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Geochemical data from basalts, basaltic andesites, and andesites of the Mesozoic–Cenozoic (143–44 Ma) from Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George, and Ardley Islands of the South Shetland archipelago, Antarctica, are presented. The rocks have variable SiO2 of approximately 46–61 wt%, Al2O3 of 15–26 wt%, and total alkali (K2O+Na2O) of 2–6 wt%. Most samples have low Mg#, Cr, and Ni, which indicates that they have undergone significant fractional crystallization from mantle-derived melts. The presence of olivine cumulatic in the samples from Livingston and Robert Islands explains some high MgO, Ni, and Cr values, whereas low Rb, Zr, and Nb values could be related to undifferentiated magmas. N-MORB-normalized trace element patterns show that South Shetland Islands volcanic rocks have a geochemical pattern similar to that found for other island arcs, with enrichment in LILE relative to HFSE and in LREE relative to HREE. The geochemistry pattern and presence of calcic plagioclase, orthopyroxene, Mg-olivine, and titanomagnetite phenocrysts suggest a source related to the subduction process. The geochemical data also suggest magma evolution from the tholeiitic to the calc-alkaline series; some samples show a transitional pattern. Samples from the South Shetland archipelago show moderate LREE/HREE ratios relative to N-MORB and OIB, depletion in Nb relative to Yb, and high Th/Yb ratios. These patterns probably reflect magma derived from a lithospheric mantle source previously modified by fluids and sediments from a subduction zone.


Dados geoquímicos de basaltos, andesitos basálticos e andesitos mesozóicos–cenozóicos (143–44 Ma) das ilhas Livingston, Greenwich, Robert, King George e Ardley do Arquipélago Shetland do Sul, Antártica são discutidas neste artigo. As rochas tem conteúdos de SiO2 variando de 46 a 61%, Al2O3 de 15 a 26% e álcalis (K2O+Na2O) de 2 a 6%. A maior parte das amostras tem conteúdos baixos de Mg#, Cr e Ni, indicando que sofreram significante cristalização fracionada de fusões derivadas do manto. A presença de fases cumuláticas nas amostras das ilhas Livingston e Robert explicaria os elevados valores de MgO, Ni, Cr, enquanto que baixos valores de Rb, Zr e Nb observados nas amostras destas ilhas poderiam estar relacionados a magmas não diferenciados. Os padrões de elementos-traço normalizados pelo N-MORB mostram que as rochas vulcânicas das Ilhas Shetland do Sul têm padrão geoquímico similar àqueles encontrados em outros arcos de ilhas com enriquecimento em LILE em relação aos HFSE e em ETRL em relação aos ETRP. O padrão geoquímico e a ocorrência de fenocristais de plagioclásio cálcico, ortopiroxênio, olivina magnesiana e titanomagnetita sugerem origem relacionada a processos de subducção. Dados geoquímicos obtidos para as amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul sugerem um magma evoluindo de toleítico para cálcico-alcalino, observando-se em algumas amostras um padrão transicional. As amostras do arquipélago Shetland do Sul mostram em relação ao N-MORB e OIB, moderadas razões ETRL/ETRP, empobrecimento em Nb relativo a Yb e elevada razão Th/Yb Estes padrões refletem, provavelmente, magma derivado de uma fonte mantélica litosférica, que foi modificada por fluídos e sedimentos da zona de subducção.  相似文献   
Pico, the youngest island of the Azores Archipelago (Portugal), is characterized by a central volcano and a 30‐km‐long fissure zone. Its eruption rate is the highest of the Azores islands, with more than 35 eruptions in the last 2000 years. Here, we estimate the lava‐flow hazard for Pico Island by combining the vent opening probability derived from the spatial distribution of eruptive fissures, the classes of expected eruptions inferred from the physical and chemical characteristics of historical eruptions, and the lava‐flow paths simulated by the MAGFLOW model. The most likely area to host new eruptions is along a WNW–ESE trend centred on the central volcano, with the highest hazard affecting the two main residential zones of Lajes do Pico and Madalena. Our analysis is the first attempt to assess the lava‐flow hazard for Pico Island, and may have important implications for decision‐making in territorial management and future land‐use planning.  相似文献   
From considerations of relativeG-T surfaces inferred from publishedP-T data and the occurrence of replacement textures of Al2SiO5 polymorphs in rocks, the relative positions of curves representing the following equation in K+T — pH ispace on substituting Al2SiO5 different polymorphs are derived.3 Al2SiO5 + 3 SiO2 (quartz) + 2 K+ + 3 H2O 2 KAl2[AlSi3O10](OH)2 (muscovite)+ 2 H+. The curves are different because of the differentG-T values for the polymorphs which, in the field, is borne out by the observation that in a rock containing two or three Al2SiO5 polymorphs, in nearly all instances only one polymorph is replaced by white mica. Instances of textural relations showing the interpreted selective replacement of one Al2SiO5 polymorph by a white mica in the presence of one (or two) other Al2SiO5 polymorph(s) are cited both from the literature and various field examples. The selective replacement of kyanite if sillimanite and/or andalusite is/are present, and of andalusite if only sillimanite is present are interpreted to show that generally during the muscovitization reaction, the field of sillimanite in the above reaction (left hand side) at a particular pH (H+ concentration) and is larger in K+T space than that of andalusite which in turn is larger than that of kyanite. Theoretically it is shown that variations to this can exist but the field evidence suggests these only occur under rare geological conditions. Although this is not totally conclusive, the selectiveness of the replacement is interpreted to show that the fluid was buffered with respect to K+ and H+ on or near the curve of the polymorph showing the lowest stability field until that polymorph is totally consumed, after which the fluid composition moves to the next lowest curve for the remaining polymorph(s) present in the rock. The alteration of more than one polymorph by an apparently simultaneous process of alteration is rare and usually occurs at a low grade of metamorphism. This is interpreted to show that the buffering reaction could not keep pace with the influx of fluid and change the composition of this fluid (in most cases).  相似文献   
Quaternary loess deposits containing charcoal and in situ organic matter constituents from Banks Peninsula, New Zealand, were subjected to various physical and chemical treatments before radiocarbon assay. A stepwide procedure was used in which each component was radiocarbon dated before and after the treatments were applied. The criterion adopted for judging the effectiveness of a treatment is an increase in the radiocarbon age of loess layer. On this basis the oldest and therefore the most reliable date was obtained from the intra-loess charcoal and its humic acid extract. By comparison, the radiocarbon ages of organic matter constituents of the whole or partitioned loess were much younger, and are considered to represent only average ages for the particular layers concerned. No advantage was gained by dating the carbon-enriched clay-humus fraction as opposed to whole loess samples. There is an apparent conflict between our dates and current interpretation of loess stratigraphy and chronology in the South Island of New Zealand, which requires further investigation. This uncertainty apart, the upper layers of multiple loess deposits are clearly much older than earlier reports indicate, and it follows that the correlation of these deposits with late-glacial events both within and beyond New Zealand is even more tenuous and unreliable than previously thought to be the case.  相似文献   
In this contribution, we introduce a new bootstrap-based method for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) carrier-phase ambiguity resolution. Integer bootstrapping is known to be one of the simplest methods for integer ambiguity estimation with close-to-optimal performance. Its outcome is easy to compute due to the absence of an integer search, and its performance is close to optimal if the decorrelating Z-transformation of the LAMBDA method is used. Moreover, the bootstrapped estimator is presently the only integer estimator for which an exact and easy-to-compute expression of its fail-rate can be given. A possible disadvantage is, however, that the user has only a limited control over the fail-rate. Once the underlying mathematical model is given, the user has no freedom left in changing the value of the fail-rate. Here, we present an ambiguity estimator for which the user is given additional freedom. For this purpose, use is made of the class of integer aperture estimators as introduced in Teunissen (2003). This class is larger than the class of integer estimators. Integer aperture estimators are of a hybrid nature and can have integer outcomes as well as non-integer outcomes. The new estimator is referred to as integer aperture bootstrapping. This new estimator has all the advantages known from integer bootstrapping with the additional advantage that its fail-rate can be controlled by the user. This is made possible by giving the user the freedom over the aperture of the pull-in region. We also give an exact and easy-to-compute expression for its controllable fail-rate.  相似文献   
A study has been undertaken to determine sulfur in geological samples by coupled analytical techniques. Two measurement methods have been developed: one using an electric furnace coupled to an ion chromatograph (electric furnace-IC) and another using infrared (IR) and quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) for evolved gas analysis (EGA) coupled with a thermogravimetric analyser (TGA). In the electric furnace-IC method, measurement was performed without any sample pre-treatment. The measurement conditions were optimised by varying sample quantity, type of catalyst (WO3, Cu, W and V2O5) and sample/catalyst ratio, and the detection limit was 10 μg g−1. Sulfur ores decompose at different temperatures. However, TGA-EGA allowed identification of the different forms of sulfur in the sample, even when they were found in very low concentrations, because the sulfur was continuously analysed. The developed chromatographic method allowed simultaneous analysis of several sample components, such as S, Cl and F, with a low detection limit. The method was much faster and more specific than the methods described in the literature. The results of the sulfur determination had low scatter, possibly because the samples underwent little handling during analysis: the operator only weighed and placed the sample in the furnace, the rest of the measurement process was fully automated. The results obtained by both the developed methods have been validated by using reference materials and comparison with combustion-IR spectroscopy, a standard method for determining total sulfur in a sample.  相似文献   
This multi-disciplinary investigation documents the longterm effects of atmospheric pollution of metals and acids on a geologically sensitive catchment in the umava Mountains, southwestern Czech Republic, a region with a long history of human disturbance. A 30 cm long sediment core (I) from ertovo Lake was analyzed for natural and artifical radionuclides, metals, diatoms, chrysophytes, and pollen in sediments accumulated during the last 200 years. A second core (II), extending to 95 cm, included sediment judged to be free of atmospheric deposition of pollutants associated with the Industrial Revolution. Chronostratigraphic markers include several changes in the pollen assemblages corresponding to well-documented changes in land-use, and distinct distributions of 137Cs, 134Cs and 241Am from weapons testing and the 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl, Russia. These markers corroborate the 210Pb dating and, together, produce a reliable chronology extending back nearly to 1800 A.D.Stratigraphic profiles of Cu, Pb, and Zn in Core I are unlike any previously reported in the literature. Concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn remain generally above 100, 400, and 200 g g-1, respectively, for the 200 years represented by Core I. These values are unusually high for sediments from a watershed with no known heavy-metal ore bodies. Accumulation rates for Cu, Pb, and Zn, which include both atmospheric and watershed contributions, are also high (ca 1, > 1 and > 1 g cm-2 yr-1, respectively) for the same period, although the anthropogenic contribution of Zn rose from nearly zero at 1800 A.D. The Cu and Pb accumulation rates rose dramatically about 1640 A.D.Accumulation rates of anthropogenically-derived Be, a relatively abundant element in the soft coals of the region, are also elevated by about 0.01 g cm-2 yr-1 in sediments of this period. Vanadium accumulation rates increased only since 1980 A.D., presumably along with increased consumption of oil.Diatom assemblages illustrate that the lake was acidic (pH between 4.5 and 5) through at least the past 200 years. The pH declined significantly (from ca 5 to 4) between 1960 and 1985 with a slight increase to 4.5 in the last few years. Recent diatom and chrysophyte assemblages suggest high trace metal concentrations, consistent with the present lake-water chemistry.  相似文献   
We explore the rich globular cluster (GC) system of the nearby Sa galaxy M104, the 'Sombrero' (NGC 4594), using archive Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 data. The GC colour distribution is found to be bimodal at the >99 per cent confidence level, with peaks at     and     . The inferred metallicities are very similar to those of GCs in our Galaxy and M31. However, the Sombrero reveals a much enhanced number of red (metal-rich) GCs compared to other well-studied spirals. Because the Sombrero is dominated by a huge bulge and only has a modest disc, we associate the two subpopulations with the halo and bulge components, respectively. Thus our analysis supports the view that the metal-rich GCs in spirals are associated with the bulge rather than with the disc. The Sombrero GCs have typical effective (half-light) radii of ∼2 pc with the red ones being ∼30 per cent smaller than the blue ones. We identify many similarities between the GC system of the Sombrero and those of both late-type spirals and early-type galaxies. Thus both the GC system and the Hubble type of the Sombrero galaxy appear to be intermediate in their nature.  相似文献   
We study a solar flare that occurred on 10 September 2002, in active region NOAA 10105, starting around 14:52 UT and lasting approximately 5 minutes in the radio range. The event was classified as M2.9 in X-rays and 1N in Hα. Solar Submillimeter Telescope observations, in addition to microwave data, give a good spectral coverage between 1.415 and 212 GHz. We combine these data with ultraviolet images, hard and soft X-ray observations, and full-disk magnetograms. Images obtained from Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager data are used to identify the locations of X-ray sources at different energies, and to determine the X-ray spectrum, while ultraviolet images allow us to characterize the coronal flaring region. The magnetic field evolution of the active region is analyzed using Michelson Doppler Imager magnetograms. The burst is detected at all available radio frequencies. X-ray images (between 12 keV and 300 keV) reveal two compact sources. In the 212 GHz data, which are used to estimate the radio-source position, a single compact source is seen, displaced by 25″ from one of the hard X-ray footpoints. We model the radio spectra using two homogeneous sources, and we combine this analysis with that of hard X-rays to understand the dynamics of the accelerated particles. Relativistic particles, observed at radio wavelengths above 50 GHz, have an electron index evolving with the typical soft–hard–soft behavior.  相似文献   
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