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沧州市区地热地质特征及地热资源开发探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沧州市区2000m以内 ,主要为馆陶组热储 ,次为沙河街组和寒武-奥陶系热储 ,本文通过对热储条件的分析及地热资源计算 ,提出该区地热合理开发设想。  相似文献   
More than twenty mafic-ultramafic complexes, which host several mediumor large-sized Cu−Ni deposits, occur along the Huangshan-Jingerquan (HJ) belt in East Xinjiang. Rock types in these complexes are predominated by peridotite, pyroxene peridotite, olivine pyroxenite, gabbronorite, orthopyroxene gabbro, troctolite, gabbro and diorite. The ultramafic rocks are relatively Fe-enriched and are characterized by an assemblage of olivine+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+hornblende±plagioclase without obvious metamorphic textures. Chemically, these complexes are relatively Fe-enriched and show a tholeiitic trend of evolution. The complexes in this belt are intruded under the extensional environment in a Mid-Carboniferous back-arc basin. They can be considered as a new type of mafic-ultramafic complexes in orogenic belts, as designated by the name of the East-Xinjiang-type complexes. This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
Volcanism throughout the Luzon arc is associated with eastwardsubduction of the South China Sea floor along the Manila Trench.The southern section of the arc, the focus of this study, extendsfrom the Lingayen-Dingalan fault to the small islands just southof Luzon. Two segments appear to exist along this section ofthe arc the northern Bataan and southern Mindoro segments whichare separated by the Macolod Corridor. The volcanic rocks have typical arc phenocryst mineralogies:olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and titanomagnetite inthe most mafic rocks and clinopyroxene, plagioclase, orthopyroxene,titanomagnetite, ? amphibole in the more felsic samples. Complexzoning, sieve textures, and decoupling of incompatible traceelements suggest that processes such as assimilation have takenplace. The rocks from the study area range from basalts to rhyolitesand show typical calc-alkaline features. The rocks of the MacolodCorridor and Mindoro segment are particularly enriched in largeion lithophile elements (LILE), light rare earth elements (LREE),and radiogenic Sr compared with the Bataan segment. The datafall within the mantle array on Sr-Nd isotopic diagrams andgrade toward higher Sr and lower Nd isotopic values from northto south. A likely source for the volcanics of this study is either amid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-type mantle that undergoes higherdegrees of partial melting than regions involved in MORB generationor a previously depleted source. We suggest that the high fieldstrength element (HFSE) anomalies have been derived throughdifferential element partitioning during fluid transport fromthe subducted lithosphere to the mantle wedge. Continental crustal material seems to play a significant roleparticularly in the Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segment,based on the high LILE, La/Sm ratios, radiogenic Sr isotopes,and 18O values. The Macolod Corridor and the Mindoro segmenthave undergone source contamination by crustal material fromthe North Palawan-Mindoro crustal block either during the collisionof this block with the Manila Trench or by subduction of sedimentsrich in this crustal material. A similar component has alsobeen detected in the Bataan segment but in minor amounts. Thetrace element and isotopic differences between the northernand southern sections of the arc are interpreted in terms ofvariable composition (i. e., variable amounts of a crustal componentintroduced from the Palawan-Mindoro crustal terrain) of themetasomatic fluids released into the source.  相似文献   
线性石蜡基钻井液的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张琰  任丽荣 《现代地质》2001,15(1):103-107
近期在室内研制成功了新型的第二代合成基钻井液的代表——线性石蜡基钻井液。首先从大量的试验结果中优选出了线性石蜡基钻井液配方 ,在此基础上 ,对线性石蜡基钻井液的性能进行了系统的评价。研究结果表明 ,优选出的线性石蜡基钻井液配方简单。和柴油基钻井液相比 ,线性石蜡基钻井液具有优良的热稳定性、页岩抑制性、润滑性能和储层保护性能 ,可用作深井复杂地层的钻井液  相似文献   
洪友崇  吴坚等 《地质论评》2001,47(4):345-349
1989年,张俊峰发表了山东山旺盆地中新世(N2)2个蚂蚁新属新种:Heteromyrmex atopogaster Zhang,1989和Tolylasius inflatus Zhang,1989。经检验,前一个属是基于不实的观察结果,新属、种应予废除,作为未定属种归人蚁亚科(Formicinae);后一个属的建属根据都非建属的根据,其他的特征系毛蚁属(Lasius)的属征范围,没有建属条件,属应予废,保留其种,转移到毛蚁属。  相似文献   
安徽巢湖凤凰山晚古生代大冰期沉积特征与碳同位素变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地史中海相碳酸盐岩记录的无机碳同位素的波动经常与全球气候事件相互关联,但碳酸盐岩的碳同位素不仅与全球碳循环相关,也受控于区域水循环和成岩作用.晚古生代大冰期在石炭纪末—早二叠世达到最高峰,南方冈瓦纳大陆高纬度地区冰川的进退引起低纬度地区旋回性的海平面变化,并发育显著的沉积间断,在华南表现为喀斯特岩溶角砾岩等.本文选取安...  相似文献   
熊浩  高广运  王小岗 《岩土力学》2011,32(4):1131-1137
空沟是一种常用的连续隔振屏障,可以有效地降低人工振动。以位移为变量的二维格子法在波动问题计算中具有良好的适应性、高效性,兼备有限元与差分法的一些优点,应用该法针对层状地基中作用于路堤上的交通荷载引起振动的空沟竖向隔振问题进行了参数研究,分别考虑了上软下硬地基和上硬下软地基两种情况。研究结果表明:空沟宽度对隔振效果的影响较小;空沟深度与空沟的位置是影响隔振效果的关键因素,它们相互关联,其取值应综合考虑;在上述两类层状地基中,若空沟深度与上层土的厚度接近或相等均对竖向隔振不利;路堤高度越大对竖向隔振效果越不利。  相似文献   
利用基本的宝石学方法、紫外可见光分光光度计、红外光谱仪、激光拉曼探针和激光剥蚀等离子质谱技术(LA-ICP-MS)分析了黑龙江穆棱玄武岩风化冲积物中宝石级锆石的宝石学性质、谱学特征、包裹体特征、微量元素组成及U-Pb年龄。宝石学性质表明锆石为优质的、可直接加工利用的宝石原料;谱学特征显示锆石为未经历后期改造的高型岩浆锆石,且含有磷灰石、锆石和赤铁矿包裹体;LA-ICP-MS分析表明锆石具有明显的Ce正异常,富集重稀土元素[(Yb/Sm)N=21~63)]和HFSE元素,Th/U均大于1(1个数据例外);ΣREE较高,含量在1765×10-6~2374×10-6,与基性锆石相似;明显的Ce异常和赤铁矿包裹体说明锆石形成于氧化环境;根据Ti-in-Zircon地质温度计计算,锆石结晶的最低温度为646~737℃;U-Pb年龄为9.39±0.4Ma代表锆石的结晶年龄。基于本实验数据和前人研究成果,认为锆石巨晶形成于富集CO2的氧化环境并且与地幔的交代作用有关,是岩石圈减薄作用发展到一定阶段(衰退期)的产物。  相似文献   
鄯勒油田西山窑组层序地层格架及其油气地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用层序地层学的基本原理和技术方法,建立鄯勒油田西山窑组层序地层格架,划分沉积相,并在此基础上分析层序地层格架内砂体的展布特征和油气的聚集规律,预测研究区岩性油气藏的类型及分布。研究结果表明:西山窑组整体经历了一个先进积、后退积的过程;西山窑组为一个三级层序,其中包含2个四级层序,该组由低位域(LST)的三角洲前缘沉积、湖侵域(TST)的三角洲平原沉积和高位域(HST)的湖相沉积组成。研究区基准面上升期可以寻找砂体上倾尖灭型岩性圈闭,基准面下降期可以寻找砂岩透镜体岩性圈闭。西一、二段沉积的三角洲河道砂体受后期构造运动的影响,可以形成砂体上倾尖灭型岩性油气藏;而西三、四段的湖相浊积砂体,可以形成砂岩透镜体岩性油气藏。  相似文献   
以遥感技术为手段、ETM影像为基础数据,解译了西昆仑塔什库尔干地区主要线、环构造,划分出北西、近南北和近东西向3组主要线性断裂.利用比值和主成分分析等方法,通过异常下限值圈定的数学模型定量提取了铁化、泥化和硅化蚀变信息.综合分析地质、矿产、地球化学及物、化探异常等资料,结合遥感构造解译和蚀变信息,优选了2个Ⅰ类找矿靶区...  相似文献   
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