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Two nested clinoform set types of different scales and steepness are mapped and analysed from high-resolution seismic data. Restoration of post-depositional faulting reveals a persistent pattern of small-scale, high-angle clinoforms contained within platform-scale, low-angle clinothems, showing a combined overall progradational depositional system. The large clinoforms lack a well-defined platform edge, and show a gradual increase in dip from topset to foreset. A consistent recurring stratal pattern is evident from the architecture, and is considered a result of interplay between relative sea-level change and autocyclic switching of sediment delivery focal points that brought sediment to the platform edge. This un-interrupted succession records how intra-shelf platforms prograde. Quantitative clinoform analysis may assist in determining the most influential depositional factors. Post-depositional uplift and erosion requires restoration with re-burial to maximum burial depth. Backstripping, decompaction and isostatic correction was performed assuming a range of lithologic compositions, as no wells test the lithology. Nearby wells penetrate strata basinward of the clinoforms, proving mudstone content above 50%, which in turn guide restoration values. Typical restored platform heights are 250–300 m, with correspondingly sized platform-scale clinoform heights. Typical large-scale clinoform foreset dip values are 1.3°–2.4°. Small-scale clinothems are typically 100 m thick, with restored foreset dip angles at 4.4° - > 10°. The results suggest that intrashelf platform growth occurs in pulses interrupted by draping of strata over its clinoform profile. The resultant architecture comprises small-scale clinoforms nested within platform-scale clinothems.  相似文献   
Planktonic foraminiferal evidence suggests that the ocean front systems between Polar and Atlantic surface waters in the Norwegian Sea generally were located closer to Greenland during Oxygen Isotope Substage 5e than in the Holocene. During both these periods oscillations have occurred in the position of the fronts. In the western Norwegian Sea region, the substage 5e influence of warm Atlantic waters was interrupted by a return to polar conditions. These findings support both ice-core data and evidence from Europe that the last interglacial was a period of rapid climatic shifts.  相似文献   
Subglacial bed conditions are key to understanding ice stream behaviour and evolution, with bed roughness re?ecting substrate composition and ?ow resistance. Here we present an analysis of bed roughness in the Siple Coast region of West Antarctica from airborne radio‐echo sounding data. The ice streams are associated generally with low bed roughness values, which decrease downstream. The bed of the slow‐?owing Ice Stream C (~10 000 km2) is also characterized by being smooth at all scales (wavelengths ranging from 5 km to in excess of 40 km). Furthermore, the bed is smooth either side of Ice Stream C. This suggests the location of the ice stream is controlled by internal ice sheet dynamics rather than by bed morphology. If the ice stream were encouraged to migrate laterally, when active, there would be little resistance offered by the subglacial morphology. Other inter‐ice stream regions are rough, however, indicating a subglacial topographic in?uence on ice stream position. Bed roughness increases up‐?ow of ice streams, which, unless the bed is modi?ed, may limit the inland migration of these systems. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Palaeoglaciological reconstructions of the North Sea sector of the last British Ice Sheet have, as other shelf areas, suffered from a lack of dates directly related to ice‐front positions. In the present study new high‐resolution TOPAS seismic data, bathymetric records and sediment core data from the Witch Ground Basin, central North Sea, were compiled. This compilation made it possible to map out three ice‐marginal positions, partly through identification of terminal moraines and partly through location of glacial‐fed debrisflows. The interfingering of the distal parts of the glacial‐fed debrisflows with continuous marine sedimentation enabled the development of a chronology for glacial events based on previously published and some new radiocarbon dates on marine molluscs and foraminifera. From these data it is suggested that after the central Witch Ground Basin was deglaciated at c. 27 cal. ka BP, the eastern part was inundated by glacial ice from the east in the Tampen advance at c. 21 cal. ka BP. Subsequently, the basin was inundated by ice from northeast during the Fladen 1 (c. 17.5 cal. ka BP) and the Fladen 2 (16.2 cal. ka BP) events. It should be emphasized that the Fladen 1 and 2 events, individually, may represent dynamics of relatively small lobes of glacial ice at the margin of the British Ice Sheet and that the climatic significance of these may be questioned. However, the Fladen Events probably correlate in time with the Clogher Head and Killard Point re‐advances previously documented from Ireland and the Bremanger event from off western Norway, suggesting that the British and Fennoscandian ice sheets both had major advances in their northwestern parts, close to the northwestern European seaboard, at this time.  相似文献   
The most notable change in δ18O in Greenland ice cores during the Holocene occurs at 8200 cal. yr BP. Here we present a new high-resolution marine record from the northern North Sea, along with tree-ring data from Germany, which contain evidence of a pronounced temperature drop (>2°C) contemporaneous with that of the Greenland ice-core records. The synchronous timing of the cooling event in the Greenland ice-cores, marine record and tree-ring data from northwest Europe reflects a regional influence on the North Atlantic ocean–atmospheric system, suggesting a prominent role of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation. The operation of the North Atlantic ocean circulation is sensitive to variation in the freshwater budget, implying that any change in freshwater flux is capable of altering the North Atlantic circulation system. We hypothesise minor but long-term freshwater fluxes in the final stages of the deglaciation of the Laurentide ice-sheet as a forcing mechanism. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We explore allowable leakage for carbon capture and geological storage to be consistent with maximum global warming targets of 2.5 and 3 °C by 2100. Given plausible fossil fuel use and carbon capture and storage scenarios, and based on modeling of time-dependent leakage of CO2, we employ a climate model to calculate the long-term temperature response of CO2 emissions. We assume that half of the stored CO2 is permanently trapped by fast mechanisms. If 40?% of global CO2 emissions are stored in the second half of this century, the temperature effect of escaped CO2 is too small to compromise a 2.5 °C target. If 80?% of CO2 is captured, escaped CO2 must peak 300?years or later for consistency with this climate target. Due to much more CO2 stored for the 3 than the 2.5 °C target, quality of storage becomes more important. Thus for the 3 °C target escaped CO2 must peak 400?years or later in the 40?% scenario, and 3000?years or later in the 80?% scenario. Consequently CO2 escaped from geological storage can compromise the less stringent 3 °C target in the long-run if most of global CO2 emissions have been stored. If less CO2 is stored only a very high escape scenario can compromise the more stringent 2.5 °C target. For the two remaining combinations of storage scenarios and climate targets, leakage must be high to compromise these climate targets.  相似文献   
The current study documents the fate of current-use pesticides in an agriculturally-dominated central California coastal estuary by focusing on the occurrence in water, sediment and tissue of resident aquatic organisms. Three fungicides (azoxystrobin, boscalid, and pyraclostrobin), one herbicide (propyzamide) and two organophosphate insecticides (chlorpyrifos and diazinon) were detected frequently. Dissolved pesticide concentrations in the estuary corresponded to the timing of application while bed sediment pesticide concentrations correlated with the distance from potential sources. Fungicides and insecticides were detected frequently in fish and invertebrates collected near the mouth of the estuary and the contaminant profiles differed from the sediment and water collected. This is the first study to document the occurrence of many current-use pesticides, including fungicides, in tissue. Limited information is available on the uptake, accumulation and effects of current-use pesticides on non-target organisms. Additional data are needed to understand the impacts of pesticides, especially in small agriculturally-dominated estuaries.  相似文献   
Large-scale simulations of coupled flow in deformable porous media require iterative methods for solving the systems of linear algebraic equations. Construction of efficient iterative methods is particularly challenging in problems with large jumps in material properties, which is often the case in realistic geological applications, such as basin evolution at regional scales. The success of iterative methods for such problems depends strongly on finding effective preconditioners with good parallel scaling properties, which is the topic of the present paper. We present a parallel preconditioner for Biot’s equations of coupled elasticity and fluid flow in porous media. The preconditioner is based on an approximation of the exact inverse of the two-by-two block system arising from a finite element discretisation. The approximation relies on a highly scalable approximation of the global Schur complement of the coefficient matrix, combined with generally available state-of-the-art multilevel preconditioners for the individual blocks. This preconditioner is shown to be robust on problems with highly heterogeneous material parameters. We investigate the weak and strong parallel scaling of this preconditioner on up to 512 processors and demonstrate its ability on a realistic basin-scale problem in poroelasticity with over eight million tetrahedral elements.  相似文献   
Quaternary sediments along a profile crossing the southern part of the Jæren escarpment, southwestern Norway, have been investigated with regard to their glacial history and sea-level variations. Deposits from at least three glaciations and two ice-free periods between Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 and the Late Weichselian have been identified. Subglacial till directly overlain by a glaciomarine regressional succession indicates a deglaciation, and amino acid ratios in Elphidium excavatum between 0.083 and 0.118 date this event to Oxygen Isotope Stage 6. Sea-level dropped from 130 to below 110 m a.s.l. Subsequently, a short-lived ice advance deposited a marginal moraine and a sandur locally on the escarpment. Stratigraphical position and luminescence dates around 148 ka BP suggest deposition during the final stage 6 deglaciation. A Late Weichselian till covers most of the surface of Jæren. In addition to a well documented westerly ice flow, glaciotectonic indications of ice flow towards the north have been found. Ice flow directions and a hiatus between Oxygen Isotope Stage 6 and the Weichselian indicate enhanced erosion along the escarpment and the influence of a Norwegian Channel ice-stream. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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