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地壳磁化强度模型和居里等温面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用卫星观测的长波磁异常,用等效偶极源方法推导了中国地区的视磁化强度分布.因卫星的高度远大于磁性地壳的厚度,将视磁化强度转换成磁化强度的垂直积分,它代表地壳内磁性物质的区域变化,利用视磁化强度与地表热流相应关系,计算了中国的新疆和东部一些地区居里等温面的深度.新疆地区的居里面深度为35-50km,其分布形态与塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地的地貌比较相似;中国东部一些地区居里面深度在20-40km之间,与一些作者用航磁等数据得到的居里深度十分接近.  相似文献   
由于目前越来越多的地质信息由计算机来处理,计算机图形技术也越来越多的用来显示地质信息的几何状态。本文表明用于表面成像的计算机图形技术已经应用于许多地质学分支。 地质学是一门包括从原子到天体不同尺度自然结构的学科,对地质学家来说,无论尺度是单个矿物还是整个行星,使它们的三  相似文献   
Zn- and Cu-rich massive sulfide ores of volcanogenic origin [volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits] occur as stratiform/stratabound lenses of variable size hosted by gneisses, amphibolites, and schists of the Areachap Group, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. The Areachap Group represents the highly deformed and metamorphosed remnants of a Mesoproterozoic volcanic arc that was accreted onto the western margin of the Kaapvaal Craton during the ∼1.0–1.2 Ga Namaquan Orogeny. Sulfur isotope data (δ34S) are presented for 57 sulfide separates and one barite sample from five massive sulfide occurrences in the Areachap Group. Although sulfides from each site have distinct sulfur isotope values, all δ34S values fall within a very limited range (3.0‰ to 8.5‰). Barite has a δ34S value of 18.5‰, very different from that of associated sulfides. At one of the studied sites (Kantienpan), a distinct increase in δ34S of sulfides is observed from the massive sulfide lens into the disseminated sulfides associated with a distinct footwall alteration zone. Sulfide–sulfide and sulfide–barite mineral pairs which recrystallized together during amphibolite- and lower granulite facies metamorphism are not in isotopic equilibrium. Sulfur isotope characteristics of sulfides and sulfates of the Zn–Cu ores in the Areachap Group are, however, very similar to base metal sulfide accumulations associated with modern volcanic arcs and unsedimented mid-ocean ridges. It is thus concluded that profound recrystallization and textural reconstitution associated with high-grade regional metamorphism of the massive sulfide ores of the Areachap Group did not result in extensive sulfur isotopic homogenization. This is similar to observations in other metamorphosed VMS deposit districts and confirms that massive sulfide ores remain effectively a closed system for sulfur isotopes for both sulfides and sulfates during metamorphism.  相似文献   
选取位于珠江口万顷沙ZK316-2钻孔进行孢粉、硅藻和岩性等分析,重建了珠江口晚更新世以来的海侵海退旋回和古环境特征。孢粉和硅藻分析表明:晚更新世期间该区域主要经历了一次大的海侵海退,期间有2次小的海平面波动。晚更新世地层海相特征明显,孢粉组合指示了温暖湿润的气候环境,其植被以南亚热带常绿林为主,孢粉组合以青冈属、蕈树属、金缕梅科等亚热带种属为主,期间出现的海桑属推测为滨海相沉积,指示了当时海平面的位置。晚更新世的海相沉积尽管14C测年结果为老于30 ka左右,但经过区域孢粉组合、硅藻特征、海平面高度等因素的综合对比分析后认为:下部海相层的年代更可能属于MIS 5期,而期间2次短暂的低海面记录可能与5b和5d海平面波动有关。钻孔上部13.9 m以上为全新世2 232 cal. a B.P.以来的沉积,孢粉分析表明植被仍以亚热带常绿林为主,但人类干扰因素的禾本科、松属、芒箕和火灾记录(炭屑)大量增加,指示了沿海人类活动增强和大规模农业的发展,这与全新世晚期海平面下降和三角洲的快速加积作用基本同步进行。  相似文献   
Present article is on Russian Far East carnivorous dinosaur paleoecology. Described summary is based on detailed study and comparison of isolated shed teeth morphology.  相似文献   
Montcornet非定向钻孔岩芯的古地磁研究表明,利用岩石不同时期形成的磁性组分,可以对钻孔岩芯的定向提供一种可靠的、快速简捷的方法.通过岩石磁性组构的研究,不仅能验证岩芯的定向,而且对于沉积相中古水流方向,沉积相的划分、分布研究提供重要的基础资料.在盆地分析和油气探测中有可能开发出更广泛的、潜在的应用前景.  相似文献   
本文运用磁场的最小方差分析法和磁场—电子密度的相关分析法分析了欧洲空间局Giotto飞船对P/Grigg-Skjellerup(简称G-S)彗星弓激波附近磁场和电子能流的部分观测数据.结果表明彗星附近存在大量的频率靠近新生水族离子回旋频率的波动,它们是由彗星新生水族离子环流激发的低频左旋电磁波.波在近似平行于磁场方向传播,斜传播角小于15°.电子数据和磁场数据相关分析表明即使在离彗星很远的地方仍然存在压缩波.  相似文献   
对珠江三角洲中部中山市东升镇附近PRD11孔的岩性和软体动物的分布特征进行分析,并与邻近的PRD10孔以及珠三角其他位置的钻孔记录比较。结果表明:受海平面变化、河流作用和构造升降影响,研究区晚第四纪经历了5个环境阶段:1)约9 010 cal. a B.P.以前,钻孔所在地暴露地表,沉积物遭受风化剥蚀,形成杂色黏土;2)9 010―7 000 cal. a B.P.为全新世大海侵时期,研究区开始发育河口湾环境;3)7 000―5 460 cal. a B.P.,研究区水深短暂下降;4)5 460―3 340 cal. a B.P.水深有所加大,并在约4 546 cal. a B.P.时达到全孔最大水深;5)约3 340 cal. a B.P.以来海水逐渐退出研究区,河流作用增强,研究区逐渐演变为上三角洲平原环境。  相似文献   
The Mesoproterozoic Bushmanland Group is situated in the central region of the 1000 to 1200 Ma Namaqualand Metamorphic Complex (NMC). The NMC comprises a belt of highly deformed medium- to high-grade metamorphic rocks to the west of the Archean Kaapvaal Craton of southern Africa. The Bushmanland Group, one of the many supracrustal sequences that make up the NMC, is a metavolcano-sedimentary succession that hosts economically significant concentrations of sillimanite and base-metal sulfide deposits. The present investigation was carried out to study the geochemistry of a large set of representative samples of psammo-pelitic schists from the Bushmanland Group, which includes data from three different schist units: Namies Schist Formation, Shaft Schist Formation and Ore Equivalent Schist. The objective was three-fold: to test the lateral correlatability of these schist units as determined by field relationships, to identify the geochemical signature of the schists and to test the validity of an Artificial Neural Network approach as an exploration tool. Two multidimensional datasets, respectively comprising 10 major and 18 trace elements, were constructed using selected published schist analyses. Both schist datasets were analyzed using self-organizing neural maps for visualizing and clustering high-dimensional geochemical data. Geochemical differences between the various schists were visualized using colored two-dimensional maps that can be visually and quantitatively interpreted. The results of this study confirm the lateral correlatability of the schist units evaluated in this communication. It was also found that each schist unit or portions of them represent a distinct geochemical signature that is related to true lithological variations. The results show that the Artificial Neural Network approach can be used as a powerful tool for regional mineral exploration in poly-deformed and metamorphosed terrains where identification of stratigraphic units through lateral correlation by means of fieldwork and petrography remains highly speculative.  相似文献   
选择位于福建平潭岛北部芦洋埔海积平原的PT01钻孔,岩芯长度28.3 m,采用加速器碳同位素(AMS 14C)和光释光(OSL)测年建立地层年代框架,认为晚更新世富含有孔虫等海相生物化石的地层应归属于MIS 5高海面期,即MIS 5e的潮下带滨海相沉积。结合岩性特征、古生物化石、沉积物色度、粒度分析及其参数等指标,进行了沉积单元的划分,重建了MIS 6末期以来的沉积相变化过程,揭示出MIS 5期间的多次海平面波动变化,即MIS 5高海面期沉积环境仍存在滨海、潮坪、潟湖、风成砂等沉积相之间的转换,并可能存在短暂的陆相或风化过程。而该区整个末次冰期的沉积缺失或较薄,上部全新世沉积也不发育,厚度仅为3.79 m,以沼泽相―风成砂相为主。  相似文献   
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