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Potential ecological risk of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and arsenic (As) in agricultural black soil in Jilin Province, China was analyzed by the methods of risk assessment based on dose–effect relationships and ecological risk index. Heavy Cd-contamination occurred mainly around the coal mine region. The accumulation area for Pb appeared mostly in the suburbs and roadsides, whereas the higher As content was mainly found in the farmland of suburb and coal mine vicinity. In acute toxicity test, Cd, Pb and As in the soil had adverse effects on both roots and shoots growth in soybean with the greatest toxicity of arsenic and the least toxicity of lead at the same concentration levels. Exposed to Cd, Pb and As, the EC50 (50% effective concentration) values for the growth of soybean root (shoot) were 212.59 (376.70), 528.53 (828.69) and 194.60 (299.03) mg/kg, respectively. Results of potential ecological risk index showed that soil contamination from Cd in some samples had very high potential ecological risk; Pb contamination for almost all sampling sites had moderate ecological risk; while soil contamination from As had low ecological risk. With the present accumulation rate, concentrations of Cd, Pb and As in agricultural black soil near coal mine would reach the threshold values in 68, 175 and 120 years, respectively.  相似文献   
通过对常规观测资料、自动站资料、GMS-5卫星云图和多普勒雷达等气象资料分析发现, 2001年8月热带低压在福建北部登陆, 途经江苏无锡、常熟时, 其南侧西南气流与沪浙沿海的东南风形成切变线。受源源不断地水汽输送和切变线动力抬升作用, 热带低压南侧不断产生β-中尺度强对流回波带, 它们形成后随热带低压气旋性环流向东移动, 在上海城区附近辐合形成β-中尺度强对流回波群, 在卫星云图上呈现出以此为核心的中尺度对流辐合体 (MCC)。分析表明, 受水汽凝结、潜热释放这种正反馈机制作用, 在热带低压东南侧大尺度切变线中段北侧派生出一个独立、完整的近地面β-中尺度的气旋性环流, 它就是MCC的内核, 直接造成了上海“ 0185”特大暴雨的发生。  相似文献   
对1996年12月26~30日阿勒泰地区特大暴雪天气的分析表明,高空急流耦合的次级环流的加强了暴雪区的上升运动,低空急流为暴雪天气输送和集中了充分的水汽,深厚的上升运动和较强的位势不稳定是暴雪天气产生的动力学条件。  相似文献   
Multi-stage onset of the summer monsoon over the western North Pacific   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
R. Wu  B. Wang 《Climate Dynamics》2001,17(4):277-289
 The climatological summer monsoon onset displays a distinct step wise northeastward movement over the South China Sea and the western North Pacific (WNP) (110°–160°E, 10°–20°N). Monsoon rain commences over the South China Sea-Philippines region in mid-May, extends abruptly to the southwestern Philippine Sea in early to mid-June, and finally penetrates to the northeastern part of the domain around mid-July. In association, three abrupt changes are identified in the atmospheric circulation. Specifically, the WNP subtropical high displays a sudden eastward retreat or quick northward displacement and the monsoon trough pushes abruptly eastward or northeastward at the onset of the three stages. The step wise movement of the onset results from the slow northeastward seasonal evolution of large-scale circulation and the phase-locked intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). The seasonal evolution establishes a large-scale background for the development of convection and the ISO triggers deep convection. The ISO over the WNP has a dominant period of about 20–30 days. This determines up the time interval between the consecutive stages of the monsoon onset. From the atmospheric perspective, the seasonal sea surface temperature (SST) change in the WNP plays a critical role in the northeastward advance of the onset. The seasonal northeastward march of the warmest SST tongue (SST exceeding 29.5 °C) favors the northeastward movement of the monsoon trough and the high convective instability region. The seasonal SST change, in turn, is affected by the monsoon through cloud-radiation and wind-evaporation feedbacks. Received: 19 October 1999 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   
位于青藏高原东南缘的川滇菱形块体的地壳运动主要以鲜水河、安宁河、则木河、小江、红河、澜沧江、龙门山等深大断裂的强烈构造活动为特征,新生代以来受青藏高原物质向东侧流动及阿萨姆顶点楔入的作用,使该地区构造活动复杂,地震活动强烈而频繁,是研究地壳形变与地震的有利地区之一.但由于形变观测资料时空分布的制约,以前很多学者对川滇地区活动断裂的GPS形变研究主要以大尺度为主,主要反映川滇块体的整体运动特征,而对于利用GPS研究各个块体间的相互作用及其对边界带的活动构造的作用缺少深入的分析,本文正是基于1998~2002年间该地区200多GPS点位的三期GPS复测资料(网络工程和973项目),将川滇地区分为9个次级活动块体,计算了各个活动块体的欧拉旋转矢量和主要活动断裂的运动速度,并分析了该地区的应变场特征和地震危险性.结果表明川滇地区活动块体的运动有以下特点:  相似文献   
尼泊尔地震灾害及应急救援   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了2015年4月25日尼泊尔发生的MS8.1地震灾害、受灾国政府应急响应、国际应急响应以及我国西藏受灾区应急救援的情况。总结了尼泊尔地震灾害和应急救援的经验与教训。  相似文献   
近海型含煤岩系沉积学及层序地层学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
层序地层学是近20年来发展起来的一门新的方法学科,并在聚煤作用分析中得到广泛应用。作者就近海型含煤岩系沉积学研究历史以及煤系层序地层学研究方法及有关问题进行探讨,认为近海环境的聚煤作用实际上是海平面(基准面)上升过程中发生的,同时提出煤层厚度受泥炭堆积速率与可容空间增加速率的控制:靠陆一侧冲积平原和三角洲平原沉积环境中,厚煤层主要出现在最大海泛面位置;而靠海一侧障壁-潟湖或碳酸盐岩台地沉积环境中,厚煤层主要出现在初始海泛面的位置;但就整个三级复合层序来说,层序中厚度最大、分布最广的煤层主要分布于可容空间增加速率最大的最大海泛面附近的位置。对于中国晚古生代近海型煤系中常见的“根土岩-煤-石灰岩”序列,聚煤作用发生于海相石灰岩“滞后时段”,即在海侵之后、海相石灰岩层真正沉积下来之前的时段,这一时段可容空间增加速率与泥炭堆积速率平衡,有利于聚煤作用发生。  相似文献   
The constitutive relations of rock and rock mass are essential to the study of propagation of stress wave in rock medium and its interaction with structure .in this paper ,the development of the research on constitutive relations of rock and rock mass is briefly reviewed ;the equations of state of rock in fluid state at high pressures and the con equations of rock in solid state are mainly described .The cop model as the constitutive equation of rock and its generaligations especially discussed .  相似文献   
石英是自然界分布很广的矿物,是金矿中重要的载金矿物之一,在金矿的各个成矿阶段均有出现。目前对胶东各类型金银矿中石英的化学成分标型研究还较薄弱。该文对胶东各类型金银矿中成矿期石英的化学成分进行了详细研究,结果表明,各金银矿中石英中K/Na,Al,Na-K-Al和(Na+K)-Al参数均有显著区别,可用于区分胶东各类型金银矿,以上区别和各金银矿不同的成矿环境密切相关。以上结论对胶东各金银矿的成因和找矿具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
非均匀下垫面陆面过程参数化问题研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乔娟  张强  张杰 《干旱气象》2008,26(1):73-78
非均匀下垫面对陆面过程模式应用有着重要影响。若将下垫面一概视为均一,在很多情况下会影响模式模拟的准确性。本文详细介绍了目前非均匀地表陆面过程参数化的方法(Mosaic法、统计—动力法和其它方法),初步分析了这些参数化方法的缺陷,并简单探讨了陆面参数尺度转换问题,最后对今后研究的问题给出了建议,其中特别提出要寻找适当方法实现陆面物理量不同尺度间的转换。  相似文献   
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