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In November 2004, a major magnetic storm occurred, a lengthy portion of which was recorded by the Upper Atmospheric Radar Chain. On the 9th and 10th, the Jicamarca Radar detected the highest magnitude penetrating electric fields (±3 mV/m) and vertical drifts (±120 m/s) ever seen at this premiere facility. These large and variable drifts were highly correlated with the interplanetary magnetic and electric fields and created a double F layer on the dayside and unusual TEC behavior throughout the low-latitude zone. These solar wind-induced drifts both suppressed and generated irregularities at the magnetic equator at different times. Large-scale thermospheric disturbances were generated by high-latitude heating and tracked through the middle- to low-latitude zones where both parallel and perpendicular plasma drifts created major ionospheric changes. The auroral oval was located at a magnetic L shell of about three for many hours.  相似文献   
We present results of synthetic time‐lapse and real repeatability multi‐transient electromagnetic surveys over the North Sea Harding field. Using Archie's law to convert porosity and fluid saturation to resistivity we created 3D isotropic models of the reservoir resistivity at different stages of production from the initial state in 1996 through to complete hydrocarbon production by 2016 and, for each stage, we simulated an east‐west transient electromagnetic survey line across Harding. Unconstrained 1D full‐waveform Occam inversions of these synthetic data show that Harding should be detectable and its lateral extent reasonably well‐defined. Resistivity changes caused by hydrocarbon production from initial pre‐production state to production of the oil rim in 2011 are discernible as are significant changes from 2011–2016 during the modelled gas blowdown phase. The 2D repeatability surveys of 2007 and 2008 tied two wells: one on and the other off the structure. Between the two surveys the segment of the field under investigation produced 3.9 million barrels of oil – not enough to generate an observable time‐lapse electromagnetic anomaly with a signal‐to‐noise ratio of 40 dB. Processing of the 2007 and 2008 data included deconvolution for the measured source current and removal of spatially‐correlated noise, which increased the signal‐to‐noise ratio of the recovered impulse responses by about 20 dB and resulted in a normalized root‐mean‐square difference of 3.9% between the data sets. 1D full‐waveform Occam inversions of the real data showed that Harding was detectable and its lateral extent was also reasonably well‐defined. The results indicate that the multi‐transient electromagnetic method is suitable for exploration, appraisal and monitoring hydrocarbon production.  相似文献   
The accuracy with which MODFLOW simulates surface water-groundwater interaction is examined for connected and disconnected losing streams. We compare the effect of different vertical and horizontal discretization within MODFLOW and also compare MODFLOW simulations with those produced by HydroGeoSphere. HydroGeoSphere is able to simulate both saturated and unsaturated flow, as well as surface water, groundwater and the full coupling between them in a physical way, and so is used as a reference code to quantify the influence of some of the simplifying assumptions of MODFLOW. In particular, we show that (1) the inability to simulate negative pressures beneath disconnected streams in MODFLOW results in an underestimation of the infiltration flux; (2) a river in MODFLOW is either fully connected or fully disconnected, while in reality transitional stages between the two flow regimes exist; (3) limitations in the horizontal discretization of the river can cause a mismatch between river width and cell width, resulting in an error in the water table position under the river; and (4) because coarse vertical discretization of the aquifer is often used to avoid the drying out of cells, this may result in an error in simulating the height of the groundwater mound. Conditions under which these errors are significant are investigated.  相似文献   
Cristobalite is a low-pressure high-temperature polymorph of SiO2 found in many volcanic rocks. Its volcanogenic formation has received attention because (1) pure particulate cristobalite can be toxic when inhaled, and its dispersal in volcanic ash is therefore a potential hazard; and (2) its nominal stability field is at temperatures higher than those of magmatic systems, making it an interesting example of metastable crystallization. We present analyses (by XRD, SEM, EPMA, Laser Raman, and synchrotron μ-cT) of representative rhyolitic pyroclasts and of samples from different facies of the compound lava flow from the 2011–2012 eruption of Cordón Caulle (Chile). Cristobalite was not detected in pyroclasts, negating any concern for respiratory hazards, but it makes up 0–23 wt% of lava samples, occurring as prismatic vapour-deposited crystals in vesicles and/or as a groundmass phase in microcrystalline samples. Textures of lava collected near the vent, which best represent those generated in the conduit, indicate that pore isolation promotes vapour deposition of cristobalite. Mass balance shows that the SiO2 deposited in isolated pore space can have originated from corrosion of the adjacent groundmass. Textures of lava collected down-flow were modified during transport in the insulated interior of the flow, where protracted cooling, additional vesiculation events, and shearing overprint original textures. In the most slowly cooled and intensely sheared samples from the core of the flow, nearly all original pore space is lost, and vapour-deposited cristobalite crystals are crushed and incorporated into the groundmass as the vesicles in which they formed collapse by strain and compaction of the surrounding matrix. Holocrystalline lava from the core of the flow achieves high mass concentrations of cristobalite as slow cooling allows extensive microlite crystallization and devitrification to form groundmass cristobalite. Vapour deposition and devitrification act concurrently but semi-independently. Both are promoted by slow cooling, and it is ultimately devitrification that most strongly contributes to total cristobalite content in a given flow facies. Our findings provide a new field context in which to address questions that have arisen from the study of cristobalite in dome eruptions, with insight afforded by the fundamentally different emplacement geometries of flows and domes.  相似文献   
Groundwater surface water interaction in the hyporheic zone remains an important challenge for water resources management and ecosystem restoration. In heterogeneous stratified glacial sediments, reach‐scale environments contain an uneven distribution of focused groundwater flow occurring simultaneously with diffusely discharging groundwater. This results in a variation of stream‐aquifer interactions, where focused flow systems are able to temporally dominate exchange processes. The research presented here investigates the direct and indirect influences focused groundwater discharge exerts on the hyporheic zone during baseflow recession. Field results demonstrate that as diffuse sources of groundwater deplete during baseflow recession, focused groundwater discharge remains constant. During baseflow recession the hyporheic zone is unable to expand, while the high nitrate concentration from focused discharge changes the chemistry of the stream. The final result is a higher concentration of nitrate in the hyporheic zone as this altered surface water infiltrates into the subsurface. This indirect coupling of focused groundwater discharge and the hyporheic zone is unaccounted for in hyporheic studies at this time. Results indicate important implications for the potential reduction of agricultural degradation of water quality.  相似文献   
The 1999 jökulhlaup at Sólheimajökull was the first major flood to be routed through the proglacial system in over 600 years. This study reconstructed the flood using hydrodynamic, sediment transport and morphodynamic numerical modelling informed by field surveys, aerial photograph and digital elevation model analysis. Total modelled sediment transport was 469 800 m3 (+/‐ 20%). Maximum erosion of 8.2 m occurred along the ice margin. Modelled net landscape change was –86 400 m3 (+/‐ 40%) resulting from –275 400 m3 (+/‐ 20%) proglacial erosion and 194 400 m3 (+/‐ 20%) proglacial deposition. Peak erosion rate and peak deposition rate were 650 m3 s‐1 (+/‐ 20%) and 595 m3 s‐1 (+/‐ 20%), respectively, and coincided with peak discharge of water at 1.5 h after flood initiation. The pattern of bed elevation change during the rising limb suggested widespread activation of the bed, whereas more organisation, perhaps primitive bedform development, occurred during the falling limb. Contrary to simplistic conceptual models, deposition occurred on the rising stage and erosion occurred on the falling limb. Comparison of the morphodynamic results with a hydrodynamic simulation illustrated effects of sediment transport and bed elevation change on flow conveyance. The morphodynamic model advanced flood arrival and peak discharge timings by 100% and 19%, respectively. However, peak flow depth and peak flow velocity were not significantly affected. We suggest that morphodynamic processes not only increase flow mass and momentum but that they also introduce a feedback process whereby flood conveyance becomes more efficient via erosion of minor bed protrusions and deposition that infills or subdues minor bed hollows. A major implication of this study is that reconstructions of outburst floods that ignore sediment transport, such as those used in interpretation of long‐term hydrological record and flood risk assessments, may need considerable refinement. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
云南南滚河自然保护区大中型陆生哺乳动物初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
During surveys for wild felids in Nangunhe Nature Reserve, Yunnan province, China, we conducted a wider mammal survey of the core nature reserve area, using camera trapping techniques. Forty motion-triggered digital camera traps had been set in oldest forest tract of protected area to conduct a species inventory. The total camera trapping effort of 2460 camera trap nights yielded 232 digital photographs of mammals represented by 17 species in five orders. The species photographed include rare and elusive species and those that are of high conservation value, such as IUCN endangered species Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus), and Phayre’s leaf monkey (Trachypit hecus phayrei). In addition, IUCN vulnerable species including Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus), sambar (Rusa unicolor), northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonine), and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), and more common species were found. All mammals were also listed as key protected wild animals by the State Forestry Administration of China. Of particular importance were the carnivores, with 7 different species recorded. Ungulates and other taxa forming a prey base for these predators,such as rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), red muntjac (Muntiacus muntjac), sambar, wild boar (Sus scrofa), and Chinese serow (Capricornis milneedwardsii), were found to be the most frequently photographed and most widespread species. Opportunities for local people to develop standardized monitoring designs for targeted species were identified by these initial assessment results. Local nature reserve staff lacked technical ability to produce standardized survey designs, yet a by product of this type of non-standardized data collection can be very informative and produce inventory information that gives a species richness analysis, as well as initial estimates for occupancy and detection probability for abundant species to drive future standardized survey designs and efforts.  相似文献   
The late glacial-Holocene transition from the Lago Chungará sedimentary record in northern Chilean Altiplano (18°S) is made up of laminated sediments composed of light-white and dark-green pluriannual couplets of diatomaceous ooze. Light-white sediment laminae accumulated during short-term extraordinary diatom blooms whereas dark-green sediment laminae represent the baseline limnological conditions during several years of deposition. Diatom oxygen isotope ratios (δ18Odiatom) from 40 consecutive dark-green laminae, ranging from 11,990 to 11,450 cal year BP, show that a series of decadal-to-centennial dry–wet oscillations occurred. Dry periods are marked by relatively high isotope values whereas wet episodes are indicated by lower values. This interpretation agrees with the reconstructions of terrigenous inputs and regional effective moisture availability carried out in the lake but there is a systematic temporal disagreement between them owing to the non-linear response of the lacustrine ecosystem to environmental forcings. Furthermore, the δ18Odiatom record tracks effective moisture changes at a centennial scale. Three major phases have been established (11,990–11,800, 11,800–11,550, and 11,550–11,450 cal year BP). Each phase is defined by an increasing isotope trend followed by a sudden depletion. In addition, several wet and dry events at a decadal scale are superimposed onto these major trends. Spectral analyses of the δ18Odiatom values suggest that cycles and events could have been triggered by both El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and solar activity. Significant ENSO frequencies of 7–9 years and 15–17 years, and periodicities of the solar activity cycles such as 11 years (Schwabe), 23 years (Hale) and 35 years (Brückner) have been recognised in the oxygen isotope time series. Time–frequency analysis shows that although solar and ENSO forcing were present at the onset of the Holocene, they were more intense during the late glacial period. The early Holocene might have been mainly governed by La Niña-like conditions that correspond to wet conditions over the Andean Altiplano.  相似文献   
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