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Although often critical of the results achieved by rural planners, research by geographers and others has for some time been constrained by an inability to isolate the precise impacts of planning procedures on rural areas. The notions of a technically solvable ‘implementation problem’ and a politically complex ‘policy problem’ are confronted here, and acknowledgement of the latter directs research into the realms of decision-making and policy-implementation iteration in rural areas. Key themes in the understanding of these matters are those of central-local state relations, inter-agency relations and public-private sector relations, all of which should figure prominently in any conceptualisation of policymaking and implementation in rural areas. One final factor which invites conceptual clarification is that of the specificity of rurality as a policy-moulding phenomenon. The idea is introduced of a ‘rural dimension’ which presents a spatial facade to aspatial structures and processes.  相似文献   
Multilevel piezometers are cost-effective monitoring devices for determining the three-dimensional distribution of solutes in ground water. Construction includes flexible tubing (plastic or Teflon®). Their sampling is subject to a number of'potential biases, particularly: (1) losses of volatile organic solutes via volatilization, (2) sorption onto the flexible tubing of the piezometers, (3) leaching of organics from this tubing, and (4) collection of unrepresentative samples due to inadequate piezometer flushing. It is shown that these biases are minimal or are easily controlled in most situations.
Another source of bias has been recognized. Organic solutes present in ground water above the screened level can penetrate the flexible plastic or Teflon tubing and contaminate the sampled water being drawn through this tubing. Laboratory tests and field results indicate this transmission causes low organic contaminant concentrations to be erroneously attributed to ground water which is free of such contaminants. The transmitted organics apparently desorb from the plastic tubing during flushing of even 40 piezometer volumes.
Recognition of this transmission problem provides for a better interpretation of existing organic contaminant distribution data. Caution is advised when considering the use of these monitoring devices in organic solute contaminant studies.  相似文献   
A detailed isotopic study of the Manaslu leucogranite was carried out. A U-Pb age of 25 Ma and a whole rock Rb-Sr age isochron of 18 Ma were obtained, suggesting that the magmatic activity lasted at least 7 Ma. Initial Sr isotopic ratios are very high (0.740 to 0.760) and initial Nd isotopic ratios are low ( Nd in : –13 to –16), and they show the existence of large isotopic variations even at the metre scale. These are not the result of perturbations by fluids but rather they reflect the initial isotopic heterogeneity of the source material which has not been obliterated by magmatic processes (e.g. fusion, mixing by convection). These results also support the crustal origin of this leucogranite. The Tibetan slab paragneisses, whose Sr and Nd isotopic ratios are very similar to those of the granite at an age of 20 Ma, are the most probable parental material. Nd model ages for both the leucogranite and the gneisses are in the range 1.5–2 Ga. A model of formation of the Manaslu granite by coalescence of different batches of magma is in agreement with the present data.  相似文献   
Résumé Le massif plutonique de Lesponne est un petit complexe de granitoÏdes calco-alcalins affleurant au coeur d'un important dÔme structural, au sein d'un encaissant micaschisteux ordovicien surmonté par des formations calcaréo-pélitiques dévoniennes. A partir de l'étude structurale du massif et de son encaissant d'où ressortent le parallélisme entre la forme allongée du massif et les mégastructures plissées hercyniennes, la continuité entre la foliation des granitoÏdes et la schistosité hercynienne majeure de l'encaissant, la zonation de la déformation de part et d'autre du contact massif encaissant, la simultanéité entre le thermométamorphisme et la déformation développés autour du massif, le massif de Lesponne est interprété comme un corps intrusif dont la mise en place diapirique est synchrone de la déformation hercynienne majeure.
The Lesponne plutonic massif is a small complex of calcalkaline granitoids cropping out in the core of an important structural dome, within Ordovician micaschists covered by Siluro-Devonian calc-pelitic formations. The structural study of the massif and its country rocks shows that: 1) the long axis of the massif tends to be parallel to the main Hercynian folds; 2) the foliation of the granitoids pass in continuity to the major Hercynian cleavage of the enclosing rocks; 3) the zonation of the strain in the massif and its enclosing rocks is parallel to the envelope of the pluton and 4) the contact metamorphism was synchronous with the main Hercynian deformation. This leads to interpret the Lesponne massif as an intrusive stock diapirically emplaced during the main Hercynian deformation.

Zusammenfassung Der Pluton von Lesponne ist ein kleiner Komplex kalkalkalischer granitischer Gesteine im Zentrum einer bedeutenden Domstruktur. Er ist umgeben von ordovizischen Glimmerschiefern und wird überlagert von einer kalkigtonigen Devonabfolge. Strukturelle Untersuchungen im Granitmassiv und in den benachbarten Randbereichen erbrachten folgende Ergebnisse: Parallelität der Längsachse des Massivs und der varizischen Gro\faltenstruktur, Fortsetzung der varisszischen Hauptschieferung der Randgesteine ins Massiv in Form einer Schieferung zonare Anordnung der Deformation beiderseits des Kontaktes zwischen dem Massiv und den Randgesteinen, Gleichzeitigkeit von Thermometamorphose und Deformation der Randgesteine in der Umgebung des Massivs. Daraus lä\t sich ableiten, da\ das Massiv von Lesponne einen Intrusivkörper darstellt, dessen diapirische Platznahme synchron mit der variszischen Hauptdeformation erfolgte.

Lesponne (Hautes Pyrénées) - , . - . : ; ; . . , Lesponne , .
Compositions of coexisting ilmenite and titano-magnetite commonly have been used to establish the conditions of formation for igneous and metamorphic rocks (Buddington-Lindsley geothermometer/oxybarometer). Temperatures so determined for some rocks are lower than might be expected for magmatic crystallization. These low temperatures are the result of re-equilibration of the Fe-Ti oxides during slow cooling. This process is one in which titano-magnetites are oxidized and ilmenites are reduced upon cooling along a buffer curve or in the presence of a fluid of constant composition. Textural studies indicate that the reduction of the ilmenite-hematite phase may be the slower reaction consequently, the rate-controlling step of the re-equilibration.The kinetics of the reduction reactions in the two-phase region between the joins for the ilmenite-hematite and magnetite-ulvöspinel solid solution series were studied by thermogravimetric analysis at controlledfO2. With experiments conducted near the Ni/NiO and QFM buffers, annealed ilmenite(ss) synthetic charges were reduced isothermally. The temperature range for the experiments was 900–1250°C, with total gas-flow rates of 0.35 and 1.0 cm/s. Kinetic data were collected by measuring the weight change during each experiment as a function of time. Additionally, a cooling-rate (0.5°C/hr) experiment was conducted near the QFM buffer from 1150 to 985°C starting with an ilmenite-saturated spinel phase.At 1200°C and 0.35 cm/s flow rate, the reaction mechanism is an interfacial process where mass transport of the reacting gases is the rate-controlling step. In isothermal experiments at 1100°C and lower, diffusion of reactants through a solid product layer was the controlling mechanism. The activation energy for this diffusion process is 59±6 kcal/mole. Significant enhancement of diffusion occurs along grain boundaries.Although the individual phases may re-equilibrate internally upon cooling, the Fe-Ti contents must remain unchanged for proper use of this mineral indicator-i.e. no external re-equilibration. It is imperative that the kinetics of the situation be appreciated. These preliminary kinetic experiments indicate that extreme caution must be exercised when applying this ilmenite/titano-magnetite geothermometer/oxybarometer. These phases may only truly “quench” in the parameters of formation in the case of certain hypabyssal and extrusive occurrences  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to assess the climatic sensitivity of high yielding variety (‘HYV’) ‘green revolution’ wheat. Improved multiple regression models were constructed for yields in India and Sonora, Mexico — the two most intensively planted regions in the world. After isolating the most important climatic predictors (which, not surprisingly, are total rainfall over the irrigation basins), the models were reduced to the pre-HYV period, and then re-run with successively more years of HYV input. This test indicated that increased adoption of the HYV package is associated with a significant increase in yield sensitivity to the most important climatic determinants of yield. To serve as a control, the U.S. Winter Wheat region was also modelled with a similar method. Overall, there is no significant increase in yield sensitivity to climate during the same period that HYV's were adopted in Mexico and India. Assuming that there is no change in overall climatic variability, this study indicates that production will nonetheless become more variable, particularly as HYV culture is expanded. Ironically, countries with rapidly expanding populations, that rely increasingly on HYV's, will experience the most significant fluctuations.  相似文献   
Mangrove Lake, Bermuda, is a small coastal, brackish-water lake that has accumulated 14 m of banded, gelatinous, sapropelic sediments in less than 104 yr. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that Mangrove Lake's sedimentary environment has undergone three major depositional changes (peat, freshwater gel, brackish-water gel) as a result of sea level changes. The deposits were examined geochemically in an effort to delineate sedimentological and diagenetic changes. Gas and pore water studies include measurements of sulfides, ammonia, methane, nitrogen gas, calcium, magnesium, chloride, alkalinity, and pH. Results indicate that sulfate reduction is complete, and some evidence is presented for bacterial denitrification and metal sulfide precipitation. The organic-rich sapropel is predominantly algal in origin, composed mostly of carbohydrates and insoluble macromolecular organic matter called humin with minor amounts of proteins, lipids, and humic acids. Carbohydrates and proteins undergo hydrolysis with depth in the marine sapropel but tend to be preserved in the freshwater sapropel. The humin, which has a predominantly aliphatic structure, increases linearly with depth and composes the greatest fraction of the organic matter. Humic acids are minor components and are more like polysaccharides than typical marine humic acids. Fatty acid distributions reveal that the lipids are of an algal and/or terrestrial plant source. Normal alkanes with a total concentration of 75 ppm exhibit two distribution maxima. One is centered about n-C22 with no odd/even predominance, suggestive of a degraded algal source. The other is centered at n-C31 with a distinct odd/even predominance indicative of a vascular plant origin. Stratigraphic changes in the sediment correlate to observed changes in the gas and pore water chemistry and the organic geochemistry.  相似文献   
Exposed roots were used to estimate soil and bedrock erosion on the cut slopes of a 45-year-old road constructed in granitic soils of the Idaho Batholith. The original roadcut surface was defined by projecting a straight line from the toe of the cut past the end of the exposed root to the intersection of a straight line projected along the surface of the hillslope. A cross-sectioning technique was then used to determine erosion to the present roadcut surface. A total of 41 exposed root sites were used to estimate erosion on a 1350 m-long section of road. Average erosion was 1·0 and 1·1 cm/year for soil and bedrock respectively. Buttressing by tree roots caused lower erosion rates for soil as compared to bedrock. Both soil and bedrock erosion rates showed statistically significant correlations with the gradients of the original cut slope. The bedrock erosion data provide a reasonable estimate of the disintegration rate of exposed granitic bedrock exhibiting the weathering and fracturing properties common to this area. The road is located in a study watershed where long-term sediment yield data are available. Sediment data from adjacent study watersheds with no roads were compared to sediment data from the roaded watershed to estimate the long-term increase in sediment yield caused by the road. The increase amounts to about 2·4 m3/year. This figure, compared to the average annual on-site road erosion, provides an erosion to sediment delivery ratio of less than 10 per cent. Based on study results, road construction and maintenance practices are suggested for helping reduce roadcut erosion.  相似文献   
Soft-sediment deformation structures are recognized as important diagnostic features in the rock record for determination of depositional environments and slope processes. The diagnostic value of these structures is reevaluated by analysis of the parameters controlling sediment deformation. Soft-sediment deformation is contemporaneous with deposition and occurs dominantly in course silt to fine sand. The high depositional rate, low permeability and low shear strength of grains within this sediment range maximize the occurrence of deformation. The dominant mechanisms responsible for sediment deformation include: (1) liquefaction or fluidization; (2) reverse density gradation; (3) slumping or slope failure; and (4) shear stress. In most cases a combination of these mechanisms occurs. The processes function in a continuum, producing features that are microscopic to megascopic in scale. It is shown that the processes, and thus the structures, are not environment specific. The true diagnostic value of the structures may be in defining hydrodynamic conditions, and in interpreting paleocurrents and paleoclimatic and paleoseismic events. Ultimately, for the best diagnostic results, soft-sediment deformation structures should be studied in association with all other available lithologic, structural and paleontological information.  相似文献   
We report on calculations of the on-shore run-up of waves that might be generated by the impact of subkilometre asteroids into the deep ocean. The calculations were done with the COULWAVE code, which models the propagation and shore-interaction of non-linear moderate- to long-wavelength waves  ( kh < π)  using the extended Boussinesq approximation. We carried out run-up calculations for several different situations: (1) laboratory-scale monochromatic wave trains onto simple slopes; (2) 10–100 m monochromatic wave trains onto simple slopes; (3) 10–100 m monochromatic wave trains onto a compound slope representing a typical bathymetric profile of the Pacific coast of North America; (4) time-variable scaled trains generated by the collapse of an impact cavity in deep water onto simple slopes and (5) full-amplitude trains onto the Pacific coast profile. For the last case, we also investigated the effects of bottom friction on the run-up. For all cases, we compare our results with the so-called 'Irribaren scaling': The relative run-up   R / H 0=ξ= s ( H 0/ L 0)−1/2  , where the run-up is   R , H 0  is the deep-water waveheight, L 0 is the deep-water wavelength, s is the slope and ξ is a dimensionless quantity known as the Irribaren number. Our results suggest that Irribaren scaling breaks down for shallow slopes   s ≤ 0.01  when  ξ < 0.1 − 0.2  , below which   R / H 0  is approximately constant. This regime corresponds to steep waves and very shallow slopes, which are the most relevant for impact tsunami, but also the most difficult to access experimentally.  相似文献   
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