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曲兆雷 《探矿工程》2020,47(2):88-93
盾构开仓是盾构隧道施工中难以避免的一道工序,结合南宁地铁四号线总部基地站-飞龙路站区间隧道的盾构开仓实践经验,介绍了素桩加降水这一辅助常压开仓技术在南宁地铁隧道中成功应用的实例。在介绍工程应用背景的基础上,详细叙述了辅助开仓方法中素桩及降水施工的技术要点,可为南宁地区盾构开仓方案选择提供指导,也可为类似条件下盾构开仓方案的选择提供借鉴。  相似文献   
三峡工程运用后坝下游河道泥沙输移变化规律   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郭小虎  渠庚  刘亚  刘心愿 《湖泊科学》2020,32(2):564-572
三峡工程蓄水后"清水"下泄,坝下游河段将会长期处于严重不饱和状态,水流含沙量沿程恢复将会引起坝下游长距离冲刷,本文根据三峡工程蓄水前、后的实测资料分析了坝下游河道泥沙输移变化规律,探索不同粒径组沙量沿程恢复对河床冲刷的影响,得到以下结论:在蓄水初期d≤0.031 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给与江湖入汇共同的影响,随着水库下泄该粒径组沙量递减,使得各站该粒径组年均输沙量均远小于蓄水前的水平,沙量恢复仍主要受河床补给与江湖入汇的影响,这是造成坝下游河道发生长距离冲刷的主要原因之一;在蓄水初期0.031 mmd≤0.125 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给的影响,但江湖入汇的影响较大,随着河床补给量逐渐减少,各站该粒径组年均输沙量均小于蓄水前的水平,沙量恢复仍主要受河床补给的影响,江湖入汇的影响逐渐减小,这也是坝下游河道发生长距离冲刷的主要原因之一; d0.125 mm沙量恢复主要受河床补给的影响,蓄水初期该粒径组沙量在宜昌监利河段沿程恢复速率较快,且在监利站达到蓄水前的水平,随着时间推移,在宜昌监利河段沿程恢复且速率仍较快,在监利站达到最大值,其数值逐渐小于蓄水前的水平,这是造成坝下游河道冲刷重点集中在宜昌监利河段的主要原因.  相似文献   
The lithological features, the types of organic matter and its occurrence and carbon and oxygen isotopic value were clarified by combining core observation, thin slice authentication, X ray diffraction analysis, kerogen type identification and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. The characteristic of strata, the distribution of volcanoes of Junggar Basin were also taken into consideration. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to evaluate environmental response of volcanism in Lucaogou formation in Jimsar sag. The results show that rocks is a mixed sedimentation of effusive rock and carbonate rocks, volcanic materials is widely developed in Lucaogou formation and origins from the edge of sag or distant source volcano activity. Organic matter is predominantly unstructural algae and asphaltene. The carbon isotopic value of carbonates ranges between 6.8‰ and 9.7‰ with an average of 8.3‰, featured in high positive excursions, while oxygen isotopic value varies from -11.9‰ to -4.3‰ with an average of -6.2‰. During the period of volcanic activity, the volcanic material released high amounts of nutrient to the lake basin, which is beneficial to the algae and other organic organisms. In the poor oxygen and calm water environments, the organic matter is distributed in the laminar algal and the carbon isotope value is high positive drift. During the intermittent period of volcanic activity, the lake level decreased and the lake bottom water changed to the oxygen-enriched environments. The organic matter is locally enriched or dispersed in local layers, and the carbon isotope values decreased slightly. The frequent volcanic activity promoted the organism boom, which lead carbon isotope value to have high positive characteristics and change trends.  相似文献   
屈曼  侯晓真  马栋  陈建国  高晨 《山西地震》2019,(3):17-20,50
在分析研究地倾斜观测资料时,为反映观测曲线的真实变化,需要剔除干扰因素的影响。该文通过整理分析河北省水平摆、垂直摆、水管仪等地倾斜观测资料,将河北省地倾斜干扰因素主要分为观测系统类干扰、观测环境类干扰以及气象因素类干扰。其干扰形态主要表现为变化趋势转折、变化速率改变、固体潮畸变、台阶、毛刺和突跳变化。  相似文献   
为了提高潜水器工作的安全性和可靠性,对潜水器的在线绝缘检测方法进行了研究。描述了无源检测法和有源检测法的工作原理,并基于有源检测法提出了绝缘检测对电气系统设计的要求,同时给出了绝缘故障的排查、定位和隔离方法。最后,通过在潜水器上的实际应用,验证了有源检测法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   
信息有机物(或化感物质)系指存在于自然环境,对生物物种或生物类群生存和生长有促进或抑制作用,并能通过调控生物丰度与群落结构来影响生态系统和生态环境的微痕量有机物。目前已知的信息有机物大多是分子质量小于10~4Da的醇、酚、萜、酯、多肽等小分子物质,它们随水体迁移扩散,通过控制酶活性或光合系统等途径影响目标生物生存生长,作用强度受微生物分解和营养水平等多种因素影响。水体中信息有机物一般是通过有机溶剂萃取或固相萃取富集后用色质联用鉴定结构并测定含量。本文系统总结了近年来水环境中信息有机物及其检测方法的主要研究进展,归纳总结了高效灵敏的水体信息有机物检测方法,阐述了水环境中信息有机物种类、结构、作用机制及其对水域生态学的意义,在此基础上,提出了"水域生态讯息学"的新概念,诠释了"水域生态讯息学"的内涵,这对于拓展生态学研究内容,揭示水生生物学发生机制,持续利用水生生物资源具有重要的科学意义和实际价值。  相似文献   
地震预测是地震科学研究的主要领域之一。震前热异常现象(地表温度异常升高)普遍存在并且与地震三要素有复杂的非线性关系。文中结合神经网络的优点,提出将热异常信息作为地震预测的信息源,通过构建神经网络,进行地震预测的思路,并进行了试验。基于8d合成的1km分辨率的MODIS数据,利用RST算法提取震前热异常信息,在分析震前热异常信息时空变化的基础上,确定出BP神经网络的结构,利用该网络对中国及周边100个5级以上震例,以及70个随机无震样本进行训练和仿真。试验结果表明,通过RST算法提取的震前热异常指数值,用于BP神经网络地震预测是可行的,其预测的试验结果刻画出了地震要素与热异常值间的非线性相关性。未来预测区域范围的选取以及神经网络中隐层神经元的数量将对地震预测效果产生较大的影响。  相似文献   
A notable swarm occurred in Rushan, Shandong Peninsula and its activities continue since Oct. 2013 till now. Up to Sept. 30, 2014, more than 7 000 events have been recorded, in which locatable shocks exceed 2000, and 18 events with ML≥3.0. The swarm is rarely seen in East China for its extraordinary duration time and surprising high frequency of aftershocks. 18 temporary seismometers have been deployed around the swarm since May 6, 2014, and composed a seismic array for monitoring the swarm activities. Based on data from permanent networks and temporary array, we relocated the earthquake sequence by using hypoDD method. It has been shown that, there is obvious difference between permanent network results and temporary array results. The permanent network of Shandong has a relative large coverage gap(more than 200°)for this swarm. Its location results therefore should not be reliable. There are maybe other errors in the permanent network result due to some problems in the raw data, such as too few stations for most locatable events(3 stations), and relative lower proportion of located events in final result(74.3%, while 95.1% in temporary array result). It can be found by comparing location results from permanent network and temporary array that, using temporary array's data can improve the location accuracy significantly. The results of temporary array are: aftershocks distribution of Rushan swarm is in NWW direction, the dip-direction of fitted fault plane is SW, and the strike and dip angle agree with focal mechanism of the mainshock. Focal depths of aftershocks are at 4.5~8km; the swarm is restricted in a small area about 3km×3km×1km, and has some characteristics such as clustering, staged activities, and etc; the aftershock activities are in accord with crack growth behavior pattern, hence we deduced that there may be fluid intrusion in source area. Finally, we discussed the seismogenic structures and active mechanisms of this swarm combined with relative geologic knowledge. We draw some conclusions as follows: 1)Rushan swarm probably occurred at the boundary of rock bodies of Duogu Mountain and Haiyangsuo super-unit; 2)The seismogenic structure is a blind fault, which should be a part of adjacent Heishankuang-Jilincun Fault, or might be a new fault at rock body boundaries; 3)Rushan swarm might be an evidence for the existence of the disputed Shidao Fault.  相似文献   
利用SCJ-302型降水降尘自动采样器在植物生长季对黄河三角洲滨海湿地的大气氮沉降进行监测,对沉降物中水溶性离子、干、湿沉降氮输入量、铵态氮和硝态氮在总沉降量中的贡献率及月变化动态等分析表明:黄河三角洲植物生长季,大气干、湿沉降中SO42-和NO3-占阴离子总量的92%以上,和Na+和Ca2+占阳离子总量的80%以上,总N沉降量约为2 264.24 mg/m2,且69%集中在降雨量较丰沛的6-8月。其中干沉降氮贡献率约为32.02%,主要集中在春季。N的湿沉降量与降雨量呈显著正线性相关(R2=0.82),在降雨量丰沛的8月,达到最大值675.64 mg/m2。该地区大气干沉降的氮素形态以硝态氮为主,约占氮素输入量的57.21%,湿沉降中以铵态氮为主,约占氮素输入量的56.51%。植物生长季中,大气沉降中的硝态氮与铵态氮含量对表层10 cm土壤的月平均贡献率分别为约31.38%和20.50%,可见大气氮沉降是黄河三角洲滨海区域土壤主要氮素来源之一。  相似文献   
张永  张永志  瞿伟 《地震工程学报》2015,37(4):996-1000
基于向错-位错组合模型模拟渭河盆地内主要断层的滑动与转动运动变形,通过数值计算获得断层滑动及转动变形引起的地表水平位移,并与盆地内实测GPS水平位移进行了对比。结果表明:采用向错-位错组合模型能够完整地描述断层实际的滑动与转动运动变形状态,组合模型模拟断层滑动与转动引起的地表水平位移与实测GPS水平位移,无论在量级或是运动趋势上均具有较好的一致性特征。  相似文献   
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