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奚镜伦  陈建平 《江苏地质》2018,42(3):481-494
地球和月球很可能是通过大撞击形成的。在行星地质学中,研究月球的地质-构造现象,对了解月球、地球乃至太阳系的形成与演化历史都有很大帮助。月球的构造分为深部构造与月表构造,寻找它们在分布或成因上的关系,可以为月球甚至地月系的起源和演化历史提供重要参考。利用LROC的宽视角影像数据以及LOLA数据提取解译月表构造,结合深大断裂进行观察分析,并对月球的撞击盆地进行统计,最后以静海地区为例分析构造分布特征,发现月球的质量瘤盆地中具有环状分布的月岭,外侧具有近环状分布的深大断裂,自前酒海纪至酒海纪,具备上述特征的质量瘤盆地占总撞击盆地的比例突然有一个很大的提升,且静海地区西部具有该构造分布特征。推测该特征与撞击、月海沉降等有关,且在酒海纪与雨海纪期间月球有较多的月海玄武岩分布,由此判断静海西部存在质量瘤,发生过撞击与月海沉降。  相似文献   
利用1979—2016年欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF) ERA-Interim (1°×1°)再分析资料中的经、纬向水汽通量和大气可降水量(precipitation water vapor,PWV)数据,采用相关性分析、趋势分析法、累积距平、IDW等方法,分析三江源地区PWV与水汽通量的时空分布特征、降水转化率(precipitati-on conversion efficiency,PCE)变化规律。结果表明:过去的38 a,经、纬向多年平均水汽通量分别为50. 2、196. 7 kg·m-1·s^(-1),纬向水汽通量气候倾向率比经向大。南边界为纬向主要水汽输入边界,东边界为经向主要水汽输出边界,纬向水汽输送大于经向输送。多年平均PWV为1998. 3 mm,近38 aPWV呈现微弱增加趋势,1979—1997年,PWV呈下降趋势,1998年后PWV呈增加趋势,同期降水也在增加,说明该时段三江源地区气候转湿。PWV与水汽通量的年际变化趋势和转折年相一致。三江源区多年平均PCE为24. 57%,1989年PCE最高,达32. 76%,各季节平均PCE空间分布与年平均PCE分布一致,均表现出南部、东南部高,西部、东北部低的变化特征,各季节PCE大小差异明显,春季多年平均PCE为15. 92%,夏季25. 67%,秋季21. 01%,冬季仅7. 03%。  相似文献   
Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical data of volcanic rocks in the Suifenhe Formation in eastern Heilongjiang Province are reported, and their petrogenesis is discussed in this paper. The Suifenhe Formation mainly consists of basalt, andesite, and dacite. Zircon from andesite and dacite are euhedral in shape and show typical oscillatory zoning with high Th/U ratios (0.18-0.57), implying its magmatic origin. Zircon U-Pb dating results by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS) indicate that the 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from andesite range within 105-106 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of 105.5±0.8 Ma (n=14), and that 206Pb/238U ages of zircons from dacite are between 90-96 Ma, yielding a weighted mean age of 93.2±1.3 Ma (n =13). The volcanic rocks from the Suifenhe Formation are subalkaline series and show a calc-alkaline evolutionary trend with SiO2 content of 47.69%-65.47%, MgO contents of 1.42%-6.80% (Mg#= 45-53), and Na2O/K2O ratios of 1.83-3.63. They are characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light-rare-earth elements (LREE), depletion in heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti), and low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7041-0.7057) and positiveεNd(t) values (039-4.08), implying that they could be derived from a depleted magma source. Taken together, these results suggest that the primary magma of the volcanic rocks might originate from partial melting of the mantle wedge metasomatized by fluids derived from subducted slab under a tectonic setting of active continental margin.  相似文献   
�봨8.0������ǰ��ؿǴ�ֱ�α����   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
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Ascertaining the relationship between "source-sink" landscape and non-point source(NPS) pollution is crucial for reducing NPS pollution, however, it is not easy to realize this target on cell unit scale. To reveal the relationships between "sourcesink" landscape and NPS pollution based on cell units of a small catchment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region(TGRR), the runoff and nutrient yields were simulated first by rainfall events on a cell unit scale based on the Annualized AGricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model(AnnAGNPS). Landscape structure and pattern were quantified with "sourcesink" landscape indicators based on cell units including landscape area indices and locationweighted landscape indices. The results showed that:the study case of small Wangjiagou catchment highlighted a good prediction capability of runoff and nutrient export by the AnnAGNPS model. Throughout the catchment, the spatial distribution trends of four location-weighted landscape indices were similar to the trends of simulated total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP), which highlighted the importance of spatial arrangement of "source" and "sink" landscape types in a catchment when estimating pollutant loads. Results by Pearson correlation analysis indicated that the location-weighted landscape index provided a more comprehensive account of multiple factors, and can better reflect NPS-related nutrient loss than other landscape indices applied in single-factor analysis. This study provides new findings for applying the "source-sink" landscape indices based on cell units in small catchments to explain the effect of "source-sink" landscape on nutrient export based on cell unit, and helps improve the understanding of the correlation between "source-sink" landscape and NPS pollution.  相似文献   
居民幸福感研究日益受到重视,以往研究多是从自然环境、社会人文环境和城市化进程等方面探讨大尺度空间环境因素对城市居民幸福感的影响。结合乡村旅游的角度探讨城市居民幸福感的影响研究,目前还较少。运用SEM分析方法,探究处于多维压力之下的城市居民旅游者如何通过前往乡村进行旅游休闲活动提升幸福感,进行模型构建与分析,结果显示:① 压力源对调适策略有显著正向影响,对休闲参与不显著,但不同群体影响差异显著,压力调适对休闲参与有显著正向影响;② 休闲参与对心流体验和幸福感具有显著正向关系,且心流体验对幸福感具有显著正向影响;③ 心流体验对休闲效益具有正向显著影响,且休闲效益对幸福感具有正向显著影响;④ 心流体验在休闲参与对幸福感、休闲效益在心流体验对幸福感均具有显著中介效应;⑤ 旅游者不同背景变项在压力调适、休闲参与及幸福感等分别呈现不同程度的显著差异。  相似文献   
为深化对北极航道重要性的认知,促进我国对北极航道的开发利用,文章在概述世界贸易格局的发展阶段及其主要影响因素的基础上,分析北极航道对世界贸易格局的影响路径和机理。研究结果表明:"二战"结束后,世界贸易格局经历美国单极,美国、欧洲和日本三足鼎立以及区域多极化3个发展阶段;世界贸易格局的主要影响因素包括贸易通道、技术革命、产业转移和国家政策;北极航道通过缩短海运距离和产生新的海运航线2条路径,在增加贸易流量的同时改变贸易流向,从而影响世界贸易格局;其中,缩短海运距离的影响机理包括提高贸易频率、降低贸易成本和改善贸易环境,产生新的海运航线的影响机理包括促进相关产业结构调整、改变世界海运格局和增加新的能源供给。  相似文献   
提出一种使用非差非组合精密单点定位(PPP)估计和分析接收机DCB短时时变特征的方法。首先利用非差非组合PPP得到包含接收机DCB的重构电离层参数估值;然后通过IGS电离层GIMs格网模型内插剥离各历元站星斜向电离层距离延迟;最后通过最小二乘约束得到各历元接收机DCB解。由于格网本身精度(2~8 TECU)和插值精度限制,解算出来的接收机DCB并不能真实反映其短期时变特征。为此,提出利用站间单差或者历元间差分的方法还原其真实的变化态势。实验结果表明,所提出的方法能够正确估计接收机DCB,并能真实还原其短期时变特征,具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   
汤曦 《测绘》2019,(2):89-93
在地形图数据的实际生产过程中,质量检查工序是保证数据质量的重要环节,但是目前某些环节仍严重依赖人工,不仅效率低,出现漏检、错检的可能性也很高。本文设计了基于AutoCAD平台的数字地形图质量检查软件,能够进行等高线与地物几何关系检查、地物重叠性和交叉性检查、符号和图层及线型错误检查、地形和地物接边等检查,以及具有错误标注、查阅和修改等功能。实际生产应用表明,该质量检查软件能够提高地形图出图质量。  相似文献   
Close-to-nature forest management has been proposed as an effective method for improving the quality of plantation forests. Knowledge of spatial distribution patterns, structure, and succession trajectories in natural forests can provide guidelines for the establishment of close-to-nature forest plantations. Such knowledge is lacking in natural spruce(Picea crassifolia) forests in the Qilian Mountains of China, impeding the establishment of production forests. We conducted a case study in the Qilian Mountains to analyze the relationships between the naturally-formed forest patches and terrain factors, spatial heterogeneity of stand characteristics, and stand structure following harvesting disturbance. Our results suggested that spruce plantations will be effective on the N, NE, and NW slopes, at elevations between 2700 and 3300 m, and on slopes ranging from 15° to 45°. Further, planted forest patches should occupy 64% of the slope area on semi-shady slopes(NE, NW). Spatial patterns in the studied forest exhibited a strong scale-effect, and an area of 0.25 ha could be used as the most efficient plot scale for the management of spruce plantations. Partial logging is an effective method for the conversion of spruce planted forests into nearnatural forests, and the intensity of partial logging can be determined from the negative exponential function relationship between stand density and DBH. Our results provided critical information for the development of spruce plantations and conversion of existing plantations.  相似文献   
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