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付虹  陈立德 《地震研究》1997,20(4):345-356
研究了孟连7.3级地震前云南全省及震中距600km范围内跨断层短水准、短基线、地倾斜、水氡、水位、水汞等13类观测项目,55个台站,11个台项测值的中、短、临异常情况。结果表明,震前中、短、临异常台项目分比为38%,并主要集中在200-400km范围。中期异常特征为异常时间长、幅度大、短临异常特征为中期异常趋势结束或测反向,部分项目出现“巨变”东家主震中附近异常出现晚而外围出现早、随着地震临近其异  相似文献   
基于矩形网格的有限差分走时计算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对于大多数速度场,地震波沿射线传播的初至波走时,可以用有限差分外推的方法在二维或三维数值网格上计算出来. 在保证精度的条件下,为提高计算效率和适应性,本文推导了基于任意矩形网格和局部平面波前近似的有限差分初至波走时计算方法. 另外,该方法对首波和散射波做了合适的处理,而且不会碰到传统射线法存在的阴影区和焦散区等问题. 简单模型和复杂的Marmousi模型试算的结果表明,该方法精度较高并适用于强纵、横向变速的复杂介质. 基于该方法的Kirchhoff叠前深度偏移, 在主要构造和目的层位置的成像效果上基本达到了波动方程法叠前深度偏移的位置成像效果. 由于未考虑续至波等有效能量,在成像的保幅性上不如波动方程法叠前深度偏移的效果,但其计算效率则明显高于全格林函数法和波动方程法.   相似文献   
滇西地区地壳上地幔电性结构与地壳构造活动的关系   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
孙洁  徐常芳 《地震地质》1989,11(1):35-45
本文根据滇西地区18个大地电磁测深点资料的数据处理和分析结果,对测区深部导电率在纵、横向上的变化特征进行了研究。结果表明:滇西地区深部电性为多层结构,大致可分四至五个电性结构层;深部电性结构横向变化大,明显受区域构造控制;该区上部地壳内普遍存在低阻层;上地幔高导层明显存在两个隆起区,一个以剑川—鹤庆为中心呈北北西向展布的隆起区,另一个以腾冲—潞西为轴呈南北向展布的隆起区。 本文还讨论了地壳上地幔电性结构与大地构造的关系,滇西北裂陷区盆地的形成,以及该区地震活动与深部构造的关系  相似文献   
上地幔密度异常驱动小尺度对流及实验模型   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
建立了由密度异常驱动上地幔小尺度对流的数学 物理模型, 发展了利用地震层析成像数据反演上地幔小尺度对流的基本理论和方法. 该模型建立在三维直角坐标系框架上, 假设地震层析成像所显示的地震波速度异常对应于上地幔物质密度异常, 而该密度异常反映了上地幔小尺度热对流系统的温度异常场. 模型首先将地震层析成像确定的地震波速度异常转换为密度异常, 并视其为对流的驱动力; 进而利用三维傅立叶变换, 在波数域内, 在给定的边界条件下, 求解控制流体行为的运动方程和连续性方程, 最后求得对流的流场. 为检验本研究提出的理论和方法的有效性, 本文使用了两个简单的实验模型: 热体和冷体模型; 俯冲断离( break off)板片模型, 计算了其驱动的地幔流场. 结果表明, 本文提供的理论和方法, 可以直接应用于与区域岩石层构造动力学相关的上地幔小尺度对流的研究.  相似文献   
5′-硝基水杨基荧光酮与锆显色反应及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在008~010mol/LHCl介质中,溴化十六烷基三甲铵(CTMAB)存在下,Zr(Ⅳ)与5′_硝基水杨基荧光酮(5′_NSF)发生显色反应,形成1∶4的桔红色络合物,λmax=540nm,ε为146×105L·mol-1·cm-1,Zr(Ⅳ)含量在0~05mg/L符合比尔定律。方法用于氧化铝及陶瓷釉料中锆的测定,结果与ICP_AES法相符,RSD(n=5)在13%~37%。  相似文献   
古近系沙河街组沙三段下部发育的深湖相油页岩是东营凹陷最重要的优质烃源岩.该油页岩呈深灰色或棕褐色,页理发育,主要由富含有机质纹层和浅灰色钙质纹层形成的毫米级沉积层偶组成.其中有机质纹层中的有机碳含量在5%以上,富含藻类化石及鱼化石等;钙质纹层主要由方解石组成,呈灰白色.沉积环境分析表明,该油页岩形成于湿润气候条件下的半咸水-微咸水的深湖缺氧环境中,沉积速率较慢,湖盆处于欠补偿状态,水体分层结构使沉积有机质得到有效保存.藻类等水生生物勃发吸收了更多的CO2,从而诱发大量内生成因的碳酸盐沉淀,形成碳酸盐纹层,而藻类的死亡则导致湖水有机质输送通量增多,使沉积物中有机质保存量增大,促使高有机质丰度烃源岩的形成.因此,分层的水体结构和藻类的勃发是油页岩形成的重要控制因素.  相似文献   
Solar activities can cause the anomalies of electric power transmission systems, especially, for an extra-long distance transmission system. Using the data of coronal mass ejection (CME) from SOHO/LASCO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph), and the data of the geomagnetically induced current (GIC) and geomagnetic storm from the North China Electric Power University and Finnish Meteorological Institute, respectively, we analyze some important observational features and physical properties of the earth-directed halo CMEs associated with the GIC events. After classifying the observed halo CMEs according to their symmetry, it is found that the halo CMEs associated with GIC events are mainly the 3 types: completely symmetric, brightness-asymmetric, and outline-asymmetric. The geomagnetically induced current events driven by the three different types of halo CMEs have different characteristics in the intensity, duration, and period. We ?nd that the brightness-asymmetric halo CMEs are most likely to cause the major damage to the transmission systems. And that the geomagnetically induced current has also a good correlation with the time variation of geomagnetic ?eld.  相似文献   
一体化研究方法在塔中地区碳酸盐岩储层预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔中地区现有三维地震资料覆盖面积4530km2以上,并已全部实现数据加载。为提高该区碳酸盐岩储层预测的精度和效率,在前期工作的基础上,初步建立了塔中一体化研究平台,进行包括数据管理、地层对比、储层对比、储层地震响应特征分析和储层综合评价在内的应用研究。结果表明,可以实现数据共享和有效管理,实现地质、地震、测井的有机结合。数据整理和实现办法适合实际,能清晰直观地体现碳酸盐岩储层发育情况。  相似文献   
Mountain glaciers have an obvious location advantage and tourist market condition over polar and high latitude glaciers. Due to the enormous economic benefit and heritage value, some mountain glaciers will always receive higher attention from commercial media, government departments and mountain tourists in China and abroad. At present, more than 100 glaciers have been developed successfully as famous tourist destinations all over the world. However, global climate change seriously affects mountain glaciers and its surrounding environment. According to the current accelerated retreat trend, natural and cultural landscapes of some glaciers will be weakened, even disappear in the future. Climate change will also inevitably affect mountain ecosystems, and tourism routes under ice and glacier experience activities in these ecosystems. Simultaneously, the disappearance of mountain glaciers will also lead to a clear reduction of tourism and local economic benefits. Based on these reasons, this paper took Mt. Yulong Snow scenic area as an example and analyzed the retreat trend of a typical glacier. We then put forward some scientific and rational response mechanisms and adaptation models based on climate change in order to help future sustainable development of mountain glacier tourism.  相似文献   
Extensive research on the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, carbon cycle modeling, and the characterization of atmospheric aerosols has been carried out in China during the last 10 years or so. This paper presents the major achievements in the fields of emissions of greenhouse gases from agricultural lands, carbon cycle modeling, the characterization of Asian mineral dust, source identification of the precursors of the tropospheric ozone, and observations of the concentrations of atmospheric organic compounds. Special, more detailed Information on the emissions of methane from rice fields and the physical and chemical characteristics of mineral aerosols are presented.  相似文献   
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