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Leg 2 of the French-Japanese 1984 Kaiko cruise has surveyed the trench triple junction off central Japan, where the Japan, Izu-Bonin and Sagami Trenches intersect. The Izu-Bonin Trench is deeper than the Japan Trench and filled by a thick turbiditic series. Its anomalous depth is explained by the westward retreat of the edge of the northwestward moving Philippine Sea plate. On the contrary to what happens in the Japan Trench, horst and graben structures of the Pacific plate obliquely enters the Izu-Bonin Trench, suggesting that the actual boundary between these two trenches is located to the north of the triple junction. The inner wall of the Izu-Bonin Trench is characterized in the triple junction area by a series of slope basins whose occurrence is related to the dynamics of this area. The northernmost basin is overthrust by the edge of the fore-arc area of the Northeast Japan plate. The plate boundary is hardly discernible further east, which makes it impossible to locate precisely the triple junction itself. These features suggest that large intra-plate deformation occurs there due to the interaction of the plates involved in the triple junction and the weak mechanical strength of the wedge-shaped margin of the overriding plates.  相似文献   
We recently reported (Boudon et al., 1984) on an eruption similar to that of May 18, 1980 at Mount St. Helens, that took place about 3100 years ago at la Soufrière, Guadeloupe. During the course of detailed geological mapping of the deposits of this event, older debris flow and blast deposits were recognized in the northern sector of the mapped area. Uncarbonized wood fragments in the debris flow have yielded ages ca. 11,500 y. B.P. The deposits extend from an amphitheater crater westward to the caribbean shore about 10 km downslope from the volcano. The deposits and crater structure suggest that they are the result of catastrophic flank failure like the event 3100 years ago. Unlike the latter activity, however, no magmatic component is found in the deposits.  相似文献   

Le but de la présente étude est de caractériser la déformation récente subie par la Provence occidentale, située entre la nappe de Digne à l’est et la faille de Nîmes à l’ouest. Dans un premier temps, la déformation subie par un marqueur sédimentaire qui est à la fois le plus récent possible et le plus uniformément représenté dans la zone étudiée est considérée. Ce marqueur sédimentaire est le Miocène. La caractérisation de la déformation passe par l’étude de la localisation de celle-ci et donc par l’identification des structures actives responsables de la déformation du Miocène. Ces caractéristiques permettent d’estimer la quantité de raccourcissement total accumulé lors des derniers 20 millions d’années. Dans un deuxième temps, on distingue la part de la déformation postMiocène de cette déformation totale. Les marqueurs utilisés sont des surfaces et des objets géomorphologiques repères. Dans ce travail, nous montrons que la déformation en Provence a été de faible importance entre le Miocène et factuel et qu’elle est surtout produite au cours du Miocène. En conséquence, la déformation récente à actuelle est très difficile à localiser et à caractériser. 11 n’y a pas eu de déplacements post Miocène importants de part et d’autre de la faille de la Durance, pas plus d’ailleurs que le long de toutes les discontinuités majeures du domaine étudié. © 2000 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   
The talcschists of the Boumnyebel area (southern Cameroon) form ≤ 30 m thick discontinuous layers within a Pan-African nappe unit (Yaoundé group), which includes, at the base, muscovite + biotite ± garnet micaschists associated with amphibolites and pyroxenites, and, at the top, muscovite + biotite + garnet + kyanite micaschists locally associated with marble and amphibolites. The metamorphic peak (∼650 °C/9.5 kbar; ca. 620 Ma) postdates nappe emplacement. Isograds are in normal position, micaschists passing downwards to migmatites in the northwestern part of the area studied. The rock types in the lower part of this nappe suggest active margin environments with detrital input from a nearby continental crust (arc or back-arc context).  相似文献   
The complexity of the relationships between Alexandrium minutum (A.m.) concentration in the water ([A.m.]w), Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning contamination in the digestive gland ([PSP]dg) and valve behavior was explored in oysters Crassostrea gigas. Two experiments were conducted, during which oysters’ valve behaviour were analyzed. Oysters, first acclimated for 10-days with the non harmful microalgae Heterocapsa triquetra (H.t.), were exposed to four microalgae mixtures at constant total concentrations of 10 × 103 cells ml−1 (experiment-1) and 5 × 103 cells ml−1 (experiment-2): 100% A.m.; 50% A.m.-50% H.t.; 25% A.m.-75% H.t.; 100% H.t. At the end of experiment-2, [PSP]dg were measured.At 10 × 103 cells ml−1, the microalgal ingestion decreased (p < 0.05) with increasing [A.m.]w but not at 5 × 103 cells ml−1 (p > 0.05). The frequency of microclosures specifically increased with [A.m.]w (p < 0.05) and the opening duration with [PSP]dg (p < 0.0001). Oysters exhibiting the maximum increase in opening duration also exhibited the highest [PSP]dg. The results are discussed in terms of oyster physiology and origin of the behavioral response.  相似文献   
A simple analytical formula is developed to calculate transient discharge inflow rates into a tunnel or a well under constant drawdown. The agreement with the classical, but cumbersome diffusion-equation-based solution of Jacob and Lohman is excellent throughout the range of dimensionless times. By using only a straightforward logarithmic function, this explicit solution may therefore be used with great computational benefits in practice, and also when further mathematical manipulations such as differentiation or integration are required.
Resumen Una fórmula analítica sencilla fue desarrollada para calcular el grado de descarga transitoria hacia un túnel, o un pozo, bajo condición de un abatimiento constante. Existe una concordancia excelente, desde el comienzo hasta el final, en el rango de los tiempos adimensionales, con la solución clásica pero complicada, de Jacob y Lohman, basada esta última en la ecuación de difusión. Solamente mediante el uso de una función logarítmica simple, esta solución explícita puede por tanto ser usada en la práctica con grandes ventajas computacionales, y también cuando se necesitan manipulaciones matemáticas adicionales, tales como diferenciación o integración.

Résumé On a développé une formule analytique simple pour le calcul du flux infiltré en régime transitoire dans un tunnel ou un puits en supposant le rabattement constante. Les résultats sont en accord avec la solution plus compliquée de Jacob-Lohman de léquation de diffusion, sur tout lintervalle de temps adimensionel considéré. En utilisant une fonction logarithmique ce solution explicite peut être utilisée sans un grand effort de calcul dans la pratique courante, ainsi que dans les situations où il est nécessaire à dériver ou intégrer lexpression du rabattement.
Point velocity and suspended sediment concentration measurements are used to calculate the total sediment discharge in sand-bed rivers.Calculations with the Series Expansion of the Modified Einstein Point Procedure(SEMEPP) depend on grain diameter d_s and settling velocity ω,flow depth h,shear velocity u*,and sampling depth h_p.This procedure extends the applicability of the Modified Einstein Procedure(MEP) by using point sediment concentration and velocity measurements.This procedure is tested using the laboratory data from Coleman,and field measurements from the Enoree,Middle Rio Grande and Mississippi Rivers.Based on 801 point measurements over 124 verticals at flow depths ranging from 0.17 m to 33.5 m and sediment concentrations less than 0.1 kg L~(-1),the accuracy of the calculations depends on u*/ω and h_p/d_s.Point measurement techniques like SEMEPP are well-suited when u*/ω 5 where at least 60%of the total sediment load is measured when 90%of the flow depth is sampled.The determination of sediment discharge from point measurements is most accurate in deep rivers when h_p/d_s 10.000.and u*/ω10.Point measurements are not well-suited for shallow rivers and laboratory flumes where h 0.5 m and when u*/ω 2.  相似文献   
Groundwater microbial community samples are traditionally collected using pumping techniques optimized for groundwater chemistry assessment, although the impact of groundwater pumping parameters on apparent bacterial community structures (BCSs) is not really known. We therefore studied the impact of pumping lift, flow regime, and tubing material on BCS, which were analyzed by terminal‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP). Ruzicka dissimilarity coefficients were calculated between T‐RFLP profiles to assess disparities between BCS. Variations in pumping lift, flow regime, and tubing material did not affect the apparent BCS in experiments using a homogenous water system under laboratory conditions showing that the conditions within the tube had no detectable effect on BCS. However, pumping groundwater from aquifer monitoring wells at different flow rates in the field revealed a significant impact on the apparent BCS. Water samples collected from fine sediment were the most affected by the pumping flow rate.  相似文献   
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