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We provide field evidence for the role of bedload in driving fluvial incision and knickpoint propagation. Using aerial photographs, field surveys, and hydrological data, we constrain the incision history of a bedrock gorge 1200 m long and up to 20 m deep cut by Da'an River in western Taiwan. This reach of the river experienced 10 m of uplift during the 1999 Chi‐Chi earthquake. For five years following the earthquake, bedload was prevented from entering the uplift zone, the knickpoint was static and little incision took place. Bedload transport across the uplift zone resumed in 2004, initiating extremely rapid incision, with 620 m of knickpoint propagation and up to 20 m of downcutting by 2008. This change highlights the relative inefficiency of suspended sediment and the dominant role of bedload as a tool for fluvial erosion and knickpoint propagation. Once bedload tools became available, knickpoint propagation was influenced by geological structure, lithology, and drainage organization. In particular, a change in dip of the sandstone beds at the site caused a decrease of knickpoint propagation velocity. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A field investigation of unsaturated flow through a lithophysal unit of fractured welded tuff containing lithophysal cavities has been initiated. To characterize flow in this spatially heterogeneous medium, a systematic approach has been developed to perform tests in boreholes drilled at regular intervals in an underground tunnel (drift). The purpose of the testing is to quantify the amounts of water seeping into the drift versus the amount of water moving around the drift when released into boreholes at many equidistant locations along the drift. In this paper, we describe the test equipment system that has been built for this purpose. Because the field-scale measurements--of liquid flow in the unsaturated, fractured rocks--require continuous testing for periods of days to weeks, the control of test equipment has been fully automated, allowing operation with no human presence at the field site. Preliminary results from the first set of tests indicate that, while the effects of evaporation on characterization of hydrological properties of the rock can be significant, these effects can be controlled and quantified. These tests give insight into the role of the cavities as potential storage during the initial transient flow prior to the breakthrough of water at the drift crown, as well as the role of connected fractures that provide the subsequent quasi-steady flow. In addition to the stated purpose of realizing the flow partitioning, the results yield values for the effective porosity in the pathways for liquid flow in the regions tested thus far. 相似文献
A modeling system for investigating meteorological controls on glacier mass balance is described and applied to the Southern Patagonian Icefield. Output from a mesoscale atmospheric model is used to drive a glacier mass balance model using model precipitation and turbulent fluxes adjusted to account for the unrealistically low surface elevations of the icefield in the atmospheric model. Simulations of January and July conditionsproduce glacier equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) that are higher than the observed, but the ELA gradient is realistically simulated. The high ELAs are primarily due to underestimates of vertical temperature gradients in the atmospheric model and uncertainties in the ablation season length. The model shows that both winter and summerprecipitation, as well as summer temperatures, are important determinants of the mass balance of the Southern Patagonia glaciers. The position of the icefield on the continent is also relevant. On the western side of the icefield, precipitation rates are high and dominate the mass balance calculation. In the east, ablation is much more important for determining the mass balance, and this introduces an enhanced sensitivity to atmospheric temperature, wind speed, and atmosphericmoisture levels. 相似文献
A method for simulating future climate on regional space scales is developed and applied to northern Africa. Simulation with
a regional model allows for the horizontal resolution needed to resolve the region’s strong meridional gradients and the optimization
of parameterizations and land-surface model. The control simulation is constrained by reanalysis data, and realistically represents
the present day climate. Atmosphere–ocean general circulation model (AOGCM) output provides SST and lateral boundary condition
anomalies for 2081–2100 under a business-as-usual emissions scenario, and the atmospheric CO2 concentration is increased to 757 ppmv. A nine-member ensemble of future climate projections is generated by using output
from nine AOGCMs. The consistency of precipitation projections for the end of the twenty-first century is much greater for
the regional model ensemble than among the AOGCMs. More than 77% of ensemble members produce the same sign rainfall anomaly
over much of northern Africa. For West Africa, the regional model projects wetter conditions in spring, but a mid-summer drought
develops during June and July, and the heat stoke risk increases across the Sahel. Wetter conditions resume in late summer,
and the likelihood of flooding increases. The regional model generally projects wetter conditions over eastern Central Africa
in June and drying during August through September. Severe drought impacts parts of East Africa in late summer. Conditions
become wetter in October, but the enhanced rainfall does not compensate for the summertime deficit. The risk of heat stroke
increases over this region, although the threat is not projected to be as great as in the Sahel. 相似文献
Benjamin I. Cook Gordon B. Bonan Samuel Levis Howard E. Epstein 《Climate Dynamics》2008,30(4):391-406
We investigate the response of a climate system model to two different methods for estimating snow cover fraction. In the
control case, snow cover fraction changes gradually with snow depth; in the alternative scenarios (one with prescribed vegetation
and one with dynamic vegetation), snow cover fraction initially increases with snow depth almost twice as fast as the control
method. In cases where the vegetation was fixed (prescribed), the choice of snow cover parameterization resulted in a limited
model response. Increased albedo associated with the high snow caused some moderate localized cooling (3–5°C), mostly at very
high latitudes (>70°N) and during the spring season. During the other seasons, however, the cooling was not very extensive.
With dynamic vegetation the change is much more dramatic. The initial increases in snow cover fraction with the new parameterization
lead to a large-scale southward retreat of boreal vegetation, widespread cooling, and persistent snow cover over much of the
boreal region during the boreal summer. Large cold anomalies of up to 15°C cover much of northern Eurasia and North America
and the cooling is geographically extensive in the northern hemisphere extratropics, especially during the spring and summer
seasons. This study demonstrates the potential for dynamic vegetation within climate models to be quite sensitive to modest
forcing. This highlights the importance of dynamic vegetation, both as an amplifier of feedbacks in the climate system and
as an essential consideration when implementing adjustments to existing model parameters and algorithms. 相似文献
Changes in growing seasons for 2041–2060 across Africa are projected using a regional climate model at 90-km resolution, and confidence in the predictions is evaluated. The response is highly regional over West Africa, with decreases in growing season days up to 20% in the western Guinean coast and some regions to the east experiencing 5–10% increases. A longer growing season up to 30% in the central and eastern Sahel is predicted, with shorter seasons in parts of the western Sahel. In East Africa, the short rains (boreal fall) growing season is extended as the Indian Ocean warms, but anomalous mid-tropospheric moisture divergence and a northward shift of Sahel rainfall severely curtails the long rains (boreal spring) season. Enhanced rainfall in January and February increases the growing season in the Congo basin by 5–15% in association with enhanced southwesterly moisture transport from the tropical Atlantic. In Angola and the southern Congo basin, 40–80% reductions in austral spring growing season days are associated with reduced precipitation and increased evapotranspiration. Large simulated reductions in growing season over southeastern Africa are judged to be inaccurate because they occur due to a reduction in rainfall in winter which is over-produced in the model. Only small decreases in the actual growing season are simulated when evapotranspiration increases in the warmer climate. The continent-wide changes in growing season are primarily the result of increased evapotranspiration over the warmed land, changes in the intensity and seasonal cycle of the thermal low, and warming of the Indian Ocean. 相似文献
Sarah K. Marshall Peter G. Cook Anthony D. Miller Craig T. Simmons Shawan Dogramaci 《Ground water》2019,57(5):718-726
In large-scale pumping projects, such as mine dewatering, predictions are often made about the rate of groundwater level recovery after pumping has ceased. However, these predictions may be impacted by geological uncertainty—including the presence of undetected impermeable barriers. During pumping, an impermeable barrier may be undetected if it is located beyond the maximum extent of the cone of depression; yet it may still control drawdown during the recovery phase. This has implications for regional-scale modeling and monitoring of groundwater level recovery. In this article, non-dimensional solutions are developed to show the conditions under which a barrier may be undetected during pumping but still significantly impact groundwater level recovery. The magnitude of the impact from an undetected barrier will increase as the ratio of pumping rate to aquifer transmissivity increases. The results are exemplified for a hypothetical aquifer with an unknown barrier 3 km from a pumping well. The difference in drawdown between a model with and without a barrier may be <1 m in the 10 years while pumping is occurring, but up to 50 m after pumping has ceased. 相似文献
Yueqing Xie Peter G. Cook Philip Brunner Dylan J. Irvine Craig T. Simmons 《Ground water》2014,52(5):769-774
Decline in regional water tables (RWT) can cause losing streams to disconnect from underlying aquifers. When this occurs, an inverted water table (IWT) will develop beneath the stream, and an unsaturated zone will be present between the IWT and the RWT. The IWT marks the base of the saturated zone beneath the stream. Although a few prior studies have suggested the likelihood of an IWT without a clogging layer, most of them have assumed that a low‐permeability streambed is required to reduce infiltration from surface water to groundwater, and that the IWT only occurs at the bottom of the low‐permeability layer. In this study, we use numerical simulations to show that the development of an IWT beneath an unclogged stream is theoretically possible under steady‐state conditions. For a stream width of 1 m above a homogeneous and isotropic sand aquifer with a 47 m deep RWT (measured in an observation point 20 m away from the center of the stream), an IWT will occur provided that the stream depth is less than a critical value of 4.1 m. This critical stream depth is the maximum water depth in the stream to maintain the occurrence of an IWT. The critical stream depth decreases with stream width. For a stream width of 6 m, the critical stream depth is only 1 mm. Thus while theoretically possible, an IWT is unlikely to occur at steady state without a clogging layer, unless a stream is very narrow or shallow and the RWT is very deep. 相似文献
国际大地测量学与地球物理学联合会(IUGG)第25届大会将于2011年6月27日至7月8日在澳大利亚墨尔本举行。大会将在位于市中心的墨尔本会展中心召开(欲了解更多该会展中心信息,请登录http:∥ 相似文献
An archaeological geophysics investigation was conducted at the site of the Wright Brothers' 1910 hangar near Dayton, Ohio. The hangar was destroyed as part of base renovation during the buildup to World War II, and its exact location is unknown. The purpose of the investigation is to confirm the exact location of the hangar and to locate any buried artifacts from the Wright Brothers occupation of the site. Ground penetrating radar (GPR), electromagnetic, and magnetic surveys were conducted over a 68 × 100 m area, approximately centered on the suspected location of the hangar. Localized anomalies as well as areal anomalies are identified in the geophysical data. Rectangular anomalous areas are identified that are generally consistent with the suspected location of the hangar. A 1924 aerial photograph showing the hangar was digitally scanned and georeferenced to the site survey area. Two of the rectangular geophysical anomalous areas are consistent with the hangar location from the aerial photograph location. A third rectangular area, defined from GPR survey data, is immediately adjacent to the aerial photograph location. It is postulated that base engineers may have bulldozed the hangar debris onto an area adjacent to its original location and either burned it there or buried it in a trench. A prioritized exploratory program is proposed for investigating the sources of the geophysical anomalies. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献