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This article is based on field investigations carried out at Ta Keo and Banteay Srei temples (Angkor, Cambodia), which have similar environmental histories and display the same recurrent decorative pattern (lotus petal) in three different sandstone lithotypes. Based on two original scales of mechanical and chemical weathering, the degree of deterioration of c.2000 sandstone petals was visually assessed, resulting in the proposal of a durability scale. An explanatory scheme was provided, based on laboratory analyses of stone materials (ICP-AES, XRD, SEM-EDS, polarizing microscopy and mercury injection). The key drivers of sandstone durability are both mineralogical and petrophysical. The remarkable preservation of the pink sandstone is due to the quartzose nature of its clasts, the non-swelling clay content of its abundant matrix (kaolinite) and its porosity structure (large connected pores and probable non-connected porosity). The overall good preservation of the green sandstone is due to its extremely low porosity and specific surface area, associated with its strong cementation. The severe deterioration of the grey sandstone is due to its laminated structure (oriented biotites), the susceptibility to hygric swelling and solution of its binding agents (chlorite/smectite and calcite) and its porosity structure, which evolves during a two-stage weathering sequence. The first stage is characterized by a bimodal porosity due to the partial clogging of macropores by swelling clays, and the second stage by a substantial increase in porosity and the penetration of salts (barite and anhydrite). Conversely, oxidation phenomena associated with weathering can lead to a drastic reduction of porosity.  相似文献   
The Island Park-Mount Jackson series in the Yellowstone volcanic field, Wyoming (USA), is a suite of rhyolitic domes and lavas that erupted between the caldera-forming eruptions of the Mesa Fall Tuff (1.3 Ma) and the Lava Creek Tuff (0.6 Ma). Combined zircon U/Pb geochronology, Raman spectroscopy, oxygen isotopic and trace elemental compositions document storage conditions of these magmas between consecutive supereruptions. Based on comparison with co-erupted melt compositions and textural criteria, four zircon compositional groups are identified that record different stages along a continuous magmatic evolution from trace element-poor rhyolite at high temperatures to extremely fractionated rhyolite where zircon trace elements are highly enriched (e.g., >?1000 ppm U). These latter zircon domains are dark in cathodoluminescence images and show broadened Raman peaks relative to near-endmember zircon, indicating that substitution of non-stoichiometric trace elements into zircon leads to distortion of the crystal lattice. Some of these zircon domains contain inclusions of U-Th-REE-phases, likely originating from coupled dissolution–reprecipitation of metastable trace element-rich zircon in the presence of a fluid phase. Rhyolite-MELTS simulations indicate that at the conditions required to produce the observed enrichment in trace elements, a fluid phase is likely present. These findings illustrate that zircons can be assembled from a variety of co-existing magmatic environments in the same magma reservoir, including near-solidus volatile-rich melts close to the magmatic–hydrothermal transition.  相似文献   
Askival is a light-toned, coarsely crystalline float rock, which was identified near the base of Vera Rubin Ridge in Gale crater. We have studied Askival, principally with the ChemCam instrument but also using APXS compositional data and MAHLI images. Askival and an earlier identified sample, Bindi, represent two rare examples of feldspathic cumulate float rocks in Gale crater with >65% relict plagioclase. Bindi appears unaltered whereas Askival shows textural and compositional signatures of silicification, along with alkali remobilization and hydration. Askival likely experienced multiple stages of alteration, occurring first through acidic hydrolysis of metal cations, followed by deposition of silica and possible phyllosilicates at low T and neutral-alkaline pH. Through laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy compositional analyses and normative calculations, we suggest that an assemblage of Fe-Mg silicates including amphibole and pyroxene, Fe phases, and possibly Mg-rich phyllosilicate are present. Thermodynamic modeling of the more pristine Bindi composition predicts that amphibole and feldspar are stable within an upper crustal setting. This is consistent with the presence of amphibole in the parent igneous rocks of Askival and suggests that the paucity of amphiboles in other known Martian samples reflects the lack of representative samples of the Martian crust rather than their absence on Mars.  相似文献   
Detecting broad scale spatial patterns across the South American rainforest biome is still a major challenge. Although several countries do possess their own, more or less detailed land-cover map, these are based on classifications that appear largely discordant from a country to another. Up to now, continental scale remote sensing studies failed to fill this gap. They mostly result in crude representations of the rainforest biome as a single, uniform vegetation class, in contrast with open vegetations. A few studies identified broad scale spatial patterns, but only when they managed to map a particular forest characteristic such as biomass. The main objective of this study is to identify, characterize and map distinct forest landscape types within the evergreen lowland rainforest at the sub-continental scale of the Guiana Shield (north-east tropical South-America 10° North-2° South; 66° West-50° West). This study is based on the analysis of a 1-year daily data set (from January 1st to December 31st, 2000) from the VEGETATION sensor onboard the SPOT-4 satellite (1-km spatial resolution). We interpreted remotely sensed landscape classes (RSLC) from field and high resolution remote sensing data of 21 sites in French Guiana. We cross-analyzed remote sensing data, field observations and environmental data using multivariate analysis. We obtained 33 remotely sensed landscape classes (RSLC) among which five forest-RSLC representing 78% of the forested area. The latter were classified as different broad forest landscape types according to a gradient of canopy openness. Their mapping revealed a new and meaningful broad-scale spatial pattern of forest landscape types. At the scale of the Guiana Shield, we observed a spatial patterns similarity between climatic and forest landscape types. The two most open forest-RSLCs were observed mainly within the north-west to south-east dry belt. The three other forest-RSLCs were observed in wetter and less anthropized areas, particularly in the newly recognized “Guianan dense forest arch”. Better management and conservation policies, as well as improvement of biological and ecological knowledge, require accurate and stable representations of the geographical components of ecosystems. Our results represent a decisive step in this way for the Guiana Shield area and contribute to fill one of the major shortfall in the knowledge of tropical forests.  相似文献   
No-till (NT) is a conservation system that improves the hydrological regime of agricultural slopes by providing greater surface protection and benefits to the physical and hydrological properties of soils. However, the isolated use of NT is not enough to control runoff and its associated degradation processes. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the runoff of agricultural slopes under NT under different runoff control conditions by monitoring 63 rainfall events in two 2.4-ha zero-order catchments and 27 rainfall events in four 0.6-ha macroplots. The catchments are paired and similar in terms of the type of soil and relief, but different regarding the presence of terraces. The macroplots have different soil and crop management systems. By using monitoring techniques, the hyetographs and hydrographs revealed the influence of the different types of management on the catchments and macroplots and allowed rainfall characteristics, runoff volume, runoff coefficients, water infiltration, peak runoff, response times, and curve number to be analysed. The terraces positively affected the NT and controlled runoff and related variables, in addition to infiltration significantly increasing and runoff reducing in the terraced catchment. All the hydrological information assessed pointed to the positive effects provided by the presence of the terraces. The results in the macroplots showed that high amounts of phytomass and/or chiselling do not control runoff and its correlated variables in medium and high magnitude events. The study concludes by underlining the need for additional measures to control runoff (terraces), even in areas under NT and with high phytomass production. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of monitoring at the catchment scale to better understand the hydrological behaviour of agricultural areas and provide the necessary parameters to effectively control runoff.  相似文献   
Despite the importance of tropical ecosystems for climate regulation, biodiversity, water and nutrient cycles, only a few Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs) are located in the tropics. Among these, most are in humid climates, while very few data exist for semi-arid and sub-humid climates, due to the difficulty of estimating hydro-geochemical balances in catchments with ephemeral streams. We contribute to fill this gap by presenting a meteorological and hydro-geochemical dataset acquired at the Mule Hole catchment (4.1 km2), a pristine dry deciduous forest located in a biosphere reserve in south India. The dataset consists of time series of variables related to (i) meteorology, including rainfall, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and global radiation, (ii) hydrology, including water level and discharge at the catchment outlet, (iii) hydrogeology, including manual (monthly) and/or automated (from 15 min to hourly) groundwater levels in nine piezometers and (iv) geochemistry, including suspended sediment content in the stream and chemical composition of rainfall (event based), groundwater (monthly sampling) and stream water (storm events, 15 min to hourly frequency with an automatic sampler). The time series extend from 2003 to 2019. Measurement errors are minimized by frequent calibration of sensors and quality checks, both in the field and in the laboratory. Despite these precautions, several data gaps exist, due to occasional access restriction to the site and instrument destruction by wildlife. Results show that large seasonal and interannual variations of climatic conditions were reflected in the large variations of stream flow and groundwater recharge, as well as in water chemical composition. Notably, they reveal a long-term evolution of groundwater storage, suggesting hydrogeological cycles on a decadal scale. This dataset, alone or in combination with other data, has already allowed to better understand water and element cycling in tropical dry forests, and the role of forest diversity on biogeochemical cycles. As tropical ecosystems are underrepresented by Critical Zone Observatories, we expect this data note to be valuable for the global scientific community.  相似文献   
(U‐Th)/He ages on apatite obtained in the vicinity of the Têt fault hydrothermal system show a large variability. In the inner damage zone adjacent to the fault core, where fluid flows are concentrated, AHe ages display a large scatter (3–41 Ma) and apatite ageing. Samples from the outer damage zone show young ages with less dispersion (0.9–21.1 Ma) and apatite rejuvenation. Outside the damage zone, ages are consistent with the regional exhumation history between 20 and 12 Ma. The important age dispersion found in the damage zone is interpreted as the result of 4He mobility during fluid infiltration. Our results show that thermochronological data close to a fault should be interpreted with caution, but may offer a new tool for geothermal exploration.  相似文献   
The reaction chloritoid (ctd)=almandine (alm)+diaspore+H2O (CAD) has been reversed using Fe3+-free synthetic chloritoid and almandine, under fO2 conditions of the solid oxygen buffer Fe/FeO (CADWI), and using partially oxidized synthetic minerals under fO2 conditions of the solid oxygen buffer Ni/NiO (CADNNO). Experiments have been conducted between 550 and 700°C, 25 and 45 kbar. The equilibrium pressure and temperature conditions are strongly dependent on the fO2 conditions (CADNNO lies some-what 50°C higher than CADWI). This can be explained by a decrease in aH2O for experiments conducted on the Fe/FeO buffer, and a decrease in actd and aalm (through incorporation of ferric iron preferentially in chloritoid) for experiments conducted on the Ni/NiO buffer. The H2O activity has been calculated using the MRK equation of state, and the values obtained checked against the shift of the equilibrium diaspore=corundum+H2O bracketed on the Fe/FeO buffer and under unbuffered fO2 conditions. For fO2 buffered by the assemblage Fe/FeO, aH2O increases with pressure from about 0.85 at 600°C, 12 kbar to about 0.9 at 605°C, 25 kbar and 1 above 28 kbar. For fO2 buffered by the assemblage Ni/NiO, aH2O=1. The aH2O decrease from Ni/NiO to Fe/FeO is, however, too small to be entirely responsible for the temperature shift between CADNNO and CADWI. In consequence, the amount of ferric iron in almandine and chloritoid growing in the CADNNO experiments must be significant and change along the CADNNO, precluding calculation of the thermodynamic properties of chloritoid from this reaction. Our experimental data obtained on the Fe/FeO buffer are combined, using a thermodynamic analysis, with Ganguly's (1969) reversal of the reaction chloritoid=almandine+corundum +H2O (CAC) on the same oxygen buffer. Experimental brackets are mutually consistent and allow extraction of the thermodynamic parameters H o f,ctd and S octd. Our thermodynamic data are compared with others, generally calculated using Ganguly's bracketing of CACNNO. The agreement between the different data sets is relatively good at low pressure, but becomes rapidly very poor toward high pressure conditions. Using our thermodynamic data for chloritoid and KD=(Fe3+/Al)ctd/(Fe3+/Al)alm estimated from natural assemblages, we have calculated the composition of chloritoid and almandine growing from CADNNO and CACNNO. The Fe3+ content in chloritoid and almandine increases with pressure, from less than 0.038 per FeAl2SiO5(OH)2 formula unit at 10 kbar to at least 0.2 per formula unit above 30 kbar. This implies that chloritoid and almandine do contain Fe3+ in most natural assemblages. The reliability of our results compared to natural systems and thermodynamic data for Mg-chloritoid is tested by comparing the equilibrium conditions for the reaction chloritoid+quartz=garnet (gt)+kyanite+H2O (CQGK), calculated for intermediate Fe–Mg chloritoid and garnet compositions, from the system FASH and from the system MASH. For 0.65<(XFe)gt<0.8, CQKG calculated from FASH and MASH overlap for KD=(Mg/Fe)ctd/(Mg/Fe)gt=2. This is in good agreement with the KD values reported from chloritoid+garnet+quartz+kyanite natural assemblages.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the position and motion of points on the seafloor can be critically important in both fundamental research (for example, global geodesy and plate tectonics) and for more practical applications such as seismic risk evaluation, off-shore construction and pipeline monitoring. In the Vanuatu subduction zone, for example, measuring deformation underwater could provide valuable information for modeling deformation and understanding the seismic cycle. We report a shallow water experiment in Vanuatu to measure the relative and absolute depth of seafloor points. The experiment differs from previous efforts mainly in that it uses the height of the sea surface determined by kinematic GPS, allowing us to locate the points in a global reference frame. The ITRF2005 ellipsoidal height of a seafloor benchmark was determined with a 1-sigma uncertainty of 0.7–2.1 cm. The estimated ellipsoidal height differs only by a few tenths of a centimeter between measurements made in 2004 and another set made in 2006. These results are encouraging and open new perspectives for vertical underwater deformation monitoring in shallow water areas. Sea-surface GPS measurements can also help to reduce the uncertainty in depth difference determination for relative measurements.  相似文献   
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