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The caldera of Pululagua is an eruptive centre of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the South American volcanic arc, located about 15 km north of Quito, Ecuador. Activity leading to formation of the caldera occurred about 2450 b.p. as a series of volcanic episodes during which an estimated 5–6 km3 (DRE) of hornblende-bearing dacitic magma was erupted. A basal pumice-fall deposit covers more than 2.2x104 km2 with a volume of about 1.1 km3 and represents the principal and best-preserved plinian layer. Circular patterns of isopachs and pumice, lithic and Md isopleths of the Basal Fallout (BF) around the caldera indicate emplacement in wind-free conditions. Absence of wind is confirmed by an ubiquitous, normally graded, thin ash bed at the top of the lapilli layer which originated from slow settling of fines after cessation of the plinian column (co-plinian ash). The unusual atmospheric conditions during deposition make the BF deposit particularly suitable for the application and evaluation of pyroclast dispersal models. Application of the Carey and Sparks' (1986) model shows that whereas the 3.2-, 1.6-, and 0.8-cm lithic isopleths predict a model column height of about 36 km, the 6.4-cm isopleth yields and estimate of only 21 km. The 4.9- and 6.4-cm isopleths yield a column height of 28 km using the model of Wilson and Walker (1987). The two models give the same mass discharge rate of 2x108 kg s-1. A simple exponential decrease of thickness with distance, as proposed by Pyle (1989) for plinian falls, fits well with the BF. Exponential decrease of size with distance is followed by clasts less than about 3 cm, suggesting, in agreement with Wilson and Walker (1987), that only a small proportion of large clasts reach the top of the column. Variations with distance in clast distribution patterns imply that, in order to obtain column heights by clast dispersal models, the distribution should be known from both proximal and distal zones. Knowledge of only a few isopleths, irrespective of their distance from the vent, is not sufficient as seemed justified by the method of Pyle (1989).  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to quantitatively set up a simple hypothesis for occurrence of earthquakes conditioned by prior events, on the basis of a previously existing model and the use of recent instrumental observations. A simple procedure is presented in order to determine the conditional probability of pairs of events (foreshock-mainshock, mainshock-aftershock) with short time and space separation. The first event of a pair should not be an aftershock, i.e., it must not be related to a stronger previous event. The Italian earthquake catalog of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (ING) (1975–1995, M 3.4), the earthquake catalog of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) (1983–1994, M 3.0) and that of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) (1982–1994, M 3.8) were analyzed. The number of observed pairs depends on several parameters: the size of the space-time quiescence volume defining nonaftershocks, the inter event time, the minimum magnitude of the two events, and the spatial dimension of the alarm volume after the first event. The Akaike information criterion has been adopted to assess the optimum set of space-time parameters used in the definition of the pairs, assuming that the occurrence rate of subsequent events may be modeled by two Poisson processes with different rates: the higher rate refers to the space-time volume defined by the alarms and the lower one simulates earthquakes that occur in the nonalarm space-time volume. On the basis of the tests carried out on the seismic catalog of Italy, the occurrence rate of M 3.8 earthquakes followed by a M 3.8 mainshock within 10 km and 10 days (validity) is 0.459. We have observed, for all three catalogs, that the occurrence rate density for the second event of a couple (mainshock or aftershock) of magnitude M2 subsequent to a nonaftershock of magnitude M1 in the time range T can be modeled by the following relationship: (T, M2) = 10a + b(M1 - M2) with b varying from 0.74 (Japan) to 1.09 (Greece). The decrease of the occurrence rate in time for a mainshock after a foreshock or for large aftershocks after a mainshock, for all three databases, obeys the Omori's law with p changing from 0.94 (Italy) to 2.0 (Greece).  相似文献   
介绍了利用北京师范大学研制的IRA-935型红外水汽测量仪对云南丽江高美古天文候选点及昆明凤凰山对比点上空垂直大气水汽积分含量W0的观测结果,给出了两地W0的日变化曲线及分布图,并对全年测量数据的统计结果作了分析和讨论  相似文献   
Riassunto Viene descritta una penninite di Boccassuolo nell'Appennino modenese, e attraverso lo studio ottico, chimico, roentgenografico e termico differenziale ne vengono definite le proprietà caratteristiche. L'esame della curva termico differenziale e degli spettrogrammi Debye ottenuti da polvere di penninite scaldata fra 900° e 950° permette di stabilire che la trasformazione penninite-enstatite inizia già nell'ambito di temperatura compreso fra 910° e 940°.Con 1 figura.  相似文献   
Minor and trace element investigations have been performed on groundwaters of Ischia Island, which is located at the western edge of the bay of Naples. Ischia is formed entirely of Quaternary volcanic rocks. Intense seismicity, widespread fumaroles and thermal springs witness the persistent state of activity of its magmatic system. Groundwater samples, 58 from shallow thermal wells and 15 from thermal springs, were analysed for 72 elements by ICP-MS; temperature, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured at the sampling site. Analytical data indicate clearly that the concentrations in the water of some elements, such as As, Be, Cu, Fe, Mn, Sb, Se and Tl, are often higher and sometimes much higher than the intervention limits fixed by the Italian Law DM 471 (25/10/1999) for water. Worthy of mention are the very high As values, reaching >1,000 µg/l in some wells. By means of R-mode factor analysis, 30 of 72 analysed elements were grouped as elemental associations representative of lithological type, water composition and, possibly, mineralization. Ischia thermal groundwaters are the result of mixing, in variable amounts, of deep magmatic fluids that are rich in metallic elements, with marine and/or meteoric waters. R-mode factor analysis and elemental association factor score distributions of the four-factor model confirm the existence of flux of magmatic mineralised fluids with marine and/or meteoric waters. Recharge by seawater intrusions occurs mostly in the north-western area of the island whereas the influence and control of magmatic mineralised fluids is clearly accentuated in the areas of Panza-Citara, Porto di Forio-Fango and Citara-Lido dei Maronti fracture alignments. The observed compositional variability of the analysed groundwaters, even in wells lying close to one another, is due to the local hydrodynamic conditions, controlled mostly by complex fault and fracture systems, which may represent preferential thermal water outflow routes. In general, the average minor and trace element compositions of Ischia thermal waters, when compared with the composition of sea and river water, show an enrichment in metallic elements such as As, Sc, V, Cr, Zn, Mo, U, W, Au, Hg. This paper points out that, in addition to the anthropogenic source, natural contribution also plays an important role in determining the high concentrations of toxic elements in groundwaters, which create health and acceptability problems.  相似文献   
Summary The focus is the analysis of urban Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) with image processing techniques. A brief review of existing methods to derive sky view factors, building energy consumption and space syntax shows how well established parameters that relate to airflow and dispersion (such as the height-to-width of urban canyons and the aerodynamic roughness length) can be calculated. Other measures of urban directionality and periodicity, inspired by traditional image processing, are also introduced, such as the Radon, Hough and Fourier transforms and the variance plot. Analyses of three case study sites in London, Toulouse and Berlin are compared, showing considerable variation in the chosen parameters. Results suggest that the DEM format is an extremely versatile tool to investigate the urban intermediate scale, allowing analyses that would be very difficult or impossible to carry out using traditional vectorial models.  相似文献   
A continuous-coring borehole recently drilled at Camaldoli dellaTorre on the southern slopes of Somma–Vesuvius providesconstraints on the volcanic and magmatic history of the Vesuvianvolcanic area since c. 126 ka BP. The cored sequence includesvolcanic units, defined on stratigraphical, sedimentological,petrological and geochemical grounds, emitted from both localand distal vents. Some of these units are of known age, suchas one Phlegraean pre-Campanian Ignimbrite, Campanian Ignimbrite(39 ka), Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14· 9 ka) and VesuvianPlinian deposits, which helps to constrain the relative ageof the other units. The main rock types encountered are shoshonite,phonotephrite, latite, trachyte and phonolite. The sequenceincludes, from the base upwards: a thick succession of pyroclasticunits emplaced between 126 and 39 ka, most of them attributedto eruptions that occurred in the Phlegraean area; the CampanianIgnimbrite; the products of a local tuff cone formed between39 ka and the deposition of the products of the earliest activityof the Mt. Somma volcano; the products of the Somma–Vesuviusvolcano, which include from the base upwards a thick sequenceof lavas, pyroclastic rocks and the products of a local spattercone dated between 3· 7 ka and AD 79. The data obtainedfrom the study of the borehole show that, before the CampanianIgnimbrite eruption, low-energy explosive volcanism took placein the Vesuvian area, whereas mostly high-energy explosive eruptionscharacterized the Campi Flegrei activity. In the Vesuvian area,Campanian Ignimbrite deposition was followed by the eruptionof a local tuff cone and a long repose time, which predatedthe formation of the Mt. Somma edifice. Since 18· 3 ka(Pomici di Base eruption) the activity of Somma–Vesuviusbecame mostly explosive with rare lava effusions. The shallowestcored deposits belong to the Camaldoli della Torre cone, formedbetween the Pomici di Avellino and Pomici di Pompei eruptions(3· 7 ka–AD 79). New geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb–B-isotopicdata on samples from the drilled core, together with those availablefrom the literature, allow us to further distinguish the volcanicrocks as a function of both their provenance (i.e. Phlegraeanor Vesuvian areas) and age, and to identify different magmaticprocesses acting through time in the Vesuvian mantle source(s)and during magma ascent towards the surface. Isotopically distinctmagmas, rising from a mantle source variably contaminated byslab-derived components, stagnated at mid-crustal depths (8–10km below sea level) where magmas differentiated and were probablycontaminated. Contamination occurred either with Hercynian continentalcrust, mostly during the oldest stages of Vesuvian activity(from 39 to 16 ka), or with Mesozoic limestone, mostly duringrecent Vesuvian activity. Energy constrained assimilation andfractional crystallization (EC-AFC) modelling results show thatcontamination with Hercynian crust probably occurred duringdifferentiation from shoshonite to latite. Contamination withlimestone, which is not well constrained with the availabledata, might have occurred only during the transition from shoshoniteto tephrite. From the ‘deep’ reservoir, magmas rosetowards a series of shallow reservoirs, in which they differentiatedfurther, mixed, and fed volcanic activity. KEY WORDS: Somma–Vesuvius; crustal contamination; source heterogeneity; radiogenic and stable isotopes; magmatic system  相似文献   
Fifteen seismic reflection lines from AGIP surveys, in and around the Campanian Plain and Mt. Somma–Vesuvius (south Italy) have been interpreted. The attention has been focused to the horizon pertinent to the top of the Mesozoic carbonate sequence and the Quaternary faults dissecting it. As a matter of fact, both are very important elements for understanding the origin of the volcanic activity in the area, that often in the past, has been the topic of debates not supported by reliable data. In the study area, referring to the depth of the carbonate basement, comparison between the result achieved by the seismic prospecting and previous gravity studies has been made. It shows coherence in some areas but large discrepancy within others. Near the town of S. Anastasia, the gravity and seismic depth estimates differ as much as 1000 m or more. Furthermore, the seismic data show that the source of the greatest volcanic eruption in the area (the so-called ‘Campanian Ignimbrite') is probably not located in the Acerra depression, as suggested by other authors. A main NE–SW fault directed toward Vesuvius, considered as playing a primary role on volcanogenetic processes and previously recognised only offshore by marine seismic survey, has been now identified also inland using this new seismic information. The results presented here strengthen the hypothesis that Mt. Vesuvius is located at the crossing point of two regional Quaternary sets of fault heading NW–SE and NE–SW.  相似文献   
Nisyros is a totally volcanic island located at the eastern limit of the quaternary calc-alkaline island arc system of the South Aegean Sea. Its age is rather young since K/Ar dating has given an age of 0.2 m.y. B.P. for one of the oldest outcropping products of this volcano. The volcanological evolution of Nisyros has tentatively been reconstructed as follows:
  1. after a period (from 3.0? to 0.2 m.y. B.P.) of submarine activity, evidenced by the presence of pillow-lavas and hyaloclastites, the volcano grew above sea level;
  2. effusive and explosive subaerial activity from different vents built up a complex stratovolcano, probably around 0.2 m.y. B. P.;
  3. at the end of an intense explosive activity (between 0.2 m.y. B.P. and Present) the top of the volcano collapsed forming a caldera which is still perfectly preserved. A post-caldera activity with eruptions of huge and viscous domes and lava flows of uniform composition, both inside and outside the caldera, concluded this stage of the volcano evolution;
  4. in historical times, spectacular phreatic explosion craters formed on the caldera floor;
  5. presently, a large area of the caldera floor is affected by a considerable hydrothermal activity. The hypothesis is formed that Nisyros volcano is not yet extinct.
Four small volcanic islets — Yali, Stronjili, Pakia and Perigusa — located a few miles on the North and West of Nisyros, although volcanologically independent of one another, are composed of products which are attributable, from the petrologic point of view, to the Nisyros magma. The volcanic rocks of Nisyros and of its neighbouring minor islands as well as the volcanics of the coeval volcanoes of the South Aegean Sea arc (Aegina, Milos, Santorini, etc.) belong to a typical orogenic calc-alkaline series (from basic andesites through andesites-dacites-rhyodacites to strongly silicic rhyolites) with normal K2O contents. The potassium contents of these rocks are compatible with the depth of 150 km (as inferred from geophysical data) for the inclined seismic zone underneath the active volcanic arc. The existence of a top-caldera as well as the occurrence of a huge amount of xenoliths (hornblende-rich cumulates and contact-metamorphic calcareous rock derivatives) suggest the presence of a magma chamber at a relatively shallow depth beneath the volcano. The rhyolitic obsidians of Yali can be considered as residual liquids from the Nisyros rhyodacites, thus representing the end-members of a fractionation process. Volcanological and petrological arguments are in favour of fractional crystallization as the most probable genetic process for the calc-alkaline differentiation series of Nisyros and of its neighbouring minor islands. However, the lack of any rock with a high alumina basalt composition makes it difficult to define exactly the nature of the parent magma. According to recent geophysical data, continental collision is already in progress at the Hellenic trench. Therefore, Nisyros and the other active volcanoes of the South Aegean Sea arc are approaching the senile stage. What would follow could be a transition to shoshonitic magmatism as a consequence of the deepening of the lithospheric slab under the Aegean microplate. The limited extension and the relatively short-lived calc-alkaline activity of the South Aegean Sea arc could be related to the particular geodynamic pattern of the Mediterranean area which is characterized by a microplates mosaic between the two converging African and Eurasian major plates.  相似文献   
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