Water Utilisation Index (WUI) defined as area irrigated per unit volume is a measure of water delivery performance and constitutes
one of the important spatial performance indicators of an irrigation system. WUI also forms basis for evaluating the adequacy
of seasonal irrigation supplies in an irrigation system (inverse of WUI is delta, i.e. depth of water supplied to a given
irrigation unit). In the present study WUI and adequacy indicators were used in benchmarking the performance of Nagarjunasagar
Left Canal Command (NSLC) in Andhra Pradesh. Optimised temporal satellite data of rabi season during the years 1990–91 and
1998–99 was used in deriving irrigated crop areas adopting hierarchical classification approach. Paddy is the predominant
crop grown and cotton, chillies, sugarcane etc. are the other crops grown in the study area. Equivalent wet area (paddy crop
area) was estimated using the operationally used project specific conversion factors. WUI was estimated at disaggregated level
viz., distributary, irrigation block, irrigation zone level using the canal discharge data. At project level, WUI estimated
to be 65 ha/MCM and 92 ha/MCM during rabi season of 1990–91 and 1998–99 years respectively. A comparison of total irrigated
area and discharges corresponding to both the years indicate that irrigation service is extensive and sub optimal during 1998–99
and it is intensive and optimal in 1990–91. It was also observed that WUI is lesser in blocks of with higher Culturable Command
Area (CCA) compared to the blocks of lower CCA. All the disaggregated units were ranked into various groups of different levels
of water distribution performance. The study demonstrates the utility of WUI as spatial performance indicator and thus useful
for benchmarking studies of irrigation command areas. The WUI together with satellite data derived spatial irrigation intensity,
crop productivity constitutes important benchmarking indices in irrigation command areas.