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Current velocity and suspended sediment concentration measurements at anchor stations in the downstream extremity of the Gironde estuary indicate that during periods of high river discharge, a significant amount of suspended sediment is transported out of the estuary onto the adjacent continental shelf. The vertical profile of the residual (non-tidal) suspended sediment flux is similar to that of the residual current velocity, with a net upstream flux near the bottom and an overlying seaward-directed transport. The overall, depth-integrated result is a net seaward transport of suspended sediment out of the estuary. It appears that this net seaward transport varies directly with tidal amplitude.Aerial photography and water sampling indicate that during high river inflow, the downstream extremity of the turbidity maximum extends onto the continental shelf at ebb tide. The tidal and coastal current patterns of the inlet and inner shelf induce a northward transport of the turbid estuarine water, and at each tidal cycle, a certain amount of suspended sediment leaves the estuary; part of this sediment is deposited in a silt and clay zone on the continental shelf.  相似文献   
Vegetation in urban areas is generally living in a stress-inducing environment. Sustaining good soil quality is crucial to improve tree development and heath in such (artificial) environment. This study investigates the dynamics of the physico-chemical properties of Technosol, and compares tree development performances in various waste mixtures. A 3-year experiment was conducted with Acer platanoïdes L. grown in three distinct constructed soils, in three replicates, in 0.480-m3 lysimeters in Angers (France). Four combinations of artefacts were studied either as “growing material” (GM) or “structural material” (SM). Three different SMs were used: (1) a mixture of fine mineral material, demolition rubble and green waste (SM-DR/GW), (2) a mixture of fine mineral material, track ballast and sewage sludge (SM-TB/SS), and (3) the SM currently used by Angers city for green space settlements (SM-CT). Waste characteristics and mixing proportions both affected tree development. Physical properties were not a limiting factor for tree development, despite a relatively low soil water reservoir due to high stone content. Moreover, the chemical properties of the materials, more particularly low water pH and CEC, led to poor tree development in SM-CT, whereas the other two SMs did not affect tree development. SM-TB/SS was the most suitable constructed soil after 3 years because it exhibited satisfactory soil nutrient contents that promoted the best tree crown quality. Waste mixtures can sustain soil functions for tree development. As for urban street tree pits that are 2–8 m3 in volume, soil water, and nutrient autonomy should satisfactorily sustain tree development.  相似文献   
The kinetic energy (KE) seasonality has been revealed by satellite altimeters in many oceanic regions. Question about the mechanisms that trigger this seasonality is still challenging. We address this question through the comparison of two numerical simulations. The first one, with a 1/10° horizontal grid spacing, 54 vertical levels, represents dynamics of physical scales larger than 50 km. The second one, with a 1/30° grid spacing, 100 vertical levels, takes into account the dynamics of physical scales down to 16 km. Comparison clearly emphasizes in the whole North Pacific Ocean, not only a significant KE increase by a factor up to three, but also the emergence of seasonal variability when the scale range 16–50 km (called submesoscales in this study) is taken into account. But the mechanisms explaining these KE changes display strong regional contrasts. In high KE regions, such the Kuroshio Extension and the western and eastern subtropics, frontal mixed-layer instabilities appear to be the main mechanism for the emergence of submesoscales in winter. Subsequent inverse kinetic energy cascade leads to the KE seasonality of larger scales. In other regions, in particular in subarctic regions, results suggest that the KE seasonality is principally produced by larger-scale instabilities with typical scales of 100 km and not so much by smaller-scale mixed-layer instabilities. Using arguments from geostrophic turbulence, the submesoscale impact in these regions is assumed to strengthen mesoscale eddies that become more coherent and not quickly dissipated, leading to a KE increase.  相似文献   
This study presents an investigation of image texture approaches for mapping sub‐pixel fluvial grain‐size features from airborne imagery, allowing for the rapid acquisition of surface sand and coarse fraction (>1·41 mm) grain‐size information. Imagery at 30 mm resolution was acquired over four gravel bars from the Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada). Combined first‐order and second‐order image texture approaches (windowed standard deviation filter and the grey level co‐occurrence matrix) were used. First‐order image texture, through the application of a standard deviation filter and subsequent thresholding was used to detect the presence of surface sand, with optimal accuracy achieved at 91 ± 1·9%. A wide‐ranging parameter space investigation was used to derive optimum parameters for the grey‐level co‐occurrence matrix. Subsequently first‐order and second‐order image textures were used in multiple linear regression to achieve good calibrations with several sub‐pixel grain‐size percentiles; relative error at 1·44%, 3·18%, 6·80% and 10·6% for D5, D16, D35 and D50, respectively. The larger percentiles of D84 and D95 had relative errors of 24·7% and 29·7%, respectively. The breakdown of calibration precision for larger percentiles is attributed to a ‘pixel averaging effect’. It is concluded that multispectral imagery is not required, because sufficient image texture information can be derived from standard colour imagery. Recommendations are suggested for the application of this method to other localities and data sets, thus reducing exhaustive parameter searches in future studies.  相似文献   
Decision-makers have confirmed the long term objective of preventing a temperature increase greater than 2 °C. This paper aims at appraising by means of a cost-benefit analysis whether decision makers’ commitment to meet the 2 °C objective is credible or not. Within the framework of a cost-benefit type integrated assessment model, we consider that the economy faces climate damages with a threshold at 2 °C. We run the model for a broad set of scenarios accounting for the diversity of “worldviews” in the climate debate. For a significant share of scenarios we observe that it is considered optimal to exceed the threshold. Among those “non-compliers” we discriminate ”involuntary non-compliers” who cannot avoid the exceedance due to physical constraint from ”deliberate compliers” for whom the exceedance results from a deliberate costs-benefit analysis. A second result is that the later mitigation efforts begin, the more difficult it becomes to prevent the exceedance. In particular, the number of ”deliberate non-compliers” dramatically increases if mitigation efforts do not start by 2020, and the influx of involuntary non-compliers become overwhelming f efforts are delayed to 2040. In light of these results we argue that the window of opportunity for reaching the 2 °C objective with a credible chance of success is rapidly closing during the present decade. Further delay in finding a climate agreement critically undermines the credibility of the objective.  相似文献   
Abstract. Fishes associated with the seagrass Posidonia oceanica were censused both by skid trawl and visual counts around Ischia Island, Italy. Both sampling procedures were performed during the day in summer and in winter at two sites. Significant differences in the number of species, number of individuals, biomass, and trophic structure of the fish assemblage were observed between sampling methods. Fewer fish species were recorded by visual counts than by trawling. More individuals and a greater biomass, however, were recorded from visual counts. The population of macrocarnivores (Scorpaenidae, Serranidae) were better estimated by trawling, as were canopy-dwellers (Syngnathidae; Symphodus rostratus) and benthic species (Gobiidae; Blenniidae; Bothidae). Conversely, good swimmers ( Sparidae; Coris julis, Symphodus spp.), and planktivorous fishes (Centracanthidae, Pomacentridae) mostly escaped the trawl and were better assessed by visual counts. The importance of methodological biases differed from one season to the other and was higher in summer than in winter. Particular attention should be paid to the biases induced by sampling techniques when interpreting data, and different sampling methods should be used to accurately study the fish assemblages of seagrass meadows.  相似文献   
Microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy techniques are routinely use to constrain ore-fluids δ18O and molar proportions of anhydrous gas species (CO2, CH4, N2). However, these methods remain imprecise concerning the ore-fluids composition and source. Synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence allows access to major and trace element concentrations (Cl, Br and K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr) of single fluid inclusion. In this paper, we present the results of the combination of these routine and newly developed techniques in order to document the fluids composition and source associated with a Mesoarchaean lode gold deposit (Warrawoona Syncline, Western Australia). Fluid inclusion analyses show that quartz veins preserved records of three fluid inclusion populations. Early fluids inclusions, related to quartz veins precipitation, are characterized by a moderate to high Br/Cl ratio relative to modern seawater, CO2 ± CH4 ± N2, low to moderate salinities and significant base metal (Fe, Cu, Zn) and metalloid (As) concentrations. Late fluid inclusions trapped in secondary aqueous fluid inclusions are divided into two populations with distinct compositions. The first population consists of moderately saline aqueous brines, with a Br/Cl ratio close to modern seawater and a low concentration of base metals and metalloids. The second population is a fluid of low to moderate salinity, with a low Br/Cl ratio relative to modern seawater and significant enrichment in Fe, Zn, Sr and Rb. These three fluid inclusion populations point to three contrasting sources: (1) a carbonic fluid of mixed metamorphic and magmatic origin associated with the gold-bearing quartz precipitation; (2) a secondary aqueous fluid with seawater affinity; and (3) a surface-derived secondary aqueous fluid modified through interaction with felsic lithologies, before being flushed into the syncline. Primary carbonic fluids present similar characteristics than those ascribed to Mesoarchaean lode gold deposits. This suggests similar mineralization processes for mid- and Mesoarchaean lode gold deposits despite contrasting fluid–rock interaction histories. However, in regard to the protracted history documented in the Warrawoona Syncline, we question the robustness of the epigenetic crustal continuum model, as ore-fluid characteristics equally support an epigenetic or a polyphased mineralization process.  相似文献   
Mio-Pliocene deposits of the forebulge–backbulge depozones of the Beni-Mamore foreland Basin indicate tidally to fluvially dominated sedimentation. Seven facies assemblages have been recognized: FAA–FAG. FAA represents a distal bottom lake assemblage, FAB and FAD are interpreted as tidal flat deposits, FAC and FAG are interpreted as fluvial systems, FAE sediments are deposited in a subtidal/shoreface setting, and FAG represents a meandering fluvial system. The identification of stratigraphic surfaces (SU, MFS, and MRS) and the relationship among the facies assemblages permit the characterization of several systems tracts: a falling-stage systems tract (FSST) followed by a lowstand systems tract (LST), a transgressive systems tract (TST), and a highstand systems tract (HST). The FSST and LST may have been controlled by the uplift of the Beni-Mamore forebulge, whereas TST may result from a quiescent stage in the forebulge. Subaerial unconformity two (SU2) records the passage from a tide-influenced depositional system to a fully continental depositional system. The Miocene tidal-influenced deposits in the Beni–Mamore Basin suggest that it experienced a connection, either with the South Atlantic Ocean or the Caribbean Sea or both.  相似文献   
The specific problems of determining and simulating the surface energy balance (SEB) and the mixing height (MH) over urban areas are examined. The SEB and MH are critical components of algorithms and numerical models for the urban boundary layer, though the constituent parts of the SEB and the MH are not routinely measured by national weather services. Parameterisations are thus needed in applications. In this investigation, several recently developed algorithms and models for estimating the SEB and MH were applied to new datasets and assessed. Results are discussed in terms of the need for spatial resolution and the parameters needed to describe the urban atmosphere. Limitations of models are identified and recommendations for further development and observations are given. Having identified gaps in knowledge, key findings from new urban experiments and numerical modelling for the SEB and MH are given. The diurnal cycle for the SEB is significantly different from rural conditions—urban heat storage is needed in urban parameterisations. The urban MH is increased over the rural MH, as shown by several numerical schemes and careful sodar analyses. This work has been carried out within the COST-715 Action “Meteorology applied to urban air pollution problems (1998–2004). COST 715 reached a consensus proposing representatively sited measurements of meteorological parameters and turbulent fluxes above roof-tops, and recognised that such data are needed to improve numerical models of the urban surface processes.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic processes sort and redistribute organic matter (OM) and minerals on continental margins. Density fractionations were conducted on sediments from diverse margins (Mexico margin, Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River delta, Eel River margin) to investigate the nature, provenance and age of OM among density fractions. Mass, elemental (C and N), lignin, and surface area distributions, as well as stable carbon and radiocarbon isotopic compositions were measured. The lowest density fractions (< 1.6 g cm− 3) contained the highest organic carbon (OC) (up to 45%) and lignin concentrations (up to 8 mg g− 1) due to abundant woody debris, whereas high density fractions (> 2.5 g cm− 3) were OC-poor (%OC < 0.5) mineral material. Most sediment mass was found in the mesodensity fractions (1.6 to 2.5 g cm− 3) that contained the highest proportion of OC (up to ~ 75%) for each sediment. Stable carbon isotope compositions (δ13C − 25.5‰ to − 22.9‰) show terrigenous OC as a significant component of density isolates from the river-dominated sediments (Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi River, and Eel margin), whereas the Mexico margin, least influenced by riverine input, was dominated by autochthonous marine OC (δ13C ~ − 21.5‰). Radiocarbon compositions of density fractions indicate significant pre-aged OC (Δ14C as low as − 900‰) in river-influenced sediments but not on the Mexico margin (Δ14C > − 200‰). Ratios of vanillic acid to vanillin (Ad/Al)v among lignin oxidation products increase with increasing particle density suggesting variable lignin sources or selective degradation of lignin among the different density fractions.  相似文献   
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