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Oscar Barton  Jr.   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(11-12):1543-1551
In this paper, an approximate closed-form solution is presented to compute the moisture-related buckling of symmetric angle-ply laminates. The environment corresponds to a steady state condition, which provides a uniform moisture distribution for the laminate. The laminate consists of four layers [θ/−θ]s constructed of low, moderate and high stiffness ratio materials. Comparative results using the Rayleigh–Ritz method provides a means of assessing the accuracy of the expression. For certain laminate architectures, several modes must be computed to ascertain the lowest buckling mode, and once identified, provides an excellent approximation for the mode computed using the Rayleigh–Ritz method.  相似文献   
Field data from the Rio Paraná, Argentina, are used to examine patterns of suspended sediment transport over a sand dune. Measurements of three‐dimensional velocity are made with an acoustic Doppler current profiler whilst suspended sediment concentration and particle size have been quantified using a laser in situ sediment scattering transmissometer. Suspended sediment concentration and streamwise and vertical sediment flux are highest close to the bed, with an upward vertical flux over the stoss side of the dune and downward flux over the lee side. Suspended sediment concentrations are higher over the crest compared with the trough and suspended sediment is coarsest near the bed. About 17% of the suspended‐load transported over the crest is deposited in the lee side before it reaches the trough. Most of this deposited sand is coarser sediment that originates close to the bed over the crest, a result consistent with simulations based on the model of Mohrig and Smith (Water Resources Research 1996; 32: 3207–3217) for the excursion lengths of sediment dispersed in the lee side of a dune. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a response spectrum analysis procedure for the calculation of the maximum structural response to three translational seismic components that may act at any inclination relative to the reference axes of the structure. The formula GCQC3, a generalization of the known CQC3‐rule, incorporates the correlation between the seismic components along the axes of the structure and the intensity disparities between them. Contrary to the CQC3‐rule where a principal seismic component must be vertical, in the GCQC3‐rule all components can have any direction. Besides, the GCQC3‐rule is applicable if we impose restrictions to the maximum inclination and/or intensity of a principal seismic component; in this case two components may be quasi‐horizontal and the third may be quasi‐vertical. This paper demonstrates that the critical responses of the structure, defined as the maximum and minimum responses considering all possible directions of incidence of one seismic component, are given by the square root of the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of the response matrix R , of order 3×3, defined in this paper; the elements of R are established on the basis of the modal responses used in the well‐known CQC‐rule. The critical responses to the three principal seismic components with arbitrary directions in space are easily calculated by combining the eigenvalues of R and the intensities of those components. The ratio rmax/rSRSS between the maximum response and the SRSS response, the latter being the most unfavourable response to the principal seismic components acting along the axes of the structure, is bounded between 1 and √(3γa2/(γa2 + γb2 + γc2)), where γa?γb?γc are the relative intensities of the three seismic components with identical spectral shape. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
At present, the understanding of the dynamics of denitrifiers at different dissolved oxygen (DO) layers under organic carbon consumption within the surface sediments remains inadequate. In this study, high-throughput sequencing and quantitative PCR targeting nirS gene were used to analyze the denitrifier abundance dynamics, community composition, and structure for aerobic (DO 0.5–6.9 mg/L), hypoxic-anoxic (DO 0–0.5 mg/L), and anoxic (DO 0 mg/L) layers in surface sediments under organic carbon consumption. Based on the analysis of nirS gene abundance, the values of denitrifying bacteria decreased with organic carbon consumption at different DO layers. When the bacterial species abundance at the genus level were compared between the high-carbon and low-carbon sediments, there was significant increase in 6 out of 36, 7 out of 36 and 6 out of 36 genera respectively for the aerobic, hypoxic-anoxic and anoxic layers. On the other hand, 14 out of 36, 9 out of 36 and 15 out of 36 genera showed significant decrease in bacterial species abundance respectively for the aerobic, hypoxic-anoxic and anoxic layers. Additionally, 14 out of 36, 20 out of 36, and 15 out of 36 genera had no change in bacterial species abundance respectively for the aerobic, hypoxic-anoxic, and anoxic layers. This indicates that the carbon utilization ability of different denitrifiers on each DO layers was generally different from each other. Diversity of denitrifying bacteria also presented significant differences in different DO layers between the high- and low-carbon content sediment layers. Moreover, under the high-carbon and low-carbon content, the abundance of nirS gene showed a high peak within the hypoxic-anoxic regions, suggesting that this region might be the main distribution area for the denitrifying bacteria within the surface sediments. Furthermore, community of unique denitrifiers occurred in different DO layers and the adaptive changes of the denitrifier community followed the organic carbon consumption.  相似文献   
Insular marine biotas are often richer in faunal diversity than those from the open sea in the same geographical region. The existence of particular island effects were tested under polar conditions by comparing infaunal benthic assemblages on Peter I Island with those of similar latitudes in the open ocean at the Bellingshausen Sea and also from the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. Sampling was carried out aboard the R/V Hespérides during the expedition named BENTART-2003 from 24 January to 3 March 2003. Benthic samples were collected at 18 stations ranging from 90 to 2 044 m depth, using an USNEL-type box corer (BC) dredge. Representatives of 32 higher taxa of invertebrates were found. Univariate and multivariate analyses revealed various patterns in the data. First, significant differences in polychaete abundance were detected between the stations located in the open sea and the remaining sites (island plus mainland sites). Bivalve abundances were also distinct between island and mainland sampling sites. Sediment columns taken from the island seafloor exhibited the highest rate of bioturbation by the infauna. These findings confirm the model that islands develop distinct assemblages characterized by the enhancement of the benthic communities even in cold waters. Several abiotic factors were measured simultaneously at the seafloor and along the water column to investigate faunal distribution patterns. Significant correlations were found between the benthic assemblages and a combination of two environmental variables: "island effect" (measured as a categorical variable) and the redox state of sediments. Richer and more complex benthic assemblages were found in Peter I Island’s sea bottom, whereas the more depauperate bottoms remained in the open sea.  相似文献   
SAR observation and model tracking of an oil spill event in coastal waters   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Oil spills are a major contributor to marine pollution. The objective of this work is to simulate the oil spill trajectory of oil released from a pipeline leaking in the Gulf of Mexico with the GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) model. The model was developed by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to investigate the effects of different pollutants and environmental conditions on trajectory results. Also, a Texture-Classifying Neural Network Algorithm (TCNNA) was used to delineate ocean oil slicks from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observations. During the simulation, ocean currents from NCOM (Navy Coastal Ocean Model) outputs and surface wind data measured by an NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) buoy are used to drive the GNOME model. The results show good agreement between the simulated trajectory of the oil spill and synchronous observations from the European ENVISAT ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) and the Japanese ALOS (Advanced Land Observing Satellite) PALSAR (Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) images. Based on experience with past marine oil spills, about 63.0% of the oil will float and 18.5% of the oil will evaporate and disperse. In addition, the effects from uncertainty of ocean currents and the diffusion coefficient on the trajectory results are also studied.  相似文献   
Previous paleoceanographic studies along the NW African margin focused on the dynamics of surface and intermediate waters, whereas little attention has been devoted to deep-water masses. Currently, these deep waters consist mainly of North Atlantic Deep Waters as part of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). However, this configuration was altered during periods of AMOC collapse. We present a high-resolution reconstruction of bottom-water ventilation and current evolution off Mauritania from the last glacial maximum into the early Holocene. Applying redox proxies (Mo, U and Mn) measured on sediments from off Mauritania, we describe changes in deep-water oxygenation and we infer the evolution of deep-water conditions during millennial-scale climate/oceanographic events in the area. The second half of Heinrich Event 1 and the Younger Dryas were recognized as periods of reduced ventilation, coinciding with events of AMOC reduction. We propose that these weakening circulation events induced deficient deep-water oxygenation in the Mauritanian upwelling region, which together with increased productivity promoted reducing conditions and enhanced organic-matter preservation. This is the first time the effect of AMOC collapse in the area is described at high resolution, broadening the knowledge on basin-wide oceanographic changes associated with rapid climate variability during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   
We conduct a high-resolution large-eddy simulation (LES) case study in order to investigate the effects of surface heterogeneity on the (local) structure parameters of potential temperature \(C_T^2\) and specific humidity \(C_q^2\) in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The kilometre-scale heterogeneous land-use distribution as observed during the LITFASS-2003 experiment was prescribed at the surface of the LES model in order to simulate a realistic CBL development from the early morning until early afternoon. The surface patches are irregularly distributed and represent different land-use types that exhibit different roughness conditions as well as near-surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat. In the analysis, particular attention is given to the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) relationships and local free convection (LFC) scaling for structure parameters in the surface layer, relating \(C_T^2\) and \(C_q^2\) to the surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat, respectively. Moreover we study possible effects of surface heterogeneity on scintillometer measurements that are usually performed in the surface layer. The LES data show that the local structure parameters reflect the surface heterogeneity pattern up to heights of 100–200 m. The assumption of a blending height, i.e. the height above the surface where the surface heterogeneity pattern is no longer visible in the structure parameters, is studied by means of a two-dimensional correlation analysis. We show that no such blending height is found at typical heights of scintillometer measurements for the studied case. Moreover, \(C_q^2\) does not follow MOST, which is ascribed to the entrainment of dry air at the top of the boundary layer. The application of MOST and LFC scaling to elevated \(C_T^2\) data still gives reliable estimates of the surface sensible heat flux. We show, however, that this flux, derived from scintillometer data, is only representative of the footprint area of the scintillometer, whose size depends strongly on the synoptic conditions.  相似文献   
Considering present attempts to develop a gradiometer with an accuracy between 10−3 E and 10−4 E, two applications for such a device have been studied: (a) mapping the gravitational field of the Earth, and (b) estimating the geocentric distance of a satellite carrying the instrument. Given a certain power spectrum for the signal and 10−4 E (rms) of white measurement noise, the results of an error analysis indicate that a six-month mission in polar orbit at a height of 200 km, with samples taken every three seconds, should provide data for estimating the spherical harmonic potential coefficients up to degree and order 300 with less than 50% error, and improve the coefficients through degree 30 by up to four orders of magnitude compared to existing models. A simulation study based on numerical orbit integrations suggests that a simple adjustment of the initial conditions based on gradiometer data could produce orbits where the geocentric distance is accurate to 10 cm or better, provided the orbits are 2000 km high and some improvement in the gravity field up to degree 30 is first achieved. In this sense, the gravity-mapping capability of the gradiometer complements its use in orbit refinement. This idea can be of use in determining orbits for satellite altimetry. Furthermore, by tracking the gradiometer-carrying spacecraft when it passes nearly above a terrestrial station, the geocentric distance of this station can also be estimated to about one decimeter accuracy. This principle could be used in combination with VLBI and other modern methods to set up a world-wide 3-D network of high accuracy.  相似文献   
Five inorganic geochemical data sets with ion balances less than or equal to 5% (for different hydrogeologic basins in Mexico) were used to construct specific conductance (SC) vs. total dissolved solids (TDS) curves for each aquifer. These curves allow one to proxy the specific conductance for inorganic water quality. The data from these five curves were integrated to form a "global" curve for Mexico. The equation that defines the line is SC = 1.40 TDS + 18. We propose that, in addition to allowing ground water monitoring, establishing a SC vs. TDS curve may be implemented to monitor drinking water supplies such as wells and reservoirs. If anomalously high values are observed, this would warrant detailed geochemical sampling.  相似文献   
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