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1IntroductionOnthenorthernmarginoftheNorthChinaplatformislocatedoneofthemostimportantAu Ag polymetallicore concentratedzones,wherethereareavarietyoforetypes .Soithasbeenat tractingeverincreasingattentionofmanygeologists (PeiRongfuetal.,1 998;ShenBaofengetal.,1 994 ;LuSongnianetal.,1 997;HuShouxietal.,1 994 ;ChenYuchuan ,1 999;ZhaiYushengetal.,1 999) .Manyscholarspresentedtheirresearchresultsinvariousaspects.How ever ,thesourceofore formingmaterialshaslongbeenafocusofdiscussion .Studieso…  相似文献   
In order to understand the exchange and transferprocesses of water and energy in the desert soil andthe atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), we have developeda coupled model, in which a desert soil modelincluding water movement of both liquid and vapourphase, and an ABL model based on a non-local transilientturbulence closure scheme, are coupled together. Withthis model, the evolution of potential temperature andspecific humidity, the distribution of net radiationamong sensible, latent and soil heat fluxes, and thewater and heat flux profiles both in the soil and ABLhave been simulated. The HEIFE (HEIhe River Basin FieldExperiment) observational data are used to calibrate calculation of the water and heat flux both in thesoil and the ABL. The sensible and latent heatfluxes warm and moisten the bottom grid box (100m) of theABL. In this way the ABL model and the desert soil model are coupled together.The simulated results show that when the flux of watervapour in the soil is neglected, the evaporation rateand the flux profiles of specific humidity in the ABLshow great changes, hence the importance of watervapour movement in the desert soil for the calculationof specific humidity in the ABL. In the upper 5cm of thesoil, which is called an active layer, water andheat transport are more effective than in the substrate(soil below 5 cm).  相似文献   
地幔热柱成矿作用研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
地幔热柱构造是地球内部热传导的基本形式,只是地球的不同演化阶段其表现形式和强度有所不同。研究表明,燕山期强烈的地幔热柱活动沟通了深部成矿物质来源,金、银等元素随地幔热柱多级演化以气态→气—液混合相向上运移,在地幔热柱演化的三级单元——幔枝构造的有利部位聚集成矿。并据幔枝构造的成矿模式提出了华北地区燕山、秦岭、太行、胶辽等主要成矿集中区都是河淮地幔亚热柱控制下的幔枝成矿系列。成矿作用均伴随有强烈的构造—岩浆活动,成矿时代多集中在260~120Ma。金、银多金属矿床具明显的相似性、同源性和深源性  相似文献   
对短波电台发射时干扰地震仪的机理进行了分析。指出干扰形式及干扰噪声进入地震仪的端口,用抗干扰三要素理论结合地震台、站实际条件,采用低通网络抑制干扰,收到了明显的效果  相似文献   
安徽沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床含矿裂隙分布的定量模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对普通块段克立格法编制的沙溪斑岩型铜金矿床的岩芯含脉率及铜含量的立体表面图的分析,认识了岩芯含脉率及铜含量的空间变化趋势,查明了裂隙发育程度和铜矿化强度的相关性。研究表明裂隙发育在一定程度上控制着铜矿的形成。岩芯含脉率和铜含量间的关系为探讨矿床的成因提供有益的信息。  相似文献   
风沙活动强度3种估算指标对比及适用性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
风沙活动强度是风沙地区交通、能源基地等基础设施建设和运营中科学开展风沙工程防护设计须考虑的重要内容。但在实际工作中尚缺乏操作性强、适用性广的风沙活动强度估算指标。本研究选取风蚀气候侵蚀力、沙丘活化指数和输沙势3种常用指标,基于中国北方风沙区多个具体工程案例,对比分析了3种指标的适宜性及存在问题。结果表明:(1)由于没有考虑工程周边沙源丰富程度的相关影响因素(如植被、戈壁砾石的覆盖度),3种指标的估算结果均难以准确客观地反映具体工程的实际风沙问题。(2)采用高精度风速风向数据计算的输沙势更能表达干旱地区的风沙活动特征,但在降水较多的区域偏差较大。(3)铁路等线性工程两侧风沙活动强度可能存在差异,相同防沙措施的防护效益存在明显差别,具体工程风沙活动强度的估算应明确其方向性差异。在指导防护体系建设时,需尽可能考虑降水、气温、风速、风向等多种因子,同时结合沙源、地表覆盖度、工程走向等实际情况来分析风沙活动强度差异。研究结果有助于提出一种准确度高、适用性广、可操作性强的风沙活动强度估算指标,为有效开展防沙工程设计提供指导。  相似文献   
利用常规观测资料、加密自动站资料、NCEP 1°×1°分析资料、FY-2E卫星及雷达资料等,采用诊断分析和对比分析方法,分析了2014年9月27—28日豫中南区域性暴雨的环流形势、强降水成因、中尺度特征及该过程与夏季暴雨的异同。结果表明:本次秋季暴雨过程是高空低槽、副高、中低层切变线、高低空急流、地面倒槽等系统共同作用的结果。持续的水汽辐合为暴雨提供了充沛的水汽条件,水汽通量大值区与水汽辐合中心分布及暴雨落区吻合;低层涡度的发展和水平风的切变导致垂直涡度发展,动力条件较好;K指数高值区对预报暴雨尤其强降水落区有较好指示意义,暴雨中心上空θse值随高度递减,高层低能舌叠加在低层高能区之上,强降水落区位于二者交汇的区域。低层偏东气流与高空槽前西南气流配合产生经向次级环流,上升运动增强;200 h Pa西风急流稳定维持,导致高层抽吸作用明显,有利于区域性暴雨发展。降水云团tbb一般在-32℃左右,发展高度明显低于夏季暴雨云团;降水前期回波为层云回波,后期转变为混合性回波,强降水主要由混合降水回波中的强对流云团导致的。中高层没有明显强冷空气,低层冷空气作用较大,东路冷空气一方面形成冷垫造成动力抬升,另一方面在低层与暖湿气流形成强水汽辐合,是本次秋季区域性暴雨的形成机制,也是不同于夏季暴雨的主要特征。  相似文献   
讨论了潮汐振幅因子γ值的变化幅度和频度异常的特征及含义。借助F统计检验理论研究了潮汐因子γ值的合成和异常定量化方法,提出了可用于定量描述异常程度的“异常指数”和异常检验准则。异常定量化研究的结果表明,震前异常呈有序迁移特征,并在异常时间和空间上与地震相关。研究结果与该区域现今大地测量结果相一致。  相似文献   
The dynamics of tropical cyclone is investigated in a nondivergent barotropic model with nobasic flow. The effect of nonlinear term on the movement and development of tropical cyclone isemphatically demonstrated. The advection of asymmetric vorticity by the symmetric flow (AAVS)produces the small-scale gyres (SSGs). The SSGs counterclockwise rotate around the tropicalcyclone center. The interaction of SSGs with the large-scale beta gyres (LSBGs) leads to theoscillation in translation speed and vacillation in translation direction for tropical cyclone. Theadvection of symmetric vorticity by the asymmetric flow (ASVA) steers the symmetric circulationof tropical cyclone. The ventilation flow vector determined by the asymmetric flow is closecorrelated with the motion vector of tropical cyclone. The nonlinear advection of relative vorticityis an order of magnitude greater than the linear advection of planetary vorticity, However, theasymmetric circulation created by the planetary vorticity advection provides a background conditionfor anomalous motions of the tropical cyclone. The combination of the linear and nonlinear effectsresults in accelerated, decelerated, changing direction and/or counterclockwise looping motions ofthe tropical cyclone.  相似文献   
Summary An empirical prediction algorithm is developed to assess the potential of useful multi-season forecasts of North Atlantic hurricane activity. The algorithm is based on combining separate univariate autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models for each of three dominant components of hurricane activity. A Bayesian criterion is used to select the order of each model. In a single retroactive hindcast experiment, the algorithm is found to make better hindcasts than an ARMA model of the detrended series. A real-time forecast of hurricane activity for the 1997 North Atlantic hurricane season proves to be more accurate than two competitive single-season forecast models. It is expected that the routine use of the forecast algorithm in an operational setting will result in only marginal skill against climatology; it could however offer considerable forecast value as realized by benefits to decision makers in the reinsurance industry.With 4 Figures  相似文献   
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