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The relationships between the seasonal fluctuations of the copepod Eurytemora affinis and the mysid Neomysis integer were studied from observed data and experimental results, using a predator–prey model in the oligo-mesohaline area of the Gironde estuary. Mean seasonal fluctuations of abundances were derived from long term data series collected from 1978 to 2003 for both species. In situ predator–prey experiments over a seasonal cycle were used to estimate the seasonal variation of the consumption rate of N. integer on E. affinis and to verify the order of magnitude of the biological parameters given by the model.Predator–prey experiments revealed a high seasonal variation in maximum consumption rates with a mean of 56 ± 9 ind. pred−1 d−1. Maximum consumption rates were always higher for adults than for juveniles of Neomysis integer. Recorded selectivities were higher on nauplii than on copepodids + adults of Eurytemora affinis, both for the juveniles and the adults of N. integer. Neomysis integer mainly fed on meroplanktonic larvae, when they were available in higher abundances, than E. affinis in their environment.Spring increases of abundance for Eurytemora affinis copepodids + adults seemed to be mainly controlled by temperature whereas its decreasing abundance in summer was more related to Neomysis integer predation, suggesting that summer fluctuations of E. affinis abundance are probably controlled by mysid predation at summer times. Using a Lotka–Volterra predator–prey model, the seasonal peak of abundance of the mysid N. integer was well reproduced considering a predation on copepodids + adults of E. affinis, and suggested a dependence between mysid and copepod seasonal variations. However, the seasonal peak amplitude could not be explained solely by a predation on copepodids + adults or on nauplii of the copepod. Thus, N. integer is probably dependent on the seasonal fluctuations of the copepod's abundance, complementing its diet with macrophytal detritus during periods of scarce food.  相似文献   
The Menes caldera is a fault-controlled depression (~8 km in diameter) at ~3,000 m water depth in the western province of the Nile deep-sea fan off NW Egypt, comprising seven mud volcanoes (MVs) of which two are active. Based on multichannel and chirp seismic data, temperature profiles, and high-resolution bathymetric data collected during the 2000 Fanil, 2004 Mimes and 2007 Medeco2 expeditions, the present study investigates factors controlling MV morphology, the geometry of feeder channels, and the origin of emitted fluids. The active Cheops and Chephren MVs are 1,500 m wide with subcircular craters at their summits, about 250 m in diameter, generally a few tens of metres deep, and filled with methane-rich muddy brines with temperatures reaching 42 °C and 57 °C respectively. Deployments of CTDs and corers with attached temperature sensors tracked these warm temperatures down to almost 0.5 km depth below the brine lake surface at the Cheops MV, in a feeder channel probably only a few tens of metres wide. Thermogenic processes involve the dissolution of Messinian evaporites by warm fluids likely sourced even deeper, i.e. 1.7 and 2.6 km below the seabed at the Cheops and Chephren MVs respectively, and which ascend along listric faults. Seepage activity appears broadly persistent since the initiation of mud volcanism in the Early Pliocene, possibly accompanied by lateral migration of feeder channels.  相似文献   
The narrow shelf and upper slope immediately above the Gonone canyon head off NE Sardinia represent areas of very low sedimentation rates. Along the sides of the canyon head (1,600 m water depth), the sediment deposits are homogeneous but show alternating light-grey intervals rich in carbonate and dark-grey ones rich in organic matter, possibly related to distal turbidite processes. Deposits older than 50,000 years are already encountered at core depths of 2.50 m, the sedimentation rates varying from 6–21 cm/103 years in the lower parts of two cores and from 1.5–3 cm/103 years in the upper parts. At about 35,000 years BP, both cores show a simultaneous drop in sedimentation rate by a factor of 3, probably in response to local mechanisms of channel avulsion. Lithological, mineralogical and geochemical properties reveal the environmental factors which are responsible for the extremely slow sediment accumulation. The southernmost sector of the coast, and partly also of the shelf, consists of Jurassic limestones which supply only small amounts of fine-grained material transported in suspension. During the last sea-level highstand, the accumulation of the Cedrino River pro-delta remained restricted to the coast, the low siliciclastic sediment yields resulting in poor shelf sediment trapping. The present morphology of the canyon head prevented the occurrence of gravity processes in the deeper part of the canyon system, including the coring sites. Accordingly, deposition was mainly fed by hemipelagic material of planktonic origin, together with only moderate terrigenous inputs. On a wider late Pleistocene timescale, seismic data indicate the occurrence of a coarse-grained, layered turbidite facies, implying a very different architecture of the canyon drainage system probably prior to 60,000 years BP.  相似文献   
Seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton primary production were studied using a high frequency sampling strategy in the external (ENW) and internal (INW) part of Arcachon Bay, during 2002 and 2003. In order to better assess the availability of nutrients and their relationship with phytoplankton primary production, nutrient variability was studied in relation to environmental conditions and phytoplankton production. During winter, when primary production rates were the lowest, nutrient concentrations were maximal but did not show excessive levels compared to highly urbanised areas. Seasonal and spatial variations of nutrient concentrations (especially DIN-nitrate + nitrite + ammonium- and Si) were largely influenced by Leyre River loads coupled with high tidal exchange with the Atlantic Ocean creating a nutrient gradient between the INW and ENW. By February, diatom growth leads to an early severe nutrient depletion in the entire bay. Examination of nutrient ratios showed that the potential limiting nutrient during spring was P in 2003, and Si in 2002. During summer 2003, N and Si concentrations reached their lowest values, and nutrient ratios revealed a N-deficient environment, more pronounced in the INW. The high Si:N ratios during this period might be explained by (1) important N-uptake by all autotroph communities and (2) benthic-pelagic coupling with high Si regeneration. This study shows that nutrient levels in Arcachon Bay seem to play an important role in the control of phytoplankton primary production rates during the productive period and explain their spatial, seasonal and inter-annual variability. Our estimates of annual integrated phytoplankton primary production (103 g C m−2 y−1) place this bay within the low to moderate phytoplankton primary production systems.  相似文献   
A study has been made of the orientation of the spurs of the outer front of a barrier coral-reef tract in the Bay of Tuléar on the southwest coast of Madagascar. All types of coral reef tracts are present: outer or barrier reefs, lagoon reefs and coral banks. The orientation of the spurs was studied as a function of the direction of the swell crests which are either parallel or oblique to the alignment of the reef front of the “Grand Récif” which extends over 18 km. When the swell is oblique, the spurs are not, as is generally held, perpendicular to the crests of the swell. The orientation of the spurs is a resultant direction between the direction of the swell orthogonals and the direction of the slope of the outer reef flat. From aerial photographs one can determine the directions of the spurs and of the slope of the outer reef flat. It is easy to obtain the direction of the crests of the swell and then to construct the wave diagram. The morphological aspects and the distribution of the deposits on the inner flat of the coral reef tract depend on the orientation of the swell.


L'étude de l'orientation des éperons d'un front récifal externe a été réalisée dans la baie de Tuléar sur la côte sud-ouest de Madagascar. Dans ce secteur, tous les types d'édifices récifaux sont présents: récifs barrières externes, récifs de lagon et bancs coralliens. Nous avons étudié l'orientation des éperons en fonction de la direction de la houle qui est soit parallèle, soit oblique par rapport au front récifal du Grand Récif qui s'étend sur 18 km. Quand la houle est oblique, les éperons ne sont pas — comme on le dit généralement — perpendiculaires à la houle, mais leur orientation est une direction résultante entre la direction de propagation de la houle et celle de la pente du platier récifal au point considéré. Sur les photographies aériennes, on détermine la direction des éperons et celle de la pente. Une construction simple permet d'obtenir la direction de la crête des vagues et de construire le plan de vagues. Toute la morphologie et la répartition des dépôts du platier d'un édifice récifal sont sous la dépendance de l'orientation de la houle.  相似文献   

The Tuléar area lies on the southwest coast of Madagascar. The Tropic of Capricorn runs across the center of the Bay of Tuléar which is closed by a barrier reef called the “Grand Récif”. Other reef tracts can be found in this bay: fringing reefs, inner reefs, coral islets, coral banks.This paper is the result of a study of the outer side of the area called the “shipwreck sector”, which extends just in front of the city of Tuléar, in the northern part of the Grand Récif. The investigations were made by diving as deep as 50 m and below this depth by dredging down to 150 m. The outer slope consists of several zones, the succession of which forms the elements of a morphological model.The numerical values of sedimentological indices and sedimentary facies were obtained by means of an I.B.M. 360/44 or a C.I.I. computer; they do not vary independently but derive from each other. A sedimentary sequence is defined as a precise succession of facies which continues to be modified during the transfer of sediments inside the sedimentary sequence. The numerical values of the indices of a given facies show coherent variations which point to the evolution of the sediments during their transfer. The successions and relations of different sequences form the sedimentological model. The combination of terms in the morphological and sedimentological models allows the morpho-sedimentary model to be defined. This model can be integrated into one elaborated for the Tuléar area as a whole.Generally, two sequences extend on the outer slope. The first one is the spur and groove sequence that starts with an accumulated facies of gravel in the surf zone. The shifting facies of sands in which a very evolved material is included, mark the transition to the stable facies of accumulation. In this sequence wave action plays a central part. The second sequence is formed by sedimentary deposits of the coral flagstone (deep coral flagstone forward the reef). They are characterized by the presence of free or loose organic elements. These elements derive from calcareous algea. They are chiefly made of rhodolite nodules, rhodolite pseudonodules and Lithothamnion particles mixed with sand very rich in Foraminifera.The nature, distribution and percentage of these elements were studied as a function of the depth where they were found and, therefore, of the distance from the reef front. These free organogenic elements are typical of the outer slope of coral-reef tracts beaten by heavy swells.  相似文献   
Long-Term Validation of Wave Height Measurements from Altimeters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since July 1991, six altimeter missions have been launched successfully, and they have provided almost continuous wave height measurements for more than 12 years. Long-term series of wave height measurements are of major interest for climatology and oceanic wave modeling. Before using such data, the measurements have to be validated, and the homogeneity of the data from various satellites has to be checked. Significant wave height measurements from ERS, TOPEX/Poseidon, GEOSAT Follow-on, Jason-1 and ENVISAT altimeters are validated using cross-altimeter and buoy comparisons. Emphasis is put on the two recent missions Jason-1 and ENVISAT. Corrections for biases and trends are proposed for the six altimeters, allowing the generation of consistent and homogeneous data. Tests of these corrections are performed over global ocean simple statistics.  相似文献   
We evaluated the alterations of organochlorinated compounds such as polychlorobiphenyls (PCB), dichloro-diphenyl-dichloroethylene (DDE) and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) on the thyroid in wild and cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) at environmental concentrations. These compounds influence the endocrine system of many fish species and are qualified as endocrine disruptors. The thyroid seems to be a target organ. Two alteration endpoints: the thyroid histology and the muscular thyroid hormone concentrations, were used simultaneously.High concentrations in PCBs and DDT were detected in muscles, supporting the idea that the Mediterranean fauna could be more polluted than the Atlantic fauna. The high abundance of DDE indicates a progressive degradation of remnant DDT load and the absence of new inputs in this area. Aquaculture sea bass shows a significant higher amount of pollutants on fresh weight basis (especially PCBs) in their muscles compared to the wild sea bass. Those differences may be related mainly to the contaminations of diet.Thyroid parameters vary between wild and aquaculture sea bass, wild sea bass were characterized by higher follicle diameters, epithelial cell heights and muscular T4 concentrations. A significant relationship between persistent organic pollutants (muscular PCBs and DDT concentration) and the different thyroid parameters (diameters of follicles, epithelial cell heights and muscular T4 levels) could be observed, which support the hypothesis that these compounds have an adverse impact on thyroid morphometry and function.  相似文献   
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