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This study was designed to combine surface complexation modelling of macroscopic adsorption data with X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic (XAS) measurements to identify lanthanide sorption sites on the bacterial surface. The adsorption of selected representatives for light (La and Nd), middle (Sm and Gd) and heavy (Er and Yb) lanthanides was measured as a function of pH, and biomass samples exposed to 4 mg/L lanthanide at pH 3.5 and 6 were analysed using XAS. Surface complexation modelling was consistent with the light lanthanides adsorbing to phosphate sites, whereas the adsorption of middle and heavy lanthanides could be modelled equally well by carboxyl and phosphate sites. The existence of such mixed mode coordination was confirmed by Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) analysis, which was also consistent with adsorption to phosphate sites at low pH, with secondary involvement of carboxyl sites at high adsorption density (high pH). Thus, the two approaches yield broadly consistent information with regard to surface site identity and lanthanide coordination environment. Furthermore, spectroscopic analysis suggests that coordination to phosphate sites is monodentate at the metal/biomass ratios used. Based on the best-fitting pKa site, we infer that the phosphate sites are located on N-acetylglucosamine phosphate, the most likely polymer on gram-negative cells with potential phosphate sites that deprotonate around neutral pH.  相似文献   
Located in the Mid-Atlas (Morocco), the Oulmes plateau is famous for its mineral water springs “Sidi Ali” and “Lalla Haya” commercialised by the company “Les Eaux minérales d’Oulmès S.A”. Additionally, groundwater of the Oulmes plateau is intensively exploited for irrigation. The objective of this study, essentially performed from data collected during isotopic (summer 2004) and piezometric and hydrogeochemical field campaigns (spring 2007), is to improve the understanding of the Oulmes hydrogeological system. Analyses and interpretation of these data lead to the statement that this system is constituted by a main deep aquifer of large extension and by minor aquifers in a perched position. However, these aquifers interact enough to be in total equilibrium during the cold and wet period. As highlighted by isotopes, the origin of groundwater is mainly infiltration water except a small part of old groundwater with dissolved gas rising up from the granite through the schists.  相似文献   
运用LANDSAT ETM+和ASTER数据进行岩性分类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余海阔  李培军 《岩石学报》2010,26(1):345-351
本文评价了运用ASTER和LANDSAT ETM+数据进行岩性制图的性能。分别利用ASTER数据不同波段区图像及其组合,以及ETM+数据进行岩性分类,并探讨了将ASTER和ETM+数据叠加在一起进行了岩性分类; 利用现有地质图对所有分类结果进行了定量评价。结果表明,ASTER数据不同波段的岩性识别能力不同,并且较ETM+数据能更准确地识别岩性。更重要的是,把ASTER与ETM+数据结合在一起进行岩性分类,可获得比用任一数据单独分类更高的分类精度,表明二者的光谱特征具有一定的互补性。  相似文献   
新疆塔里木盆地东北缘库鲁克塔格地区的中寒武统莫合尔山组沉积地层中发现三条形成于二叠纪末到中三叠世的基性岩床。三条岩床沿沉积岩层面顺层侵入,按照从下到上的顺序,分别为辉绿岩床(厚3m)、辉长岩床(厚20m)和粗玄岩床(厚2.5m)。三条岩床的地球化学特征相似,稀土含量高(∑REE=210×10-6~297×10-6),轻稀土元素富集((La/Yb)N =13.54~17.96),Eu负异常不明显(δEu=0.97~1.21),Ce稍具正异常(δCe=1.11~1.25)。大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Th、Sr)富集,Sr具明显正异常; Ta、Nb和Hf具负异常。低氧化度(0.13~0.40)。三条岩床为同源岩浆活动的产物,岩浆源于上地幔或下地壳,但有下陆壳成分混染。三个样品的MgO含量在4%~6%之间,Mg#值在37.6~55.6之间,固结指数SI值位于18.7~29.3之间,反映原始的岩浆经历了比较明显的分异作用。粗玄岩床K-Ar年龄为255.2±7.3Ma,辉绿岩床K-Ar年龄为242.8±5.7Ma,辉长岩床Ar-Ar年龄为229.7±3.7Ma。本次岩浆侵入事件发生在南天山洋闭合之后,构造背景为造山后碰撞伸展环境。  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that macroalgal inclusion in formulated diets for cultured abalone improves feed utilisation, and it was suggested that seaweed-associated bacteria supply enzymes that aid in the animal's digestion. In the present study, we hypothesised that kelp supplementation in formulated feed affects the profile of digestive enzymes in farmed Haliotis midae. Commercially reared sub-adult abalone fed a kelp-supplemented (Ecklonia maxima; 0.88% dry weight) or kelp-free control feed were collected for analysis of the amylase, alginate lyase, laminarinase, fucoidanase and protease activities in the gut. Levels of polysaccharidase and protease activity did not significantly differ between the diet treatments. However, enzyme-activity levels were more variable in abalone fed the kelp-free diet as compared with those fed the kelp-supplemented diet (coefficients of variation: 73%, 48.3–60.2% and 31.9% [control diet] versus 42.7%, 13.6–33.8% and 14.6% [KS diet] for amylase, macroalgal polysaccharidases and acid protease activity, respectively). We suggest that the presence of dietary kelp modulates the abalone's gut bacteria and their nutrient exchange. Proteomic identification of proteins in abalone gut sections showed that exogenous enzymes associated with the gut microbiome aid in bacterial utilisation of digested molecules, whereas abalone endogenous enzymes degrade the macronutrients in formulated feeds.  相似文献   
Microplastics are persistent environmental contaminants found in marine environments worldwide. Microplastic particles isolated from coastlines in the Canterbury region of New Zealand were quantified and characterised. Sediment samples were collected from 10 locations representing exposed-beach, estuarine and harbour environments in both urban and non-urban settings. Particles were isolated from sediments using an NaCl density-separation procedure and quantified and characterised with a combination of optical/fluorescence imaging and micro-Raman spectroscopy. Microplastics were detected at eight out of 10 locations, at concentrations ranging from 0–45.4 particles kg?1 of dry sediment. The majority of microplastics were identified as polystyrene (55%), polyethylene (21%) and polypropylene (11%). Microplastic concentrations in exposed-beach environments were significantly greater than in harbour and estuarine environments.  相似文献   
We compute the big bang nucleosynthesis limit on the number of light neutrino degrees of freedom in a model-independent likelihood analysis based on the abundances of 4He and 7Li. We use the two-dimensional likelihood functions to simultaneously constrain the baryon-to-photon ratio and the number of light neutrinos for a range of 4He abundances Yp = 0.225–0.250, as well as a range in primordial 7Li abundances from (1.6 to 4.1) ×10−10. For (7Li/H)p = 1.6 × 10−10, as can be inferred from the 7Li data from Population II halo stars, the upper limit to Nν based on the current best estimate of the primordial 4He abundance of Yp = 0.238 is Nν < 4.3 and varies from Nν < 3.3 (at 95% C.L.) when Yp = 0.225 to Nν < 5.3 when Yp = 0.250. If 7Li is depleted in these stars the upper limit to Nν is relaxed. Taking (7Li/H)p = 4.1 × 10−10, the limit varies from Nν < 3.9 when Yp = 0.225 to Nν 6 when Yp = 0.250. We also consider the consequences on the upper limit to Nν if recent observations of deuterium in high-redshift quasar absorption-line systems are confirmed.  相似文献   
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