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十万大山地区构造演化和含油气评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
十万大山盆地地构造演化过程为:在华夏被动大陆边缘发育的弧间洋盆基础上,经东吴、印支和燕山期碰撞造山运动,形成晚古生代-中生代前陆盆地,又经过短暂的弧后陆内裂谷阶段,形成了喜马拉雅期右列张扭性盆地。共原型盆地经历了镀嵌、交错、披盖、再镶、交错、披盖、再镶嵌等四个叠置过程。其构造发展由正反转向负反转变化,以多次构造运动叠加后保留的基底部分卷入的冲断-推覆构造形成占主导,并发育典型的楔状前陆盆地、斜坡带  相似文献   
小秦岭——熊耳山地区金矿时代   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
全面系统地了小秦岭--熊耳山地区金矿成矿时代的研究历史和现状,根据地质特征,检验了各类测试方法的可信度,并列出了最新的测试数据。进而提出了印支期是小秦岭--熊耳山财区乃至整个秦的一个重要的金、多金属的成矿期的新认识,认为这是华北与扬子两大板块在鲟支期完成碰撞对接这一重大地质事件中在后缘拉和机制下,驱动早期地幔柱复活成矿的结果。  相似文献   
Here we report on the different sampling strategies for almost seven years of sampling rocks/sediments for the determination of As within the Intermediate Aquifer System (IAS) and upper Floridan Aquifer System (FAS), a very large and productive limestone aquifer spanning from Georgia into Florida. In the FAS, As contamination has become a recurring problem during aquifer storage and recovery (ASR), particularly in central and south Florida.To investigate these phenomena, samples from solid drill cores and rock cuttings were collected from the Hawthorn Group, Suwannee Limestone, Ocala Limestone and Avon Park Formation. Samples were taken along drill cores and rock cuttings (referred to as ‘interval’ samples) or from particular drill core sections and rock cuttings (referred to as ‘targeted’ samples) likely to contain elevated concentrations of As as indicated by the presence of pyrite, hydrous ferric oxide, organic matter, clay minerals, fracture surfaces, and high permeable (moldic) zones.Arsenic was present in all of the stratigraphic units at low concentrations, close to the global average for As in limestone of 2.6 mg/kg. The highest As concentration was 69 mg/kg. In all units, however, the average bulk As concentration in the targeted samples was substantially higher than that in the interval samples. Based on direct spot measurements by electron microprobe and indirect calculations, pyrite was identified as the main source of As in the FAS. Concentrations in pyrite ranged from less than 100 mg/kg to more than 11,000 mg/kg. Because pyrite is heterogeneously distributed, both vertically and horizontally in the sampled stratigraphic units, the same was observed for the distribution of As. However, As concentrations generally decreased with depth, i.e., highest As values in the Hawthorn Group and lowest As values in the Ocala Limestone and Avon Park Formation. Compared to pyrite, other trace minerals contained much less As.The average As concentrations of the two types of sample media (solid cores and rock cuttings) were quite similar. These results indicate that if simply the average bulk rock As concentration of a geologic unit is the desired outcome of an investigation, either interval or targeted sampling of rock cuttings, seems to be sufficient. This is particularly important when time and money are a factor. This approach could work equally well for any other trace element. Structural sedimentary information, such as fractures, etc., is likely lost, however, when sampling rock cuttings. Thus, if this information is required, solid core samples need to be collected by hollow core diamond drilling.  相似文献   
This study combines microstructural observations with Raman spectroscopy on carbonaceous material (RSCM), phase equilibria modelling and U–Pb dating of titanite to delineate the metamorphic history of a well‐exposed section through the South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) in the Dzakaa Chu valley of Southern Tibet. In the hanging wall of the STDS, undeformed Tibetan Sedimentary Series rocks consistently record peak metamorphic temperatures of ~340 °C. Temperatures increase down‐section, reaching ~650 °C at the base of the shear zone, defining an apparent metamorphic field gradient of ~310 °C km?1 across the entire structure. U–Th–Pb geochronological data indicate that metamorphism and deformation at high temperatures occurred over a protracted period from at least 20 to 13 Ma. Deformation within this 1‐km‐thick zone of distributed top‐down‐to‐the‐northeast ductile shear included a strong component of vertical shortening and was responsible for significant condensing of palaeo‐isotherms along the upper margin of the Greater Himalayan Series (GHS). We interpret the preservation of such a high metamorphic gradient to be the result of a progressive up‐section migration in the locus of deformation within the zone. This segment of the STDS provides a detailed thermal and kinematic record of the exhumation of footwall GHS rocks from beneath the southern margin of the Tibetan plateau.  相似文献   
大别山地区沙坪沟斑岩型钼矿床蚀变及矿化特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沙坪沟钼矿床是大别山地区新近发现的、世界第二大的斑岩型钼矿床。本文在前期以及前人的工作基础上,通过详细的野外地质观察和系统的岩相学、矿相学以及探针测试分析工作,详细研究了沙坪沟钼矿床的蚀变与矿化特征。结果表明,沙坪沟钼矿床的围岩蚀变类型主要有钾硅酸盐化、青磐岩化和绢英岩化,绢英岩化又可细分为以石英为主和以绢云母为主。矿床中产出16种脉体类型,根据矿床的脉体类型划分了4个成矿阶段:(1)石英-钾长石阶段;(2)石英-硫化物阶段;(3)石英-绢云母阶段;(4)石英-萤石-石膏阶段。蚀变及矿化特征显示,沙坪沟钼矿床的钼矿化开始于石英-钾长石阶段晚期,结束于石英-绢云母阶段早期,石英-硫化物阶段是辉钼矿主要的形成阶段。沙坪沟钼矿床经历了多期次脉动式成矿流体的蚀变与矿化过程,在不同蚀变-矿化阶段中,成矿流体的物化条件和组分的变化是控制各阶段蚀变类型和脉体中矿物组合的主要因素。产于以伸展为主的板内环境的沙坪沟钼矿床与其他构造环境下的斑岩钼矿床在与成矿关系密切的岩石、蚀变分带等方面相似,但由于围岩性质的差异,矿体赋存位置及产状不同;而在矿物种类、矿化产出位置及产状、与矿化关系最为紧密的蚀变类型等方面存在差异。斑岩型钼矿床的构造背景可能控制了其岩浆的形成、演化以及含矿性,而岩浆岩最终定位的深度、围岩等条件也是控制蚀变和矿化特征的重要因素。  相似文献   
祁连山讨赖河流域1957—2012年极端气候变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高妍  冯起  李宗省  王钰  宋智渊  张晗 《中国沙漠》2014,34(3):814-826
全球气候变化背景下,极端气候事件发生的频率逐年增大,由此引发的气象灾害事件也随之增加。鉴此,本文利用祁连山讨赖河流域1957—2012年的气象观测资料,对该流域23个极端气候指数的时空变化特征做了研究。结果表明:(1)极端气温升高趋势明显,夜间和白天极端低温日数显著减少,极端气温昼指数显著增大;气温日较差变化幅度很小,霜冻日数显著减少,生长季长度明显加长,冰冻日数2000年后增加;夜指数增大幅度大于昼指数,秋、冬季极端气温升高幅度大于春、夏季。(2)极端降水指数增大趋势明显,雨日降水总量、连续五日降水总量和中雨天数均展现出增大态势,反映出连续降水事件的增加;极端降水量事件增大显著,但雨日降水强度变化不大;除最多连续无降水日数外,极端降水日数指数展现出增大趋势;降水日数夏、秋季节分配趋向均匀化;降水量的增加主要是单次降水时间持续加长和中雨日数增加的贡献;高海拔区极端降水事件发生的频次较大。  相似文献   
北京农村居民点整理模式与政策驱动机制设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推动农村居民点整理是优化城乡土地资源布局和提高土地利用效率的重要途径.在城市化进程中,针对北京市不同区位农村居民点的特征,提出土地一级开发、城乡一体化综合开发和乡村整治3种整理模式,设计了“整理基金”和“指标交易”2种政策驱动机制推动农村居民点的整理.进而,从规划引导,指标交易,专项基金和配套政策4个方面提出了推动农村居民点整理的政策建议.  相似文献   
The stress produced by repeated train loads decreases with increasing railway subgrade bed depth, and slightly weathered coarse particles of subgrade bed fillings can be broken at different levels under continuous load. Thus, the mass of fine soil, with a diameter of not more than 0.075 mm, is different at different depths. Fine soil is also sensitive to frost heave and thaw settlement. In order to study the effects of non-uniformly distributed fine soil on the mechanical properties of coarse-grained soil of the Shenyang-Dandong Railway, triaxial tests were conducted with three types of specimens, undergoing six freeze-thaw cycle numbers(0, 1, 3, 7, 9, 12) and three confining pressures(100, 200, 300 k Pa). The freezing temperature is-5 °C and the thawing temperature is +15 °C. The stress-strain behavior, static strength, resilient modulus, cohesive force and the angle of internal friction were measured for different tested specimens. As a result, the law of static strength and resilient modulus of different specimens following the increase of freeze-thaw cycles under three confining pressures is obtained. The changing law of cohesive force and friction angle of three specimens following the increase of freeze-thaw cycles is also calculated, and the different results of different specimens are also compared.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to analyse known experimental data on electron density and ion composition of the night-time ionosphere; the main ideas on the night-time E region ionization source are considered; the role of dynamic processes in the irregular structure formation of the night-time ionospheric E region is discussed.  相似文献   
The distributions of supernovae of different types and subtypes along the radius and in z coordinate of galaxies have been studied. We show that among the type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) in spiral galaxies, SNe Iax and Ia-norm have, respectively, the largest and smallest concentration to the center; the distributions of SNe Ia-91bg and Ia-91T are similar. A strong concentration of SNe Ib/c to the central regions has been confirmed. In spiral galaxies, the supernovae of all types strongly concentrate to the galactic plane; the slight differences in scale height correlate with the extent to which the classes of supernovae are associated with star formation.  相似文献   
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