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We tested whether the growth rates of small benthic fish (Gillichthys mirabilis) in three southern California estuaries corresponded with the local concentrations of contaminants. Fish originating from each estuary were transplanted to cages in each estuary in two reciprocal transplant experiments. The growth rates of caged fish, and the size-distribution of natural populations, showed the same pattern of difference among estuaries. Twelve metals and organic contaminants occurred in bulk sediments at concentrations close to their individual ERL values, and a simple index of their combined concentration (the mean ERL quotient) was inversely correlated to the growth of caged fish. Metals in the water column occurred at lower concentrations, relative to toxicity thresholds, than those in sediments and were unrelated to fish growth. Fish used in the field caging experiments, and other fish held in the laboratory under constant conditions, showed no difference in growth according to their estuary of origin. Fish originating from different estuaries also showed no consistent differences in their tissue burden of organic contaminants. Our results thus suggested no genetic adaptation or physiological acclimation to the past contaminant regime, but revealed a possible association between fish growth rates and the combined concentration of multiple sediment contaminants.  相似文献   
Approximately 1000 km of high resolution sleeve-gun array transects on the North Sea Fan, located at the mouth of the Norwegian Channel, reveal three dominant styles of sedimentation within a thick (> 900 m) Quaternary sediment wedge comprising numerous sequences. These are interpreted as: terrigenous hemipelagic sedimentation, large scale translational slides, and aprons of glaciogenic debris flow deposits contributing to considerable fan construction. Four large, buried translational slides involved sediment volumes upwards of 3000 km3 each and preceded the similarly dimensioned “first” Storegga Slide on the NE fan flank. Several thick (> 100 m) terrigenous hemipelagic deposits apparently represent long-lived (150–200 kyr) periods of sedimentation whose distribution indicates fan input via the Norwegian Channel. The upper sequences are each made upper sequences are each made up of one or several thick (> 100 m) aprons comprising stacked lensoid and/or lobate forms which range from 2 to 40 km in width and 15 to 60 m in thickness. They characterize debris flows attributed to periodic input from several phases of a Norwegian Channel ice stream reaching the shelf edge. Subsidence in the outer Norwegian Channel allowed preservation of several glaciation cycles represented by sheet erosion-bounded tills and progradational units. Much of the shelf/slope transition has been preserved, allowing a preliminary chronology of the fan sequences through correlation with borehole sediments in the Norwegian Channel. Debris flows, which signal the initial shelf-edge glaciation, are not recognized from the initial glaciation in the Channel (> 1.1 Myr) but are associated with a Middle Pleistocene and all following glacial erosion surfaces (GES) in the outer Norwegian Channel. This was followed by six further sequences, probably totalling over 13,000 km3 of sediment. At least four of these were shelf-edge ice-maximum events the last of which was Late Weichselian age (14C AMS). Considering earlier glaciation-related hemipelagic sedimentation, material since removed by the large slides, and extensive unmapped areas, total Quaternary fan sedimentation was in the vicinity of 20,000 km3.  相似文献   
Sandy clinothems are of interest as hydrocarbon reservoirs but there is no proven, economic, clinothem reservoir in the Norwegian Barents Sea. We used high-resolution, 2D and 3D seismic, including proprietary data, to identify a previously untested, Barremian, clinoform wedge in the Fingerdjupet Subbasin (FSB). Data from recent well 7322/7-1 plus seismic have been used to characterize this wedge and older Lower Cretaceous clinoforms in the FSB. In the latest Hauterivian – early Barremian, during post-rift tectonic quiescence, shelf-edge clinoforms (foreset height > 150 m) prograded into an under-filled basin. Increased sediment input was related to regional uplift of the hinterland (northern Barents Shelf). Early Barremian erosion in the north-western FSB and mass wasting towards the SE were followed by deposition of delta-scale (<80 m high), high-angle (c. 8°) clinoform sets seaward of older shelf-edge clinoforms. This may be the local expression of a regional, early Barremian, regressive event. By the close of the Barremian, clinoforms had prograded, within a narrow, elongate basin, across the FSB and towards the uplifted Loppa High. A seismic wedge of high-angle (10–12°), low-relief, delta-scale (25–80 m) clinoform sets occurs between shelf-edge clinoforms to the NW and the uplifted area to the SE. Well 7322/7-1, positioned on a direct hydrocarbon indicator, <1 km NNW of the high-angle, low-relief, delta-scale clinoforms, found upward coarsening siltstone-cycles linked to relative sea-level fluctuations on a marine shelf. Sand may have accumulated, offshore from the well, in high-angle, low-relief foresets of the delta-scale clinothems (which are typical geometries elsewhere interpreted as ‘delta-scale, sand-prone subaqueous clinoforms’). Deposition was controlled by the paleosurface, storms and longshore currents on an otherwise mud-dominated shelf. The study highlights challenges associated with exploration for sandstone reservoirs in seismic wedges on an outer shelf.  相似文献   
Most ecosystems have a certain assimilative capacity regarding plant nutrient or biodegradable organic matter. Knowledge of the metabolizing processes of different ecosystems enable the use of natural systems for pollution abatement from agricultural, domestic and industrial sources. Such ecologically engineered natural systems are often very cost efficient. At the Centre for Soil and Environmental Research (JORDFORSK) studies of degradation processes and the fate of plant nutrients in small streams, ponds, wetlands, vegetative filter strips and soil are being conducted in order to gain experience with and develop self purifying methods. Preliminary results show that denitrification in streams remove only a minor part of the annual nitrogen (N) transport (1–15%), but that this process can remove a considerable part of the N transport during summer. Constructed ponds and wetlands in streams draining agricultural areas showed 10–56% retention of soil particles, 23–40% of phosphorous (P) and 5–13% of N. Narrow ponds had a higher efficiency than wide ponds per unit surface area. Short-term experiments with vegetative strips treating agricultural runoff show a sediment removal of over 95%, a P removal from 80–90% and N removal between 60 and 75%. A multistage subsurface constructed wetland treating domestic waste-water removed an average of 97% P, 91% BOD, 80% of suspended solids, 55% N and 99.9% E. coli over the first 18 months of operation. Preliminary results from a multistage plant with constructed ponds and wetlands treating landfill leachate show high treatment efficiency for the same parameters. A rapid infiltration plant in northern Norway showed an average removal of 99% P, 90% COD and 73% N after 4 years of operation. These results show that self purifying measures offer potential for design of pollution abatement systems for agricultural as well as domestic purposes in the Norwegian climate.  相似文献   
Computed tomography scan imaging techniques have been used on core samples to investigate the effect of natural open fractures on reservoir flow in the Snøhvit Gas Condensate Field. Firstly, computed tomography (CT) scanning was used to describe the 3D geometrical properties of the fracture network including orientation and fracture density. Two types of fractures were observed: F1 fractures are short and stylolite related and F2 fractures are longer, cross-cutting the core and without any obvious relationship to stylolites. Secondly, monitoring of single and two phase flow experiments on samples containing these two types of natural open fractures was performed under 10 and 80 bar net confining pressure while using CT scanning. 1-phase miscible flooding experiment shows approximately 3 times higher flooding velocity in an open F2 fracture than in the matrix. 2-phase flooding by gas injection into a 100% water saturated core gave early gas breakthrough due to flow in the fracture and thereafter very little water production. The flow experiments showed that the presence of open fractures has a significant local effect on fluid flow even in a case with relatively high matrix porosity (200–300 mD). The sample containing F1 fractures showed a complex flow pattern influenced both by open fractures and stylolites. The CT scan data enables an exact representation of the fracture network in core scale simulation models and therefore improves the understanding of fracture influence on flow in a fractured porous medium. CT scanning of core samples provides an effective tool for integrating geology and fluid flow properties of a porous fractured medium.  相似文献   
Due to the production of toxins, cyanobacteria may adversely affect economically important fish such as Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in tropical lakes. We studied the diet composition and factors affecting the diet of Nile tilapia in two tropical lakes where cyanotoxins were present. Particle-bound microcystins were present in all analysed water samples, ranging in concentration from 0.00012 to 1.11 and from 0.006 to 0.254 μg L−1 in Murchison Bay in Lake Victoria and Lake Mburo, respectively. Detritus and phytoplankton were the main dietary components of the Nile tilapia, with phytoplankton contributing to over 30% by volume of stomach contents. The cyanobacteria Microcystis spp., which are also the most likely source of microcystins in the lakes, accounted for more than 80% of ingested phytoplankton. Microcystis spp. were also the most abundant cyanobacteria in both lakes (>60%). We found no significant relationship between the contribution of phytoplankton in Nile tilapia diet and the concentration of microcystins in the water but we found a close association between water transparency and the contribution of insects to Nile tilapia diets in Murchison Bay. Our results further show that none of the other measured environmental variables was a good predictor of diet items in Nile tilapia. Adult Nile tilapia in our study lakes, rely heavily on filter feeding, particularly under conditions of low water transparency, trapping detritus and phytoplankton cells especially colonies. They can ingest more mobile prey like insects and insect larvae when the water transparency and visibility increases.  相似文献   
Finding an appropriate turbulence model for a given flow case usually calls for extensive experimentation with both models and numerical solution methods. This work presents the design and implementation of a flexible, programmable software framework for assisting with numerical experiments in computational turbulence. The framework targets Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes models, discretized by finite element methods. The novel implementation makes use of Python and the FEniCS package, the combination of which leads to compact and reusable code, where model- and solver-specific code resemble closely the mathematical formulation of equations and algorithms. The presented ideas and programming techniques are also applicable to other fields that involve systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. We demonstrate the framework in two applications and investigate the impact of various linearizations on the convergence properties of nonlinear solvers for a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes model.  相似文献   
Two carbonate deposits are identified on the exposed bedrock surface in the forefield of Glacier de Tsanfleuron, Switzerland: macrocrystalline sparite and microcrystalline micrite. Comparison of the distributions of these forms with lee-side slope facets identified by high-pass filtering of a flow-parallel bedrock profile at a range of frequencies reveals two significant results. First, while the distribution of sparite is consistent with formation in the lee side of subglacial bedrock hummocks, that of micrite is not. This contrasts with previous investigations in which both sparite and micrite have been considered to form by mineral concentration and precipitation during the refreezing of regelation-related basal meltwaters in the lee side of bedrock hummocks. Alternative mechanisms of micrite formation involving carbonate deposition and/or precipitation within subglacial bedrock hollows are proposed. Second, the distribution of sparite is most strongly correlated with the distribution of lee-side slope facets identified by filtering at a frequency equivalent to a hummock wavelength of c. 0·1 m. This correspondence indicates empirically that pressure-related melting and refreezing (regelation) operates most effectively around bedrock hummocks that are shorter than c. 0·1 m. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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