur on a sub-horizontal décollement located at 8 km depth. The slip on the décollement contributes 21% of the total modeled moment release. We estimate the fault geometry assuming several different models for the distribution of elastic properties in the earth: homogeneous, layered, and layered with lateral material contrast across the fault. It is shown, however, that heterogeneity has little influence on our estimated fault geometry. We also investigate several competing interpretations of deformation within the E/W trending rupture zone at the northern end of the 1999 ground ruptures. We demonstrate that the GPS data require a 22- to 35-km-long lateral ramp at the northern end, contradicting other investigations that propose deformation is concentrated within 10 km of the Chelungpu fault. Lastly, we propose a simple tectonic model for the development of the lateral ramp.  相似文献   
Twenty-two bottled mineral and spring waters from Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland have been analysed for 71 inorganic chemical parameters with low detection limits as a subset of a large European survey of bottled groundwater chemistry (N = 884). The Nordic bottled groundwaters comprise mainly Ca–Na–HCO3–Cl water types, but more distinct Ca–HCO3, Na HCO3 and Na–Cl water types are also offered. The distributions for most elements fall between groundwater from Fennoscandian Quaternary unconsolidated aquifers and groundwater from Norwegian crystalline bedrock boreholes. Treated tap waters have slightly lower median values for many parameters, but elements associated with plumbing have significantly higher concentrations in tap waters than in bottled waters. The small dataset is able to show that excessive fluoride and uranium contents are potential drinking water problems in Fennoscandia. Nitrate and arsenic displayed low to moderate concentrations, but the number of samples from Finland and Northern Sweden was too low to detect that elevated concentrations of arsenic occur in bedrock boreholes in some regions. The data shows clearly that water sold in plastic bottles is contaminated with antimony. Antimony is toxic and suspected to be carcinogenic, but the levels are well below the EU drinking water limit. The study does not provide any health-based arguments for buying bottled mineral and spring waters for those who are served with drinking water from public waterworks. Drinking water from crystalline bedrock aquifers should be analysed. In case of elevated concentrations of fluoride, uranium or arsenic, most bottled waters, but not all, will be better alternatives when treatment of the well water is not practicable.  相似文献   
细粒酒精模型冰的弯曲强度试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于不同制冰条件和工的细粒酒精模型冰层原位悬臂弯曲强度试验,给出细料酒精模型冰弯曲强度;分析了考虑和不考虑不浮力效应对弯曲强度的差异;利用向睡向下弯曲强度结果给出该模型冰各向同性的证据;得到该冰弯曲强度与其密度、冰内未冻液含量和制冷过程可控制因子的关系,并作为定量控制模型冰质量的基础。  相似文献   
Melt inclusions in olivine Fo83–72 from tephras of 1867, 1971 and 1992 eruptions of Cerro Negro volcano represent a series of basaltic to andesitic melts of narrow range of MgO (5.6–8 wt %) formed by ~46 wt % fractional crystallization of olivine (~6 wt %), plagioclase (~27 wt %), pyroxene (~13 wt %) and magnetite (<1 wt %) from primitive basaltic melt (average SiO2 = 49 wt %, MgO = 7.6 wt %, H2O = 6 wt %) as it ascended to the surface from the depth of about 14 km. The crystallization occurred at increasing liquidus temperature from 1,050 to 1,090 °C in the pressure range from 400 to 50 MPa and was induced by release of mixed H2O–CO2 fluid from the melt at decreasing pressure. Matrix glass compositions fall at the high-Si end of the melt inclusion trend and represent the final stage of melt crystallization during and after eruption. The bulk compositions of erupted Cerro Negro magmas (tephras and lavas) range from high- to low-MgO (3–10 wt %) basalts, which form a compositional array crossing the trend of melt inclusions so that virtually no rock from Cerro Negro has composition akin to true melt represented by the inclusions. The variations of the bulk magma (rocks) and melt (melt inclusions) compositions can be generated in a dyke connecting a deep primitive magma reservoir with the Cerro Negro edifice. While the melt inclusions represent the compositional trend of instantaneous melts along the magma pathway at decreasing pressure and H2O content, occurrence of low-Mg to high-Mg basalts reflects the process of phenocryst re-distribution in progressively evolving melt. The crystallization scenario is anticipated to operate everywhere in dykes feeding basaltic volcanoes and can explain the predominance of plagioclase-rich high-Al basalts in island arc as well as typical compositional variations of magmas during single eruptions.  相似文献   
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