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Effects of the longshore variation of the coastline geometry and the bottom topography on coastal upwelling are discussed. Longshore variations of the topography cause local enhancing or weakening of upwelling in the process of the generation and propagation of internal Kelvin and the shelf waves.  相似文献   
Effect of the typhoon passage on the western boundary region of a two-layer ocean with bottom topography is studied. The ocean is initially at rest and is set in motion by a typhoon passing parallel to the west coast. Equations that represent barotropic and baroclinic modes of motions are solved numerically by means of the method of finite differences. Motions of the barotropic mode are assumed to be horizontally non-divergent. In this mode, an elongated vortex is produced by the typhoon and propagates toward the south after passage of the typhoon. Behavior of the vortex may be interpreted as continental shelf waves. It is found that the formation and propagation of continental shelf waves are hardly affected by the density stratification. As for the baroclinic response, the typhoon causes considerable interface displacements along its track. The interface displacements are associated with geostrophic motions and remain for long time, though they are formed on the continental slope. Besides the large scale baroclinic response, internal Kelvin waves are induced along the artificial east wall.  相似文献   
The profiles of aerosol extinction coefficients are investigated by micro-pulse lidar(MPL) combined with the meteorological data in the lower troposphere at Meteorological Research Institute(MRI).Japan.Larger extinction values of aerosol are demonstrated in the nocturnal stable air layer with larger Richardson number,and light wind velocities are favorable for aerosol concentrating in the planetary boundary layer(PBL).But aerosol extinction coefficients show larger values over the altitudes of 2.0 to 5.0km where correspond to higher relative humidity(RH).The tops of PBL identified by the aerosol extinction profiles almost agree with ones by radiosonde data.The diurnal variations of aerosol extinction profiles are clearly displayed,intensive aerosol layers usually are formed over the period of mid-morning to 1400 Loeal Time(LT).then elapse in the cloudless late afternoon and nighttime.Thermal eonvection or turbulent transport from the surfaee probably dominates these temporal and spatial changes of aerosol distribution.  相似文献   
Akira  Imai  Nobuo  Geshi  Taketo  Shimano  Setsuya  Nakada 《Island Arc》2007,16(1):83-92
Abstract   The variation of sulphur isotopic composition during the 2000 eruption of the Miyakejima Volcano was examined in order to monitor the temporal change of the volcanic activity. The δ34S values of water-soluble sulphate leached from volcanic ash effused during intermittent eruptions from July to September 2005 range from +5 to +11‰ with a fluctuation of ca 3‰ within a single eruption. The δ34S value of sulphuric acid mist collected with 'Cu-metal trap' placed on the flank of the volcano from December 2000 to January 2001 is +6.2‰. These sulphur isotopic compositions of sulphate, which were isotopically equilibrated in the subvolcanic hydrothermal system, indicate that the temperature of the hydrothermal system beneath the caldera increased after the period of intermittent phreatic and phreatomagmatic eruptions. Then, the δ34S value of sulphuric acid trapped from January to March 2001 was +9.0‰ and the δ34S value of water-soluble sulphate on volcanic ash emitted with minor eruption in May 2001 was +11.0‰, suggesting a decrease in temperature of the subvolcanic hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
The profiles of aerosol extinction coefficients are investigated by micro-pulse lidar(MPL)combined with the meteorological data in the lower troposphere at Meteorological ResearchInstitute(MRI).Japan.Larger extinction values of aerosol are demonstrated in the nocturnalstable air layer with larger Richardson number,and light wind velocities are favorable for aerosolconcentrating in the planetary boundary layer(PBL).But aerosol extinction coefficients showlarger values over the altitudes of 2.0 to 5.0km where correspond to higher relative humidity(RH).The tops of PBL identified by the aerosol extinction profiles almost agree with ones byradiosonde data.The diurnal variations of aerosol extinction profiles are clearly displayed,intensive aerosol layers usually are formed over the period of mid-morning to 1400 Loeal Time(LT).then elapse in the cloudless late afternoon and nighttime.Thermal eonvection or turbulenttransport from the surfaee probably dominates these temporal and spatial changes of aerosoldistribution.  相似文献   
Assessments of the molecular and isotopic composition of hydrate-bound and dissolved gases in pore water were conducted during the multi-phase gas hydrate project (MHP-09) cruise VER09-03 to the southern basin of Lake Baikal in September 2009. To avoid changes in gas composition during core sampling and transport, various headspace methods were investigated aimed at preserving the dissolved gases in pore water. When distilled water was added to the sediment samples, the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen decreased because of dissolution into the water and/or microbial consumption. When the headspace was not flushed with inert gases, trace levels of hydrogen and ethylene were detected. The findings suggest that best preparation is achieved by flushing the headspace with helium, and adding a saturated aqueous solution of sodium chloride. This improved headspace method served to examine the molecular and isotopic compositions of gas samples retrieved at several new sites in the southern basin. Methane was the major component, and the proportion of ethane ranged widely from 0.0009 to 1.67?mol% of the total hydrocarbon gases. The proportions of propane and higher hydrocarbons were small or less than their detection limits. The carbon isotope signatures suggest that microbial-sourced methane and ethane were dominant in the Peschanka study area, whereas ethane was of thermogenic origin at all other study sites in the southern basin of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   
In April 1996, a massive algal bloom of the coccolithophorid Gephyrocapsa oceanica developed in both Chita Bay and Atsumi Bay which comprise the bay known as Mikawa Bay of Japan. It was the first record of such a bloom in this area. In Chita Bay, the bloom persisted until the middle of May, however in Atsumi Bay, it remained until early June. From the analysis of salinity, water temperature, and current velocity and direction data, it is considered that the following mechanism accounts for the occurrence and maintenance of the bloom: Before the bloom, the standing crop of phytoplankton was poor, resulting in relatively rich nutrients throughout the bay. Thereafter, with the influx of oceanic water into Mikawa Bay, high salinity occurred firstly in Chita Bay. Under these hydrographic conditions, the bloom occurred first in Chita Bay, and extended throughout the bay with the clockwise circulation of water into Atsumi Bay. In Chita Bay, the bloom was influenced by rainfall and G. oceanica flowed out from this area. Whereas, in Atsumi Bay, the bloom persisted for longer due to the clockwise circulation and another influx of oceanic water.  相似文献   
Nobuo  Sakakibara  Ikuo  Hara  Kenji  Kanai  Kenji  Kaikiri  Tugio  Shiota  Kei  Hide Peter  Paulitsch 《Island Arc》1992,1(1):186-197
Abstract Quartz c-axis fabrics of the Sambagawa schists produced along a late Mesozoic convergent plate margin were analysed so that their tectono-metamorphic history could be clarified. It has been noted by many authors that quartz fabrics produced by earlier phase deformation are easily modified by strain increment during later phase deformation. This paper attempts to elucidate the high-temperature phases of prograde metamorphism (Sim-Bim phase) and of retrograde metamorphism (Sb1 phase and Sb2−1 phase) from quartz grains included in garnet and plagioclase porphyroblasts. Quartz c-axis fabrics for all these phases are explained in terms of a type I crossed girdle, without (only rarely with) higher concentration in the principal axis of strain Y (X>Y>Z), that must have been produced by the activity of a dominant slip system such as rhomb and basal. As a result, the plastic deformation of quartz, which was responsible for the formation of the type I crossed girdle, occurred even under temperatures greater than 500°C and pressures a little greater than 10–11 kb, which correspond to the physical condition of the Sim-Bim phase. It has been assumed that a high strain rate (and/or low H2O content) caused rhomb and basal to be active as dominant slip systems in the subduction zone related to the formation of the Sambagawa schists even under high temperatures (> 500°C).  相似文献   
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