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In this paper we describe a new computing system array, designed, built and now used at the Space Astrophysics and Planetary Institute (IAPS) in Rome, Italy, for the INTEGRAL Space Observatory scientific data analysis. This new system has become necessary in order to reduce the processing time of the INTEGRAL data accumulated during the more than 9 years of in-orbit operation. In order to fulfill the scientific data analysis requirements with a moderately limited investment the starting approach has been to use a ??cluster?? array of commercial quad-CPU computers, featuring the extremely large scientific and calibration data archive on line.  相似文献   
In 1989, the need for reliable gridded land surface precipitation data sets, in view of the large uncertainties in the assessment of the global energy and water cycle, has led to the establishment of the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) at Deutscher Wetterdienst on invitation of the WMO. The GPCC has calculated a precipitation climatology for the global land areas for the target period 1951–2000 by objective analysis of climatological normals of about 67,200 rain gauge stations from its data base. GPCC's new precipitation climatology is compared to several other station-based precipitation climatologies as well as to precipitation climatologies derived from the GPCP V2.2 data set and from ECMWF's model reanalyses ERA-40 and ERA-Interim. Finally, how GPCC's best estimate for terrestrial mean precipitation derived from the precipitation climatology of 786 mm per year (equivalent to a water transport of 117,000 km3) is fitting into the global water cycle context is discussed.  相似文献   
The core of the turbidity maximum zone in the Saint-Lawrence Estuary is located in the North Channel and oscillates in front of the large (3×106 m2) intertidal flats and marshes of Cap Tourmente. It is shown that seasonal fluctuations in the intensity and the position of this core are mainly determined by suspended sediment exchanges between the channel and the marshes. Fine sediments, most of them found 20 km downstream in the channel off Cap Maillard in late winter and early spring, are advected upstream over the flats during the summer months by the tide. The deposition, favored by marsh plant growth, reaches 5×105 metric tons in three months. A period of intense erosion, at a mean rate of 4,500 metric tons per tide, coincides with the destruction of the plant cover by migratory geese. The material removed fills up the Chenal de l’Île d’Orléans upstream and is flushed back into the water column during the next spring freshette. This rotating seasonal sediment circulation, although very localized, exerts a major influence on the distribution and storage time of suspended particles in the upper estuary.  相似文献   
The characteristic environmental load effect for the design of mooring systems of floating units can be defined by means of three procedures: (a) the one associated to an extreme sea state with a given return period, (b) the worst one from a set of sea states on a contour line associated to a return period or (c) the extreme one based on response statistics for a long-term period. This work presents the result of a reliability-based partial safety factor calibration study for a LRFD mooring line design criteria considering the three approaches mentioned above. The calibration exercise is applied to three FPSOs considering North Sea environmental conditions and different water depths: 200, 800 and 3000 m. The mooring systems investigated take into account mooring lines made up of chains and polyester ropes. It is shown that, among all cases investigated, the design procedure based on the long-term response is the one that presents less scattered reliability indices around the target level.  相似文献   
SARG is a cross dispersed echelle spectrograph in operation since late spring 2000 at the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) 3.5 m telescope, La Palma. SARG offers both single object and long slit (up to 26 arcsec) observing modes covering a spectral range from λ = 0.37 up to1 μm, with resolution ranging from R = 29,000 up to R = 164,000. Cross dispersion is provided by means of a selection of four grisms; interference filters may be used for the long slit mode (up to 26 arcsec). A dioptric camera images the cross dispersed spectra onto a mosaic of two 2048 × 4096 EEV CCDs (pixel size: 13.5 μm) allowing complete spectral coverage at all resolving power for λ < 0.8 μm. In order to reach a high wavelength calibration precision an iodine-absorbing cell is provided. A Distributed Active Temperature Control System (DATCS) maintains constant the temperature of all spectrograph components at a preset value. Early results show that SARG works according to original specifications in terms of wavelength coverage, efficiency (measured peak efficiency is about 13%),resolution (maximum resolution R = 164,000 using a 0.3 arcsec slit, R ∼144,000 using an image slicer), and stability (preliminary estimates of radial velocity accuracy is ∼3 m/s using the iodine cell and ±150 m/s without the iodine cell). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The estimation of flood loss is difficult, especially in the commercial sector, because of its great inhomogeneity. However, the reliability of loss modelling is fairly unknown, since flood-loss models are scarcely validated. The newly developed Flood Loss Estimation MOdel for the commercial sector (FLEMOcs) was validated on the micro-scale using a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure. Additionally, different meso-scale loss functions were compared. Meso-scale model application was undertaken in 19 municipalities which were affected during the 2002 flood in Germany. Model results were compared with the results of three other loss models, as well as with official loss records. The micro-scale validation shows very good results, with no bias and mean absolute errors between 23 and 31%. The meso-scale validation indicates that FLEMOcs provides good results, especially in large areas with many affected companies where high losses are expected.

Citation Seifert, I., Kreibich, H., Merz, B. & Thieken, A. H. (2010) Application and validation of FLEMOcs – a flood-loss estimation model for the commercial sector. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(8), 1315–1324.  相似文献   
The impact of a single hydropeaking event was studied in the Alpine stream Noce Bianco. Four stations were selected, one upstream and three, respectively, at 0.25, 6, and 8 km downstream from a hydropower plant. We collected drifting invertebrates during a planned water release that increased the discharge 7-fold. At the onset of the hydropeaking wave the number of invertebrates lost from the riverbed per minute to the drift increased 9-fold at the first downstream station and the same effects propagated 8 km downstream. The drift was composed mainly of aquatic insect larvae (Chironomidae, Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera Baetidae, and Psychodidae, with Chironomidae as the most abundant taxon at all stations) and partly by larval and adult riparian insects, and by Oligochaeta, which were particularly abundant at the station 6 km downstream. We monitored drift for 30 min from the start of the water release: peaks in drifting invertebrates occurred within 5–10 min of the beginning of the hydropeaking wave, and most of the invertebrates were washed out within the first 15 min of the water release. The different timeframes were possibly due to habitat preferences (most of the taxa that increased in the drift at the arrival of the wave were associated with algae and organic debris, which were washed off quickly by the increase in discharge) and/or behavioral adaptations (other taxa initially resisted the shear stress and began to drift with a delay of 5–10 min). The temporal pattern and drift composition corresponded well with those reported in literature, and indicate that repeated high-flow events of similar magnitude cause considerable losses from benthic populations to drift.  相似文献   
Computer-assisted Image Analysis can be succesfully used to derive quantitative information about grain-size distribution, particle shape and fabric on both consolidated and unconsolidated solid aggregates. We have developed a new analytical method that provides a series of quantitative textural parameters from whatever particulate deposits by combining commercial image acquisition system with devoted C-software. After exhaustive tests of the method, we applied it to a widespread Quaternary ignimbrite formation in central Italy (the Orvieto-Bagnoregio formation). The results suggest some new aspects of emplacement mechanisms of ignimbrites: (1) elongated particles shows variable degrees of flow-related preferred orientation both on horizontal and vertical planes; (2) vertical variations of flow-related preferred particle orientations follow a “zig-zag” pattern that we interpret to result from deposition by progressive aggradation during the passage of a particulate flow. The filling up of paleovalleys by means of progressive aggradation proceeds flank to flank due to alternating flow directions, induced by the already deposited material; (3) the occurrence of vertically spaced peaks on the strength of clast orientation suggests the existence of discrete depositional units deposited by aggradation from an unsteady but persisting flow. Strong fabrics are inferred to result from the high amount of shear stress imparted to particles at the depositional boundary layer, which at the same time can be responsible for the development of the basal inversely graded layer. Image analysis can also provide useful indications of paleoflow directions, paleotopographic details and ignimbrite source areas.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe des Ultrarot-Absorptionsschreibers wurden Tagesgänge des CO2-Gehaltes in verschiedenen Höhen über einem Weizenfeld registriert. Während sich nachts durch die Atmung der Vegetation CO2 am Boden anreichert, verarmt die bodennahe Luftschicht tagsüber infolge der Assimilation an CO2. Das CO2-Gefälle wechselt demnach zweimal täglich (morgens und abends) sein Vorzeichen. Infolge größerer Turbulenz ist das Gefälle bei Tag kleiner als bei Nacht; nach Multiplikation mit der Windgeschwindigkeit als Relativmaß des Austausches ergeben sich aber glaubhafte Relativwerte für den vertikalen CO2-Strom und damit für die Kohlenstoffbindung und-entbindung durch die Pflanzendecke.
Summary With the help of an infrared absorption-recorder the daily variation of CO2 content in different heights above a wheat field has been recorded. During the night the CO2 content is accumulated at the plant level by respiration, during the day diminished by photosynthesis. The CO2 gradient thus changes its sign (+ or –) twice a day in the morning and evening. The CO2 gradient is smaller during the day than in the night due to the stronger turbulence of the air. In multiplying gradients with wind velocities (used as a measure for the eddy exchange) one gets reasonable relative values for the vertical CO2-stream, and thus also for photosynthesis and respiration of vegetation.

Résumé La variation diurne de la teneur de l'air en CO2 a été mesurée à différentes hauteurs au-dessus d'un champ de froment à l'aide d'un appareil enregistreur de l'absorption à l'infra-rouge. Tandis que cette teneur augmente de nuit au voisinage du sol par la respiration végétale, elle diminue au cours du jour par suite de l'assimilation. Le gradient vertical de la teneur en CO2 change par conséquent de signe deux fois par jour, le matin et le soir; il est plus faible de jour à cause de la turbulence accrue que de nuit. Après multiplication par la vitesse du vent, mesure relative de l'échange turbulent, on obtient des valeurs relatives mais vraisemblables du courant vertical de CO2 et par conséquent de la fixation et de la libération du carbone par la végétation.

Mit 7 Textabbildungen.

Nach einem am 15. Oktober 1951 auf der Meteorologentagung in Bad Kissingen gehaltenen Vortrag.  相似文献   
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